Volume 22, Number 2, 2024




Research Articles

1-13 The Waste Reduction Caused by Delays in Registration Fee Revenue Recognition Process: A Case Study of Public University in Thailand
Chutiporn Yaikaew, Panutporn Ruangchoengchum
Abstract | PDF

14-28 Factors Affecting Purchase Intention Towards Food Stores at OTOP Nawatwithi Tourism Community in Southern Thailand
Nutsana Na Phayap, Wilasinee Thanapitak, Natika Chaiyanupong, Chanwut Thongkamkaew, Natsamol Jirangvoraphot, Thanita Sae-Chee, Kanjanarat Urairat
Abstract | PDF

29-37 Analysis of Kidney Amino Acids in Iraqi Pin-Tailed Sandgrouse Pterocles Alchata Bird
Wafaa Barghash Obaid, Nahla A. Al-Bakri
Abstract | PDF

38-52 Effect of E-GOVQUAL Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Public Service Mall Website in Surakarta
Kristina Setyowati, Priyanto Susilo Adi, Retno Suryawati, Herwan Parwiyanto, Septyanto Galan Prakoso
Abstract | PDF

53-66 The Effectiveness of Professional Development Programs for Faculty Members at Private Higher Education Institutions in Sudan (Applied on Imam Al-Hadi College during the period 2015-2022)
Dr. Muram Ahmed Ali Al-Tayeb, Dr. Al-Musharrafal-Amin Ahmed Al-Shafie, Dr. Mashair Hussien Khalifa Ali, Dr. Gubara Farah Gubara Mohamed
Abstract | PDF

67-74 A Discussion On Education in Vietnam from K. MARX and F. ENGELS' Perspective
Phuoc Tai Nguyen
Abstract | PDF

75-84 Philosophical Models for Understanding International Relations in Today's Chaotic World
Oleksandr Balanutsa, Tetiana Bohdanova, Olena Kravchenko, Roman Oleksenko, Ulyana Khanas, Marysya Tomashevska, Oleh Arbaiter, Larysa Filoretova, Julia Kharchenko
Abstract | PDF

85-98 Effect Of Azotobacter, Compost And Humic Acid On Growth And Mineral Content Of Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa Cv. Alfajr) Grown In Plastic House
Rawnaq H. Rashad, Taha Z. Sarhan
Abstract | PDF

99-116 Response of Two Mint Cultivars Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) and Curly Mint (Mentha spicata var. crispa) to Different Levels of Cadmium Contamination
Nizar A. Mohammed, Warheel N. Ali, Zeinab M. Younis, Pashtiwan J. M. Zeebaree, Mohammed J. Qasim
Abstract | PDF

117-139 The Effect Of The Interaction Of Financial And Monetary Policies On The Exchange Rate In Iraq
Rawaa Z. Hmod, Amir M. Tehranchian, Ahmad J.Samimi
Abstract | PDF

140-155 Financial Literacy in Improving Financial Well-Being Among Female Civil Servants: A Study in Putrajaya
Azizan Zainuddin, Farhatul Mustamirrah Mahamad Aziz, Nor Hafizah Mohamed Harith, Memiyanty Abdul Rahim, Balqais Yusoff

156-165 Proposed Value and Current Kifayah Limit (Haddul Kifayah) Items for Income Zakat in the State of Kedah
Mohd Adib Abd Muin, Azizah Che Omar, Amirul Haqeem Abd Ghani, Muhammad Fakhirin Che Majid, Mohamad I’rfan Shahruddin, Mohd Shahril Ahmad Razim

166-182 Islamic Psychospiritual Approach in Drug Rehabilitation Therapy Based on Inabah Philosophy
Abu Bakar Ahmad Mansor, Khairiah Mohd Yassin, Shukri Ahmad

183-192 The Privileges of Prayer Worship in the Book of Tok Pulau Manis Hikam Lectures
Mohd Azrai Mohd Salleh, Mohd Nizho Abdul Rahman, Syed Sultan Bee Packeer Mohamed

193-206 The Role of Human Resource Management Practices in Enhancing Job Performance Quality in Jordanian Public Universities: Exploring the Mediating Influence of Business Intelligence and Employee Engagement
Khaled Alfadly, Nur Aishah Awi, Sarina Ismail

207-219 The Level of Qiraat Knowledge Among Qur'anic Skills Teachers: A Preliminary Finding
Aini Haslina Abdul Hamid, Mohamad Khairi Hj Othman, Mohamad Khadafi Hj Rofie

220-234 The Critical Success Factors of Childcare Safety Practices: An Evidence from Malaysia
Aidanazima Abashah, Che Azlan Taib

235-256 Childcare Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
Aidanazima Abashah, Che Azlan Taib

257-268 The History of Education Development at Henry Gurney School, Malaysian Prison Department
Azura Abdul Raof, Dr. Haslinda Hasan, Dr. Mohd Kasri Saidon

269-284 Roles of Political Action towards Sustainable Livelihood Outcomes of Malaysian Urban Poor
Nor Hafizah Mohamed Harith, Mohd Amar Aziz, Nur Zafifa Kamarunzaman, Azizan Zainuddin, Nur Fatima Aisya Jamil

285-299 Prevention of Cyberbullying in Online Games: Intervention of Cybersecurity Strategies
Muhammad Fakhru Rizuan Che Omar, Noor Aziah Abdullah, Mohd. Nizam Saad

300-312 A Synthesis Towards the Construct of Job Performance: Dimensions and Theoretical Approaches
Khaliza Saidin, Peng Wan, Wan Fatimah Solihah Wan Abdul Halim

313-325 The Element of ‘Self-Actualization’ In Malay Poems Educates the Personality of Superior Teenagers According to the National Philosophy of Education
Siti Nurkhalida Binti Md Ariff, Phat A/L Awang Deng, Yusniza Yaakub

326-347 A Bibliometric Analysis of Quality of Work-Life: Current Status, Development, and Future Research Directions
Nazlina Zakaria, Nor Azimah Chew Abdullah, Nida Zahoor, Muzammil Azizan, Zerlish Ali Syed

348-354 Effectiveness Of The Application Of Respectful Midwifery Care On Prostaglandin (Pge2) Levels And Maternal Pain Perception Level In Normal Childbirth
Rusnawati, Muhammad Syafar, Maisuri T. Chalid, Ariyanti Saleh, Nasrudin A. Mappaware, Saidah Syamsuddin, Jenny JS. Sondakh, Armiyati Nur, Halisah, Abdul Thalib

355-365 Challenges and Strategies for the Advancement of Tourism ECommerce in the Modern Era
Thien Binh Luu

366-373 Laws Relating to Women Human Rights and Domestic Violence in Tanzania
Tariq Abubakar Ally, Dr. Ramesh Kumar

374-388 The Effects of Flow Dimensions on TV/Web Series Binge-Watching Behavior on Freemium Streaming Services
Anisa Claudina, Tania Gilliani Arditya Haryanto, Evi Rinawati Simanjuntak

389-404 Development of a Muslim Family Communication Model Based on the Madani Society Framework
Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit, Safinah Ismail, Siti Khaulah Mohd Hamzah Murghayah, Abur Hamdi Usman, Mariam Abd. Majid, Abdul Wahab Md. Ali, and Zulkefli Aini

405-426 Exploring the Role of Cultural Differences as Mediators of Motivational Factors in the UAE Pharmaceutical Industry
Rima Mohammad Kobeissi

427-437 Religious References in The Poetry of Nasiriyah Poets
Shorooq Sindan Shrshab, Ali Hussein Challod

438-450 Construction of Formative Evaluation Model in Blended Teaching
Cheng Qipin, Liu Yujie

451-467 Characteristics of Children Under Five who Visited the Community Health Centre in Jayapura City Papua, Indonesia
Fransisca B. Batticaca, Chotijah Meinar Khusumawati, Sesa Refi Bangun, Agussalim

468-481 Aligning Electronic Curricula with Professional Development for Teachers
Ahmad Khalaf Al Hashr, Dr. Ali Mohammed Aljodea

482-490 Socioeconomic Perception on Ban of Polyethylene Bags in Bhubaneswar Smart City: An Empirical Analysis
Bidyadhar Rout, Sukanta Chandra Swain, Sisir Ranjan Dash, Bishwaranjan Purohit, Padmalaya Sarangi

491-505 Impact Of Investment Projects In Changing Master Plan Of Najef Holy City
Hussein Ahmed Saad Al-Shadidi, Murtada Mahmoud Fadel Al Kaabi

506-528 The Role of Graphic Design in Developing Digital Advertising Design (An Applied Study on Jordanian Digital Marketing Companies, Newspapers, and News Websites)
WADI' Youssef Asaad AlDaoud, Alaa Jameel Alshari, Ehab Shaban Atiyya Thaher, Ayman Kadry Mohammed Hamed, Basim Abbas Ali Alobaydi, Ali Mohammad Ali Alqudah

529-538 Implementation of Exercises Functional Program on Knee Osteoarthritis in Women
Neama Hasainien Kotb, Zienab Abd Ellateef Mahammad, Hisham Abdel Rahim El kadey, Sahra Zaki Azer

539-549 Effect of Psychiatric Nursing Interventions on Quality of Life for Patients with Psoriasis
Rasha Abdel Hares Amin, Nadia Ebraheem Sayied, Hosnia Shehata Mohamed, Aya Y. Badran

550-562 Factors Affecting Online Shopping Behavior among Generation Z Consumers: Empirical Research in Viet Nam
Ha Thi Thanh Hoa, Ngo Thi Huong Giang, Duong Thi Thuy Huong, Vo Thy Trang

563-573 A Comparative Study on Upper Elementary School Students' Perceptions of Life's Meaning: Focusing on Students Receiving Care Services at Health Centers and General Students
Hyo Yeol, Jang; Sang Yong, Park; Ji-Hyun, Choi; Ka Hyung, Ahn; Ha Na, Cho; Myeong Jong Kim

574-589 Exploring the Use of Technological Tools to Enhance Collaborative Learning in Higher Education Institutions
Paola Nathaly Mantilla Carrera, Jean Luis Arana Alencastre, Edison Fabian Torres Parra, Guadalupe Citlalli Alfaro Rodas

590-604 Campus Voices: University Students’ Awareness of Gender-based Violence Against Women, Girls, and Children
Daisy Bando, Yuvimin Lumidao, and Peter Paul Canuto

605-617 Knowledge, Perception, and Awareness towards COVID-19 Outbreaks in Sample of Iraqi Population in Baghdad
Lubab Tarek, Mohammed Mahmood Mohammed, Abeer Abdul-Hadi

618-638 Impact of Nursing Instructions and Exercises Training on Functional Outcomes for Patients with Pelvic Fixation Surgery
Shalabia Elsayed Abozead, Amira Ahmed Hussein, Osama Ahmed Farouk, Attyiat Hassan Hussein

639-654 A Demographic Analyses: A Survey on Faculty's Perspectives of Innovative Hybrid Learning Environment
Attrait Dovin Fedrick, Dr. M. Richard Robert Raa, Dr. B. S. Gomathi Divya A.J, Joseph Mathew

655-664 The Impact of Sources Financing on SME Lifecycle: Insights from Somalia
Hussein Abdi Mohamud, Mohamed Abdirahman Abdulle, Mohamed Salad Ibrahim, Dayah Abdi Kulmie

665-676 Analyzing The Prevalence and Risk Factors for Frailty Among Elderly Hospitalized Saudi Patients
Asim Muhammed Alshanberi, Jakleen Abujamai, Mohammed Shaikhomer

677-681 Students’ Perspective about the Usage of Photovoice Method in the Classroom: A Case Study of Ho Chi Minh City Open University in Vietnam
Le Minh Tien

690-698 Application of Traditional Cultural Elements in the Design of New Chinese-Style Furniture
Li Chao, S. Siti Suhaily

699-722 Self-Care Management in Elderly with Hypertension in Developing Country: A Scoping Review
Rahmat Hidayat, Kadek Ayu Erika, Elly L. Sjattar

723-748 A Novel Deep Learning Approach for COVID-19 Case Identification: Enhanced CNN-KNN Hybrid Model with 5-Fold Cross-Validation
Dr. Nahid Kh Elfaki, Dr. Hasan Yahya Guzailan, Dr. Ahmed Abdo Abdullah Harwn, Mr. Abdulaziz Hassan Salem Alytimi, Dr. Samia Fathelrahman, Dr. Abdalla Mohamed Ahmed Osman, Dr. Yahya Hussein Ahmed Abdalla, Dr.Mohahmmed Hussein .M Hashlan, Dr.Ali Hadi Mesfer Alyami, Dr.Nasser Mesfer Rashed Alabataheen, Dr. Abdulrahman Ahmed Harwn, Mr.Abdullah saeed omayr alrashdi, Dr. Shaza Dawood Rihan, *Dr. Sawsan Ahmed Awadallah Osman

749-764 The Implementation of Land Banks in Land Procurement for Public Interest in Indonesia: A Normative Juridical Analysis
Andy Evy Anggraeni, Abrar Saleng, Farida Patittingi, Sry Susyanti Nur

765-780 Assessing Computer Teaching Efficacy in Secondary Education: A Comprehensive Classroom Observation Study
Zaid Mohammad Khrisat

781-789 Differentiation of the DMBA Signaling Pathway on the Development of Skin Tumor Based on Histopathological Changing
Chadijah Rifai, Mochammad Hatta, Farida Tabri, Dwi Kesuma Sari, Ressy Dwiyanti5

790-805 Tracing Evolution, Cultural Significance, and Impact of Modernization on Hastilinga Funeral Art
Prayoot Sarrang, Arkom Sangiamvibool

806-811 Seroprevalence against Lawsonia intracellularis among Thoroughbred Horses in Korea
Dong Soo Kim, Almazbek Irgashev, Jailobek Orozov, Gil Jae Cho

812-821 History of Muhammadiyah in Blora Mustika City: Development and Challenges
Sukisno, Sholihul Anwar, M. Nurul Ulum, Siti Nur’ain, Muthoifin

822-840 Evaluating Key Determinants of Balanced Development in Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor of Rayong Province
Rattiya Ngernthuam, Sitthiporn Soonthorn, Watcharin Sutthisai, Ratchanida Saiyaros, Sathitkoon Boonruan

841-854 Empowerment Approaches for Street Children in Surabaya, Indonesia
Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati, R.N. Bayu Aji, Ali Imron, Sarmini, Arzeti, Muhammad Diwanul

855-877 Nutrient Leaching in Oil Palm Plantation: A Review on Special Reference to Fertilization Application
Isma Nadia Sham, Chee Kong Yap, Rosimah Nulit, Shih Hao Tony Peng, Ee Wen Chai

878-892 Management Optimizing Healthcare Delivery through Advanced Information System Management: A Financial and Operational Perspective for Kosovo's Healthcare Sector
Afrim Loku, Nadire Loku

893-922 The Effect of Intelligent Construction Technology and Enterprise Green Management on Transformation of Construction Enterprises. Based on the Perspective of Dual Carbon
Xiao Lei Hou, Anan Pongtornkulpanich

923-932 Research on the Influencing Factors and Common Laws of Emotional Resonance in Visual Art Design
Zhiyang Wang, Qijun Wang

933-950 A Systematic Literature Review of Research on Negation in Academic Writing
Zhemin Chen, Afendi Bin Hamat, Anis Nadiah Binti Che Abdul Rahman

951-962 Self-Regulated Mobile Learning Impact on Students' Technology Acceptance in Saudi Arabia: Quizlet as a Tool
Husam Masaoud Alwahoub, Mohd Nazri Latiff Azmi

963-979 The Survey Looks into How Collagen Affects Extracellular Matrix, Tme, Mmps, Ddrs, Integrin, And Lox in The Growth of Cancer Cells
Salma Korbag, Issa korbag

980-994 Societal Stigmatization and Support Mechanism for Rape Victims: An Analysis of Linguistic Features of Rape Judgments in Pakistan
Badriah Khaleel, Dr. Ungku Khairunnisa Ungku Mohd Nordin, Dr Khalid Ahmed, Emaan Anjum

995-1005 Exploring The Impact of Urban Land Suitability on Reaching Sustainable Development Goals
Louay Taha Mohammed Rashid, Maha Badr Mansour

1006-1021 Utilising Crowdfunding for Infrastructural Development in Nigeria
Adedeji Daniel Gbadebo

1022-1038 The Impact of Cryptocurrency on the Financial System in Nigeria
Adedeji Daniel Gbadebo

1039-1060 Bridging The Gap: Effective Communication Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Communities
Tran Minh Tung,Duong Hoai Lan, Trinh Le Tan

1061-1078 Exploring Sustainable Development and Green Management Methods in Hotels: A Comparative Analysis
Zhiquan Zhang

1079-1086 Unveiling the Nexus: Exploring The Dynamics Of Corporate Governance, Capital Structure, Investment Opportunities, And Bank Performance In Indonesian Stock Exchange's Publicly Listed Commercial Banks (2018-2022) – A Moderated Analysis Incorporating Credit Risk
Nuraeni Nuraeni, Nila Firdausi Nuzula, Cacik Rut Damayanti

1087-1103 Assessing The Intentions to Adopt Cloud Accounting in Medium MSMES in Greater Jakarta
Luthfiyyah Fatima Kusumaning Putri, Zahra Yashira, Lusianah, S.E., M. Ak

1104-1125 Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction in Teaching Online Classes Among Academics in Malaysia
Wong Chee Hoo, Sherlin Ritta Arumanathan, Visal Moosa, Zhu Ling, Manoch Prompanyo

1126-1143 Liu’s Magic Paper Flower: Traditional Production Techniques and the Current Status of Intangible Cultural Heritage Transmission in the Yimeng Countryside
Zenghui Xue, Kittisan Sriruksa, Niyom Wongpongkham, and Arunee Sriruksa

1144-1161 Seclusive culture of Confucianist Nguyen Trai, Viet Nam
Le Van Tan, Nguyen Thi Huong, Hoang Thi Them

1162-1170 Online Marketing: Emerging Trends and Issues
P. Ignatious Inpa Rajathi, Dr. A. Arockia Dass

1171-1182 Determinants of Availability and Accessibility to Primary Health Care for Rural Populations in Pakistan
Muhammad Salman Abbas, Ts. Dr. Azlizan Bin Talib

1183-1192 Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge from the Perspective of Educational Sciences and Physical Education

1193-1210 The Effect of Active Learning on Mathematical Representations among Secondary School Students
Asmahan Zaki Khudair Al-Abdullah, Assist prof.dr Areej Khader Hassan

1211-1218 Sustainability of the Aquatic Environment in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad- A New Perspective
Dr. Hatem Mohammed Mansour Mazroaa
Abstract | PDF

1219-1230 Analysis of Tense System in Jibbali (Shehri) Language
Amir Azad Adli Alkathiri, Badri Abdulhakim Mudhsh

1231-1245 Bibliometric Analysis of Islamic Education and Character Development in Religious Education Practices in Indonesia
Andri Nirwana AN, Mahmudulhassan, Muthoifin, Waston

1246-1259 The Impact of Women's Empowerment Innovations through Integrated Education-Facilitative in Parepare City
Abdullah B, Syarifuddin Yusuf

1260-1277 Language Gambit: Code-Switching, English Competence, and the Jordanian University Bragging Social Network
Ma'an Al Ma'aytah, Ahmed Alamro, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, Jassim Ahmad Al-Gasawneh, Orouba Al Muhaisen

1278-1287 Language Learning in the Virtual World: The Role of Foreign Language and Technical Anxiety Among Senior Students of TEFL
Azadeh Nemati, Delaram Payehvar, Mohamad reza Rezazadeh Kavari, Pooria Goorakani

1288-1296 The Role of Strategic Planning in Making Credit Decision: The Case of Iraqi Commercial Banks
Basheer Ibrahim Mohammed, Khemaies Bougatef

1297-1309 Standardization of Third-Sector Organizations through Regulatory Frameworks in Malaysia
Nur Ezan Rahmat, Mohd Hisham Mahamud, Muhammad Umar Razak, Maruf Billah

1310-1320 Development Assessment of a Thai University’s Demonstration School Student Behavior Monitoring System
Soraphet Saleekongchai, Suwanna Bengthong, Kanchana Boonphak, Krissana Kiddee, Paitoon Pimdee

1321-1337 Components of Mathematical Core Competencies in Higher Vocational Education Based on Edge Intelligence and Lightweight Computing
Lihong Lan, Wan Hanim Nadrah Binti Wan Muda

1338-1360 Assessing Student Perceptions of Pollution and Management Measures Related to COVID-19 Vaccination Tools in Morocco
Abderrahmane Riouch, Saad Benamar, Halima Ezzeri, Najat Cherqi

1361-1373 Development of Algerian New Cities in Urban Planning Law: Realities and Challenges

1374-1385 The Effect of Anaerobic Differential Threshold Training on Some Physiological Variable among Soccer Players Ages U17 for Winner Sporting Club
Amoura Boussad, Khalfouni Mohamed Adnane

1386-1393 The Efficiency Of Teaching Special Education Module In Improving The Direction Towards People With Special Needs During The Covid- 19 Pandemic (Students Of The Institute Of Science And Technology Of Physical Activities And Sports - University Of Ouargla)
Ali Slimani, Mohammed Gouarah

1394-1405 Comprehensive Risk Assessment in Insurance Companies Using Value at Risk (VaR) Methodologies: Comparative Analysis and Practical Applications
Ibrahim Mala, Nadire Loku

1406-1414 Ensuring Employment Rights for Citizens in Technology and Digital Age in Vietnam Today
Hoang Kim Khuyen, BA. Luu Xuan Hao

1415-1427 Britain’s Biggest Railway Labor Strike and Stock Market Outcomes
Ahmad Bash, Abdullah M. Al-Awadhi, Ahmad Alrashidan, Fouad Jamaani

1428-1442 Climate Change Adaptation Strategies as a Moderator in the Relationship between Agricultural Innovation and Food Security in North Africa: A Case Study on North African Countries
Omari Aicha, Talhaoui Fatima Zohra, Bourezak Assia, Ben laria Mohammed, Ould bahammou Samir

1443-1462 Mathematical Process Skills and Students' Interest in Learning Mathematics through Traditional Games
Iwan Usma Wardani, I Made Ardana, Ketut Suma, I Gede Margunayasa, Dewa Bagus Sanjaya

1463-1476 The Study on the Impact of Chinese Vocational College Students’ Online Learning Behavior on Their Learning Effectiveness: Intervened by Self Efficacy of Online Learning and Social Support
Chen Qiang, Weng FuYuan

1477-1492 Exploring the Impact of Marketing Mix Products Transformation Strategies in Glove Manufacturing Industries: A Case Study
Song Tzer Lim, Dr. Fatin Syazwani Safiyuddin, Dr. Rasheedul Haque, Noorliza Binti Md Noordin, Dr. Latha Manickam, Dr Natalia Binti Hakimi

1493-1509 Tracing Trends in Quran Memorization and Cognitive Learning: A Bibliometric Analysis from the Scopus Database
Ardiansyah, Waston, Mahmudulhassan, Zainora Daud, Norsaleha Mohd Salleh, Andri Nirwana AN, Muthoifin

1510-1536 Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Higher Education Marketing in Iraq
Marwa Abed Mahmood, Morteza movaghar, Bahareh Abedin, Mohsen Alizadeh

1537-1552 Exploring the Diversity of Fermented Plant-Based Beverage with an Emphasis on the Therapeutic Role of Probiotics: A Review
Paulami Ghosh, Shuchi Upadhyay, Mudassir Khan, Barga Mohammed Mujahid

1553-1561 A Systematic Literature Review of Teachers’ Knowledge of Stuttering
Reham Shaker Bukhari

1562-1570 The Impact of Urban Growth in The City of Jijel on The Urban Water Management Process (Rainwater and Wastewater)
BOUANANI Abdelmadjid, GHACHI Azzedine

1571-1598 Determination Of the Relationship Between the Legal Framework and Public Policies on Access and Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies by People with Disabilities in Latin American Countries
Miguel Ángel Medina-Romero, Alejandro Castaño-Bedoya

1599-1607 The Impact of Inflation on Bank Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Iraq
Omar Abderrahmane Ghafel, Khemaies Bougatef

1608-1620 Pedagogical Accompaniment as a Strategy for Teacher Professional Development: An Opportunity to Improve the Quality of Education
Carlos Arriagada-Hernández, Natalie Venegas-Perez, Juan Pablo García Pérez, Felipe Caamaño-Navarrete, Gerardo Fuentes-Vilugrón, Paola Fuentes Merino, Lorena Jara Tomckowiack

1621-1640 Embracing Digital Transformation for Sustainable Business in the Construction Industry
Liew Keng Leong, Dr. Latha Manickam, Dr. Rasheedul Haque, Kharmeyni Jumbulingam, Noorliza Binti Md Noordin

1641-1659 Factors Affecting Specialty Coffee Beans Subscription DecisionMaking in Thailand
Kan Santigul, Triyuth Promsiri

1660-1670 Revolutionizing English Language Learning with AI: Boosting Student Receptive and Productive Skills

1671-1678 Napping Strategies among Nurses in Night Shift Settings: Implementation Challenges, and Barrier
Khaldoon Aied Alnawafleh

1679-1696 Application of Telemonitoring to the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Southeast Asia: A Scoping Review
Lusia Rante Balik, Elly Lilianty Sjattar, Rosyidah Arafat

1697-1703 Diet and Nutritional Status of Pre-School Children in Indonesian
Kadek Ayu Erika, Wulandari, Nur Fadilah

1704-1723 Refugee Women's Access to Higher Education in The Egyptian Context
MenatAlla El Sabbagh

1724-1736 The Impact of Leadership Roles and Strategies on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Oman
Dr. Raed Awashreh, Hisham Al-Ghunaimi, Dr. Rasha Saleh, Malik Nasser Al-Bahri

1737-1747 Economic Impacts of Climate Change in the Arab Countries with Reference to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Prof.Dr. Alotaibi Mohamed Meteb

1748-1759 The Crucial Significance of Governance, Risk and Compliance in Identity and Access Management
Omer Eltayeb Omer Eltayeb

1760-1772 The Crucial Significance of Cyber Threat Intelligence in Mitigating Cyber Attacks
Omer Eltayeb Omer Eltayeb

1773-1781 Analysis of Factors Influencing the Decision to Choose Dong Thap Ecotourism Destination
Le Khang Chung, Van Vinh Nguyen

1782-1795 Geomorphological Characterization from the Geographical Perspective of theYunganza Zone Limón Indanza, Ecuador
Julio Cesar López Ayala, Ángel Patricio Flores Orozco, Édison Marcelo Melendres Medina, Gregory Guillermo Cuesta Andrade

1796-1804 Examining the Validity and Reliability of Perception of Health News Perception Scale (PHNS) Through Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Arzu Kazaz, Nihal Acar, Mete Kazaz, Murat Aytaş

1805-1814 Are There Obstacles Faced by Nurses in Administering High Alert Medication (HAM) Safely? A Scoping Review
Yuliana Syam, Prof. Elly Lilianty Sjattar, Andi Baso Tombong, Aulia Insani Latif, Ilhamsyah, Apt. Ahmad Najib, S.Si, M.Farm

1815-1832 Exemplifying and Numeration as Ideological Discursive Devices in Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera's Gulf Crisis 2017 Reporting
Samir A. Jasim, Mohd Azidan Abdul Jabar, Hazlina Abdul Halim, Ilyana Jalaluddin

1833-1844 Transformative Strategies to Combat Brain Drain and Retain Public Health Personnel
Ugochukwu D. ABASILIM, Esther E. OBOZEKHAI

1845-1867 Analyzing Architectural and Cultural Dong Minority Ethnic Wisdom through Dong Villages’ Drum Towers at Tongdao County in the Pingtan River Basin
Chen Yuzhong, Thanasit Chantaree, Kittisan Sriruksai, Arunee Sriruksa

1868-1882 Takeover of Credit Suisse and Stock Market Outcomes: An Event Study of the Swiss Stock Exchange
Ahmad Bash, Abdullah M. Al-Awadhi, Khaled Alsaifi, Barrak Ghanim Algharabali

1883-1904 Cyber Defense Using Cyber Threat Intelligence to Anticipate and Avoid Future Cyber Attacks
Omer Eltayeb Omer Eltayeb

1905-1912 The Use of New Technologies in Management Control Systems and their Impact on Managerial Innovation

1913-1919 Regulation of Illicit Enrichment and Unexplained Wealth in Indonesia: Challenges and Law Enforcement Strategies in the Context of Eradicating Corruption
Ermaida, Muhadar, Marthen Arie, Laode Muh. Sharif

1920-1930 Development and Characteristics of Jiangxi Folk Dance in Contemporary China
Yuan Tang, Pat Kotchapakdee, Sarawadee Phuchomsri

1931-1950 Manifestations and Implications of Social Values in Iranian Cinema: An Analytical Study of "A Separation"
Karima Boufellaga

1951-1962 The Impact of Herd Behavior on the Vietnamese Stock Market
Vu Mai Chi, Nguyen Bao Quynh

1963-1973 Effectiveness of Fidelity Implementation of Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Promotive Program: Literature Review
Ayu Riana Sari Azwari, Rosihan Adhani, Acim Heri Iswanto, Adi Nugroho, Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi,Herawati, Meitria Syahadatina Noor, M. Ramadhan, Abdul Thalib

1974-1986 The Electorates and Electioneering Process: A Global View of Democratic System
Celestina Ekene CHUKWUDI, Goddy Uwa OSIMEN, Paul Chibuike Ezebuilo, Isaac ADI

1987-2010 Psychometric Assessment of Lee Yew’s Leadership Role in Singapore’s Development: A Systematic Review
Jonathan A. Odukoya, Goodluck Ifijeh, Oremire J. Ehibor, C. U. C. Ugorji, Goddy Uwa Osimen, Ugochukwu Abasilim, E.E. Owolabi, Joy Eyisi Jr., Rebecca Adesiyan, E. N. Abiodun-Eniayekan, Angie Igbinoba, Lily Chimuanya, Onyekachi Odo, Oluwaseun Oduola, Samson Agberotimi

2011-2022 Cultivating EFL Students’ Emotional Domain via Translation Class
Do Minh Hung

2023-2028 Seroprevalence against Lawsonia Intracellularis among Thoroughbred Horses in Korea
Dong Soo Kim, Almazbek Irgashev, Jailobek Orozov, Gil Jae Cho

2029-2043 Information Systems and Digital Marketing: Driving Sustainable Consumer Behavior
Archana Singh, Dr. K. Selvasundaram

2044-2054 Analysis of Factors Influencing the Efficiency of Iraqi Commercial Banks
Mohammed Adnan Shuaib, Khemaies bougatef

2055-2064 Green Spaces and the Activation of Recreational Sports Activities
Samira Cheriet

2065-2072 The Righteous Zacchaeus: A Re-Reading Of Luke 19:1-10
Ubong Ekpenyong Eyo; Etta, Robert Biko; Eteng, Nzeyo Gabriel; Adams, Peter Akpo; Francis Edet Felix; Irom, Obar Ayami; Eneji, Gabriel Ajor

2073-2078 The Syndrome of Trephined: Role of the Anesthesiologists in Overcoming the Physiological Changes
Widiartha Wahyudi, Dhania A. Santosa, Bambang Pujo Semedi, Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo, Kohar Hari Santoso

2079-2087 Community Participation In The Waste Alms Movement Program Efforts To Strengthen Social Solidarity And Build Community Welfare In Purwokerto
Edy Suyanto, Soetji Lestari

2088-2100 The Relational Self Perceptions in Family of Emerging Adults with Divorced Parents
Dai Aihui, Siti Hajar Abu Bakar Ah, Noralina Omar

2101-2123 The Influence of Bequest Motives in Selecting Chinese-Owned Family Business Successor in Malaysia
Wei Hoong Loh, Shyue Chuan Chong, Lee Peng Foo, Mui Yin Chin

2124-2135 Impact of Problem-Based Learning and Genders on Scientific Attitudes of Eighth-Grade Students
Dwi Sogi Sri Redjeki

2136-2151 Does Different Social Media Platforms Lead to Depression, Anxiety, Stress and Bipolar Disorder? A Cross-Sectional Analysis on Private University Undergraduates
Ting Tin Tin, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ong Jing Hong, Chong Jing Hui, Chew Jia Shen, Tan Yi Jian, Omolayo Michael Ikumapayi

2152-2165 Tourism Impacts and Tourism-Related Stress: The Rural Tourism Destinations in Thailand
Supaporn Prasongthan, Phobphison Phob-Udom, Angkana Yaiyong

2166-2172 Protect the Land User Rights when it is Illegally Possessed by Others in VietNam
Dao Xuan Hoi, Kieu Thi Thuy Linh

2173-2185 Mitigating Youth Unemployment through Gig Employment: A System GMM Analysis
Justina Joseph Jeyaraj, Shyue Chuan Chong, Mui Yin Chin, Lee Peng Foo

2186-2202 Role of AI-Powered Online Learning in Improving University Students’ Knowledge-Based Economic Skills
Fawzia Omer Alubthane

2203-2216 Research on Psychological Contract Violation: A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis
Yibei Yang, Ling Meng Chan

2217-2227 Exploring the Role of Ultrasound for Diagnosing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women in Najran, Saudi Arabia
Nagla Hussien Mohamed Khalid, Nuha Salih Mustafa, Rahaf Saleh Mllaaq, Alanoud Ali Al-Fatih, Majd Ahmed Dohal, Raneem Ali Hamali, Wejdan Majdua Al-Sahbi, Maha Saleh Hussien Melaq

2228-2237 Examining Inequities in the Administration of Dowry for Yakan Marriages: A Case Study Approach
Ahmad G. Ismael

2238-2254 Green Synthesis of CuO Nanoparticles Using Aqueous Extract of (Artemisia Herba Alba) and Their Potential Applications as Antimicrobial Agents
Abdelhakim Medjdoub, Mohammed Said Nedjimi, Salah Tlili, Kaouther Gherab, Kawther Gherissi

2255-2266 Impact of Talent Management on Human Capital Performance: Moderating Role of Organizational Commitment
Abdelhameed Mousa Ali Alzyadat, Zaleha Mohamad, Siti Falindah Padlee

2267-2288 The Growth, Inequality, and Poverty Triangle: Empirical Evidence from Egypt
Haidy youssry Elkafrawy, Ashraf Mohamed Elsayed

2289-2304 Study on the Influence of PE Elective Motivation on the Mental Health of Chinese College Students
Chen Chen1, Kuan-Chun Tasi

2305-2316 Predicting Information Processing Skill Level Based On Training Age among Students Practicing Competitive Sports: A Field Study of Students in Physical Activities and Sports Sciences Practicing Competitive Sports at Setif- 2 University
Mefti Abdelmounaim, Berroudj Kamel, Valeria Tyshchenko

2317-2322 Forms of Support for the Provision of Exercise Therapy Education in Post Stroke: Study Delphi
Sitti Aminah, Andi Kurnia Bintang, Elly Lilianty Sjattar, Andi Masyitha Irwan, Nursalam, Muhammad Syafar, Jumraini Tammase, Ariyanti Saleh, Firdaus Hamid, Abdul Thalib

2323-2334 An Empirical Study of the Impact of Cross-Cultural Management Strategies on Performance in Multinational Enterprises
Miao Han, Yong-Sik Hwang

2335-2350 Top Management Team Heterogeneity and Team behavior Integration Effects on Private Higher Education Institutional Performance in China
Xiufen Deng, Hazlina Binti Abd Kadir, Ooi Boon Keat

2351-2369 The Synergy of Cultural Tourism and Social Entrepreneurship on Sustainable Community Development in Nepal
Dhruba Lal Pandey, Ph.D., Nischal Risal, PhD Scholar, Surendra Uprety, PhD, Bhupindra Jung Basnet, PhD Scholar

2370-2376 Factors Influencing Employee Engagement in the Tourism Sector with the Managing Agency
Le Khang Chung, Thi Thuy Bui, Hong Anh Hoang, Tuan Dung Tran

2377-2383 Examination of Self-Esteem in Swimming Athletes
Esin Çağla ÇAĞLAR, İrem TÜRKMEN, Furkan ÇAMİÇİ, Turgut YILDIRIM, Ali İhsan ÇEBİ

2384-2390 Population and Age Characteristics of Pelvic Sizes in Azerbaijani Women Based on the Study of Skeletal Materials
Ibragimov A.Sh., Ganbayeva Sh.F., Quliyeva K.J., Mustafayeva N.A., Gasimova T.M., Mirzeyeva T.N.

2402-2410 Level of education and financial inclusion in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
Mounoufie Valery KOFFI, Konan Abogni Augustin KOUADIO

2411-2423 Coffee Bean Marketing Strategy Using Swot Analysis at Kapakata Coffee Roasters
Mustamir Sultan, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, Abdul Razak Munir, Muh. Hatta Jamil, Abd. Haris Bahrun

2424-2433 The Inductive Method and Its Path within Experimental Studies
Bouchenafa Sehaba

2434-2445 Research on the Identification Strategy of Abnormal Trading Behavior in Financial Markets Based on Artificial Intelligence
Penglu Deng

2446-2455 Research on Music Major Curriculum Innovation in Higher Vocational Colleges is based on the Analysis of Investigation and Research Nepal
Lingdong, Bijay Sigdel

2456-2467 Persistent Inequality: Understanding the Challenges Faced by Women in South Africa despite the Annual Celebration of Women's Day
Sakhiseni Joseph Yende, Lindokuhle Precious Hlatshwayo, Marcia Nompumelelo Davids, Katlego Teresa Motubatse

2468-2485 Assessing the Intentions to Adopt Cloud Accounting in Medium Msmes in Greater Jakarta
Luthfiyyah Fatima Kusumaning Putri1, Zahra Yashira, Lusianah, S. E., M. Ak.

2486-2496 An Eco-Semiotic Perspective: Principles and Procedures of Tao Te Ching Bankok, Thailand
Yan Li, Parichart Kluensuwan

2497-2508 A Study on the External Communication Path of Chinese Traditional Culture from a Semiotic Perspective: A Case Study of Li Ziqi’s Short Videos on YouTube
Li Li, Supath Kookiattikoon

2509-2532 Accounting Information Systems Effectiveness: Evidence from the Local Government Sector
Mahmoud Hany M. Dalloul, Zuraeda binti Ibrahim, Sharina Tajul Urus

2533-2542 An Analysis of the Relevance of Ho Chi Minh's Ideas on Religion in Modern Times
Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Ngo Thi Huyen Trang

2543-2548 Artificial Intelligence in Education Quality: Bibliometric Analysis
Nesrin M. Bahçelerli, Esen Sucuoğlu

2549-2561 Developing a Model for Forecasting Risks of Innovative Entrepreneurial Projects with Machine Learning Tools
Anton Potsulin, Irina Sergeeva, Ariadna Alexandrova, Yuriy Kuporov, Iuliia Shik

2562-2573 Design of a Fresh Cheese Processing Plant: Optimizing Operational Efficiency and Biosafety in the Post-COVID Era
Jorge Paucar Luna, Christoffer Villar Naccha, Liliana Ruth Huaman Rondon, Orestes Cachay Boza

2574-2592 Arbitration as a Sustainable Platform for Access to Justice for Foreign and Domestic Investors in Saudi Arabia
Alotaibi Ahmed, Dr. Ruzian Markom, Dr. Nur Khalidah Dahlan

2593-2609 The Effect of Capsicum on Postoperative Patients: A Systematic Review
Jin-Hui Han, Choi Ji-Hyun

2610-2625 Identifying Factors Affecting Ethical Consumption among Customers: Evidence from Iraq
Hind Naeem Hoshi Almalchi, Bahareh Abedin, Dr. Mohammad Safari, Mohsen Alizadeh sani, Azmi Mat

2626-2640 Educational Big Data Analytic – A Mediation Analysis of the Covariates of Academic Performance
Ting Tin Tin, Lee Kuok Tiung, Joshua Koh Min En, Shia Chai Fen, Lai Chee Sheng, Lim Kye Ze, Wong Wei Hao, Ali Aitizaz, Muhammad Amin Almaiah

2641-2654 Digital Strategies for Preserving Yi ChengZi Ancient Villages: Theoretical Frameworks and Methodologies
Yinchuan Yang, Akapong Inkuer

2655-2672 The Role of King Abdullah II Award for Physical Fitness Program in Spreading the Culture of School Sports, and the Obstacles to this from the Point of View of Physical Education Teachers
Prof. Dr. Sawsan S. Badrakhan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad A. al-Mubayyidin, Pro. Dr. Hanaa Khaled AlRaqqad, Prof. Dr. Tareq Nael Hashem, Dr. Abdalla s. Abualkanam, Talal Saeed Haymour

2673-2683 Development of Integrated Digital Marketing Communication Model and Factors Influencing Study Selection in Private Universities
Narudom Torthienchai, Vichit Uon

2684-2688 Protect Representative Organization of Employees from Interference and Manipulation by Employers in Accordance with Current Vietnamese Laws
PhD. Tran Duc Thang, PhD. Tang Thi Thu Trang, PhD. Luu Tran Phuong Thao

2689-2697 The Impact of Specific Motivation Factor on Purchase Intentions towards AoFei Animation Derivatives among Chinese University Student
Yueshi Ma, Julia Wirza Binti Mohd Zawawi, Zulkifli Mohamad

2698-2709 Exploring the Wave Motif in Pictorial Maps: From the Perspectives of Chinese Painting Theory and Water Culture
Wang Mengjie, Mastura Haji Mohd Jarit, Wang Yang

2710-2724 The Extent to which Qatari Law takes into Account the Provisions of the Declaration on Eliminating Violence against Women
Saoud Meqbil F F Alqahtani

2725-2738 The Room for Growth Applications of Carbon Dioxide Recovery Technologies in the Petroleum Industry
Salem Mohamed Salem, Mohamed Moustafa, Mohsen Elnoby, Ali Wahba

2739-2751 Analysis of the Influence of the Fancy Skipping Rope on Primary School Students’ Physical Health
Zongliang Dong

2752-2762 Trends of Choosing Job Sectors after Graduation at can Tho University
Tam Phuong Pham, Tan Nguyen Minh, Minh-Thanh Nguyen, Thai-Huu Nguyen, Thi Hoa Nguyen

2763-2774 Spiritual Life and Folk Beliefs in Vietnam in the Modern Era: An Anthropological Approach
Dr. Tran Minh Duc, Dr. Tran Dung

2775-2786 Navigating the Digital Frontier: The Role of Commercial Law in Regulating Electronic Companies in the Middle East
Bassam Mustafa Abdul-Rahman Tubishat

2787-2796 The Symbolic Significance of Using Birds in English Romantic Poetry: “Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats” as a case study
Nawal Mosa Mohammed Abdallah, Elsadig Hussein Fadlalla Ali, Tahmina Begum, Sarrah Osman Eltom, Musadhique Kottaparamban

2797-2813 A Study on the Factors Influencing Theme Park Visitors' Revisit Intention Based on the Double-Entry Mental Accounting Theory
Wang Yiguo, Albattat Ahmad

2814-2823 Factors Affecting the Sound Quality of Pong Lang
Poowaniy Direksin, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hirun, Jukarasen, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pongpitthaya Sapaso

2824-2837 A Comparative Study of Popular Culture and Fashion in East Asia: China, South Korea, and Japan
Xuan Tang

2838-2850 A simple Stability-Indicating UV Spectrophotometric Method developed and Validation for Detection of Paracetamol in (liquid, solid) Dosage form and Biological fluid: Application and Comparison
Faroq Omer Qasim, Ahmed Jaddo Mohamed Ameen, Kale Mohammed Qadirc, Mohammed A. Hamid4 Nzar I. Yousif

2851-2865 Leadership in Action: Unveiling Positive Leadership Traits of Southern Thailand Public-School Administrators
Chawalit Kerdtip, Sa-aree Sa-au

2866-2877 Comparison and Internal Validation of GlobalFiler™, VeriFiler™, and Investigation® 24Plex PCR Kits in Forensic DNA Identification
Ayşen Tezel

2878-2889 Adaptation of Albanian Language and Literature Content and Curriculum in Peja Resource Center1 (Planning Content and Teaching Methods in Individual Education Plans (IEP) and their Impact on the Achievement of blind and Visually Impaired Students in the Field of Reading Literacy)
Dr. Murteza Osdautaj, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Erenestina Gjergji (Halili), Qendresa Lushtaku, Phd. Cand

2912-2921 Comprehensive Quality Standards in Basic Computer Textbooks in Jordan
Zaid Khrisat

2922-2935 The Effect of Training, Organizational Culture on Employee Performance with Competence as Intervening
Febiola Audhia Gustshella, Putri Kosasih, Reisya Dwina Permata Sari, Abdul Rohman

2936-2945 Guidelines for Employee Social Skill Development in the Manufacturing Industry
Meena Jongjitjaroen, Sunee Wattanakomol, Thanin Silpcharu

2946-2955 Virtual Reality-Based Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Model on Spiritual Well-Being and BDNF Levels in Drug Inmates in The Class 1 State Prison in Makassar
Saharullah, Ariyanti Saleh, Saidah Syamsuddin, Kadek Ayu Erika, Nursalam, Agussalim Bukhari, Rosyidah Arafat, Sonny T. Lisal, Firmansyah, Rusli Taher, Abdul Thalib

2956-2967 Approaches to Develop Service Quality of Road Freight Transport Service Providers in Industrial 4.0
Kamolpun Noijaroen, Nopporn Bua-In, Thitirat Thawornsujaritkul

2968-2979 Developing Adult Vocational Training Strategies for Chinese Higher Education Institutes under the Background of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Guangpei Wei, Ampapan Tuntinakhongul

2980-2993 The Power of Live-Streaming Commerce Purchase Intention Among Millennials Generations: The Mediating Role of Trust
Nurkhalida Makmor, Zalena Mohd, Fatin Syazwani Safiyuddin, Monarusnita Abu Bakar, Syed Shah Alam

2994-3009 Exploring Digital Leadership Competencies among School Administrators and Digital Maturity in Sarawak, Malaysia: From Teachers’ Perspectives
Caroline Cathy Nubun, Zaiton Hassan, Hana Hamidi

3010-3020 Analysis of the Understanding Level of the Indonesian Residents to Flood-Impacted Insurance Products
Yulial Hikmah, Padang Wicaksono, Debrina Vita Ferezagia, Ira Rosianal Hikmah

3021-3029 A Study on Risk Factors of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) Among Office Workers during Work from Home Mode
Nursyaza Inarah Binti Ramlan, Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab, Khairanum Subari, Sobia Irum

3030-3047 A Study of Welder Age on Welding Quality for Oil and Gas Offshore Structural Fabrication Project
Muhammad Azam Suliman, Abd Wahab, Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Mohd Said bin Hamid, Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab, Khairanum Subari, Sobia Irum

3048-3059 “Viola Sound Safari”: Engaging Refugee Children in Extended Viola Technique for Timbre Effects through Musical Game
Wong Siew Ngan, Lee Chie Tsang

3060-3083 Principals’ Distributed Leadership Toward Middle Leaders’ Organizational Commitment in Primary Schools in Johor
Lim Mei Ting, Lokman Mohd Tahir, Roslizam Hassan

3084-3102 Effectiveness of Using Augmented Reality Application in the Subject of Educational Technology for Undergraduate Students
Jehan Adiba Binti Ahmad Taha, Mohd Fadzil Bin Abdul Hanid, Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said, Roslizam bin Hassan, Lee Huan Yik

3103-3118 The Level of Teacher Creativity in Developing Digital Learning Materials on Learning Management System
Sri Marmoah, Fatma Sukmawati, Jenny I.S. Poerwanti, Supianto, Yantoro, Ainun Nafisaha

3119-3133 User Reluctancy toward E-Wallet. Insights of Gen-Z in India, China, and Malaysia
Ashley Yu Jin Chong, Leon Yi Chong Ee, Krishnapillai Gengeswari, Ling Meng Chan

3134-3148 The Effect of Strengthening Regional Economic Conditions on Job Opportunities, Income and Price Stability in Padang City
Anggi Putri Kurniadi, Zamroni, Ragimun, Adang Sonjaya, Rusno Haji, Ragil Yoga Edi, Mutaqin, Imran Rosjadi, Yurike Anindyasari, Kasman Karimi, Siti Puryandani, Dian Anggraeny Rahim

3149-3164 Conceptual Outlook of the Determinants Influencing the Intention to Adopt Return on Investment Evaluation in Malaysian Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises
Luqman Hakim Satiman, Abdul Halim Busari, Surena Sabil, Mohd Sham Kamis

3165-3173 Potentiality of Using Teak (Tectona Grandis) Leaf to produce Antioxidant Herbal Tea
Kamlai Laohaphatanalert, Paiboolya Gavinlertvatana, Tarit Apisittiwong, Athip Boonsiriwit

3174-3190 Building Resilience in Times of Crisis: The Role of Perceived Wellbeing in Enhancing Employee Performance
Umar Hassan, Nik Hazimah Nik Mat

3191-3199 Development of Selection Model for Quality Improvement Initiative
Mohamad Ikbar A.W., Khairanum S., Mohd Amran M. D., Sallaudin H., Noor Anim Zanariah Y., Ali,Khairul A.M., Melfa Yola

3200-3219 Interrelation Between Electronic Signature Laws In Malaysia And Vietnam In Electronic Transactions
Dr. Le Thi Tuyet Ha

3220-3227 Timeliness Of Village Government Accountability Report
Zaitul, Desi Ilona, Neva Novianti, Suamperi

3228-3239 Optimizing Quality Tool Selection with Cosine Similarity for Continuous Improvement
Siti Zawani Ibrahim, Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab, Khairanum Subari, Qarna Manan, Sobia Irum

3240-3251 Case Study of Value Stream Mapping for Inspection Process in Oil and Gas Industry
Nur Sabrina Abu Kasim, Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab, Khairanum Subari, Sobia Irum

3252-3262 Study of Frequency Preventive Maintenance Consumable Item for HPU Rotating Equipment
Muhammad Zulfadli Ramli, Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Mohd Ismail Mohd Bisri, Mohamad Ikbar Abdul Wahab, Khairanum Subari, Sobia Irum

3263-3273 Climate Change Mitigation of Local Government Units (LGUs) in Basilan Province, Philippines
Jamael A. Indal, Benjier H. Arriola

3274-3283 Detection the Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on the Management of Alveolar Osteitis
Kamal Sahib Mizal, Asma Ben Cheikh, Muntathar Muhsen Abusanna, Eya Moussaoui

3284-3299 The Effect of Task-Based Language Teaching on the Development of Speaking Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency (CAF) among Iraqi Intermediate EFL Learners
Ali Abdulkadhim Jassem, Mehdi sarkhosh

3300-3306 Assessing Silver Nanoparticles' Antibacterial Activity in Dental Fillings: Effect on Bacterial Multiplication and Prospects for Improved Oral Health
Mu'ataz S. Al Hassan, Zoubeir Tourki, Bouteina Ben Fraj

3307-3313 Bees as Bioindicators of Environmental Pollution with Heavy Metals
Maryam Ahmed Hussein, Zahra Naeef Ayoub, Bafreen Ahmad Hessen

3314-3329 Lecturers’ Resistance to Religious Moderation Policy in Handling Radicalism: Evidence from State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia
Muhammad Syaifuddin, Miftahuddin, M. Fahli Zatra Hadi, Riki Rahman

3330-3350 Robust Optimization Base Deep Learning Model for Thai Banking Reviews Sentiment Analysis with Imbalanced Data
Bandhita Plubin, Walaithip Bunyatisai, Suwika Plubin, Knavoot Jiamwattanapong

3351-3364 An Empirical Study of Job Burnout and Turnover Intentions of Emergency Physicians: Using Positive Psychological Capital as a Mediating Variable
Chang Jiang Deng

3365-3377 The Relationship between Psychological Stress and Future Anxiety among University Students: A Field Study on a Sample of Students at the University Of El Oued
Atika Gherghout, Naoui Bettaher, Hynd Ghedhaifi, Ahmed Djelloul, Abdelmalek Haba

3378-3387 The Impact of Board Size, Board Diversity, Board Independence, and Board Activity on Integrated Reporting: Evidence from Selected Asean Countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines
Theresia, Toto Rusmanto

3388-3401 Assessing Readiness for AI Integration in EFL Courses: A Case Study of First-Year University Students in Saudi Arabia
Yasir Alenazi

3404-3419 The Impacts of Innovation Attribute, Business Environment, and Risk Management on the Artificial Intelligence Investment Decision in Oman’s Hydrocarbons Industry
Yahya Khalifa Al-Haji, Suzaida Bte. Bakar

3420-3436 The Role of the Family in Child Education and National Development: The Example of Ibrāhīm’s Family in the Quran
Mubarak Salim Ghali Omar Alazemi, Mohd Farid Ravi Abdullah, Azwar Azwar, Abur Hamdi Usman

3437-3449 Media Legislation Challenges In Light Of New Media Applications
Fatma Zohra Guermouche

3450-3459 The Role of Media and Social Communication in Community Awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Relationship to Changing Attitudes
Seham Reyad Alkhuffash

3460-3471 Loss of Critical Ecosystem Services in the Osun River Catchment, Southwest Nigeria
Kunle Olufemi Babaremu, Olalekan John Taiwo2, Dickson Dare Ajayi

3472-3478 College Students’ Internet Addiction against Emotional Reasoning
B. William Dharma Raja, B. Gnanamuthujebaraj

3479-3494 Students' Perceptions of the Benefits and Challenges of Integrating ChatGPT in Higher Education
Zakaryia Almahasees, Mouad Al- Natour, Al Bataineh Khaleel, Sirvan Aminzadeh

3495-3510 Legal Aspect in the Financial Service Industry’s Default in Indonesia
Sulistyandari, Tri Lisiani Prihatinah, Rohaida Nordin, Ulil Afwa, Muhammad Ikhsan Lubis

3521-3529 Development of the 'Yingge Dance' course in Early Childhood Education Programmes: Integrating Guangdong's Intangible Cultural Heritage into Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities
Xu Huan, Phunchita Detkhrut, Dharakorn Chandnasaro

3530-3538 Cultivation, and Production for Enhanced Commercial and Pharmaceutical Applications of Kariyat (Andrographis paniculata) Products, Phayao Thailand
Sitthisak Pinmongkhonkul, Thanakorn Panyopo

3539-3554 How Social Media Affects Sexual and Reproductive Health Communication: A Systematic Literature Review (2019-2023)
Yueshu Luo, Emma Mirza Wati Mohamad, Arina Anis Azlan, Yanli Li

3555-3575 A Critical Analysis of the Impact of Consumer Attitudes and Perception on Goat Milk Consumption and Influencing Factors
Leyla Hadef, Brahim Hamad, Meriem Bellabidi

3576-3602 Internal Dynamics and Employee Performance: An Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Commercial Banks across North Central Zone
Taiwo Akinsola, Hadiza Abubakar, Joseph Olorunfemi Akande, Ahmed Oluwatobi Adekunle

3603-3613 Public Expenditure and Poverty Interdependence: Evidence from Nigeria
Sitt Ahmed Oluwatobi Adekunle

3614-3622 Formation and optimization of a Private Investor’s Investment Portfolio
Julia Andreevna Dubolazova, Anna Andreevna Ferapontova, Yuri Yurievich Kuporov, Valeria Valerievna Kovalevskaya, Valentina Andreevna Mitrofanova

3623-3649 The Role of Tax Policy in Moderating Factors Influencing Green Investment Strategies in Indonesia
Irni Yunita, Heriantonius Silalahi

3650-3658 Proposal for a Conceptual Model on the Role of Digitalization in Improving External Audit Quality
Mahouat Nacer, Lemsieh Hafsa, Ouissale El Gharbaoui, Benlakouiri Abderrahim, Abarar Ibtissam

3659-3671 Direct and Mediational Effects of Metacognitive and Interpersonal Skills on Teachers’ Competency in Implementing Guided Inquiry Teaching Methods
Anthonia Ngozi Ngwu, Sunday Ogbu, Chidinma Blessing Anita Ugwu, Nonye Odionye, Obiageli Lorreta Aniaku, Theresa Ukamaka Ugwu, Amaka Loretta Nwakwo, Joy Abamuche

3672-3686 An Analysis of the Impact of Xi'an Hotels' Service Quality Using network Text
Na Li, Siti Zubaidah Binti Mohd Ariffin, Nor Sa'adah binti Jamaluddin

3687-3713 The Impact of Enterprise Artificial Intelligence Capability on R&D Leaps
Jingjing Li, Anan Pongtornkulpanich

3709-3732 A Quality Management Approach of Relationship between the Innovation Index and the Business 2 Consumer E-Commerce Index, and a Comparative Analysis for Western Balkans
Enriko Ceko, Reis Mulita, Dimitrios A. Karras

3733-3754 Driver and Barrier of Purchase Intention on Group Buying App
Chu Jianhua, Mass Hareeza Ali, Ridzwana Mohd Said

3755-3766 Concept and Architecture of Al-Quran Legal Values in Environmental Management
Asram A.T Jadda, Arfin Hamid, M. Yunus Wahid, Irwansyah

3767-3775 Immersive Theatre: A Comprehensive Review and Future Direction
Tian Yuhui, Zairul Anuar Md. Dawam (PhD), and Shariffudin Zainal

3776-3792 The Role Of The Auditor Based On The International Auditing Standard 260 Framework In Achieving Independence And Its Impact On The Audit Quality
Husam Al-Kaabi, Houda Ben Mabrouk

3793-3802 Influence of information and communication technologies on the personalization of learning in the university context
Sonia Rivera-Valderrama, Nestor Tipula-Quispe, Rubén Wilfredo Jilapa-Humpiri, Danner Anderson Figueroa Guerra

3803-3810 Expert Verification of Items under VARK Dimensions in Smart Quran Model Development Instrument in Teaching and Facilitation of Quran Hifz
Mohamad Khairi Haji Othman, Nur Farah Hanim Muhamad Idris, Mat Rahimi Yusof, Mohd Aliff Mohd Nawi, Farah Mohamad Zain, Mohammad Azam Hussain, Azmil Hashim

3811-3822 Determinants of Green Cosmetic Purchase Intentions in Malaysia
Wong Chee Hoo, Ng Geik Lean, Alex Hou Hong Ng, Chee How Liau, Ree Chan Ho, Manoch Prompanyo

3829-3837 Research on the Artistic Design Method of Cultural and Creative Products Based on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Virtual Simulation
Danling Su, Wen Sen

3838-3849 Mediating Effect of Employee Happiness between Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Innovation in the Manufacturing Companies
Wong Chee Hoo, Lee Chau Ying, Chee How Liau, Mcxin Tee, Christian Wiradendi Wolor, Manoch Prompanyo

3850-3853 Association between Socio-Demography and Duration of Sickle Cell Disease Leg Ulcers in a Low Resource Setting
Akaba Kingsley, Okoi Nta Obono, Edakabasi Akaba

3854-3868 A Deep Dive into Leadership Styles in Shaping the Higher Education Institution’s Value and Culture
Norhasni Zainal Abiddin

3869-3875 ‘The Clerk’s Prologue and Tale’: An Idea of Transformation
Gassim H. Dohal

3876-3884 Gender Identity Disorder from a Legal Perspective
Prof. Omar Mahmoud Hassan

3885-3902 The Study and Application of Moral Principles and Values in the Fields of Accounting and Auditing
Ilir M Murtezaj, Burhan Reshat Rexhepi, Besa Seadin Xhaferi, Halit Xhafa, Seadin Xhaferi

3903-3914 Relief and Rescue Operations during Mass Gatherings: A Systematic Review
Dr Mahbobeh Abdolrahimi

3915-3925 The Challenge Of Globalisation On Religious Appreciation Among Young Muslim In Contemporary World
Abdul Ghafar Bin Don, Razaleigh Muhamat, Ahmad Irdha Mokhtar, Badlihisham Mohd.Nasir, Abdul Bsit Samat@Darawi, Abd.Rahman Hamzah, Nik Mohd Zaim Ab Rahim, Ahmad Muhyuddin Hassan

3926-3931 Clinical and Pathological Studies of Pneumonia in Sheep in Basrah
Hassanin Husham Naser Alautaish, Yasmeen J. Mohammed, R.K Muhsen, Israa Abdul Wadood Muhammad Ali

3932-3938 Design of Pre-Trial Institution with the Concept of Preliminary Examining Judge in the Reform of Indonesian Criminal Procedure Law
Dwi Nurahman, Maroni, A. Irzal Fardiansyah

3939-3952 Network Autonomous Learning and Student Training Education System under Human-computer Interaction Environment
Yihong Li, Zhengzhong Cai

3953-3960 Râhatfezâ Makâm in the Historical Process
Özlem Elitaş, Burak Kaynarca

3961-3970 Empowering Growth: Strengthening MSME-Large Corporation Partnerships for Indonesia’s Economic Future
Irawati, Budi Santoso, Paramita Prananingtyas

3971-3981 Mercenaries, Private Military Companies (PMC’s) and the ‘New Scramble’ for Africa: The Interplay of Economics, Geopolitics and Shifting Alliances from the ‘Old’ to the ‘New Scramble’
Bernard B Fyanka, Abayomi Popoola, Segun Ogundeji

3982-3992 The Effects of Garlic Treatment on p53 Expression in the Heart Ventricle of Smoking Rats: A Passive Smoking Model of Cigarette Smoke and Waterpipe Smoke
Osama Odat, Ali Ata Alsarhan, Jumanah D. Al-Shawabkeh, Suha Khayri Ababneh, Ziad Shraideh, Darwish Badran, Rawan Al-Jaloudi, Ahed J Alkhatib

3993-4017 MRI in the Diagnosis of Ischemic Stroke: A systematic review
Wafaa Abdullah Alharbi, Hassan Salman Harisi, Amnah Abbas Alansari, Ghadah Abdullah Alharbi, Wed Ali Alharbi, Abrar Ali Almohaimeed, Bayader Waleed AlDossary, Rawan Waleed Abdulaa

4018-4030 Building the Students' Critical and Analytical Capabilities in Determining an Understanding of Radicalism through the Bugis Phylosopy "Sipakatau"
Ali Halidin, IAIN Bone, Arisal.A, St. Zakiah

4031-4041 Exchange Rate Dynamics and Trade Balance Adjustment: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
Sadia Mustafa, Suraya Binti Ismail, Farah Roslan

4042-4065 What Factors Influence the Communication of Health Rumours in Crisis Situations: A Systematic Literature Review from 5W Perspective
Yanli Li, Emma Mohamad, Arina Anis Azlan, Yueshu Luo

4066-4077 Developing Data Management Plans (DMPs) to Fulfil Funders’ Requirements among Researchers in Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs)
Neema Florence Vincent Mosha

4078-4089 Effect of One Month Periodisation Program on Cardiovascular Fitness of Badminton Players
Lam Cho Wai

4090-4097 Legal Framework of Tax Debt Collection and Tax Authorities' Right of Preference in Bankruptcy
Herianto, Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih, Sri Mulyani, Afif Noor

4098-4109 Beyond Violence: Lived Experiences of Former Extremists
Hapibin J. Camal

4110-4126 Gender-Responsive Pedagogy of Kalanguya MTB-MLE Teachers in Promoting Gender Role Awareness
Yuvimin Lumidao, Felina Espique, Peter Paul Canuto

4127-4137 Analysis of Grip Strength of Women Workers Using IoT Digital Devices
Jeong Eun Kim, Hyo Taek Lee

4138-4151 Teacher Self-Efficacy, Student Motivation, and Student Academic Achievement: A Case Study of Music Teachers and Students in Chinese Higher Education Institutions
yantong Wei, Serrene Leong, Nur Nasuha Binti Mohd Daud

4152-4167 Sports, Gender and Media: Why Are There Fewer Female Coaches On The Court In Hong Kong?
Lam Cho Wai

4168-4179 Informal Economy Eatery Owner’s Resilience: A Recovery Strategy Model
Mariae Khrisna B. Arreza

4180-4191 Optimizing Mathematics Learning for Children with Autism Using Flashcard Approach
Sriyanti Mustafa, Baharullah, Khadijah Maming

4192-4211 Collaboration of Various Parties: Breakthroughs in Improving the Welfare of Rural Communities
Andi Cudai Nur, Andi Aslinda, Slamet Riadi Cante

4212-4224 The Impact of Technological Innovation Policy on the Performance of Chinese listed Seed Companies: The mediator role of R&D investment
Ning Zhang, Muhammad Ahmad, Zunirah Mohd Talib

4225-4245 A Model towards Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Human Resource Empowerment in the Banking Industry in Iraq: Explaining Antecedents and Consequences
Mohammed Kadhim Jawad Al_Rihaymee, Mohammad Safari, Mahmood Yahyazadehfar, Mohsen Alizadeh Sani

4246-4256 Identifying the Antecedents of Customer Loyalty in Islamic Banks
Oday Hatem Falih, Bahareh Abedin, Mohammad Safari, Mahmood Yahyazadehfar

4257-4268 How Communication Strategies Influence Conflict Development: A Case Study of Social Networks
Lidiia Shvelidze, Tetiana Karavaieva, Yuliia Tomchakovska

4269-4279 Development of Modern Teaching Methods under the Influence of Information Technologies
Oleksandra Borzenko, Iryna Tamozhska, Oksana Varhata, Liudmyla Hetmanenko, Viktoriia Shevchuk

4280-4289 Legal Mechanisms for Intellectual Property Protection in the Digital Environment of E-Commerce
Vitalii Volynets

4290-4296 The Land Law 2024 - Some Inadequacies Need To Be Completed Towards Efficient Development of Land Resources
Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Tran Thi Thu Van

4297-4304 Navigating the Nuances: Pragmatic Competence in English Language Processing
D. Chandra Prabha, B. William Dharma Raja

4305-4314 The Role of International Cooperation in Addressing Humanitarian Crises and Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict Regions
Iryna Briukhovetska, Andrii Ivanov, Iryna Suprunova,Viktor Sak, Yaroslav Bielousov

4315-4323 The Impact of Engineering Studies on the Construction Industry
Nataliia Arsenieva, Vladyslav Lohvynenko, Dmytro Komyshev, Kostiantyn Filchenko, Denys Filchenko

4324-4328 Adding a Susceptibility-Weighted Angiogram Sequence In MRI Brain For Epilepsy- Does It Help?
Dr. Khawaja Bilal Waheed, Dr. Ali Al Orf, Dr. Faisal Al Zahrani, Dr. Muhammad Zia Ulhassan, Dr. Nawaf, Nasser Al Jubair, Zechariah Jebakumar Arulanatham

4329-4349 Exploring Statistical Literacy Deficiencies and Causal Associations among Master and Doctoral Graduates in Thailand
Afifi Lateh

4350-4364 Residents' Perception and Support for Tourism Development: An Early-Stage Perspective Applying Extended Social Exchange Theory
Duong Thi Hien, Dao Thanh Thuy, Trinh Thi Phan, Nguyen Thi Lien

4365-4377 Exploring the Impact of Medical Science Articles by Physicians on Their Online Consultation Volume in Online Health Community: The Mediating Role of Paid Feedback
Zhendong Mao, Adiza Alhassan Musah, Dan Huang

4378-4390 Management Process of Local Museum in the Northeast
Prachyatai Kumpukdee, Preechawut Apirating, Sikarnmanee Syers

4391-4396 A Critical Examination of the Relevance of Family Planning In Church and Society
Francis Edet Felix, Ekpenyong, Ekpenyong, Effiong Eke Nta, Boypa Egbe, Louis Edet

4397-4408 Development of Disaster Management Mitigation Model Based On Local Food Sources: Modified Casava Flour in Indonesia
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin, Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo

4409-4423 New Tools for Environmental Social Zoning in High Andean Areas
Wilson Wily Sardon-Quispe, Mirella Rosa Luz Gavidia-Canaquiri, Cesar Augusto Pastor-Vela, Gloria Echegaray-Carreño, John Cesar Flores-Flores

4424-4445 Analyzing the Factors Affecting Chinese Higher Vocational College Students' Learning Engagement: The Roles of Perceived Teacher Support and Achievement Goal
Longbo Chen, Hsuanpo Wang

4446-4462 The Colleague Turnover Impacting on Employee Turnover Intention at SMEs in Chongqing, China
Nanxi Liu, Simon Kwong Choong Mun, Alireza Mohammadi, Tingfeng Zhou, Goyal S. B, Amer Hamzah Jantan, Yingchao Liu

4463-4477 The Design of Educational Animations for Financial Planning Knowledge
Ting-Sheng Weng

4478-4498 Human Rights for LGBTQIA+ as an Essence of Global Dimensions in the Gravity of Time: A Critical Appraisal
Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Raj Kumar Verma, Rohit Kumar Verma, Riya Bhargava

4499-4513 Influence of Organizational Factors on Employee Work Engagement: Examining the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in the Indian Manufacturing Sector with Focus on Leadership, Development, and Reward Systems
Priya R, Jesintha S, Subashini, Chandrakala KR, Anamika Singh

4514-4528 "Spotlight on IWB: Revealing Hidden Trends and Data Gaps in Metadata (2019-2024)"
Niranchana Priya Viswanathan, S. Arun Kumar

4529-4536 Multisector Policy to Accelerate Stunting Reduction in South Kalimantan
Fauzie Rahman, Muhammad Irwan Setiawan, Syamsul Arifin, Raudatul Jannah, Nurul Ahdani, Muhammad Ardiansyah, Ratna Mulia Wati, Abdul Thalib

4537-4541 A Cursory Look at Examination Malpractices in Nigerian Schools
Francis Edet Felix, Ekpenyong, Ekpenyong Obo, Adams Peter Akpo, Aboh James Ajang, Boypa Egbe

4552-4566 Sustainable Development of Internationalized Training of Teaching and Research Competence for Chinese university educators Under the Concept of OBE
Chen Junhao, Norizan Jaafar

4567-4586 Green Behavioral Subjective Initiative and Green Performance - The Moderating Role of Paradoxical Cognition
Yan-lian Liao, He Xue

4587-4604 Material Usage, Aesthetic Language, and Spiritual Orientation in Chinese Mixed Media Art: A Review Paper
Wang YinXue, Hisham Dzakiria, Ahmad Hisham Bin Zainal Abidin

4629-4660 The Relationship between Strategic Flexibility and Firm Performance in China’s Real Estate Industry
Li Ying, Norhayati Binti Alias, Nazirah Binti Aziz

4661-4670 Ethics with Money in the Process of Social Environment Protection
Duong Duc Hung, Nguyen Van Y, Nguyen Anh Quoc

4671-4694 Food-rich Environments: Is Food Security and the Sustainability of Mass Human Life Possible or Impossible?
Toansakul T. Santiboon, Prachayakul Tulachom, Chamnean Wongsrikaew, and Khanat Kruthakul

4705-4710 Misrepresentations or Intellectual Fallacy? Anti-Muslim Fundamentals in Sherry Jones’ Novels
Mubarak Altwaiji, Muna Telha, Bilel Elmotri, Faiz Algobaei

4711-4729 Public Policy of National Memory in Ukraine in the First Year of the Full-Scale Russian-Ukrainian War
Svitlana Vlasenko, Liliia Honiukova

4730-4739 The Relationship between Competitive Accounting, Competitive Advantage and Performance in Vietnamese Enterprises
Nguyen Thi Linh, Vu Thuy Duong, Tran Thi Thu Ha

4740-4747 Reason for India Not Producing a Single Nobel Laureate in Science Category during the Past 93 Years – A Scientist’s Interpretation
Ibram Ganesh

4748-4758 Human Potential as a Strategic Priority for Ensuring the National Security of the Country
Musagaliev Ajiniyaz Jumagulovich, Gretchenko Anatoly Ivanovich, Jusupova Anjim Tansikbaevna

4759-4772 The Role of Legal Regulation in the Formation and Maintenance of Legal Culture: Special Reference to Ukraine
Victoria Lomaka, Olesia Tragniuk, Vitalii Kovtun, Ivan Yakoviyk, Ihor Zhukov

4772-4783 The Effect of Climate Change on the Shallot Supply Chain: Impact and Risk Management Strategy
Kimberly Febrina Kodrat

4784-4800 Green Behavioral Subjective Initiative and Green Performance - The Moderating Role of Paradoxical Cognition
Yan-lian Liao, He Xue

4801-4814 The Role of Forensic Evidence Theory in Building of Defence and Prosecution Strategies During Criminal Proceedings
Oleh Predmestnikov, Roman Zaloznyi, Ivan Miroshnykov, Anna Bondarchuk, Ruslan Bilokin

4811-4820 Effective Use of Electronic Systems for International Exchange of Evidence in Criminal Investigations
Dmytro Patreliuk, Ivo Svoboda, Inha Kalancha, Vadym Filashkin, Bohdan Kachmar

4821-4832 An Interview Regarding the Needs of Working Learners: Fostering Lifelong Learning Support
SeTin SeTin, Yvonne Augustine, Yuliana Gunawan

4833-4845 The Effectiveness of Electronic Declaration Monitoring in the Detection and Investigation of Corruption Offences in the Judicial System
Vitaliy Maziychuk, Anatoliy Voightko, Yuriy Tymoshenko, Volodymyr Tsikalo, Serhii Syrovatka

4846-4869 The Influencing Factors Affecting Customers’ Willingness to Pay for Green Agricultural Products via E-Commerce Live Streaming: Testing the Moderating Role of Ascription of Responsibility
Xinyue Wang, Nor Asiah Omar

4870-4874 Massive Bleeding on Mandibulectomi due to Ameloblastoma Mandibula: A Case Report and Updated Literature Review on Massive Transfusion Protocol
Farid Hanafi, Pesta Parulian Maurid Edward

4875-4888 Assessing the Alignment between Expected Learning Outcomes and Student Achievement in Research for Learning Development at a Higher Education Institution in Songkhla Province, Thailand
Pol Luangrangsee, Chadchom Ratsameemonthon

4889-4896 Teaching Quality of Lecturers in the Context of Financial Autonomy of Universities in Hanoi
Hoang Thi Thu Trang, Luong Thi Huyen, Pham Thi Huyen

4897-4914 Improving Risk Management in Islamic Law Banking: The Role of Islamic Law Societal Reporting in Shaping Firm Policy-Making and Profitability in Indonesia
Zulpahmi, Muhammad Tamul Fikri, Sumardi, Fikri Hidayat, Arif Widodo Nugroho, Meita Larasati

4915-4923 Computer Education Student Teacher Complex Problem-Solving Skills Development using Computational Thinking and Visualization Tools
Aukkapong Sukkamart, Natchanun Sermsri, Thiyaporn Kantathanawat, Rerkrudee Nakwijit, Sirinthorn Meekhobtong

4924-4933 Emotional Well-Being and Its Impact on Academic Performance in University Students: A Pathway to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)
Oscar David Carreño-Flores, Hans Manuel Jalixto-Erazo, Miguel Alfonso Oré de los Santos, Hans MejiaGuerrero, Filomena Alicia Cantaro-Popayan, Fabiola Kruscaya Quispe-Anccasi, Jhonny Richard RodriguezBarboza

4934-4944 Toward Rehabilitation: Emotional and behavioral problems and quality of life among Females with Hearing Disabilities in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Hanan A Elsayed, Mohamed I Abushaira

4945-4961 Exploring Big C and Small c Cultural Content Across Proficiency Levels of a Popular EFL Textbook: Toward a Sustainable Vocabulary Teaching Method
Olusiji Adebola Lasekan, Margot Teresa Godoy Pena, Claudia Myrna Méndez-Alarcón

4962-4973 The Impact of Immigration Law and Policy on Crime Rates in Immigrant Communities in the United States
Yevhenii Ishchenko, Volodymyr Artemov, Petro Syniavskyi, Mykola Shilin, Vusal Ahmadov

4974-4983 The Role of the Forensic Expert in Ensuring the Fairness and Objectivity of the Judicial Process in the Context of the Social State
Valeriia Bondarenko Berehovych, Mariana Pleniuk, Oleh Kravchuk, Maryna Toporkova, Roman Maksymovych

4984-4996 Underwater Photography as an Educational Tool for Environmental Awareness and Marine Conservation
Nazrul Azha Abu Hassan, Adzrool Idzwan Ismail, Siti Salmi Jamali

4997-5004 Comparison of Hyperbaric Lidocaine vs. Hyperbaric BupivacaineMorphine Spinal Anesthesia on Ephedrine Use and Neonatal Outcomes in C-Sections
Dimas Raditya, Dedi Susila, Prihatma Kriswidyatomo

5005-5015 The Diversity in the Reception of Children's Theatre Performances As Exemplified by the Play "the Eight Days of the Week"
M. Ghaidaa Ali Harif

5016-5028 Research Progress, Hotspots, and Trend Analysis of Emotional Design Based On Bibliometrics
Huanhuan Tian, Yanin Rugwongwan

5029-5038 Turkish Validity and Reliability Study of Barriers to Physical Activity during Pregnancy Scale
Neşe Ataman Bor, Erhan Hanligil

5039-5046 A Comparative Study on Desirable Attributes in Primary Education Curricula of Thailand and Singapore
Krittat Phaisamran, Dr. Parimon Phaisamran

5047-5056 The Development of a Digital Literacy Model for Thai Education
Krittat Phaisamran, Parimon Phaisamran

5057-5067 The Role of Molam in its Engagement with the Public Media Space
Noppon Chaiyason, Ph.D. Khomkrich Karin

5068-5076 A Theoretical Review of Poetry Therapy since the Year 2000
Wang Ningning

5077-5093 Creation of the Contemporary Wot Musical Instrument from the Wisdom of Isan Musical Instruments
Ratanabut Haema, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kritsada Wongkhamchan, Asst. Prof. Dr. Kittisan Sriruksa

5094-5105 Toward Rehabilitation: Emotional and behavioral problems and quality of life among Females with Hearing Disabilities in Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Hanan A Elsayed, Mohamed I Abushaira

5106-5118 Knowledge Management of Mor Lam Klon to Create Innovations for Dissemination
Pitsanupong Srisakkayawarangkun, Assistant Professor Dr. Preechawut Apirating, Dr. Sikarnmanee Syers, Dr. Ratreesrivilai Bongsitthiporn

5119-5132 Educator Competency and Capacity Development Model in the 21st Century Era (Study of Principal and Teacher Leadership Models in the Indonesian National Education "Merdeka Belajar" Program)
Idi Jahidi, Desi Indrawati, Evi Susanti, Ida Nuraida, Atik Rochaeni, Hersusetiyati

5133-5145 Explaining Journalist Interns' Concerns using AI Technology in Media Workspace in Pakistan
Masoomi Hifazat Ali Shah, Mumtaz Aini Alivi, Nasrullah Dharejo, Fatima Dayo, Ikhtiar Ahmed Khoso, Asadullah Shah, Gui Jun

5146-5163 Exploring Sports Analytics of Coaches: An Optimization for Team Performance and Strategy Development
Erwin O. Estrella

5164-5176 Assessing Peers as A Predictor on Youth Political Behaviour in Enhancing Malaysian Political Stability
S. J. Zainurin, Dr W. N. W, Husin, Dr N. A. Zainol

5177-5187 Income Diversification, Capital Requirement and Bank Profitability in the West African Economic and Monetary Union
Moussa Ismaël Kone

5188-5202 Adaptive Design of Traditional Residential Buildings based on Digital Intelligence System under Self-Organization Theory
Xin Gan, Thirayu Jumsai na Ayudhya

5202-5211 Content Analysis of 2nd Round Campaigns of Candidates for the Presidency in the 2023 Turkish Presidential Election
Aybike Can, Afrim Jusufi

5212-5226 The Impact of ERP Systems on Management Control
Zaynab Hijab, Mohamed Chemlal

5227-5243 The Enlightenment of Bai Ethnic Residential Architecture Art Decoration on Modern Design under the Background of Multimedia Art
Xin Gan, Thirayu Jumsai na Ayudhya

5250-5262 The Need to Develop a Cost-Effective Novel Biochemical Fertilizer to Control Leaching Problems for Sustainable Oil Palm Production: A Short Note on Special Reference to the Socio-Economic Aspect
Isma Nadia Sham, Chee Kong Yap, Rosimah Nulit, Shih Hao Tony Peng, Ee Wen Chai

5263-5276 Universities’ Organizational Environment and Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Hebei Province, China
Dandan Li, Pengfei Chen

5277-5294 Finding Balance: A Research on Balanced Life and Perfectionism in Teacher Candidates
Şebnem Güldal Kan, Yağmur Çerkez

5295-5304 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Implementation of Accounting Information Systems in Commercial Banks Operating in the Tabuk Region
Dr. Khaled Mahmoud Al-Qatanani

5305-5314 The Role of Traditional Cultural Values in Character Education
Endang Purwaningsih, Rasyid Ridha

5315-5329 Type of Fantasy Character in Medieval Fantasy Stories of Vietnam and South Korea
Dr. Lê Văn Tấn, Dr Bùi Thị Lan Hương, Dr. Hoàng Thị Thêm, Dr. Nguyễn Thị Hưởng, Dr. Kim Ki Hyun, Liu Yin Liang

5330-5339 The Level of E-Learning Quality Standards in Academic Courses at Private Jordanian Universities: A Student Perspective Evaluation Study
Halaa Abdalmohde Hssien Friehat, Khitam Saeed Ali AlSmadi, Tahawil Atalla Saij Hlepan, Nesreen Bassam Fraid fraihat, Farah Ahmad Mohammad Azmi Alaffouri, Mohammad Mahmoud alsadi

5350-5374 Contribution to A Study of Some Seismic Observations Through the (Fex,Ca(1-x))O Compounds up to the Limits of the Earth's Outer Core by Calculation
Noura Mebrouki, Salah Tlili, Mohammed Said Nedjimi, Azeddine Mazouz, Mohamedhafed Berrebeuh

5375-5387 System of performance evaluation indicators at the University of Labor and Social Affairs under financial autonomy conditions
Nguyen Hoai Anh, Hoang Khanh Van, Nguyen Hoai Phuong

5421-5441 The effects of Training, Employment, and Small Biasness on Empowering Beneficiaries of So-cial Security
Alhammadi Hammad Ali Saleh

5442-5454 The Role of Academic Self-Efficacy in Predicting Mathematical Confidence among University Students in Light of Some Demographic and Academic Variables
Izzeldeen Abdullah Alnaimi, Abdullah Khretan Alenezi, Abd El. MureedAbd El Gaberkassem, Yousef Abdelqader Abu Shindi, Habis Saad Al-Zboon

5455-5461 Antifungal Activity of two Plant Extracts against Aspergillus Niger
Boutarfa Soumia, Nozha Mayouf

5462-5468 Theoretical and Empirical Overview of the Importance of Agriculture in the Economic Development of a Developing Country
Emile aifa

5469-5477 Enhancing Good Governance through the Implementation of the Merit System in the Placement of State Civil Apparatus
Juwita Sandy Sary, Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih, Sri Mulyani, Afif Noor

5478-5488 China’s Online Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Cross-Border ECommerce: Challenges and Solutions
Cao Yanyan, Nabeel Mahdi Althabhawi

5489-5513 Innovation of Decorative Units with an Implicit Dynamic meaning Derived from the Works of the Pioneering Saudi Visual Artist Abdulhalim Radwi for the Design of Proposed Textile Hangings
Maha Abdulhalim Radwi

5514-5524 Exploring the Impact of Personality Traits on Managerial Skills using FIKR (Facet, Insight, Knowledge and Resilience) Personality Assessment Tool: Implications for Manager Selection and Development
Chee Kong Yap, Chee Seng Leow, Wing Sum Vincent Leong

5525-5534 Mediating Role of Cost Reduction on Agile, Lean, and Green Manufacturing to Performance of Pharmaceutical Industries in Thailand
Chayanan Kerdpitak, Napassorn Kerdpitak, Teerapong Pongpeng

5535-5546 AIn Vitro Assessment Of Aloe Vera Leaf Extracts As Natural Alternatives To Antibiotics Against Pathogenic Bacteria E. Coli, S. Aureus, and P. Aeruginosa

5547-5563 Indonesia's online shopping sector transformation: Analyzing the effects of online shopping app growth, e-commerce user adoption, Generation Y and Z, and shopping app advertising
Arry Widodo, Nurafni Rubiyanti, Putu Nina Madiawati

5564-5581 Mind Intruders: Psychological, Legal, and Social Effects of Human Parasites in the Age of Technological Progress
Baqer Khudair Al-Hadrawi, Kais Khudhair Al-hadrawi, Souad Ezzerouali, Saleem Khteer Al-Hadraawy, Hanan Khaled Aldhalmi, Mohamad Hidayat Muhta

5582-5590 Integrating ESG Considerations into Leadership Development: The Role of Personality Traits in Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness Using the FIKR (Facet, Insight, Knowledge, and Resilience) Assessment Tool
Chee Kong Yap, Chee Seng Leow, Wing Sum Vincent Leong

5591-5605 Impact of Enterprise Research and Development Innovation on Brand Equity Value
Xianjing Zhang, and Anan Pongtornkulpanich

5606-5612 Difference of Surfactant Protein-D in Laparoscopy and Laparotomy Gynecology Surgery
Muhammad Arief Fadillah, Christrijogo Sumartono, Maulydia, Prihatma Kriswidyatomo, Kohar Hari Santoso, Mahmudah

5613-5622 Family Functionality and Life Skills, a Comparative Study between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Families in the Department Of Cesar
Miladys Paola Redondo Marín, José del Carmen Villalobos Tovar, Jimmy López López, Luz Karine Jiménez Ruiz, María Margarita Tirado Vides,Helmer Muñoz Hernández

5623-5632 A Sociolinguistic Study on the Addressed Positive Politeness Strategies by the English Professors with their Bachelor Students
Mouad M. Al-Natour, Alaeddin BaniKlaef, Khaleel B. Al-Bataineh, Shih Hao Tony Peng, Ee Wen Chai

5633-5645 Impact of Ferric Oxide Nanoparticles on Water-Based Drilling Fluid Properties Under Low-Pressure, Low-Temperature and High-Pressure, High-Temperature Conditions

5646-5666 Entrepreneurial education affects Entrepreneurial Intentions from the perspective of the Positive Emotion Theory
Jiping Zhang, Hsuan-Po Wang

5667-5676 The Degree of Self-Efficacy among Teachers of Students with Learning Disabilities' in Zarqa First Education Schools
Dr. Nahla Mohammad Awad Alquran

5677-5690 Water Security Issues in the Mekong River Basin: Current Situation and Vietnam's Responses
Vo Van That, Tran Thi Hanh Loi, Tran Thi Thanh Van, Nguyen Dinh Co

5691-5702 The Impact of School Leadership Styles on Teacher’s Job Satisfaction
Avni Rexha, Osman Buleshkaj

5703-5723 An Analysis of how Customer Value, Service Innovation, and Brand Image Influence Chinese Online Travel Agency Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Lei Sun, Wawmayura Chamsuk, Amnuay Saengnoree, and Puris Sornsaruht

5724-5743 Musical Instruments in Isan Mural Paintings: Evidence from Northeastern Thailand
Tippathai Soontorn, Dr. Chalermsak Pikulsri, Dr. Surapon Nesusin

5744-5759 Education and Development in ASEAN's Greater Mekong Subregion
Aukkapong Sukkamart, Paitoon Pimdee, Jaruwan Ployduangrat, Jakkapong Prongprommarat

5760-5773 Translation Strategies Utilized in Rendering Culture-Specific Items which Relate to Human Rights in the Holy Quran
Sameh Mahmoud, Zakaryia Almahasees

5774-5781 Philippine Creation Stories: Ecological Significance and Ecological Wisdom
Prof. Meldy A. Sajulga, Dr. Nina Jen R. Canayong

5782-5790 The Vital Functions Of The Conflict And Its Role In The Integration Of The Algerian Institution
Nahed Belgoumri

5791-5813 Impacts and Drivers: The Dual Role of Social Media on Consumer Behavior in South India's Expanding E-commerce Market
Priya R, Selvakumari R, Farzana Begum, Lilly Sandhya, Thandauthapani A, Farah Mathew, Harish M

5814-5824 The Development and Representation of Intertextuality in Contemporary Chinese Visual Art (1979-1989)
Zhou Yi, Thawascha Dechsubha

5825-5842 Influence of Family Environmental Factors on Physical Health of Adolescents
Zhishuang Liu, Ganbat Danaa

5843-5847 Archetypes of Natural Ecology in Works “Endless Fields” And “River” By Nguyen Ngoc Tu
Hoang Thi Thuy Duong

5848-5863 Upper Primary Education Students' Self-Directed Learning Impact on Creative Thinking in Geography from Jerash Education Directorate Geography Teachers' Viewpoint
Basel H. Menazel

5864-5875 Construction and Reform of the Evaluation System for College Aesthetic Education from a Psychological Perspective
Xiheng Shao, Fulong Liu, Mageswaran Sanmugam

5876-5890 Bissu, Victims of DI/ TII Propaganda in the Novel Arriving Before Departing Works by Faisal Oddang and Calabai by Pepi Al-Baygunie
Wildan, Taufik Dermawan, Wahyudi Siswanto, Imam Suyitno

5891-5905 A Conceptual Framework for Enhancing Employee Retention in the Public Healthcare Sector Using Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
Rushindra Raj, Ling-Meng Chan

5906-5918 Globalization: From the Illusion of Diversity to the Dominance of a Single Model
Raed Awashreh, Hisham Al Ghunaimi

5919-5929 Navigating Social Media: Strategies for Institutional Managers in the Digital Era
Raed Awashreh, Hisham Al Ghunaimi

5930-5940 Guidelines for Effective Management of Production Costs in the Rubber Wood Processing Industry
Manoch Phetchakan, Thanin Silpcharu, Sunee Wattanakomol

5941-5951 The Relationship between Compensation and Benefits and Work Environment on Employee Loyalty in Government-Link Property Companies
Azahari Jamaludin, Rozani Said, Suthan a/l Panchadcharam, Salamiah Muhd Kulal, Siti Zuraidah Zainal, Zubaidatulliah Abu Bakar

5952-5965 Artificial Intelligence Capabilities and R&D Leaps: An Analysis of the Key Factors of Enterprise Innovation Transformation
Jingjing Li, Anan Pongtornkulpanich

5966-5977 Knowledge and Family Support Relationships with the Management of Hypertension in the Elderly
Naharia Laubo, Dyah Ekowatiningsih, Mardiana Mustafa, Yulianto, Rusni Mato, Heriansyah, Agussalim

5978-5990 The Evolution of Retail: Reimagining Mall Spaces and Consumer Travel Patterns in Post-Crisis Bangkok
Issarapong Poltanee, Umaporn Boonphetkaew

5991-5995 The Relationship between Feeding and Maternal Knowledge Level and the Incidence of Stunting In Children 24-59 Months
Hikmawati Mas'ud, Abdullah Tamrin, Mustamin, Sheila Shakira, Agussalim

5996-6002 An Analysis of how Customer Value, Service Innovation, and Brand Image Influence Chinese Online Travel Agency Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Cao Xuan Long

6003-6012 Factors of Effectiveness on Internet of Things Implementation for Online Bus Ticketing System
Zirawani Baharum, Mohamad Haziq Faiq Mohamad Baharudin, Dewi Nasien, M. Hasmil Adiya, Rahimah Kassim

6013-6019 Intention to Utilize Bike Sharing from 2014 to 2022 Using Bibliometric Analysis
Nuur Fathin Roslan, Ahzila Wahid, Muhammad Zaly Shah, Mohd Norazali Nordin

6013-6019 Intention to Utilize Bike Sharing from 2014 to 2022 Using Bibliometric Analysis
Nuur Fathin Roslan, Ahzila Wahid, Muhammad Zaly Shah, Mohd Norazali Nordin

6013-6019 Intention to Utilize Bike Sharing from 2014 to 2022 Using Bibliometric Analysis
Nuur Fathin Roslan, Ahzila Wahid, Muhammad Zaly Shah, Mohd Norazali Nordin

6020-6035 Comforting Language, Identity, and Well-Being in Elderly Care in Chinese Nursing Homes
Jirawan Deeprasert, Nuttapong Jotikastira, Songyu Jiang

6036-6044 Analysis of Adhesive Wood Bond Strength Using Taguchi Methods Technique
Fairul Anwar Abu Bakar, Mohamad Ikbar Abd Wahab, Mohd Amran Mohd Daril, Nur Edrinna Syafiqah Abdul Aziz

6045-6056 Conservation of the Chrau-Jro Cultural Values through Community Tourism in Ba Ria Vung Tau, Vietnam
Đào Quốc Trung, Ha Minh Hong, Tran Quang Minh, Nguyen Thuy Van

6057-6063 The Implementation of Self-Service Kiosk at Larkin Bus Station
Nazneem Furzan Ain Roslan, Muhammad Hariz Mifzal, Rahimah Kassim, Wan Najat Wan Azman

6064-6072 Health Communication and News Framing: Analysis of Chinese Television News during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zhang Shuang, Lee Kuok Tiung

6073-6087 Correlation between Serum S100β Protein Levels and Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury as measured by the FOUR Score and Rotterdam CT Score
Syaifullah Meika Ossipitalia, Kohar Hari Santoso, Hamzah, Prananda Surya Airlangga, Philia Setiawan, Pudji Lestari

6088-6094 Guarantee of Requirements Regarding Labor Rights in Vietnam’s Labor Relations Laws in the Context of International Integration
Dao Xuan Hoi, Tang Thi Thu Trang, Kieu Thi Thuy Linh

6095-6111 Exploring the Mediating Role of Mindfulness in Factors Affecting Burnout: A Cross-Cultural Study among Counselors in Chinese Universities
Wenxiao Zhang, Ooi Boon Keat

6130-6139 Surveying and Monitoring the Implementation of the National Early Childhood Development Center Standards for Fiscal Year 2020
Dr. Rungchatchadaporn Vehachart, Phatsarabet Wetwiriyasakun, Dr. Jinawatara Pakotang, Dr. Jaruwan Ployduangrat, Dr. Satorn Subruangthong

6140-6156 Empirical Review of Vietnamese Educational Press Releases: A Discourse Analysis
Huynh Cam Thuy, Nguyen Thi Phuong Trang

6157-6165 Preserving the Values of the Traditional Houses of the Chaozhou People in Vinh Chau Town – Soc Trang Province
Vu Nhat Tan, Dr. Le Thi Ngoc Diep

6166-6168 Green Computing: Trends in Malaysia
Fauziah Abdul Rahman, Rahimah Kassim, Zirawani Baharum, Norhaidah Abu Haris, Helmi Adly Mohd Noor, Wan Najat Wan Azman, Faradina Ahmad

6169-6173 Indirect Language Learning Strategies Employed by TVET Students at Higher Learning Institute
Latipah Nordin, Rahimah Kassim, S. Thivviyah Sanmugam, Ashraf Rohanim Asari

6174-6186 Design of Dai Architectural Space Based on Experiential Spirit of Place
Yifan Zhang, Yanin Rugwongwan

6187-6205 The Relationship between Job Empowerment and Employee Retention: The Mediating Role of Flow Experience
Mark Kasa, Zaiton Hassan, Sheila Lim, Dayang Kartini, Li Cheng Wang

6206-6217 Unlocking the Keys to Grit: Identifying Predictors in Philippine Purposive Communication Classrooms
Louis Placido F. Lachica

6218-6233 Smart Farming: Integrating IoT and UAV Technologies for Precision Agriculture through the Lens of Technology Acceptance and the UTAUT2 Model
Muhammad Asyraf Bin Rodzoan, Asadullah Shah

6234-6253 Loan Default Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Systematic Literature Review 2020 -2023
Anam Soomro, Habeebullah Zakariyah, S.M.A. Aftab, Mohamad Muflehi, Asadullah shah, Syeda Meraj

6254-6262 Analysis of the Factors of Business Process Management in Felcra Berhad by Using Technology Adoption Model
Muhammad Asyraf Bin Rodzoan, Asadullah Shah

6263-6268 Perception Levels of those who make Agriculture in Mesaoria Plain (Cyprus) Regarding the Ecological Position of the Wild Jujube (Ziziphus Lotus L. (Desf.) Bush
Serkan Ilseven, Yusuph Adeboyo Bello

6269-6277 Future Anxiety and its relationship with the psychosomatic disorders among the unemployed doctorate degree holders
Miloud Mohamed SIFI, Nadia DECHECHE

6278-6295 Ownership Structures and Firm Performance: A Correlation and Regression Analysis of Financial Institutions in Bangladesh
Rashed Hossain, Provakar Ghose, Tahsina Meher Chowdhury, Md. Deluar Hossen, Md Nazmul Hasan, Lisa Mani

6296-6306 Exploring Factors Associated With Child Violent Discipline in Sudan:Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
Mohamed Eid Kilase Ajoud, Eltayeib Hussein Mahmoud Sharaf Addin, Zakariya M. S. Mohammed

6304-6320 Evaluation Faculty Programs in the Light of Developing Entrepreneurial Skills of students from the perspective of Saudi universities staff
Prof. Athman Ali Alqahtani, Prof. Yahya Abdul-EkhalqAli, Prof. Abdullah Abdul-Ekhalq Ali, Prof. Ahmed Al Sadiq Abdul Majeed, Prof. Hassan Abdullah Elqarni, Prof. Ibrahim Osman Hassan, and Dr Omar Ibrahim Asiri

6321-6334 The Application of Blended Teaching Based on Iwrite System in College English Writing Classes
Xiaofei Xu, Harmi Izzuan Bin Baharum

6335-6344 Research on Analysis of Chinese University Students' Learning Behaviors and Learning Outcomes through Big Data Mining Visual Portrait as an Intermediary and Learning Early Warning as a Moderator
Tianrong Zhang, LiChu Tien

6345-6355 Learning Information Regarding the Ancient Chinese Calligraphy Technique via Three-Dimensional in Nature Remonstrations and Evolution
Yang Wang, Ringah Anak Kanyan, Zheng Wang

6356-6366 Integration of TAM and ISSM into Student Satisfaction with AI Learning Intervention: Empirical Evidence from Islamic Studies
Sami Ghazzai Alsulami, Abdulrahman Awdah Albeladi, Shouket Ahmad Kouchay, Abdullah Ali Altammam, Mohammed Yousef Afifi, Reem Thabet Muhammad Al-Qahtani, Ibraheem Khaled Alnejaidi

6367-6377 Path Analysis of the Impact of Perceived Attributes of Service Robots on Customer Experience: A Case Study of Luxury Hotels in Shanghai
Qian Li, Songyu Jiang

6378-6384 The Impact of Individual Therapies on Employee Wellbeing: A Critical Study
Halima Ali Ahmada, Dr. Mohammad Saleem, Dr. Andrew Diver, Dr. Ramesh Kumar

6400-6413 Factors Influencing the Demand for Services Among Management and Facilitators for Creative Tourism in the Next Normal Era: A Case Study of Three Religions, Three Rivers, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Thailand
Nathaphan Meemuk, Patcha Treemongkol, Suwannee Hongwijit, Nonthalee Boonthad Karoonyasiri, Kessiri Sakdanares, Parichat Thanareekul

6414-6424 Choosing a Subject Model and Types of Rights in the Registration of Customary Land in Bali and Its Legal Implications
I Made Suwitra, I Ketut Kasta Arya Wiyaja, Ni Made Jaya Senastri, Luh Kade Datrini, I Dewa Agung Ayu Maheswari, I Komang Natalegawa Putra

6425-6436 Dark Triad Traits and Marital Burnout among Couples
Abdelrahim Fathy Ismail, Rawan Abdul Mahdi Neyef Al-Saliti, Anwar Faisal Ahmed Hawari, Nizar Mohammad yousef alzubi, Omar Abdallah khawaldeh, Tamasy Sameer Hussien Sharadqah

6437-6452 Internationalisation and Cultural Aspects of Online Learning, Training, and Research
Sarkhan Jafarov

6453-6462 Comparative Analysis of Moringa Oleifera and Folic Acid in Preventing Liver Damage Induced by Acetaminophen in Rats; an Invivo Study
Devianti Dimalaya1, Elly Wahyudin, Mardiana Ahmad, Stang, Andi Nilawati Usman

6463-6482 Identifying the Needs for a Learning Model Based on Genre in English Language Teaching: A Mixed Method Approach
Nafisah Endahati, Margana, Anita Triastuti

6483-6497 Appointing Women as Arbitrators in Administrative and Commercial Disputes Resolution: Evidence from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Eltayeib Hussein Mahmoud Sharaf Addin, Dr. Abdullah Mushkus Almutairi

6498-6508 Structural Equation Modeling of Cultural Novelty Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intention of Products Processed from Local Cultural Resources in Thailand
Pachoke Lert-asavapatra, Hathaipan Soonthornpipit, Mooktra Thongves, Chompoo Saisema, Arpaporn Phokajang, Muhammad Shahid Khan

6509-6533 Islamic Social Finance as Alternative Mechanism for Well-being of the Community: A Bibliometric Analysis
Mohd Yahya Mohd Hussin, Asmak Abdul Rahman, Zuriadah Ismail, Fidlizan Muhammad, Azila Abdul Razak

6534-6542 The Impact of Stress on a Project Manager's Performance: Construction Companies in Banadir Region of Somalia
Mohamed Ali Ahmed, Abdirahman Mohamed Dahie, Abdulshakur Abdullahi Diiso

6543-6552 Does Internal Marketing Orientation and Training Transfer Enhance Customer Service Quality in Islamic banks? Evidence from Bangladesh
A.M.Shahabuddin, Mustafa Manir Chowdhury, Mohin Uddin, Nabila Islam, Joynal, Uddin, Mohammed Jashim Uddin, Muhammad Gias Uddin

6553-6560 A Hybrid Approach to Personalized Learning in the Educational Metaverse: “Data and Knowledge" Driven for Vocational Art and Design Students
He Yan, Li Moqin, Fu Bo

6561-6580 The Effect of a Workplace Health Promotion Program in Nurses: A Repeated Measures Design
Serap Açıkgöz, RN, PhD, Ayse Şaml, PhD, PHN, Prof.

6581-6591 Biological and Zoological Diversity and its Sustainable Uses with Human Welfare and Intellectual Property Rights: A Critical Appraisal
Ayushi Tiwari, Dr. Ramesh Kumar

6592-6601 Effect of Humanitarian Spending for National Economy in Wartime: Budgetary and Economic Aspects
Yurii Yeretin, Natalia Oharieva, Nina Petrukha, Bohdan Hudenko, Oksana Tsiupa

6602-6611 Public Sector Results Management in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Scientific Production in Scopus
Freddy Antonio Ochoa-Tataje, Robert Julio Contreras Rivera, Juan Carlos Cárdenas Valverde, Lenmy Stéphanie Ochoa Santos, Noemi Mendoza Retamozo, Freddy Cristopher Ochoa-Santos, Roque Juan EspinozaCasco

6612-6620 Technology and Educational Quality in College Students: A Bibliometric Review of Scopus
Freddy Antonio Ochoa-Tataje, Silvia Del Pilar Alza-Salvatierra, Noemi Mendoza Retamozo, María Soledad Alza Salvatierra, Rosalía Zarate Barrial, Lenmy Stéphanie Ochoa Santos, Roque Juan Espinoza-Casco

6621-6626 Effectiveness of Giving Moringa Oleifera and Folic Acid on Blood Cholesterol Levels in Rattus Novegicus
Citrawati Citrawati, Elly Wahyuddin, Mardiana Ahmad, Stang Stang, Andi Nilawati Usman

6627-6637 Advance Import Processing: A bibliometric study of Scopus
Roque Juan Espinoza-Casco, Tania Quiroz Quesada, Freddy Cristopher Ochoa Santos, Roxana Beatriz Gonzales Huaytahuilca, Jeidy Panduro-Ramirez, Miguel Antonio Basilio-Rosario, Rafael Romero-Carazas

6638-6653 Global Assistance to Ukraine amidst Russian Aggression: Political, Military, and Economic Dimensions
Nataliia Kuzminets, Olena Chernyshevych, Vitalii Nestor, Olena Banchuk-Petrosova, Serhii Piddubnyi

6654-6671 The Impact of Applying Human Engineering Principles on Sustainable Performance in Iraqi Industrial Companies: A Research in the Energy Sector
Bahira Shakir Salman, Dhouib Diala

6672-6680 The Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation in Enhancing Employee Performance at Private Manufacturing Organisations in The Klang Valley, Malaysia: A Preliminary Study
Irmohizam Ibrahim, Norhasni Zainal Abiddin

6681-6710 The Impact of Citizens’ Involvement on Perceived City Brand Image: the Mediating Role of Satisfaction and Sense of Belonging to the Place
Abderrahmane MOUSSTAIN, Ezzohra BELKADI

6711-6718 The Impact of ESG Factors on Stock Prices in Family-Owned Businesses: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand
Rawida Wiriyakitjar, Thitapon Ousawat, Chanatip Lekhakul, Atipong Bumalayu

6719-6725 The Impact of Moringa Oleifera and Folic Acid on Reducing Blood Glucose Levels in Alloxan-Induced Rattus Norvegicus
Filza Azalia, Elly Wahyudin, Mardiana Ahmad, Stang Stang, Andi Nilawati Usman

6726-6740 Prediction of Filter Cake / Hole Wash-Out for Oil-Based Mud Wells Using Three Different Machine Learning Models
Ali S. Hammad, Said K. Elsayed, Omar S. Mahmoud

6741-6748 Examining the Mediating Role of Educators' Capacities in the Relationship between International Management and TCM Curriculum Systems
Liang Shaoshuai, Sheiladevi Sukumaran

6749-6757 Correlation between Activity Limitations due to Musculoskeletal Reasons and Grip strength in Korean Early- stage and Late-stage Elderly
Kyeongbong Lee, Hyolyun Roh

6758-6771 The Development of Music Recreation Therapy for Students’ Stress, using of Music Activity Learning Methods
Huimin Liang, Pramote Phokha

6772-6779 The Relationship between the Level of Knowledge about Menstruation and the Level of Anxiety about Facing Menarche in Adolescents
Fitriati Sabur, Syaniah Umar, Muhammad Saleng, Farming, Kartini, Sri Sujarwaty, Nancy Olii, Puspita Sumawaty Rasyid, YusniPodungge, Endah Yulianingsih, Agussalim

6780-6793 Influence of International Management Strategy and Curriculum on Traditional Chinese Medicine Curriculum: Preliminary Findings from Public Vocational Colleges in Shandong Province, China
Liang Shaoshuai, Sheiladevi Sukumaran

6794-6814 Analysis on LGBTQ+ Bullying Experiences and Terminology Perceptions in Philippines: Bases for Institutional and Educational Program or Policy
Joseph C. Barrera, Paulane R. Navalta, Mary Joy M. Austria, April G. Santos, Catherine Anne P. Atutubo, Donna A. Volante, Madona O. Mateo, Maria C. Tabago, Joy D. Mangabay

6815-6833 Antecedent Factors of Entrepreneurial Business Success: A Systematic Literature Review
Maheran Zakaria, Marziana Madah Marzuki, Wan Zurina Nik Abdul Majid, Abdulsamad Alazzani, Ousama Abdulrahman Abbas Anam

6834-6849 Investment Resilience: A Study of Mutual Fund Performance in Malaysia’s Islamic vs. Conventional Sector
Haider Mohammed Baniata, Mohammad Othman, Ahmad A. I. Shajrawi, Anas Ahmad Bani Atta, Ahmad Bani Ahmad, Mithkal Hmoud Alqaraleh

6850-6860 Eleutherin palmifolia Bulb Extract (EPBE) Reduce Diarrhea Symtomps and Increases Histopathology of Duodenum of Male Mice (Mus musculus)
Siti Khadijah Nawir, Sulfahri, Anna Khuzaimah

6861-6872 Optimal Management of Working Capital in East Java Women's Cooperatives: Exploring the Role of Activity Ratios and Profitability
Yuli Agustina, Anggi Icha Larasati, Subagyo, Lulu Nurul Istanti, Fadia Zen, Mohammed A. Husain

6873-6883 Proposed Management Model and Policies Inspired by PMDG Administration for Private Islamic Schools in the Deep South of Thailand
Afifi Lateh, Jarunee Thongsuk, Daniya Machae, Abdunkareem Masae, Alawee Lateh, Narida Khongpheng, Rohani Pooteh

6884-6905 The Impact of Big Data Capability on Business Model Transformation: Mediated by Knowledge Renewal and moderated by Resource slack
Luan Lu,Sze-Ting Chen,XianQun Zhou

6906-6916 Development of Integrating Innovation of Education Technology Model in Chinese Higher Education Institutions
Yang Yang, Sirirat Petsangsri, Thanin Ratana-Olarn, Jianming Cui

6917-6930 Warming the Globe or Global Warming? Revisiting the Question of Global Warming and Climate Security in Ogoniland
Olawale Olufemi AKINRINDE , Kayode Wakili OLAWOYIN, Lawrence Ogechukwu OBOKOH, Comfort WURUKESEYE

6931-6945 Exploring the Role of Neurotoxicants (iNOS and HSP90) in the Development of Psychiatric Diseases
Ibrahim Abdul Jaleel Yamani, Izzeldeen Alnaimi, Ahed J Alkhatib, Suleiman Alnaimi

6946-6951 Perceptions of Service Quality in Latin American State Institutions
Freddy Antonio Ochoa-Tataje, Robert Julio Contreras Rivera, Juan Carlos Cárdenas Valverde, Lenmy Stéphanie Ochoa Santos, Rosalía Zarate Barrial, Freddy Cristopher Ochoa-Santos

6952-6964 Inclusive or Exclusive Democracy? Interrogating Structural Violence in Elections in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic
Moyosoluwa Dele-Dada, Daniel Gberevbie, Fadeke Olu-Owolabi

6965-6977 Adoption of Industry 4.0 Technology in Resources Administration on Construction Projects
Amusan Lekan, Nkwo Talitha Urenna, Aigbavboa Clinton, Joshua Opeyemi

6978-6991 A Threat to Sustainable HealthCare Services? Examining the Effect of Structural Violence on the Policy Outcomes of Lagos State Health Insurance Scheme among Enrolled Junior Officers in the Lagos State Ministry of Works and Infrastructure
Moyosoluwa Dele-Dada, Daniel Gberevbie, Fadeke Olu-Owolabi, Abolaji Atobatele

6992-7004 The Health Communication Effect of Packaging Design: A Systematic Literature Review
Liu Xiaotong, Normah Mustaffa, Emma Mirza Wati Mohamad, Wang Jingyao

7005-7014 Sustainable Soybean Farming Policy
Yuli Saputra, Aliudin, Asih Mulyaningsih, Tatang Sutisna

7015-7028 Mapping the Challenges and Strategy Developing Local Gastronomy Tourism
Made Ardika, Gede Sri Darma, Mahyuni

7029-7045 The Influence of Leader's Communication on Employee Turnover Intention in Micro-Enterprise in Sichuan province, China
Tingfeng Zhou, Alireza Mohammadi, Nanxi Liu, Amer Hamzah Jantan, Sun He, Shyam Bihari Goyal

7046-7059 Impact of Cooperation between Internal and External Auditors on Internal Audit Effectiveness in Moroccan Public Companies: Analysis using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Nacer Mahouat, Mehdi Gharrafi, El idrissi Zineb, Haoudi Wissal, Boumour Rachida, Boualam Abdelaziz, Mehdi Zaim

7060-7069 Land Acquisition and Community Empowerment through the CSR Program of PT Pertamina Refinery and Petrochemical Project (PT PRPP) For the Construction of the Oil Refinery Grass Root Refinery in Tuban Regency
Fhou Yuan Lee, Ana Silviana, Mira Novana Ardani

7070-7085 From “Domestic” to “Public” Spaces: Transformation of Rural Isan Women Prior to Joining the Social Movement Resisting State Policies in Northeastern Thailand between 1950-1990
Kittikan Hankun

7086-7095 Organizational and Legal Cooperative Aspects between Government and Public Institutions as a Key Factor in the Formation of an Efficient and Transparent State Administration System
Serhii Shatrava, Serhii Vylkov, Yevhen Sobol, Vitaly Kondratenko, Alexey Drozd, Marina Azhazha, Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Olexandr Chernenko

7096-7106 The Role of Voluntary Disclosure in Raising the Value of Industrial Companies Listed on the Amman Stock Exchange
Ma’in Khaled Almashaqbeh, Roshaiza Taha

7107-7114 Optimization of Home Industry Products in Gempol Kolot Village in Regional Market Competition Karawang Regency
Gun Gun Gumilar, Indah Laily Hilmi, Wida Ningsih

7115-7135 A Systematic Literature Review of the External Audit Reliance Issues
Dr. Iyad Husni Mohammed Ismail

7136-7141 The Land Law 2024 - Some Inadequacies need to be completed towards Efficient Development of Land Resources
Nguyen Thanh Phuong, Tran Thi Thu Van

7150-7164 Leveraging AI-Powered Neural Machine Translation to Bridge the Gap: Translating Arabic Islamic Terminology into English
Dr. Antar Fuad Ali Alharazi, Sukainah Hasan Saleh Alhebshi, Dr .Najib Radman Masood Taleb

7165-7187 Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences in Developing and Using Science Comics as Educational Materials for Elementary Science Education
Peter Paul Canuto, Randy Pagdawan, Marites Choycawen, Deborah Lumecio, Nicola Dupais

7204-7211 Environmental Issues According to the Multilateral Agreements and Reality in Vietnam
Le Vuong Long, Bùi Thị Đào

7212-7222 A Pragmatic Analysis of Negative Politeness Strategies Employed by Jordanian Professors
Shafiq Banat, Mouad Mohammed Al-Natour, Zakaryia Almahasees, Natheer Mohammad Ahmad Al- Omari

7223-7244 Development and Efficacy of Adaptive Personalised Learning Environments: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Ibrahim Adam, Tengku Putri Norishah Tengku Shariman, Zainudin Siran

7245-7263 Prospective Teachers’ AI Literacy and Responsible Use of AI in Assignment Writing
Priyadarshini Muthukrishnan, Ah Choo Koo, Ranjini Kunalan, Aravind B. R., Raja Kumar.S5, Vadivel, B.

7264-7280 Teachers’ Competency in Utilizing Google Classroom as an LMS in Vocational Education
Asma Nur Fatihah Mohd Noor, Wan Omar Ali Saifuddin Wan Ismail, Wan Marfazila Wan Mahmud, Norliza Ab Halim, Sharizal Ahmad Sobri

7281-7291 Prototype Development of a Gamified Virtual Environment for Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment
Albert Truong, Rong Jin

7292-7302 Satisfaction of Mobility Students on Interdisciplinary Approach in Awareness Program for Forest Conservation and Recycle Activities
Siti Suriawati Isa, Junita Shariza Mohd, Siti Salwa Isa, Abu Ali, Nor Lelawati Jamaludin

7303-7315 Contributing Factors to Job Preparedness among Undergraduate Students: A Rapid Review
Teoh Sian Hoon, Leele Susana Jamian, Nurhayani Romeo, Mohammad Hafiz Mohd Yusof, Koo Ah Choo

7316-7327 Effects of Pedagogical Agent on Learner’s Cognitive Load and Intrinsic Motivation: A Systematic Literature Review
Mohammad Dzulsyafiq Mohammad Yusoff, Anuar Mohd Yusof, Aliff Afiq Mohd Anuar, Nor Sofiatul Akma Jamaludin, Mohammad Syukran Kamal Ruzzaman

7328-7337 Ascertaining the Effect of Ambidextrous Leadership on Business Agility of the Public Companies
Nopriadi Saputra

7338-7350 Addressing Linguistic Harassment: Repercussions of Terms like 'Dear' and 'Sayang' in Reinforcing Gender Inequality
Siti Marshita Binti Mahyut, Iryani Akmal binti M. Bakri, Harchana A/P Lingesvaran, Darsyaini A/P Sandiagu, Visalli A/P Nandha Kumar, Maithilli A/P Nagalingam, Amerenthiran A/L Anantha Murugan

7351-7366 Protecting Children's Rights in the Age of Digitalisation - Legal Implications for the Best Interests of the Chil
Lilla Garayova

7367-7382 Usability Study of GenAI for English Learning in VR
Bee Sian Tan, Shen Hoi Ong, Khin Huat Tan, Andrew, Thein Lai, Wong, P Sharimila Bai AP Pandurenga Rao

7383-7388 Evaluating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Work Ethics within Malaysian Regulatory Bodies
Muhammad Athari Bin Ismail, Mei Ling Goh

7389-7400 Digitalization in Education as a Means to Fulfil International Obligations of the State Regarding the Right to Education Without Segregation or Discrimination
Katarína Šmigová

7401-7411 A Micro-Wind Turbine Selection Using A Multi-Criteria Method
Víctor Daniel Cuenca Cuadros, Juan Carlos Ortiz Cuellar, Juan Gonzalo Ardila Marín

7412-7428 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Personalized Learning in Education: A Systematic Review
Sun Jiali, Fatima Dayo, Gui Jun, Liu Shuangyao, Suman Najam

7429-7441 Evaluation of the Potential for Sustainable Agritourism Development in the Red River Delta and Northeasten Coastal Zone, Vietnam
Nga Nguyen Thi Phuong, Phan Trinh Thi, Thuy Dao Thanh, Xuan Dao Thanh

7442-7477 Educational Big Data Analytics: Machine Learning Based Academic Performance Predictive Modelling
Ng Yi Ling, Ting Tin Tin, Teoh Chong Keat, Umar Farooq Khattak, Mohammed Amin Almaiah

7478-7486 Improving Legal Protection for People with Mental Illness: Addressing Confinement Practices and Promoting Human Rights Protections
Edi Sutikno, Sigit Irianto, Anggraeni Endah Kusumaningrum, Afif Noor

7487-7500 Evaluating AI Educational Interventions: Impact on Student Satisfaction and Performance in Higher Education Islamic Studies
Sami Ghazzai Alsulami, Abdulrahman Awdah Albeladi, Shouket Ahmad Kouchay, Abdullah Ali Altammam Mohammed Yousef Afifi, Reem Thabet Muhammad Al-Qahtani, Ibraheem Khaled Alnejaidi

7501-7513 An Analysis of Factors Contributing to Thailand’s Chumphon Province Farmer Livelihood
Papangkorn Suwannao, Watcharin Sutthisai, Somkiet Kietjareon, Ratchanida Saiyaros, Sathitkoon Boonruan

7514-7521 A Comparative Analysis of BOT and BO Systems in Infrastructure Development: Case Studies from Egypt and Saudi Arabia
Mona Omran, Ibrahem Omran, Duaa Hijazi, Emran Alzubi, Renad Aldmour

7522-7536 Social Media Influence on Tourist Destination Choices among the Students of Higher Education
Dhrubajyoti Bordoloi, Rajendra Nath Babu Murathoti, Boyillapalli Venkata Rao, Ditalak Mpanme

7537-7548 The impact of team talent optimization on social performance of educational organization in Heilongjiang Province, China: The mediating role of resilient capability
Xuesong Wang, Suraporn Onputtha, Chotima Jotikasthira

7549-7563 Examining the Impact of Pedagogical Agents on Student Performance in Mathematics
Clara Susaie, Choo-Kim Tan

7564-7575 Competencies of Strategic Planning of Jordanian School Principals and Its Relationship with Crisis Management from the Teachers' Perspective
Hala Farouq Kaddour, Ilham Ali Shalabi, Amjad Mahmoud. Daradkah

7576-7593 The Training Needs among Recitation and Intonation Teachers at the Holy Qur’an Preservation Society amid the 21st Century Skills: Teachers’ Perspective
Jehad Zabalawi, Ilham Ali Shalabi, Amjad Mahmoud. Daradkah

7594-7610 The Effectiveness of Distance Learning and Blended Learning in Jordanian Universities: A Comparative Study
Ikhlas Abdulqadir Al-Shamalti, Ilham Shalabi, Amjad M. Daradkah

7611-7625 The Effect of Pictures and Drawings on Developing Visual literacy in Art Education Among Fifth Grade Students in Jordan
Hadeel Suliman Al Ashran, Ilham Ali Shalabi, Amjad Mahmoud. Daradkah

7626-7638 The Degree of Inclusion of Global Citizenship Values in Social and National Education Textbooks in the Preparatory Stage: Teachers’ Perspective
Khetam Hussein Al-Asakrah, Ilham Ali Shalabi, Amjad Mahmoud. Daradkah

7639-7652 Aggregate-Level Accounting Information Contains GDP Incremental Information: The Case of China
Mu Sun, Cristina del Campo, Julián Chamizo-González, Elena Urquía-Grande

7653-7664 Innovation of Visual Communication Design Mode Based on Internet of Things and Sustainable Development
WenQian Cui, KieSu Kim

7665-7674 Application of Image Processing Supported by Information Technology in Classroom Teaching Mode
Xiujuan Liang, Haixu Ji

7675-7687 The Study of Tourist Attractions in the 5 Provinces of Upper Part of Northeastern, Thailand to be Sustainable Tourism Development
Noppadol Dharawanij, Patteera Pantaratorn

7689-7700 Self-awareness in 19th-century Azerbaijani literature
Vugar Teymurkhanli, Yadulla Alakbarov

7701-7714 Designing a Mobile Blended Reading Circle Model to Enhance English Reading Ability and Attitude: A Needs Assessment Study
Lin Qie, Sirirat Petsangsri, Kanyarat Sriwisathiyakun

7715-7731 Symbolism in Ritual: An Example of Teochew Opera Performance Among the Malaysian Chinese
Lin Ziqiao, Ang Mei Foong, Chieng Julia

7732-7748 Research on the Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Job Reshaping on the Innovative Behavior of Vocational College Teachers in China
Tengqiao Kong, Hsuan-Po Wang

7749-7762 Educational Tourism as a Suggested Strategy to Enhance the Competitiveness of Saudi Universities (Tabuk University as a Model)
Prof. Khalifah Hammad Albalawi

7763-7775 How Loyalty is Mediating Customer Satisfaction in Islamic Microfinance Institutions
Asokan Vasudevan, M. Qoshid Al Hadi, Akhmad Hulaify, Yunisa Fitriana, Parman Komarudin, Ilisa Fajriyati, Padli

7776-7792 Tourism Experience and Tourist Satisfaction Impacted on Revisit Intention: A Case Study of Tongling Grand Canyon Scenic Area, Jingxi City, China
Shijun Xu, Winitra Leelapattana, Chin-Fa Tsai, Suthira Sitthikun

7793-7808 The Effectiveness of Mathematical Modeling in Developing Problem Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy in Mathematics Among Sixth Grade in Palestine
Moath Saleem Rasheed Omar, Amani Saleh Hassan Raiyan, Hesham Abd-Alrahman Shanaa, Mosab "Mohammad Jamal" Aboushi

7809-7819 Retirement Plans and Retiree’s Investment Decision in Thailand: A Study of What Informs Retiree’s Pension Investment
Rudsada Kaewsaeng-on, Prajuab Tongsri, Ongcaruttiya Kittichotwattana, Saqib Mehmood

7820-7831 The Role of Epistemology in Engineering-Based Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
Jorge Paucar Luna, Christoffer Villar Naccha, Karen Tevez Chuquiruna, Orestes Cachay Boza, Christian Bendezu Mejia

7832-7843 Compliance with Government Regulations and Board of Directors’ Responsibilities in Saudi Arabia
Emad Ahmad Abousud

7844-7856 Prediction of University Student Satisfaction in the Educational Experience Using Decision Trees and Logistic Regression: A Comparative Analysis
Milton Antonio López-Cueva, Soledad Jackeline Zegarra-Ugarte, Edward Hipolito Torres-Pacheco, Rodolfo Fredy Arpasi-Chura, Porfirio Enríquez-Salas, Peregrino Melitón López-Paz

7857-7863 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Abnormal Placentation- Emphasis on the Bulge, Breach, Bands, and Blood Vessels
Dr. Khawaja Bilal Waheed, Dr. Saulat Sarfraz, Dr. Alaa Ali Ghaithan Almaimoni, Dr. Lama Dawood Aldawood4, Dr. Sarah Abdulaziz Almoaibed, Dr. Roaa Mohammed Algowiez, Dr. Abdullah Hussain, Dr. Jumana Husain Masoudi, Zoha bilal, Zechriah Jebakumar Arulanatham

7864-7871 Strategic Proposals for the Development of Professional Community Health Communicators of Muslim Women Village Health Volunteers in the Southern Border Provinces, Thailand
Tawatchai Sunthonnon, Narong Chaitiang, Yutthana Yaebkai, Kongprai Tunsuchart

7872-7887 The Role of Social Media Communication in the Enforcement of Jadara University Students’ Educational Values from their Viewpoint
Basel H. Menazal, Raquel Sánchez Ruiz, Muyassar R. ALAzzam

7888-7898 Empowering Enterprises; From NPLs to No Problem: How Investment Literacy Saves the Day!
Siti Zuraidah Zainal, Mohd Rahimie Abdul Karim, Zeti Suzila Mat Jusoh, Noor Azura Ahmad Shauri, Nor Aziah Sulaiman

7899-7914 The Predictive Ability of Mindfulness and Organisational Integrity among Secondary School Principals in Teachers' Hardiness in AlRamtha District from The Teachers' Perspective
Rawan Khader Abu Shaqra

7915-7922 The Impact of (NON) Urbanization on the Environment and Public Health: A Case Study of The Urban Area of the City of Peja, Kosovo
Binak Beqaj, Hazir S. Çadraku

7923-7934 Bark Beetle Outbreaks: Economic, Ecological Impacts, and Allelochemicals in Management
Muhammad Zubair Ashraf, Kanakachari Mogilicherla

7935-7949 The Effect of the Duty-Oriented Leadership Style of the Coaches on the Level of Commitment and Ethical Decision-Making of the Players of the Iraqi National Athletics Team with the Mediating Role of Team Satisfaction
Najah Al-Husseini, Seyed Mohammad Kashef, Roghayeh Sarlab

7950-7964 The Impact of Digital Marketing on Electronic Businesses from a Supply Chain Perspective
Varadaraj Aravamudhan, Belal Mahmoud AlWadi, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, K. Mohanasundaram, Baker Ibrahim Alkhlaifat, Ibrahim Ezmigna, Iyyad Zahran

7965-7978 Professional Risk Mapping In the Intensive Care Unit of Hassan II Hospital in Settat, Morocco
Abdessamad OUASFI, Khalid RAKIB, Abdellah GANTARE

7979-7989 Workplace Dynamics: Exploring the Intersection of Organizational Climate, Justice Perception, and Work Engagement
Marina, I Gede Riana, Ni Putu Saroyini Piartini, Ida Bagus Ketut Surya

7990-8005 Extent of Getting Generative AI Accommodated by Traditional Intellectual Property Laws (Comparative Analytical Study)
Rania S, Azab, HosamEldin H. Ismail

8006-8014 Empowering Communities: The Role of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOS) In Education and Welfare Development in Malaysia
Norhasni Zainal Abiddin

8015-8020 Customary Traditional Architecture in the M’zab Valley
Barkat Omar, Zaaba Omar, Zahira Djemiet

8021-8029 The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in the Economic Transformation of Developing and Arab Countries
Younis Mohammad Salameh Al Khaza'leh, Mohammad Soud Hussein Alelaimat, Suhaib Mohammed AlKhazaleh

8041-8058 Psychological Capital Related to Well-being among Teachers: A Systematic Literature Review
Yanran Zhang, Siti Balqis Binti Mohd Azam, Zahari Bin Ishak

8059-8067 Land Rights as Shares in a Mining Business License-Holding Company
Wa Ode Intan Kurniawati, Abrar Saleng, Maskun, Ratnawati, Sarni, Asri Sarif

8068-8082 Corporate Financial Distress in the Context of Sustainability Performance and Managerial Ownership: Does Gender Diversity Matter?
Imelda Yunita, Lidya Agustina

8083-8092 Musical Inheritance and Identity Formation of The Suphanburi Basin Piphat Mon Ensemble
Pathaiphan Peungboon Na Ayutthaya, Chalermsak Phikulsi, Jatuporn Seemuang

8093-8105 The Impact of Enterprise Innovation on Enterprise Environmental Performance: From the Perspective of Internal Corporate Governance
Deyang Jing, Nazimah Hussin, Rafidah Othman, Xiaodong Dai

8106-8112 The Digital Family Culture and Its Influence on Child Electronic Guidance: A Case Study of Selected Families
Lebbihi Khadidja

8113-8129 Digital and Social Interaction: A Systematic Literature Review of TikTok's Appeal via Uses and Gratifications Theory
Shengwei Du, Norliana Hashim, Syafila Kamarudin

8130-8148 Unveiling the Captivating Biomechanics of Elite Sports Dance: A Deep Dive into the Kinetics 600 Dataset
Keyin Liu

8149-8162 A Comparative Analysis of Current Developments in Studies on the System Secures the Social Sustainability
Yujing Lan, Guan Huang

8163-8170 Boon or Bane of Medical Tourism: A Malaysian Perspective
Wong Chee Hoo, Jayaraman, Munusamy, Tharmarajah Nagalingam, Christian Wiradendi Wolor, Manoch Prompanyo

8171-8179 Determination of Pre-Service Teachers' Opinions on Moodle Lesson Management System Application
Dervişe Amca Toklu, Pınar Akçaba

8180-8189 Testing the Effectiveness of Dayak Onion Extract (Eleutherine palmifolia (L) On Mucosa Gastroprotective Activitygumble and Histopathology of Male Mouse (Mus Musculus) Which Is Induced Aspirin
Ilham, Anna khuzaimah, Yenni yusuf

8190-8198 Understanding Purchase Intentions for Solar Street Lighting in Thailand: The Impact of Regulatory and Political Factors
Zheng Wang, Torsangrasmee Teetakaew, Amnuay Saengnoree

8199-8211 Agricultural Water-Saving and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources Led by Rural Tourism Development
Jiying Su

8213-8224 Determinants Influencing the Implementation of Social Responsibility Accounting in Universities
Le Thi Thanh Hai, Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc, Do Minh Thanh, Do Duc Tai, Ha Thi Thu Phuong

8225-8239 The Conceptual Framework for Developing Packaging Designs of Traditional Heritage Foods from the Visual Aspect
Andi Farid Hidayanto, Basyarah Hamat, Nik Shahman Bin Nik Ahmad, Mochammad Junaidi Hidayat, Mafazah Noviana

8240-8252 The Dialect of (fleas ate me) "Aklooni Al-Baragheeth" and Its Impact on the Arabic Language
Ali Khalifa A. Abdullatif, Osman M. Osman ElhajKona

8270-8282 Facebook Commerce Issues in Thailand and Precautionary Benchmarks
Chatchai Leenawong, Bunthit Watanapa, Pornvarat Suwichachanan

8283-8298 Elimination of Financial Waste and its Social Effects during the Reign of the Caliph Omar Ibn Abdul Azīz (99-101 AH): A Historical and Cultural Study
Dr. Salih Maddah Aljedani

8315-8335 School Management System (SPS): Factors Affecting School Effectiveness
Wan Marfazila Wan Mahmud, Habibah Ab. Jalil

8336-8349 Circular Economy in Customizable Furniture: Applying Norm Activation Model and the Impact of Green Product Perception to Willingness to Pay More
Asyarotul Mubarokah, Bobby Alexander Riady, Evi Rinawati Simanjuntak

8350-8357 The application of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey to the Sri Lankan Award-Winning Classic film "Purahanda Kaluwara" ("Death on a Full Moon Day")
Zhong Jianbin

8358-8368 Comparison of Caesarean Delivery between Two Teaching Hospital in Surabaya Based on the Robson Classification Period of 2023: A Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy Patients
Edikta, Muhammad Ardian Cahya Laksana, Budi Prasetyo

8369-8385 TIC´S As a Pedagogical Resource for The Development of Teachers' Learning Sessions
Eduardo Arturo Cordova-Villar, Teddy Johnnie Salas-Matos, Zenón Manuel López-Robles, Mario AstucuriQuispe

8405-8430 Factors Influencing the Perception of Communication Practitioners in Saudi Journalism Regarding the Elements and Components of Saudi Vision 2030: A Survey Study
Thouraya Snoussi, Mutlaq bin Saud Al-Mutairi, Abdulaziz Nawaf AlLughaysim, Omer Jawad Abduljabbar

8431-8438 Implications of Agricultural Land Conversion on Food Production and the Environment: A Normative Legal Perspective
Wan Livia Delicia, Syamsul Bachri, Abrar Saleng, Marwah

8439-8447 Rooted in Tradition, Shaped by Experience: Exploring Identity Formation in Youth Raised Within 'Gonyalelwa Lapa'
Kabekwa Mmoledi, Malesa Kgashane Johannes

8448-8461 Local Wisdom-Based Tourism Development Model Through Exploration of Dayak Culture at the Isen Mulang Cultural Festival in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Kumpiady Widen, Muhammad Zusanri Batubara, Atem Atem, M. Syaeful Anam, Iman Irawansyah, Suprayitno

8462-8469 Policies for Sustainable Agricultural Development: International Experiences and Strategic Recommendations for Vietnam
To Thien Hien, Doan Quoc Bao

8470-8486 Application of Diversified Teaching Strategies in University Physical Education Courses
Ruiyan Wang, Ganbat Danaa

8487-8505 Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction and Competitive Advantage between Quality Management Practices and Sustainable Performance: A Conceptual Framework for Hospitals in Guangxi, China
Jieru Quan, Muhammad Shahid Khan

8506-8517 Research on the Relationship between Green Supply Chain Management and Corporate Sustainable Performance in Manufacturing Enterprises
Qiujie Zhang, Zilin Wu

8518-8528 Understanding the Role of Company Culture and Human Resource Policies on Innovative Work Practice: A Field Study among Women Workers in South India's IT Industry
Punitha K, Enock I, Monisha L, Rajkamal S, Priya R, Janis Bibiyana K

8529-8542 The Impact of AI on Nursing Workload and Stress Levels in Critical Care Settings
Khaldoon Aied Alnawafleh

8543-8546 Constitutional Underpinnings of Substantive Criminal Law: A Comparative Analysis of Egypt and Saudi Arabia
Mona Omran, Renad Aldmour, Duaa Hijazi, Emran Alzubi

8547-8562 Cross-Cultural Verification of the Emotional Labor Scale of Aesthetic Education Teachers in Chinese Universities
Ying Weng, Ooi Boon Keat

8563-8578 Exploring Post-Pandemic 'New-Normal' Behavior and Its Influence on Resilience among Chinese Employees
Xiang You, Shanshan Wang, Hsuan-Po Wang, Peng-Fei Chen

8579-8596 The Impact of Hotel Employees’ Involvement on Enhancing Customer Experience: The Mediating Role of Customer Value Co-creation
Hussein Mohamad Almurad, Eman Abdel Hameed Hasnin

8597-8605 Targeting Potential Tumor Biomarker for Therapeutic Target of Urothelial Carcinoma: Β-Catenin, the Promising One Potential Biomarker for Urothelial Carcinoma
Rininta Rizky Apriliani Hutapea, Anny Setijo Rahaju, Heriyawati, Aditya Sita Sari

8606-8621 The Effect of Multi-Dimensional PCSR on Purchase Intention and eWOM among Vietnamese Young Consumers: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Thanh-Huong Nguyen, Dinh-Han Pham

8622-8634 From Distraction to Dedication: The Paradoxical Effects of Social Media on Student Academic Performance
Weixing Zhang

8652-8670 A Modern View of Marx's Ecological Philosophy
Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Ngo Thi Huyen Trang, Nguyen Thị Nguyet

8671-8686 The Causal Relationship of the Application of the BCG Economic Model Affecting the Competitive Advantage and Performance of Community Enterprise
Chanyaphak Lalaeng, Sukanya Wongkaeo

8687-8705 The Ideology of Giving in Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi's Speeches: A Study in Light of Critical Discourse Analysis
Dr.Moustafa Mohamed Abouelnour, Dr. Amna Musabbeh ALQaydi, Dr.Mohammad Issa Alhourani, Mr.Sadeq Mahmoud Telfah, Dr.Mohammed Abou Adel

8706-8714 Leader Social Capital in Firms: Perspectives from the Association of Occupation Ingredients
Le Thi Hai Ha, Pham Thi Thuy Van, Le Van Luyen, Bui Van Can

8715-8723 Comparative Evaluation of Leader Social Capital in Real Estate Firms
Le Quang Trung, Le Trung Thanh, Do Thi Ngoc Lan, To Xuan Hung

8724-8744 Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Accounting-based Performance of Acquiring Firms in Saudi Arabia
Dr. Abdul Malik Syed, Doaa AlJedani, Dr. Mahdy Othman

8745-8750 Amended Requirement for Contractual Liability in the Egyptian Civil Code
Dr. Nahla Ahmed Fawzi Elbarhimiy

8751-8757 A Review of the Implementation of Dispute Settlement of Indonesian Migrant Workers Placement by the Central Java Provincial Labor Dispute Settlement Service Center
Amalia Kristanti, Nabitatus Sa’adah, Suhartoyo

8758-8767 Rhythms of Identity: A Comparative Study of Bertitik and MongigolSumundai Music in Bajau Samah and Rungus Communities on Sabah's Northwest Coast, Malaysia
Mohd Hassan Abdullah, Mohd Azam Sulong, Mohd Nizam Nasrifan, Suflan Faidzal Arshad, Nor Azman Mohd Ramli

8768-8784 The Rights of the Mentally and Psychologically Ill Child in the Algerian and the Comparative Legislations
Sd Benharrat Mohammed Hani, Dr Maza Abla

8785-8790 The Criminal Liability of Artificial Intelligence Entities
Jafar Ali Hammouri, Ali Abd Alah Almahasneh, Khaled Mohammad Khwaileh, Mishael M. Al-Raggad

8791-8798 Prevention of Military Stress Fractures using the hadMCS Strategy Approach in Health Resilience Projections in National Defence: Preliminary Research
Arif Rachman, Tjahja Nurrobi, Alfa Januar Krista, Nadia Permatasari, Muhammad Dimas Reza

8799-8807 Acceleration of Healing of TB Patients through Dietary Supplements on Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs
Arif Rachmana, Arfiyanti

8808-8821 Supply Chain Management Practices and Their Impact on Competitive Advantage of Turkish SMEs
Halit Şahin, Danya RAOUF BEK

8822-8833 Tracking Mental Health: A Social Semiotic Analysis of Instagram Discourse go
Scholastica A. Anake, Lily Chimuanya, Paulinus N. Nnorom, Charles U. Ogbulo

8834-8849 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Organizational Agility in Industrial Companies: The Moderating Role of Dynamic Capabilities
Dua'a Riyad Mohammad Aweidah

8850-8862 An Exploratory Analysis of how Vocaloid’s Synthesized Vocals can be used as an Innovative Music Education Method in Teaching Sight–Singing
Norrasate Udakarn, Remi Namtep

8863-8873 Factors Influencing Rice Farmers’ Interest in Certified in Gatarang Subdistrict, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Alif Munandar, Rahim Darma, Muhammad Hatta Jamil, Nursyami Nisa’a

8874-8886 Evaluation of Community Tourism Activities in Cai Lay district, Tien Giang Province Based on ASEAN Community Tourism Standards
Nguyen Anh Ngoc

8887-8894 Digital transformation of lecturers at universities in Hanoi
Mai Thi Ha

8895-8906 European Arrest Warrant and Protection of Нuman Rights: Problem Questions of Application in Context Practice of the CJEU
Oleksandr Shevchuk, Igor Samoshchenko, Svitlana Davydenko‚ Oleksandra Babaieva, Оlena VerhoglyadGerasymenko,Oleksii Marochkin

8907-8918 Climate Change and Urban Risks: Understanding and Analysing the Vulnerability of the City Of Brazzaville in the Republic Of Congo to Flooding in 2023
EMVOULOU Innocent Joachim, ATTIPO Reisch Vanel, GNONGBO Tak Youssif

8919-8927 Good and Sustainable Village Governance: Unpacking the Responsibilities of the Village Head
Sulaiman, Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih, Mashari, Afif Noor

8928-8944 Antecedents to Haidilao Hot Pot Restaurant Consumer Loyalty in Bangkok
Hairui Fan, Amnuay Saengnoree, and Surapong Siripongdee

8945-8951 Education Quality Assurance in Kosova according to EU Standards
Dr.sc. Mirvete Uka, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Safet Krasniqi, Dr.sc. Selvije Halimi, Dr.sc. Safete Hadergjonaj

8952-8957 A Study on Women Customers’ Financial Choice with Loyalty and Cross Buying Behavior towards Traditional Silk Sarees in Kancheepuram
S. Sivakavitha, K. Selvasundaram

8958-8975 The Effect of Green Products and Interior Design on Physically Disabled People's Quality of Life in Jordan
Habeeb Tbeishat, Ruwaidy Mat Rasul, Marzuki Bin Ibrahim, Bassam Mustafa Abdul-Rahman Tubishat

8976-8985 The Correlation of Exclusive and Non-Exclusive Asi on Stunting In The Context of State Defense: Initial Research on PCBM In Bogor District
Arfiyanti, Arif Rachman

8986-8996 Prevention Of Stunting In The First 450 Days Of Life (FDL) Through Fortification Of Tuna Fish Cake And Formula Programming In Supporting Indonesia's National Defense In The Health Sector
Arfiyanti, Arif Rachman

8997-9020 A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Rhetorical Figures (and other linguistic devices) in the Advertising Discourse
Mingchang Xie

9021-9029 Utilisation of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Developing Marketing Communication Strategies
Svitlana Reshmidilova, Kateryna Mykhaylyova, Anastasiia Savchuk, Viktoriia Stamat, Maryna Oslopova

9038-9046 Sports Business Management under Uncertainty and the Impact of Probabilistic Models on the Strategy Effectiveness in the Football Industry
Yaroslav Leonov, Ivan Semko, Valerii Kyselov, Myroslav Buryk

9047-9053 Enterprises' Responsibility to Pay Social Insurance for Employees in Vietnam
Tran Duc Thang, Tran Dung Hai

9067-9083 Digital Reading and Writing Disposition of Primary School Teachers
Nurhan Aktas, Ruhan Karadag Yilmaz

9084-9095 Pilot Study on Islamic Education Teachers' Perspectives on Mentoring Practices by the Head of the Islamic Education Panel and Their Impact on Teacher Quality
Kitikedizah Hambali, Mohd Sham Kamis, Maimun Aqsha Lubis Abdin Lubis, Khadijah Abdul Razak

9096-9102 The Impact of Self-Efficacy on Organizational Commitment with the Mediation of Altruistic Behavior in Special School Teachers
Arfan, Agung Dharmawan Buchdadi, Suparno

9103-9113 The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance in Diverse Work Environments: A Field Study on Saudi University Employees
Jamel Ali Arous, Bilal Louail, Nadya Ali Hima, Samar Ahmed ElRabbat, Mesud EssaTayeb

9114-9144 The Role of Analyzing Financial Statements in Making the Decision to Grant Credit in Saudi Commercial Banks. "Applied Analytical Study"
Dr. Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker, Dr. Amna Abd Alaal Khalid Ahmed, Dr. Zahra Ahmed Ismail, Dr. Aisha Badawi Abdelrhman

9145-9156 Macroeconomic Forces Shaping Kuwait’s Stock Market: A Time Series Analysis of an Oil-Dependent Economy
Ibraheem Alaskar, Musaed S. AlAli

9157-9172 A Study on the Intention to Use Digital Banking Services of Disadvantaged Groups in Hanoi
Pham Thi Huyen, Hoang Khanh Van, Vu Thuy Duong

9173-9191 Prospective Artificial Intelligence (AI) Applications in the University Education Level: Enhancing Learning, Teaching and Administration through a PRISMA Base Review Systematic Review
Rashed Hossain, Hossain Jaman Sohag, Farhatul Hasan, Shainjida Ahmed, Al- Amin, Md. Mominul Islam

9192-9202 Perceptions of Students of the Clinical Pathology Specialist Medical Education Program towards the Learning Environment: A Multi Methodology Study
Yuyun Widaningsih, Haerani Rasyid, Irawaty Djaharuddin, Budu, Alfian Zainuddin, Irfan Idris, Ichlas Nanang Afandi, Asty Amalia

9203-9213 Preferred Information Sources and Covid-19 Vaccine Acceptance: A Comparative Analysis of Television vs. Social Media
Evaristus Adesina, Abiodun Salawu, Babatunde Adeyeye

9229-9240 Digital Empowerment for High School Principals in Tulkarm Governorate – Palestine
Jafar Wasfi Abu Saa, Abeer Mohammed Sukker, Mahmoud Abu Samra

9241-9251 Natural Life Becomes Real Social Morality
Huynh Van Giau, Nguyen Anh Quoc

9252-9262 Exploring Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Using Video-Assisted In Basic Nursing Skills Teaching And Learning: A Qualitative Study
Siti Fatimah, Robinson Situmorang, Sukardjo Sukarjo, Richard Mottershead, Muhammad Arsyad Subu

9263-9281 Influence of Landscape Value on Urban Residents' Environmental Behavior in Henan, China: Mediating Role of Place Attachment
Xiaohui Guo, Ali Khatibi, Jacquline Tham

9282-9288 Oral Health-Related Quality Of Life in Diabetic Prosthodontic Patients
Vlora Berisha Salihi, Merita Barani Sveçla, Gordana Kovacevska, Merita Emini Sadiku, Ardian Salihi

9289-9298 Analysis of Tourism Economic Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors in the CCEC: An Empirical Study Based on SBM-DEA and Tobit Models
Yong Yin, Yonghong Wang, Feiren Wen, Xiaomeng Zhang, Dongyu Zhang

9311-9321 Definition and Legal Implications of the Crime of Unauthorized Entry of Foreigners a Comparative Study with Reference to the 2017 Foreign Residency Law
Ali Abd Mehdi Wasmi, Reza Nik Khah, Siamak Jafarzadeh

9322-9343 The Role Of Organizational Culture In Organization Performance : A Case Study of An Engineering Consultance SME Operating in Egypt During Covid Pandemic
Nermine Abdel Aziz Khedr, Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Bary, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abokhashaba, Associate Prof. Dr. Heba Sadek

9344-9357 Enterobacteriaceae Responsible For Acute Gastroenteritis in Children and Their Resistance to Systemic Antibiotics
Víctor Carhuapoma-Delacruz, Nicasio Valencia-Mamani, Mery Capcha-Huamani, Raúl Ureta-Jurado, Arnaldo Capcha-Huamaní, Mario Esparza

9358-9364 Evaluation of Internal Control of Village Fund as Fraud Prevention (Study on the Village of Branta Tinggi)
Assri Nuur Tri Oktafiyanti, Robiatul Auliyah

9365-9385 A Case Study Analysis of Bronze Collections in Museums for Cultural and Historical Significance
Yongli Dai, Mastura Haji Mohd Jarit, Mengjie Wang

9386-9393 A Phenomenological Expressionist Approach to Mixed Media Painting
Wang Yunlong, Mohd Fuad Md Arif, Zhang Shuwen

9394-9410 Research on the Current State of Capacity Building Management for Preschool Teachers in Vietnam Country
Thang Nguyen Bach, Tien Huynh Thanh, Hanh Le Thi Hong, Huyen Tran Thi

9411-9417 Exploring Nature-Based Education: The Impact on Preschool Children's Scientific Process Skills and Creativity
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şule Kavak

9432-9441 Interactive Discussion with Jigsaw and Roleplay Models for the Management of Recurrent Acute Respiratory Infections at the Mizan Amanah Orphanage, Malang City, Indonesia
Amalia Tri Utami, Yuni Fatmasari, Muhammad Revi Purnomosidi, Sheryl Virgonezt Viratama Fendia Rossa, Syarifa Nadia Mahzalefa, MSY Haura Kaiyyisah Zhafirah, Lucretia Zalfa Shabira, Agung Kurniawan, Anditri Weningtyas

9442-9449 A Critical Analysis of the Use of Classical Test Theory (CTT) in Psychological Testing: A Comparison with Item Response Theory (IRT)
Samy Meguellati, Adaika Samia, Ahmed Ferhat, Ahmed Djelloul, Zuoari Ahmed khalifa

9450-9457 Neural Network-Based Pneumonia Detection and Classification from Radiographic Images
Jianlan Ren, Vladimir Y. Mariano

9458-9470 Reading Competitions and Their Role in Enhancing Creativity
Haitham M Altaany, Aiman A Jarah, Bashar A Jarah

9471-9483 Factors Driving the Adoption and Application of Internet-Based Bank Services with Special Emphasis on e-Banking. Utilizing the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM's) Structure
Aisha Badawi Abdelrhman, Mesud Essa Tayeb, Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker, Manal Ibrahim Ahmed Mohammed, Amna Abdelaal Khaled Ahmed

9484-9503 Assessing The Customers' Behavioral Intention to Adopt Internet Banking Services
Aisha Badawi Abdelrhman, Mesud Essa Tayeb, Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker, Manal Ibrahim Ahmed Mohammed, Amna Abdelaal Khaled Ahmed

9505-9518 The Application of The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create (ERRC) Grid in Achieving Value Innovation Strategy
Ahmed Maher Aly, Adel Zayed, Mohamed Abdel Salam

9519-9535 The Future of Criminal Law in the Age of Electronic Crimes and Artificial Intelligence
Ahmad Hazim Mustafa

9536-9553 Sustainability as a Mediator of Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Reverse Logistics: Insights from the Energy Sector
Heba Yacoub Al-Daradkah, Mahmoud Allahham, Samar Sabra

9554-9570 The Multifaceted Nature of Individual Job Performance: A Focus on Individual Behaviors

9571-9591 The Link between E-Brand Experience and Consumer-Based EService Brand Equity in the Retail Banking Industry
Sager Alharthi, Amjad Alshahrani

9592-9610 The Prisons in the History of Islamic State
Khaled Hasan AI-Jabali

9611-9622 Water quality prediction based on High-Dimensional Dataset Integration Prediction Model
Jue Zhao, Vladimir Y. Mariano, Mideth Abisado

9623-9631 Financial Risks and Their Influence on Investment Decisions: Insights from Emerging Markets
Jehan Ahmad Kherio Aburasul, Anas Alshareef, Naji Alrawashdeh, Sukainah Hasan Saleh Alhebshi, Mohd Shaari Abd Rahman

9632-9646 Quality Of Life, Knowledge, Skills and Government Support in Enhancing the Wellbeing of Homeless
Rishetra Vamalathithan, Noor Ashikin Mohd Rom, Al-Mansor Abu Said

9647-9658 The Role of Language in Shaping Arab Public Opinion: A Discourse Analysis of Media Texts
Wa'el Mohammad Alfaqara

9659-9668 The Relationship of Alexithymia to Social Withdrawal among Students with Learning Disabilities
Dr. Nahla Mohammad Awad Alquran, Dr. Maram Jaser Salem Bani Salameh, Dr. Abedalraheem Ismail Jawarneh, Dr. Aya Abed Alkareem Aied Altaan, Dr. Nather Fisal Mansour Alnuma

9669-9681 The Impact of Technology and Digital Applications on Organizational Performance in Jordanian Commercial Banks
Jumana Yousef Abubaker, Hamdah samih albayaydah, Mohyi Aldin Abu Al houl, Rateb Aref Almajali, Khalid Faris Alomari, Mahmoud Mohamed Eldabet

9682-9697 The Relationship between Transformational Leadership, Teachers' organizational commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: An Integrated Investigation Using Meta-analysis and Structural Equation Modeling
Haidong Sun, Lynne Lee, and Hui-Wen Vivian Tang

9698-9712 The Role of Cytokines in the Progression of Diabetes
Ali A. Abu Siyam

9713-9739 The Level of Psychological Burnout among Health Sector Workers -Field Study at the Level of Health Institutions in the State of Guelma-
Belaadi Abdennour, Mohammed Seba

9740-9748 Mental-Well-Being of Basilan State College during Post-Pandemic: A Sequential-Exploratory Mixed Method Approach
Haipa Abdurahim-Salain

9749-9758 The ELMIM Effect on the Intercultural Sensitivity and Intercultural Communication Among First-Year Undergraduate Students
Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata Chrismastianto, I Putu Sriartha, I Nengah Suastika, I Wayan Mudana

9759-9767 Agile Leadership: Enhancing Trust, Innovation Ambidexterity, and Job Performance
Deni Surapto, Usep Suhud, Christian Wiradendi Wolor

9768-9776 Automatic Identification of Tomato Disease Based on Deep Learning
Bingjie Liu, Vladimir Y.Mariano

9777-9788 Unravelling the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Learning Styles: Implications for Personalized Educational Strategies
Shahrul Mizan Ismail (Ph.D), Nabeel Mahdi Althabhawi

9789-9811 The Impact of Internal Marketing on Service Excellence in the Egyptian Public Healthcare Sector: The Moderating Role of Job Retention
Eman Hossam Elboraie, Marwa Tarek Abdelazeem, Dalia F. Amara, Nihal Ayad

9812-9824 Creative Economy and Value Creation through Marketing Analytics: New Approaches and Opportunities
Svitlana Kovalchuk, Valentyna Morokhova, Olena Bondarenko, Anastasiia Mohylova, Andrii Dankevych, Jinyi Liu

9825-9836 Development of the Regulatory Framework for Market Integration in the Context of Economic Globalisation
Lidiia Karpenko, Volodymyr Morozov, Nataliia Bordun-Komar, Olesia Romanenko, Inna Shevchenko

9847-9857 Prospects and Challenges of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Social and Economic Progress
Vasyl Goi, Nadiia Proskurnina, Maksym Kovalenko, Kostiantyn Mamonov, Serhii Haidenko

9870-9892 The Impact of Implementing Value Added Tax on the Prices of Banking Services in Saudi Banks "An Analytical and Applied Study”
Amna Abdalaal Khaled, Zahra Ahmed Ismail, Samira Saleh Ambadi, Nagwa Mohammed Baharuddin, Le.Ola.A. I Osman

9893-9902 Methodological Support for Financial Risk Management in Enterprises
Olha Bielan, Iryna Zahreba, Maksym Ochkas, Iryna Kantsir, Andrii Zelenskyi

9903-9916 Research on Visual Art Characteristics and Sustainable Development of Naxi Traditional Architecture
Miyu Fan, Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon

9917-9927 Anxiety Sentiment Evaluation and Coping Strategies in English Audio-visual Smart Classroom Based on Artificial Intelligence
Xiaoqi Meng, Bee Eng Wong

9928-9941 Investigating Children's Needs for Museum Cultural and Creative Products and Parents' Purchase Intentions Based on Child Cognitive Development Theory
Haiyan Fang, Mohamad Hariri Abdullah, Mengjie Wang

9942-9965 Silicon Photovoltaic Cell (SPVC) Solar Panels Cause a Million Times Higher Global Warming in Comparison to the Equivalent CO2 Gas – Experimental Evidence
Ibram Ganesh

9966-9975 AI and Cybersecurity - New Threats and Opportunities.
Kamila Jabbarova

9976-9995 Perceived Entrepreneurial Orientation to Academic Entrepreneurship Intention: An Understanding of an Integrated Model
Qudsia Naseer, Dr. Azni Zarina Binti Taha, Dr. Haslida Binti Abu Hasan

9996-10005 A Comparative Study of Drillstring Gas Injection Method and Parasite Casing String Gas Injection Method for Aerated Liquid Drilling
Ahmed G. Refaai, Nabih A. Alsayed, Ibrahim S. Mohamed, Ali M. Wahba

10006-10026 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Women's Empowerment in the Labor Market: A Field Study on a Sample of Women Working in the Tech Sector
Prof. Osama Abdelbary, Dr. Abeer Shreaf

10027-10036 The Role of Auditors Competency and Job Empowerment on Fraud Risk Assessment in the Jordanian Public Sector
Rama Bassam Tbayshat, Roshaiza Taha, Wan Zuriati, Norazlina Ilias, Bassam Mustafa Abdul-Rahman Tubishat

10037-10045 Re-Inventing Public Spaces in an Algerian City: Mila
Ghania Guettiche, Yves Guermond, Amel Baziz

10046-10062 The Impact of Mass Communication on Cinema, Its Messages and the Dimensions of Its Impact on the Arab World
WADI' Youssef Asaad AlDaoud

10063-10071 The Stance of the Israeli Historian Ilan Pappé on the Israeli Transgressions in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: “An Analytical Study through Television and Press Interviews”
Abdalla Ahmad Abdalla, Ghazi Aletaneh, Jaber Mohammed Al-khatib, Khalid Hassan Al-Jabali

10073-10084 The Compatibility of Autonomous Weapons with the Principles of International Humanitarian Law an Analytical Study
Etesam Alabd S. Alwheebe

10085-10094 Regarding Style, Theories and Traditions in Renaissance Italian Two –Dimensional Religious Art
Xiaoyang Dai, Xianping Meng

10121-10137 New Trends in Communication Theories and Research in the age of Digital Media: Analytical Study
Safran Safar Almakaty

10138-10148 Effect of Electric Current Severity, Shock Timing for Seedling and Spray of Nano-Fertilizer on Vegetative Growth, Flowering and Induced Genetic Variation (DNA) of Statice Plant (Limonium sinuatum L.)
Rojan Shawkat Sulaiman, Yousif Ali Abdulrahman, Payman Aziz Abdullah and Avesta Mohammed Ali

10149-10158 Communicative Language between a Doctor and a Patient in Healthcare
Anita Puspawati

10159-10178 Factors Influencing Consumer Attitudes towards Influencer Advertisements on Social Media and Their Relationship with Purchasing Behavior
Hassan Al-Saify, Shaimaa Darwish

10179-10187 Assessing the Impact of Management Incentives on Corporate Disclosure Quality: A Comprehensive Analysis
Wei Li, Zhang Qiang

10188-10200 Optimization of Green Value through the Application of the Determinant Pentagon Model in Prevention of Fraud in Financial Reports
Luckman Ibrahim, Supriatiningsih, Hidayat Darwis

10201-10214 Crying From a Religious Perspective and Its Impact on the Physical Health of the Public Servant Communities
Arwansyah Kirin, Shakila Ahmad, Abd Shakor Borham, Faisal Husein Ismail, Edriagus Saputra, Ramdan Baba

10223-10234 Navigating Homophobia in Higher Education: The Impact on LGBTQIA Students' Academic Performance and Well-Being in South Africa
Luvo Kasa

10235-10241 The Support of Educators Promoting the Use of Technology into Social Studies Instruction at Jordanian Schools
Mohammad Abed-Latif Mohammad Smadi, Mutaib Mohammad AL-Otaibi

10242-10258 Mapping of Creative Economy Commodities Sourced from Local Wisdom; Case in Mahakam Ulu
Purwadi Purwadi, Alexander Sampeliling, Syaharuddin Y.

10259-10273 The Causal Relationship of the Application of the BCG Economic Model Affecting the Competitive Advantage and Performance of Community Enterprise
Chanyaphak Lalaeng, Sukanya Wongkaeo

10274-10283 Optimisation of Business Processes and Strengthening Competitive Positions during Martial Law
Olha Harvat, Oksana Kovtun, Oleksii Mukhin, Oleksandr Kovba, Mykhailo Marshalok

1084-10293 Considering Globalisation Risks in the Formation and Implementation of International Investment Strategies
Cabir Safarli, Svitlana Kolach, Maksym Zhyvko, Oleh Volskyi, Natalia Bobro

10294-10303 Determinants of State Economic Security: Features of Analysis in the Context of Confronting Global Challenges
Vitalii Polovenko, Andrii Svatok, Mykhailo Prokopchuk, Sergii Golubytskyi, Nataliia Pylypchuk

10304-10314 Globalisation Challenges in the Development of Ukraine's National Information Policy
Pylyp Farmkhaus, Andrii Liubchenko, Volodymyr Коzakov, Viktor Voronin, Yurii Kalnysh

10315-10324 Stimulating Economic Growth through Investment Instruments
Liudmyla Verbivska, Oleksandra Ihnatushenko, Oleg Petrovskyi, Nataliia Pochernina, Oleksandr Zavora

10325-10338 The Impact of Green Investment on Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia
Aisha Badawi Abdelrhman, Zahraa Ahmed Ismail Mohamed, Amira AH Farah, Dr. Adiba Abdelbage Mohammed Saad

10339-10355 The Impact of Environmental Advertising on Consumer Skepticism: The Moderating Role of Environmental Involvement
Nadia Miled, Hajer Zorgati, Lassaad Lakhal

10356-10365 Utilising Financial Analysis to Improve Business Management: Trend Analysis and Decision-Making Process Optimisation
Alla Shlapak, Oksana Ivashchenko, Halyna Vasylevska, Serhiy Kyrylenko, Yevhen Purei

10366-10378 Challenges to Strategic Management of Sustainable Development in Territorial Communities in Ukraine Amid Decentralisation
Mykola Lakhyzha, Oleh Didenko, Oksana Krasnikova, Oleksandr Slobozhan, Yurii Orel

10379-10385 Assessing the Impact of Infrastructure Damage on National Investment Attractiveness During Martial Law
Viachslav Bohun, Andrii Magomedov, Oleksii Hromyka, Nataliia Kovshun, Yurii Fedorchuk

10400-10417 Assessing the Contribution of Accounting Education in Saudi Public Universities to Students' Professional Skills Development: A Study in Light of International Accounting Education Standards 3 (IES3)
Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker, Amna Abdalaal Khalid Ahmed, Dr. Aisha Badawi Abdelrhman Mousa, Dr. Zahra Ahmed Ismail

10415-10427 Optimising Content in the Distribution of Trade and Agro-Industrial Enterprises through Digital Content Marketing
Liudmyla Dybchuk, Yuliia Holovchuk, Olena Nahorna, Maksym Yashchenko, Oleh Svyryd, Konstantin Kunets

10428-10439 Impact of Poverty Reduction Policies on Economic Development of Ethnic Minority Groups In Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province, Vietnam
Vu Van Anh, Tran Thi Ngoc

10440-10451 Analysis of the Impact of Economic Initiatives on Business in Europe and Ukraine: Opportunities and Challenges
Katerina Antonenko, Bogdan Mozharskyi, Lyudmyla Chernyaha, Yurii-Vladyslav Zelinskyi, Oleksandr Bavyko

10452-10465 Adaptive Management Strategies for Decision-Making in Business in the Context of Armed Conflict
Dmytro Varakin, Denys Osipenko, Vasyl Ishchenko, Nataliia Hlevatska, Inna Hordieieva

10466-10475 Assessing the Impact of Management Incentives on Corporate Disclosure Quality: A Comprehensive Analysis
Wei Li, Zhang Qiang

10476-10483 Legal Protection for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Nature Tourism Business
Yolla Margaretha, Daniel Hendrawan

10484-10494 Comparative Analysis between B to B and B to C Marketing Campaign Performance
Taha Chebbi, Mesud Essa TAYEB, M’henna Mohamed Amine, Mohammed Mamoun Ahmed Abubaker

10495-10502 Teaching research on h5 application of digital publishing of Dongba culture
Wen Yang, Juliana Aida Abu Bakar

10503-10516 Obstacles, Social Norms and Communication to Improve Service in Mass Transport. An Analysis in Bogotá’s Bus Rapid Transit System
Manuel Medina-Labrador, Fernando Marroquin-Ciendua, Juliana Galindo Bonelo, Diego Méndez Gómez, María Victoria Polanco Betancourt

10517-10528 Causal Factors of Blue Ocean Strategy Formulation Affecting the Overall Business Growth of Boutique Hotels
Yavarave Seesalavong, Ungul Laptaned

10529-10537 Implementation the Training Course Based on Situated Cognition Theory to Enhance the Career Planning Competency of Pre-School Education Students
Aiwei Mu, Mingwei Li

10538-10553 Enhancing Cultural Representation through Improved Public Sign Translations: A Mixed-Methods Study on Xuzhou's Tourism Signage
Qi Guo, Selvajothi Ramalingam, Yap Teng Teng

10554-10570 What Affects Parental Decision on Children Involvement in Music Curriculum Education
Dandan Peng, Ooi Boon Keat, Ali Khatibi, Jacquline Tham

10571-10582 Innovation and Organizational Performance in Public Universities: An Empirical Study
Tutik Winarsih, Fariz

10583-10589 The Effect of Storytelling in Shaping Social Behavior among Students at UPT SPF Elementary School Barabaraya
Andi Nurul Annisa Yudha, Sawedi Muhammad, Rahmat Muhammad

10590-10602 The Development of the Legal Regulation of Patent in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Saoussen Bouzir

10603-10639 Challenges Facing Social Affairs Departments in Tabuk Region in Social Empowerment of People with Disabilities
Ashraf Abdeltawab Hassan, Abdel Mohsen Ibrahim Hashim, Radwa Atef Alshemi, Fahd Ali Alzahrani, Nahla Zamakhshari, Nora Yahya Jarah

10640-10649 Assessing Vulnerable Factors Leading To Substance Use Among Schoolchildren: A Scoping Review
Chaimaa El moubchiri, Chahboune Mohamed, Hilali Abderraouf

10650-10669 A Linguistic Investigation for the Image Translation Powered by AI Tool: A Case Study of Google Lens
Ghadeer Al-Btoush, Zakaryia Almahasees

10670-10689 Assessing The Customers' Behavioral Intention to Adopt Internet Banking Services
Aisha Badawi Abdelrhman, Mesud Essa Tayeb, Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker, Manal Ibrahim Ahmed Mohammed, Amna Abdelaal Khaled Ahmed, Taha Chebbi

10690-10698 Factors Influencing Purchasing Behavior of Sustainable Fashion Products from Organic Cotton among Working-Age Consumers in Thailand
Lamson Lertkulprayad, Pajongsak Moudsong

10699-10706 The Impact of Design Solutions for Smoke Ventilation during Commissioning: Organizing A Smoke Removal System in an InterApartment Corridor
Alexey Busakhin, Georgiy Savenko

10707-10721 The Role of the Islamic Community and Government in the Development of Islamic Finance in Brunei Darussalam
Rohmad, Mohd Hairul Azrin Haji Besar, Jamal Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Dahlan

10722-10729 The Influence of Intonation on the Interpretation of Parenthetical Clauses
Sarkhan Jafarov, Sevinj Babashova, Taleh Dadashov, Sarkhan Garibov

10730-10743 The Right to Health in Tunisian Law: Concept and Guarantees
Saoussen Bouzir, Awicha Daouthi

10744-10758 A Linguistic Investigation for a Case Study of ChatGPT and Google Translate in Rendering Special Needs Texts from English into Arabic: A Synchronic Case Study
Maymona Al-Maaytah, Zakaryia Almahasees

10759-10777 Factors Influencing Non-Performing Loans in Jordanian Banks: A Dual Macro-Micro Perspective
Ethar Albashayreh

10778-10786 The Spread of the Phenomenon of Illegal Immigration among Youth and Its Impact on Local Development
Dr. Salem Yakoub, Dr. Merabet Chaouki, Dr. Azizi Sara, Dr. Mohammed Messaoud Zekri

10787-10794 The Role of the Ottoman Empire in World War I (1914-1918)
Boudjelal Kaddour, Chikh Laredj

10795-10801 Large Paratubal Cyst in Pregnancy with ASD Secundum L to R Shunt: A Rare Case Report
Huwaida Nabilah, Nareswari Imanadha Cininta Marcianora, Birama Robby Indraprasta

10802-10817 Analysis of Santa Maria Bulacan Local Government Functions on the Efficient Delivery of Mandated Basic Services to Edifice Receptive Local Dominance
Dr. Gregorio A. Reyes

10818-10828 Impact of Transportation Infrastructure on Tourism Development: Analyzing Factors Influencing Visit Decisions and Economic Welfare Improvement
Murniati, Putri Patricia Wenzano

10829-10847 Burnout to Brilliance: Elevating Bangalore’s IT Sector with Psychological Capital, Stress Reduction, and Employee Well-being
Mangaiyarkarasi R, Lilly Sandhya, Jaiganesh M, Kavitha R, Mohamed Riyazh Khan, Thandauthapani A, Karthikeyan Thangaraju

10848-10856 Investigating Mood System and Structure on Written Text of Mark Gospel on New Testament of Kupang Malay: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspective
Magdalena Ngongo, Alfriani Ndandara, Yakob Metboki

10857-10897 Analysis of Research Trends on Male Nurses in Korea
Hyo Yeol, Jang, So Yeon, Park, Min Sung, chun, Ji-Hyun, Choi

10898-10913 Pragmatic Perception of Politeness in Disagreement by Pakistani ESL Learners
Dr Khalid Ahmed, Saadia Ali, Dr Muhammad Asad Habib, Dr.Badriah Khaleel, Naveed Ahmad Khan, Ruqia Saba Ashraf

10914-10919 Applying the Business Model Navigator to MART: Innovation and Sustainability in Formula Student Competition
De la Varga-Salto, José María, Galindo-Reyes, Fuensanta

10920-10929 Innovation and Inheritance Path of Nantong Blue Calico Driven by the Digital Technology
Chen Liu, Puvasa Ruangchewin

10930-10940 A Bibliometric Analysis of Balanced Scorecard Research with Higher Education by Vosviewer
MA LiangYan, Mass Hareeza Ali, Ridzwana Mohd Said

10941-10950 Effectiveness of Educational Support Strategy in Developing Verbal Communication Skills in Children with Autism
Amro Hassan Ahmed Badran, Walaa Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed and Mohamed marzok

10951-10961 A Framework to Establish Research Data Management Services in Institutions of Higher Learning in Developing Countries
Josiline Chigwada, Patrick Ngulube

10962-10969 Significance of Signs and Symbols in ESL Learning: An Experimental Study Based on Semiotics
Hina Sakahwat, Reema Oqla Abukhait, Yasmin Bibi Khan, Muhammad Sakhawat Ali, Fatma Abdulwahab Dahleb, Heithem Kamal Eltahir Hashim, Reem Mohammed Jahaz Alharbi, Nada Abduljalil Adam

10970-10979 The Effects of Real Exchange Rates on International Tourism: Empirical Evidence from Morocco
Es-Sanoun Mohamed, Hjouji Zaynab, Bousraraf Ziad, Mounir Benboubker, Nacer Mahouat

10980-10989 Model of Developing Monks for Promoting Health among the Aging through Community Participation
Techathat Akarathanarak, Suchitra Sukonthasab

10990-11003 Big Data analytic Capabilities and Performance of Saudi Tourism Firms: Examining the Moderating Role of Business Strategy Alignment
Waleed Akhtar M Sultan, Ahmed Alsenosy, Adam Amril Bin Jaharadak

11012-11018 Role of Modern Technology for Rehabilitation in Mitigation of Juvenile Recidivism: A Critical Appraisal
Sulasa TJ, Dr. Ramesh Kumar

11019-11030 Parental Involvement in Supporting Dyslexic Children: Impact of Home-Based Strategies and Educational Collaboration
Xiuyan Piao, Nishant Rangra

11031-11047 Exploring Brand Attitude in Thailand's Organic Skincare Market: The Role of Perceived Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and the Marketing Mix
Narit Vittayavarakorn, Puris Sornsaruht

11048-11066 The impact of the variation of study plans in accounting education programs in Saudi public universities on graduates and labor market requirements "Comparative Study"
Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker, Elfadl Eltayeb Mohamed Elzein, Abdullah Masood, Zahra Ahmed Ismail

11060-11072 Evaluating the Influence of International Conventions on Child Marriage in Nigeria: Progress towards Achieving SDG Target 5.3 by 2030
Asagba Omolola Silva, Moses Metumara Duruji, Felix Chidozie, Goddy Uwa Osimen

11073-11080 Youth Participation and Nation-Building in Nigeria
Chidozie, Felix C., Newo, Oluwamurewa A.

11081-11088 Exploring the Use of Audio-Visual Teaching Media to Improve Students' Ability in Listening Comprehension
Armin Haluti, Marco Pahri Mile, Mukmin Mukmin, Hardianti Hardianti, Abdul Rabbi Arrasul

11089-11099 Contemporary Religious Thought and Its Challenges between Stagnation and Renewal (A Doctrinal Study)
Dr. Abdullah Taha Abu Shawar, Dr. Amer Joud Allah

11100-11111 Improving Music Teaching in Primary Schools in Northern Shanxi to Promote the Development of Students' Key Competencies
Zhe Li, Narutt Suttachitt

11112-11129 Contributions of BCS to Religious Tourism, Pilgrimage and Transnational Culture in Cross River State
Odey, Elizabeth Akpanke (PhD), Boypa, Oyama Egbe, Francis Edet Felix (phd), Ekpenyong Obo Ekpenyong, Bassey, Inyang Etim, Asuquo, Offiong offiong (phd), Ellah, Timothy Ogbang (Phd), Edet, Louis Ajom

11130-11144 Analysis Of Factors Affecting the Profitability of Small and MediumSized Enterprises in The Manufacturing Industry in Vietnam Amid the Economic Crisis
Phung Duy Quang, Pham Quang Khoai, Nguyen Huu Thinh, Pham Ngoc Mai, Hoang Nam Quyen

11145-11163 Work Environment and Administrative Creativity of Employees in Companies, KSA
Elnagi M. Hamid, Nader Jedi Al Otibi

11164-11176 The Essence of Legal Sanctions for Violations of Health Protocols (Covid-19 Best Practice Study in West Sulawesi Province)
Syahrul, Mulyati Pawennai, Syahruddin Nawi, Askari Razak

11177-11183 Peripheral Nerve Block with Infraclavicular Block in Patient with Prior History of Cerebrovascular Accident: A Case Report
Syahda Alala, Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo

11184-11198 The Impact of Technological Innovation on Competition Strategies in the Technological Sector
Hasan Mustafa Hasan Rabaia

11199-11218 Using Binary Logistic Regression to Detect Health Insurance Fraud
Baraah Samara

11219-11227 From Tradition to Modernity: Influence of the Corset on Modern Shapewear Design
Wang Yujuan, Khynevych Ruslana

11228-11251 Elevating Productivity: The Role of Workload and Career Path in Job Satisfaction
Abu Yazid, Dewi Susita, Indra Pahala

11252-11270 Sustainability as a Mediator of Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Reverse Logistics: Insights from the Energy Sector
Heba Yacoub Al-Daradkah, Mahmoud Allahham, Samar Sabra

11271-11286 Basic Services and Facilities of Local Governance in the Philippines: An Anchored United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals towards Agenda-Setting

11287-11296 The Arabian Muslim Family and Globalization Impact
Amal Salem Abdullah Bashaib

11297-11307 The Effect of Using Duolingo on Developing EFL Students' Vocabulary and their Attitudes toward it
Issam Mostafa Ta'amneh, Fatima Rasheed Al-Qeyam, Abeer Mahmoud Al-Ghazo

11308-11317 The Impact of Internal Organizational Factors on the Performance of the Insurance Industry: Using the SVAR Approach
Mehdi Gholami Zare, Amir Mansour Tehranchian, Ahmad j Samimi, Mani Motameni, Soheil Rudari

11318-11338 Analysis of Perspectives and Issues in Music Schools in Kosovo
Festa Nevzat Thaçi, Esen Spahi Kovaç

11339-11351 The Influence of Cultural Factors on the Socio-Economic Welfare of Society
Untari, Heru Ismanto, Sendy Lely Merly

11352-11362 Educational Reform and Advancement, Learning, and Privatization “An Analytical Review on the Case of Hail City”
D. Ateeq Zaeed M Alshammari

11363-11375 The Effect of Work from Home on Job Satisfaction Post-Pandemic (The Effect of WFH on JS Post-Pandemic)
Agra Ghifari, Erwin Listya Budi, Syarfina Estiana Zahira, Abdul Rohman

11376-11391 Investigating the relationship between Capital Structure and Firm Performance Moderated by Corporate Governance Evidence from Egyptian SMEs Listed in NILEX Stock Exchange
Mostafa Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Hamed, Ahmed Sakr, Mrwan Amer, Aiman Ragab

11400-11409 The Impact of Language Learning Beliefs, Autonomous Learning Behavior and Mobile-Assisted Learning on English Performance in Vocational Colleges: A Systematic Review
Yan Huisen, Suyansah Swanto, Wardatul Akmam

11410-11417 Comparative Therapeutic Effect of Toldimfos Sodium and Sodium Acid Phosphate for Treatment of Post-Parturient Hemoglobinuria (PPH) In Buffalo: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Mohammed Al Sanaini, Adel Almubarak, Abdulaziz Almuhanna, Hussein Babiker, Mahmoud Kandeel, Mohamed marzok

11418-11433 Analysis of Quality Management Systems in Moroccan Agri-Food Companies
Benlamlih Imad, Mensouri Samya, Kettani Anass

11434-11438 Development and Sensory Evaluation of High Fiber Bread Incorporated with Cacao (Theobroma cocoa L.) Pod Husk Flour
Myleen R. Corpuz

11439-11445 The Impact of the Extension Project: Personality Development and Character Building for Resident of Ifugao District Jail
Jordan L. Mariano

11446-11464 Hedonistic Pursuits and Well-Being: A Retrospective Analysis of Expectations and Reality
Taseer Salahuddin, Hasan Vergil

11465-11479 Impact of Green Transformational Leadership and Corporate Environmental Strategy on Firm Performance in Textile Industry of Developing Country: Mediating Role of Green Process Innovation
Ikramuddin Junejo, Sumera Kazi, Dr. Taskeen Zahra Buriro, Dr. Saba Shaikh, Muhammad Sufyan Ramish, Dr. Syed Salahuddin

11480-11493 Toward Inclusive Education: Establishing Relationship Between PreService Teachers' Self-Efficacy and Their Multidimensional Attitude
Jannie Sj. Manimtim

11494-11513 The Effectiveness of No-Contact Apprehension Policy for Traffic Violators
Donald T. Sumad-On, Robino D. Cawi, Leah M. Donato

11535-11544 Consumer Privacy Protection and Data Ethics: Social Responsibility and Risk Balance in Business Administration
Feng Gao

11545-11556 Aesthetic Education’s Effectiveness in the Teaching and Understanding of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Choral Music by Chinese Choral Teachers
Wenjie Cao, Adzrool Idzwan Ismail

11559-11571 Digital Transformation and its Influence on Modern Business Strategies
Mirjeta Domniku, Muhamet Ahmeti

11572-11581 Uncovering Communication Barriers in Tertiary English Instruction
Rhenea Lizlie S. Viray

11582-11587 Behavior to Prevent Hypertension in the Elderly in the Working Area of the Cendana Putih Health Center Mappedeceng Sub-District North Luwu District
Vanny Adyani, Muhammad Arsyad, Ridwan M. Thaha

11588-11599 Challenges in The Development of Goyor Woven Sarong Business Based on Non-Machine Weaving Tools in The Digitalization Era (Case Study in Central Java, Indonesia)
Erlyna Wida Riptanti, Heru Irianto, Emi Widiyanti, Triyono

11600-11607 Estimating Annual per Capita Mineral and Hydrocarbon Consumption in Ecuador Using U.S. Data as a Baseline
Christian Adrián OrdóñezGuaycha, Josué David González Coronel, Julio Cesar López Ayala, Ernesto Reyes Cespedes

11640-11648 A Study on Drama Therapy to Promote Imagination Development of Autistic Children-A Case Study in Guangxi, China
Lin Kechen, Sim Chee Cheang, Sharifuddin Zainal

11649-11670 Investigating the Relationship between Bank Financial Performance and Corporate Governance According to the Role and Size of the Institutional Investor: A Spatial Econometric Approach
Suhailah Ahmed Hussein, Akbar Zaveri Rezaei, Ali Ashtab

11671-11696 A Critical Analysis of Research on Zimbabwe's Tokwe-Mukorsi internally displaced community (2014-2024): A Systematic Review
Elmon Mudefi

11697-11708 Positive leadership Indicators for Secondary School Principals in the Directorate of Education in South Hebron from the Point of View of Teachers (Qualitative Study)
Kamal Makhamreh

11709-11721 The Impact of Brain Dominance on the Academic Performance of English Language Learners in Saudi Universities
Reem Mansour Alsager

11722-11735 Affectors on the Adoption of Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets in Islamic Finance
Noorhidayah Salehhudin, Amirah Ahmad Suki, Fatin Husna Suib, Zulkufly Ramly

11736-11753 The Application of Impressionist Colour Techniques in Contemporary Chinese Painting
Feihong Jiang, Wan Samiati Andirana Bt W. Mohamad Daud

11754-11766 Effect of Behavior-Based Safety and Bow Tie Program on Safety Culture Maturity of LV Drivers at PT BJU, Indonesia
Siti Nur Fadhila Ruslan, M.Furqaan Naiem, Syamsiar Russeng, Rusda Ananda, Ummu Kamilah Kodrat

11765-11776 Analyzing Distribution and Growth of SMEs in Creative Industry in West Java: Gaps and Development Opportunities
Mulyani Karmagatri, Rudy Aryanto, Boby Siswanto, Agung Purnomo, Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, Isma Addi Jumbri, Widodo Samyono

11789-11797 The Effect of Financial Reporting Fraud and Tax Avoidance on the Green Reputation of the Company
Hidayat Darwis, Supriatiningsih, Luckman Ibrahim, Aulia Maharani, Muhamad Ridwan Rahman

11798-11818 Sustainable Development of Traditional Villages Cultural Landscape Driven by Red Tourism: A Case Study of Wangping Village in Sichuan Province
Cai Pengcheng, Ubong Imang

11819-11831 Digital Archives and Sustainability: Strategies for Preserving Cultural Heritage in Virtual Museums
Lan Luo, Yuxue Feng

11832-11838 Resilience of Pambodi Fishermen in Facing Climate Change in Pangali-Ali Village, Majene Regency
Fitra Angriani, Mansyur Radjab, Nuvida RAF

11839-11849 The Identity and Wisdom of the Wooden Buddha statues in Kengtung, Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Souneth Phothisane, Niyom Wongpongkham, Preechawut Apirating

11850-11862 Genotype X Environment Interaction and Coefficient Regression in Some Genotypes of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L)
Payman Aziz Abdullah Zibari

11863-11871 To What Extent Do Saudi Consumers Trust Snapchat Advertainments
Majed A. Helmi

11872-11881 Physiological Effect of Carob Seeds and Mulberry Leaves on Local Male Rabbits
Marwan A. Faisal, Majid J. Al-Saadi

11882-11895 Changing the Score: The Impact of Media Coverage on Saudi Football Team's Performance in the 2022 World Cup from the Perspective of Audience
Nouf Alhuzami

11896-11909 Can ESG Performance Contribute To A Reduction In Banks’ Nonperforming Loans? Evidence from Emerging Countries Banks
Suman Najam Hussain, Prof Dr. Rosalan Bin Ali, Dr. Jalila Binti Johari

11910-11919 Are Police Officers Behind Men’ Silence on Gendered Violence Meted Against Them? A Case Study of Bityi A/A in Sabatha Dalindyebo, Mthatha, South Africa
Dutywa Thandokazi, Kasa Luvo

11920-11935 The Relationship between Proactive Personality, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Behavior: An Empirical Study from Chinese Higher Vocational Colleges
Guohui Li, Kuan-Chun Tsai

11936-11947 3D Simulation Modeling Technology in Architectural Heritage Conservation Based on Internet of Things Data
Shuwen Mo, Mohd Jaki Bin Mamat

11948-11960 The Effect of a Counseling Program Based On the Use of Stress-Coping Strategies in Improving the Level of Life Satisfaction among Students
Dr. Lacheheb Asma

11961-11984 Assessing the Quality of E-Support Services for Distance Learning: An Applied Study at the College of Education, South Valley University
Shoeb Gamal Saleh, Rommel Mahmoud AlAli

11985-11994 Correlation between Radiological Findings and Clinical Improvement after Genicular Nerve Ablation in Knee Osteoarthritis: An Analysis Based on the Kellgren-Lawrence Scale, Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) Score
Ilma Fiddiyanti, Omat Rachmat, Bachtiar Murtala, Irfan Idris, Jacub Padelaki

11995-12003 Real-time Greenhouse Climate Control with Deep Learning
Pham Van Khanh, Le Thi Thuy Giang, Do Thi Loan

12004-12023 Job Satisfaction and Motivation as a driving force for the Performance of the Academic Staff of the University of Northern Border University, Faculty of Business Administration Saudi Arabia
Dr. Islah Hassan Elawad

12024-12038 Validation of Factor Weights Affecting Productivity Efficiency in Malaysia’s Small-Scale Fisheries Sector
Mazlina Muhamad, Puspa Liza Ghazali, Rasheedul Haque, Noorhidayah Salehhudin

12041-12049 Assessment the Knowledge, Awareness Risk Perceptions and Communication Practices of Pandemic COVID- 19: A Study among Pharmacy Students in Iraq
Lubab Tarek, Mustafa Ihsan Abbas Al-Mahroos, Aya Manhal, Sarah Delman

12050-12061 Perceptions and Knowledge of TesticularCancer in the GeneralPopulation of Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Alfozan, Raed Alasmi

12062-12070 The Role of Nature to Self-Actualization in Henry David Thoreau’s Poems
Mrs. Meldy A. Sajulga, Dr. Nina Jen R. Canayong

12071-12080 Seasonal Variations in the Physico-Chemical Characteristics Of LiteBala Gold Site In The DRC
Mbuyamba Ngalula Stéphane, Tshilanda Dinangayi Dorothée, Mpiana Tshimankinda Pius, d'Almeida Gérard Alfred Franck, Yalo Nicaise Laboratory of Geology, Ngbolua Koto-Te-Nyiwa Jean-Paul6, Kaki Christophe

12081-12086 The Extent to Which the Condition of Publicity is Fulfilled in The Crime Of Incitement Via Electronic Means
Jafar Ali Ahmad Hammouri

12087-12100 High School Student’s Climate Change Literacy: Evidence from Bogor, Indonesia
F. Y. Rohmawati, R. Salmayenti1, A. Rizki, Perdinan, D. U. Iliyyan, A. S. Alim

12101-12109 Artificial Intelligence Adoption in Emerging Economies: Challenges, Opportunities, And Strategies for Peru’s Business Transformation
Luis Miguel Davila-Zamora, Oscar David Carreño-Flores, Jeanette Estela Linares-Vidal, Rocío Delvi Vilcarromero-Hilario, Orlando Socrates Saavedra-Silvera, Orlando John Cruces-Torres, Apolinar SaldañaPonte

12110-12119 ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence: A Bibliometric Analysis in Latin America
María Isabel Denegri–Velarde, Beymar Pedro Solis-Trujillo, Juana Rosa Gabriel-Tirajaya, Kriss Melody Calla-Vásquez, Richard Flores-Cáceres, Alex Teófilo Grajeda-Montalvo, Rafael RomeroCarazas

12120-12131 Engineering Excellence in the Digital Age: Integrating Technical Expertise with Industry 4.0 Competencies
Irmohizam Ibrahim, Norhasni Zainal Abiddin

12132-12138 Folk Literature as an Important Type of Literature: An Investigation of Oral Poetry and Folk Tales in Arabia
Sajeena Gayathrri

12139-12145 The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Technological Adaptation on Organizational Performance
Subroto, Ari Saptono, Mohammad Sofwan Effendi

12146-12162 Strategic Management Mechanisms, Directions, and Functions in Higher Education
Assoc.Prof.Taleh Khalilov, Assoc.Prof.Vali Aliyev, Assoc.Prof.Matanat Guliyeva, Mahababat Babayeva

12163-12181 Drivers of Revisit Intentions at Michelin-Starred Restaurants in Thailand: The Role of Innovation, Quality, and Satisfaction
Harit Rattanaparinyanon, Sujira Vuthisopon, Amnuay Saengnoree, and Surapong Siripongdee

12182-12191 Some Nursery Rhymes that can be used in Pre-School Turkish Education in Kosovo
Elsev Brina Lopar, Mesut Uğurlu

12192-12201 Analysis of Census Data in Algeria

12202-12209 Methodological Considerations When Determining Sample Size in Qualitative Research
Pr. Belal Boutera, Dr. Dhahbi Brahim, Pr. Aouine Belgacem, Pr. Louhidi Faouzi

12210-12225 The Concept of ‘History’ in Comparative Literary Studies
Mahrous Mahmoud Alkolaly, Abdelghani Bara, Fadl Zeid

12226-12247 Impact of Mental Health on the Quality of Life in Young Adults
Ting Tin Tin, Sandra Tang Poh Yi, Saw Hui Lin, Liew Yong-Xin, Lim Yu Hang, Ali Aitizaz, Mohammed Amin Almaiah, Umapathy Eaganathan, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin9

12248-12264 Demographic Factors Shaping Artificial Intelligence (AI) Perspectives: Exploring Their Impact on University Students' academic performance
Ting Tin Tin, Koh Yi Chor, Wong Jing Hui, Wong Yan Cheng, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

12265-12279 Digital Transformation and Its Impact on the Banking Sector's Competitiveness in Iraq
Tarek Sadraoui, Radhwan Mhmood Flayyih AL-Bayatl

12280-12295 Nigeria Immigration Service and Service Delivery in Nigeria
Abolaji Atobatele, Olafimihan Oyedokun, Daniel Gberevbie, Moyosoluwa, Dele-dada

12296-12306 Covid-19 Pandemic and Global Health Governance
Gideon Ibukuntomiwa Folorunso, Moses Metumara Duruji, Felix Chidozie, Goddy Uwa Osimen

12307-12317 Linguistic Inference in Leadership
Oremire Judith EHIBOR, Rebecca Uduakobong ADESIYAN, Edith Abisola AWOGU-MADUAGWU

12318-12328 Leveraging Digital Marketing for Competitive Advantage: Strategic Insights and Operational Impacts on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Digital Economy
Afrim Loku, Refik Havolli

12329-12336 A Low-Cost Design of a Multipurpose Easel Stand for Enhanced Drafting Efficiency
Patrick Neil M. Santiago

12352-12373 Big Data Analytics of the Influence of Parent Characteristics on Children Health and Education
Ting Tin Tin, Loo Kheng Quinn, Beh Kai Feng, Ooi Zhe Wei, Jeff Chang Ming Hou, Ali Aitizaz, Mohammed Amin Almaiah, Umapathy Eaganathan, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin

12374-12392 Covariates of Job Opportunities and Its Impacts on Crime among Young Adults
Ting Tin Tin, Koi Wai Jian, Lim Yu Kang, Khoo Kai Xiang, Kenny Chiau Zeng Ye, Ali Aitizaz, Mohammed Amin Almaiah, Umapathy Eaganathan, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin

12393-12400 Enhancing 21st-Century Writing Skills through a Reflective Collaborative Learning Model Based on Critical Thinking
Khaerudin Kurniawan, Indrawati

12401-12408 Tenets of Technology as a Post-Truth Credo in Indian Rural Academia
D. Prasanth Arokia Samy, Dr. P. V. Rajlakshmi, Dr. S. S. Uma Sundara Sood, Dr. P. Kiruthika, Dr. J. Britto Jenobia, Dr. S. Paul Pragash, Attrait Dovin Fedrick S.

12409-12422 Investigation of the Impacts of Social Media Usage on Youth Mental Health in Tunku Abdul Rahman University Management and Technology
Ting Tin Tin, Tan Bo Er, Chia Xin Chuan, Pang Hao Zhe, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

12423-12442 A Mediating Analysis of Mental Health Impacts in the Relationship of Digital Device and Digital Communication with Academic Performance
Ting Tin Tin, Ooi Yih Ming, Yap Li Jin, Ng Wei Sheng, Khor Qian Rou, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

12443-12458 The Impact of Green Human Resource Management on Sustainable Performance in the Indian IT Sector: Exploring the Mediating Role of Green Human Capital
Sowmiya M, Poornima A, Harish M, Vaishnavi S, Anto Pravin Singh D, Prakash K

12459-12468 Building a Resilient Workforce in Indian IT: The Impact of Strategic Leadership and Knowledge Management on Change Management
Naveen Rajkumar D, Kogila N, Loganatha Prasanna S, Senthamizhselvi A, Binith Muthukrishnan K, Selvakumari R

12482-12496 Mediating Role of Employees’ Happiness on Corporate Social Responsibilities Practices and Innovativeness in the Malaysian Insurance Industry
Wong Chee Hoo, Michelle Ng, Salman Hameed, Muhammad Shazeb Khan, Christian Wiradendi Wolor

12497-12506 Ecological Transition and Sustainable Economic Growth: Levers, Challenges and Perspectives, Case of Morocco
Ilias Boulajraf, Khalid Rguibi, Nour Imane Hazzam

12507-12552 The Impact of Accounting Information Characteristics on Firm and Market liquidity during Crises Periods: Empirical Study
Abdelfattah Rehab, Afify Helal, Zamel Ahmed

12553-12567 Theoretical Basis and Priority Directions for the Development of Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and Uzbekistan
Gang Cao

12568-12585 Enhancing Teacher Retention through Teacher Work Engagement and Islamic Moderation (Wasatiah) on Private Islamic School Ahlussunnah Waljama’ah in Indonesia
Hendri Eka Jaya Putra, Asep Hermawan, Hendra Achmadi, Yohana F. C. P. Meilani

12586-12602 The Influence of Land Cover and Socio-Economic Aspects on Umbulan Spring Discharge in Pasuruan Regency
Priyo Nur Cahyo, Soemarno, Agus Dwi Wicaksono, Marjono

12603-12616 The Importance of Green Halal Industry in Sustainable Sharia Economics Development in Indonesia
Muhammad Hasanuddin, Deni Kamaludin Yusup, Aden Rosadi, Ah. Fathonih, Mustofa

12617-12622 Economic Sustainability and the Role of Educational Institutions in Promoting It King Faisal University as an Example
Prof. Omar Mahmoud Hassan, Prof. Ahmad Fares Alsallom, Prof. Abdullah Muhammad Aldershawi

12623-12634 Can a Mandatory Information System Enhance User Satisfaction and Individual Performance within Organization?
Surano Muhasyah, Hamidah, Usep Suhud

12635-12644 Protection of Political Rights from a Human Rights Perspective
Hisma Kahman, Muhammad Kamal, Mulyati Pawennei, Askari Razak

12645-12658 Analysis of Product Innovation on Market Performance with Innovation Performance and Competitive Advantage as Mediating Variables
Chalirafi, Faisal Matriadi, Munandar Sutriani

12659-12671 Synergizing Retail Channels: The Role of Dual Distribution in Consumer Behavior
Venkataramana Karri, A. Iyappan, Rajsekar.S, Gopal Krishna Sanapala, L V Sateesh Juttuga

12672-12684 Empowering Undocumented Indonesian Migrant Workers in Sarawak through Social Capital Enhancement
Imam Santosa, Ali Rokhman, Ahmad Sabiq, Ida Yuliana Hutasuhut

12685-12698 Effectiveness of Gender Mainstreaming Strategies in Promoting Sustainable Development in Amahlathi Local Municipality, Or Tambo District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Matthew Damilola Omojemite, Elphina Nomabandla Cishe

12699-12710 Research on the Teaching of Pop Music in Chinese Vocational Colleges—Taking Four Representative Universities as Examples
Zhang Libing

12711-12726 Effects of Novelty Seeking and Destination Image on Loyalty Behavior: A case of Giliiyang Island, Sumenep, Indonesia
Pribanus Wantara, S. Anugrahini Irawati, Widya Rizka Arfy

12727-12737 Institutional and Professional Identity in Teacher Education Quality in Higher Education: An Analysis of Bibliometric Trends and Systematic Review in Scopus
Sergio Augusto Quispe Flores, Raquel Elizabeth Chacaltana Huarcaya, Azucena María Franco Guevara, Senia Lilia Meza Huamani, Gabriela Olivia Ramos Cordova, Pedro Prado Lozano

12738-12748 Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Resource Management: Data Analysis and Decision Guidance to Enhance Work Productivity and Employee Motivation
Dehma Mofleh Qasem Almaraghi

12749-12758 Neuroscience-Based Cognitive Training for Memory Development in Higher Education Students: Bibliometric and Systematic Review in Scopus
Cecilia Paquita Uribe Quiroz, Julio Cesar Giroa Olaechea, Milagros del Pilar Uribe Quiroz, Helga Roxana Cabrera Pimentel, Gabriela Olivia Ramos Cordova, Pedro Prado Lozano

12759-12770 Playful Strategies for Entrepreneurial Minds: An Analysis of Gamification in Education
Percy Junior Castro Mejía, Juan Raúl Egoavil Vera, Roque Juan Espinoza Casco

12771-12781 Content Signification and Universal Freedom in Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass
Dr. Nina Jen R. Canayong

12782-12790 Exploring the Link between Total Quality Management and Sustainable Tourism Development: Evidence from ChengduChongqing Urban Agglomeration
Xiangdong Kong, Sirinya Wiroonrath

12791-12801 The Impact of Legal Reforms on Criminal Law in Jordan: Balancing Tradition and Modernization
Mishael M. Al-Raggad, jafar ali hammouri, Ali Abd Alah Almahasneh, Nasir Albalawee, Bassam Mustafa abedel- Rahman tubishat, Ali jabbar salih

12802-12815 Indonesian Nationalism and Papuan Ethnicity: Responding to the Dynamics of Social Conflict and Finding Sustainable Solutions
Yotam Senis, Dwia Aries Tina Pulubuhu, Suparman Abdullah, Sakaria

12816-12831 Availability, Utilization and Nutrient Contribution of Feed Resources to Livestock of Dairy Farmers in Batangas and Cavite, Philippines
Ronel O. Reproto, PhD, Amado A. Angeles, PhD, Arnel N. Del Barrio, PhD, Cesar C. Sevilla, PhD., Filma C. Calalo, PhD

12832-12857 The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Audit Quality towards Earnings Quality of Jordanian Non-Financial Firms
Fahid Ali Younis Freihat, Mohd Rizuan Abdul Kadir, Khairul Anuar Kamarudin, Raedah Sapingi

12858-12879 The Discoveries of Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean and Their Implications for Maritime Boundary Delineation (2010-2024)
Dr. Chakouri Abdelkader

12880-12895 The Influence of Anchor Attribute on Consumers' Impulse Buying Behavior in E-commerce Live Streaming
Zhang Hao

12896-12905 The Role of Decision-Making in the Development of Tourism and Gastronomy and the Exploration of Alternatives: A Case Analysis of the Balkan Petrol Restaurant Network in Ferizaj
Besarta Rexhepi Sahatqija, PhD Can, Aziz Rexhepi

12906-12917 Fostering Business Innovation Through Intellectual Property Protection: Evidence from Sichuan Province
Xuan Ding, Sirinya Wiroonrath

12918-12927 Role and Empowerment of Women in Wildlife Conservation: The Intersection of Gender Equality and Biodiversity Protection
Tariq Abubakar Ally, Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Raj Kumar Verma, Rohit Kumar Verma, Riya Bhargava

12943-12954 Response of Broiler Chickens to Marjoram (Origanum majorana) Medical Plant Challenged with E.coli
Siamand N. Hassan

12955-12967 Cultural Adaptation to Aging: Strategies and Challenges for the Elderly in the New Digital Cultural Environment
Sheng Li, Marzudi Md Yunus, Rosila Bee Binti Mohd Hussain, Sijing Guo

12968-12983 Regulations and Legal Implications of Contracts through Instant Messaging Platforms in Saudi Arabia
Renad Aldmour, Duaa Hijazi, Emran Alzubi, Mona Omran, Islah Elawad

12984-12994 Research on the High-Quality Development of Cross-border Ecommerce for Agricultural Products in China and Mongolia under the Perspective of Digital Empowerment
Yuanbo Jia, Khorloo Yundendorj

12995-13004 The Effect of Supporting Science Education with Gamified E-Learning Environments on Motivation and Achievement
Ferdi Bayrak, Duygu Sönmez

13005-13010 Unveiling Data Colonialism: A Critical Examination of Surveillance, Power, and Information Control in "The Circle" by Dave Eggers
Tamer Tawfik Saudi

13011-13023 Integrating Professional Learning Communities into a Blended Learning Framework for Thai Vocational Water Management Education
Ratchita Sarimanond, Chantana Viriyavejakul, and Paitoon Pimdee

13024-13034 Access to Agricultural Radio Content in Indigenous Languages: Implications for Agribusiness in Nigeria
Babatunde Adeyeye, Abiodun Salawu, Evaristus Adesina

13035-13051 Deceptive Sustainability: Analysing the Impact of Greenwashing on Consumer Behaviour in Social Media Marketing – Case study of the Fast Fashion Industry of China
Guoguo Liu

13052-13067 Revitalizing Indigenous Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Case of Tingiting in Eastern Mountain Province
Teody T. Basilio, Darlito Bernard Delizo, Leah M. Donato

13068-13088 ESG and Corporate Financial Performance: The Moderating Role of Audit Quality in Emerging Markets
Nguyen Duong Thao Han, Nguyen Thi Le Ha

13089-13105 Educhain: A Study on the Transformative Role of Blockchain Technology and its Potentials in Higher Education
Talal Alasmari

13106-13118 The Mediating Role of Internal Audit Quality in the Relationship between Cyber Security Governance and Reducing the Risks of Cloud Accounting
Mohammad Saeed M. S. Alzghoul

13120-13129 Impact of Socio-Economic Changes on the Effectiveness of Programs and Diplomas at Community Colleges
Bilel Elmotri, Mustafa Ahmed Al-humari, Yasir M. Elyasa, Lecturer, Sihem Garrouri, Radhia Harizi, Amel Boujlida, Hamida Riahi

13130-13138 Education and Experience: Criteria for Ministerial Appointments in Iraq
Hiba Alah Mezher Hasan, Dr. Noor Aziah Abdullah, Dr. Awan binti Ismail

13139-13147 Determination of Shelf Life of In Vitro Diagnostic Pregnancy Test by Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT)
Dewa Ayu Trisna Damayanti

13148-13159 Local Culinary Campaign for Millennials Generation Through Social Media: A Cultural Promotion Strategy in Indonesia
Wisnu Widjanarko, Muhammad Yamin, Yusida Lusiana, S. Bekti Istiyanto, Wiwik Novianti

13160-13175 Bridging the Empathy Gap in AI: Developing Culturally Attuned and Ethically Robust Educational Tools for Safeguarding Saudi Children’s Learning Environments
Abdullah A. Al Fraidan

13176-13182 Accounting Treatment of Contractors’ Dues and its Impact on Project Completion and Government Accounting System: Evidence from Iraq
Akram Azzaoui, Khemaies Bougatef

13183-13195 Does Personality Matter For SMES' Success? An Empirical Investigation of B40 Female Entrepreneur in Klang Valley, Malaysia
Noralina Omar, Nurul Hidayana Mohd Noor, Noor Ashikin Mohd Rom

13196-13205 Contemporary Teaching in Albanian Language and Literature
Dr.sc. Saranda Buzhala, PhDc Avdyl Kastrati, PhDc Agim Bujari

13206-13215 Carpentry and Beyond: Unraveling the Linkages between Student Attributes and Academic Success in Kayapa Secondary Schools
Ayson D. Paclit

13216-13225 Exploring Comprehensive Evaluation in University Admissions: A CIPP Model Approach
Sungkunen Munthe, Hamidah, Agung Dharma Buchdadi

13226-13251 Optimizing Language Learning: A Focus on Social Strategy Preferences in Second Language Acquisition
Amantina Pervizaj Kelmendi

13226-13251 Optimizing Language Learning: A Focus on Social Strategy Preferences in Second Language Acquisition
Amantina Pervizaj Kelmendi

13252-13265 Examining the Determinants of Lifestyle Expectations among Malaysian Senior Citizens
Shyue Chuan Chong, Fiona Jane Francis, Normala S. Govindarajo, Chia Yien Lim4, Hui Li You

13266-13275 The Role of the Harp (simsimiyya) Instrument in the Jordanian Folk Song in Aqaba
Dr. Subhi Al Sharqawi

13276-13287 Democracy Issues behind Indonesia's Presidential Candidacy
Arifudin, Retno Saraswati, Zainal Arifin Hoesein, Susi Dian Rahayu

13288-13299 Blue Ocean Strategy in Higher Education in Palestine
Elham Mohmmad Abed Nabhan

13300-13310 Environmental Awareness in Action: The Effect of the 'Guardians of the Planet' Program on Primary Students in Lima
Francisco José Martínez-Salinas, Flor de María Sánchez-Aguirre

13311-13326 Thiourea-Modified Porous Activated Carbon for Efficient Adsorption of Lead (II) From Water: Kinetic, Isotherm and Adsorption Studies
Abdullah Saeed AlShahrani, Bassem Jamoussi, Nagwa T. Elsharawy, Riyadh F. Halawani, Abdullatif A. Neamatallah

13327-13338 Reel Inequality on Gender Power Dynamics in Malaysian Tamil Cinema
Silllalee S. Kandasamy, G. Manickam Govindaraju, Ravindaran Maraya, Parvathi Wajindram, Matana Kandasamy, Vasanda Kumar Nadarajah

13339-13349 “If Symptoms Persist after Three Days, Consult your Doctor”: Exploring Patients’ Health-Seeking Behaviours and Adherence to Drug Information Leaflets
Olayinka Susan Ogundoyin Ph.D, Daniel Ikesinachi Nwogwugwu, Joseph B. Ayantade, Tamunodiepreye Atubokiki

13350-13365 The Role of Financial Technology in Islamic on Jordanian Economic Development
Khalid Faris Alomari, Mohyi Aldin Abu Al Houl, Mohammad Jaradat, Amjad Mahmoud Daradkah, Jumana Yousef Abubaker

13366-13400 The Significance of Requirements for Improving the Readiness of Arab Universities for Digital Transformation: Academic Leaders’ and Faculty Members’ Perspective
Ekhlas Mohammad Alraba’y, Buthiana Elias Awais, Amjad Mahmoud Daradkah , Hanan Ahmad Jaradat, Ashraf Mahmoud Mahmoud, Khalid Faris Alomari, Mohammad fadel Al hunaiti, Shaimaa Ali Ali

13401-13424 Legislative and International Protection of Intangible Heritage in the Sultanate of Oman and its Intellectual, Cultural, and Political Extensions in North and East African Coasts
Ashraf Mohamad Gharibeh, Moneer Al Sanusi, Radwan Ahmad Alhaf, Mohammed Temsah

13425-13438 Amnesty Policy Inconsistency and The Re-Emergence of Militant Groups in The Niger Delta Region of Nigeria
Chukwudi Charles Ezikeudu, Ikechukwu Jonathan Opara, Chrisantus Kanayochukwu Ariche, Chimaobi Okorie, Nneka Sophie Amalu, Brown Isokon, Iwaara Eno Iwara, Okwu Augustina Onyema, Anthony Ekpoudo, Benedict Ejikeme Odigbo, Raymond Amanzie Njoku, Enyioma Chinwendu Iwuanyanwu, Nnenna Eme Ukandu

13439-13446 Digitalization and Its Role in Preserving Heritage
Dr. Bellout Omar, Dr. Fatiha Kharroubi, Dr. Imene Bouheroud

13447-13457 Bullying Behavior and Social Stigma toward an Illegitimate Child -A Field Study on Their Social Perceptions
Pr. Kaoukab Ezzamame Beliardouh, Daouadji Yasmine Fatima

13458-13473 Styles of Educational Leadership among Public School Principals in the Jerusalem Governorate and its Suburbs and their Relationship to Teacher Motivation
Samah Fathallah Ghaith Mashhour, Mahmoud A Abu Samra

13474-13485 Developing Sharia Standards Legal Kitchen for Economic Growth: ASEAN Perspective
Heri Pratikto, Ahmad Munjin Nasih, Abdul Basid, Nurdeng Deuraseh, Iva Khoiril Mala, Norkhairiah

13486-13493 A Randomized Clinical Trial on Comparative Effects of Propylene Glycol, Dexamethasone and Insulin for Treatment of Bovine Ketosis
Kawthar AL-Abdulaziz, Mahmoud Kandeel, Mohamed marzok

13494-13504 Musical Trends and Social Movements: Examining the Role of Pop Music in Cultural Shifts Rap as an Indicator of the Protest Potential of Generation Z
Xinyang Yu, Kewen Wan, Nishant Rangra, Haibo Xu

13505-13514 Research on Consumer Behavior Theory of Green Food Purchase Decision: Process Analysis and Exploration of Influencing Factors
Xinqi Huang

13515-13531 Semiotic Interpretation of the Cultural Connotations of Chaozhou Traditional Handicrafts
Dan Guo, Thawascha Dechsubha

13532-13544 The Impact of Perceived Daily Stress Levels on Obesity: The Moderating Effect of Alcohol Consumption Frequency Over One Year
Young Mi Seo

13545-13554 Characterization of White Line Disease in Riding Horses and Its Therapies
Dong Soo Kim, Cheol Jang, Yu Hyeon Kim, Almazbek Irgashev, Gil Jae Cho

13555-13576 Determinants and Transformation Paths of Scientific Research Commercialization in Yangtze River Delta
Zhang Yuxin

13577-13587 The Influence of Education and Training, Commitment and Work Environment on Performance through Teacher Motivation in District Madrasas Gowa, Sulawesi Province
Sukmah, Basri Modding, Salim Basalamah, Ahmad Hakim

13588-13603 The Essence of the Relationship between Government Authority In T he Formation Of Regional Regulations Based On Regional Medium-T erm Development Plans In North Maluku Province
Muhammad Asykin, La Ode Husen, Syahruddin Nawi, Abdul Qahar

13604-13608 The Last Chapter of William of Tyre’s Chronicle, As A Source of Crusader Self- Criticism
Mohamed Munis Awad

13609-13621 International Migration and the Living Standard of People of Edo, Nigeria
Ehiagwina Sunday Braimah, Daniel Eseme Gberevbie, Felix Chidozie, Goddy Uwa Osimen

13622-13636 Exploring the Impact of Organizational Factors on Work-Life Balance: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence among IT Professionals in Bangalore's Leading Firms
Chitra P, Arun Kumar S

13637-13645 The Effect of Prenatal Yoga and Quran Recitations on Cortisol Hormone Levels and Labor Readiness
Gusliana Rais, Mardiana Ahmad, Andi Nilawati Usman, Stang, Muh Tamar

13660-13666 Crosswords in FFL Class and Motivational Learning
Ghimouze Manel, Bentounsi Ikram Aya, Boudebouda Fatiha

13667-13675 Sit-Tight Governance and the Question of Democratic Sustainability in Africa
Anthony Mayowa OLADOYIN, Fadeke Esther OLU-OWOLABI, Temidayo David Oladipo

13676-13686 Investigating the Use of Drugs as a Treatment Method in Jurisprudence and the Laws of the Subject
Nasek Hame Saeed, Siamak Jafarzadeh, Reza Nikkhah

13687-13701 The Impact of English Songs on Vocabulary Learning: A Comparative Analysis between School Curriculum and YouTube
Thamer Alharthi, Bassam Alharbi

13702-13714 Understanding Factors Associated with Suicidal Behavior among Adolescent with Unwanted Pregnancy and the Use of ACT in Handling Suicidal Behavior: A Case Study
Siti Khadijah Mohd Nasrah, Noradila Mohamed Faudzi, Mohd Ibrahim Khan

13715-13725 Implementing A Web-Based Document Management System to Optimize Operational Efficiency in Engineering
Jhonar Angel Gallardo-Andrés, Carlos Enrique Chinga-Ramos

13726-13732 The Impacts of Covid 19: An Evaluation of Families’ Views on the Effects that Online Education Has on Students
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şeniz Şensoy

13733-13738 The Impact of AI-Driven Consumer Insights on Targeted Marketing and Customer Retention Strategies
Rowaida Al- Aqrabawi, Bader Ismaeel, Khaled Khalaf Alafi

13739-13744 Heydar Aliyev and the Democratic Changes That Started from Nakhchivan
Abdulla Mustafayev, Gadir Akbarov, Alakbar Jabbarov

13745-13755 The Effect of Husbands' Breast Care and Midwives on Postpartum Mothers' Pain After Cesarean Section
Lisnawati Sidabutar, Andi Nilawati Usman, Siti Maisuri Tadjudddin Chalid, Elisabeth Catherine Jusuf, Siti Rafiah, Bambang Rahardjo

13756-13773 Evaluation of TFP and overall performance for Non-Member Countries of the European Union based on an Alternative Approach of the Malmquist index (2017-2022)
Blerta (Kristo) Nazarko

13774-13801 Factors Influencing the Adoption of Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Egyptian Small and Medium Enterprises: Assessing the Effects of Fit and Viability
Salma Amer, Mohd Heikal Husin

13802-13814 Exploring the Saudi EFL learners’ Perceptions and Challenges in AIAssisted Post-Editing Tools for Writing
Ghazwan Mohammed Saeed Mohammed

13815-13824 Analysis of the Implementation of Home Care-Based Health Services in Kaluku Bodoa Health Center, Makassar City
Ema Indah Sari E. Susilo, Indar, Darmawansyah, Sukri Palutturi, Nurhaedar Jafar, Andi Zulkifli

13825-13837 Analysis of the Influence of the Factors of Innovative Work Behavior of SMPN Teachers in the City of Bogor Mediated by Work Engagement and Learning Goal Organization
Eliza Ariesta, Suwarto, Innocentius Bernarto, Dylmoon Hidayat

13838-13854 Iranian Foreign Policy and its Position on the Palestinian Issue
Abeer Mahmoud Awwad

13855-13863 Folk Poems of Butuan: A Mirror for the Preservation of Peace
Marsha O. Arnado, Melba B. Ijan, Gladys L. Lagura

13864-13872 Gold Painting Lacquer Art: Artistic Value in the Ming, and Qing Dynasties to Create Contemporary Gold Painting Art
Dr.Sippa Sooksamran, Dr.Burin Plengdeesakul, Dr.Papitchaya Teawkul

13873-13881 The Impact of Carbon Tax Policies on Reducing Carbon Emissions G20 Countries
Heru Wahyudi, Ambya

13882-13893 Open Science Movement and Researchers’ Perspectives in Higher Learning Institutions: A Conceptual Framework
Neema Florence Vincent Mosha

13894-13916 The Requirements of Employing Augmented Reality (AR) Technologies in Teaching the Science Curriculum to Secondary School Students in Hail City, in the Light of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), from the Perspectives of Teachers
DR. Khalid Abdalmohsen F. Alshammari

13917-13926 Opportunities for Developing Natural Language Models in Building Artificial Intelligence Systems to Enhance Educational Process Support
Ilyos Abdullayev, Kira Vagner, Olesya Тereshchenko, Alexey Nedelkin, Vitalii Vasyukov

13927-13935 The Artistic Performance of Ink Painting in The Digital Era
Tianyu Dong, Thawascha Dechsubha

13937-13948 Assessment of Learning Through Digital Platforms In Language Classes In Moroccan Universities: Towards A New Innovative Pedagogical Practice — Case Study Of Moulay Ismail University, Meknes (Morocco)
Mounir BOURRAY, Nihal AJDI, Badia SNAIBI

13949-13956 Socialization of The Elderly Through Art Therapy in Cultural Institutions: A Practical Aspect
Nina Efremova, Elena Kharkovskaya, Nadezhda Kalashnikova, Olga Kireeva

13957-13963 Assessment of the Economic Efficiency of Using Pulp and Paper Industry Waste in Crop Production in Northern Regions of Russia
Lyudmila Voronina, Maria Yurkevich

13964-13973 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Social Services for Children in Conflict with the Law to Enhance the Educational Intervention Program at Bahay Pag-Asa
Gabriel L. Luna

13974-14000 From Classroom to Boardroom: Exploring the Learning and Lived Experience of Teacher Turned Entrepreneurs
Regine M. Manzanillo

14001-14013 The Effect of Training and Digital Flyers on Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Control Prevention Behaviour in Students of SMAN 11 Pangkep and SMAN 1 Pangkep
Hiejrah Rahmat Anas, Ridwan Amiruddin, Andi Zulkifli, Wahiduddin, Sukri Palutturi

14014-14028 Integrating Sustainability into Ai-Driven HRM Practices: Examining Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance in the IT Industry
Karthikeyan Thangaraju, Poonguzhali Palani

14029-14039 Effects of Planting Dates, Chilling Periods and Foliar Spray with N/P Ratio on Growth Characteristics of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa.) cv. Robygem under Hydroponic Conditions
Halat O. Ali, Shukri H. S. Bani

14040-14052 Cross-Model Interaction Of Digital Twins Of Business Processes
Oleg Kazakov

14053-14064 Influencing Factors on purchase intention of fake drugs in Thailand
Chayanan Kerdpitak, Witthaya Mekhum, Alyssa Mekhum, Sakul Jariyachamsit, Weera Chotithammaporn

14065-14075 Exploring Key Determinants of Students’ Performance Using PLS-SEM Model

14076-14092 Application of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis as a verification tool of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points System in dairy Factories
H. S. Abaalkhayl, M. A. AlNasser, A. A. Neamatallah, M, H, Madkour

14093-14106 Marijuana as A Health Therapy is Associated with Human Rights and the Potential Legality of Future Use of Marijuana in the Health Field Based on Local Indonesian Wisdom
Pan Lindawaty Suherman Sewu, Arman Tjoneng, Dian Narwastuty, Christin Septina Basani

14107-14118 Blended Learning with ChatGPT: Combining Traditional Teaching Methods with AI Assistance
Mohammed Nasser Hassan Ja’ashan

14119-14132 Challenges in the Early Stages of the Bosporo-Roman War (45–49 CE): Roman Presence on the Kerch Peninsula
Sergey Yartsev, Elena Shushunova, Artem Vnukov, Roman Bobin, Daria Yurkova

14133-14146 Attitudes, Practices and Challenges in Technology Integration within the Industrial Classroom: The Context of TVL Track in SHS
Jaynelle G. Domingo, Jennilyn C. Mina

14147-14174 Impact Of Globalization on Financial Development in Africa
Damilola Lotsi, Taiwo Adewale Muritala, Abbas Ibrahim Umar, Hauwa Abubakar Lamino

14175-14188 Legal Analysis of The Provisions of The Crime of Corruption in The Criminal Code in Terms of The Principle of Proportionality
M. Rizaldi Ashar, Aswanto, Amir Ilyas

14189-14201 Navigating Challenges in Higher Education: An Analysis of Community College's Institutional Obstacles and Opportunities for Reform
Bilel Elmotri, Radhia Harizi, Amel Boujlida, Hamida Riahi, Sihem Garrouri, Mustafa Ahmed Al-humari, Yasir M. Elyasa

14202-14223 The Contribution of Stress-Tolerant Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) from Abiotic-Stressed Ecosystems to Sustainable Crop Management: A Comprehensive Review
Aiad A. Akhreim, Amruta U. Jadhav, Mahmoud F. Gaballa, Sunita. H. Patil, Suchita N. Patil, K. D. Ahire, Alaa Alrahman D.M. Abid, Idress Attitalla

14224-14233 Analysis Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) Complaints in Workers at Sulawesi Utara Provincial Health Office
Mohamad Prasetyo Hasan, Syamsiar S. Russeng, Yahya Thamrin, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Amran Razak, Mar’atuljannah Una

14234-14243 Development of Guidelines for Enhancing the Sustainable Academic Leadership for Administrators in Chinese Universities in Typing Government
Qin Wang, Patchara Dechhome, Niran Sutheeniran, Sarayuth Sethakhajorn

14244-14257 STEM Applications by Science Pre-Service Teachers (Gen-Z Category) During Online Learning: Rasch Analysis
Syarifa Wahidah Al Idrus, I Wayan Subagia, I Wayan Suastra, I Nyoman Tika

14258-14267 The Effect of Prenatal Yoga and Quran Recitations On Cortisol Hormone Levels and Labor Readiness
Gusliana Rais, Mardiana Ahmad, Andi Nilawati Usman, Stang, Muh Tamar

14268-14278 Analysis of The Effect of Workload, Work Motivation and Work Environment On Nurses' Performance in The Inpatient Room of Kendari City Hospital in 2024
Gita Suci Ramadanti Puanana, Fridawaty, Noer Bahry Noor

14279-14298 Research Implication of Character Education in Indonesia: Bibliometric Analysis and Future Agenda
Tutik Wijayanti, Suwito Eko Pramono, Masrukhi, Maman Rachman

14299-14310 Digital Aera: Exploring Online Social Networks and Their Impact on College Students' Privacy, Security, and Mental Health
Shoeb Saleh, Tarik N. Mohamed

14311-14319 The Challenges and Implications of Entrepreneurial Motivation and its Relationship with Lifelong Learning
Norhasni Zainal Abiddin, Ihsan Ro’is

14320-14334 The Content and Essence of the Strategic Planning Process in Higher Education Institutions
Assoc.Prof.Taleh Khalilov, Valeh Alikhanov, Nazim Hasanov, Mehpara Ahmadova

14335-14346 The Influence of Organizational Culture and Climate on the Effectiveness of DPR RI’s Expert Staff
Eka Satria Ramadhan, Usep Suhud, Ahmad Fauzi

14347-14360 An Empirical Study on the Implementation of the Policies and Standards on Mathematics Education among Teacher Education Institutions in the Philippines
Nilda Aggabao

14361-14378 The Gaddang Legends: Implication to the Teaching of Literature, Philippine Literacy and Narratology
Kristopher R. Lopez

14408-14418 Evaluation of the Effect of Physical Activity on The Treatment of Depression in Patients with Chronic Diseases
Guo Fei, Ali Khatibi, Jacquline Tham

14419-14426 The Essence of The Principle of Ultimum Remedium Tax Crimes in Indonesia as An Effort to Recover State Losses
Muhammad Abduh, Hambali Thalib, Mulyati Pawennei, Nur Fadhilah Mappaselleng

14427-14445 Dilemmas and Coping Strategies of Academic Counseling in Art and Design Majors in Higher Vocational Colleges in Guangdong, China
Ning Wang, Peng-Fei Chen, Huan Cao, Ke Zhang

14446-14466 The Effect of the Guiding Question Strategy on Acquiring Grammatical Concepts and Improving Speaking Skills Among Seventh Grade Female Students
Asma Taisier AlAzzam, Rateb Qasim Ashour

14467-14479 Ecolinguistics: A Thematic Review of Past 53 Years (1971-2024)
Shuanglin Ge, Sharon Sharmini Victor Danarajan

14491-14501 The Nature of the Position and Function of the National Police Commission in Supervising the Performance of the Republic Of Indonesia National Police
Nur Afti Aulia, La Ode Husen, Kamal Hidjaz, Ilham Abbas

14502-14515 Structure and Dynamic Interaction within the Volunteer Work Group: A Sociometric Study of the Abwab Al-Khair Association in Bechar, Algeria
Abdelmalik Medjadba, Touria Aribi, Fatima Maine

14516-14523 Impact of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on BSE Sensex
Dr.S.Kavitha, Ms. Mehta Vani Joghee, Dr.S.Padmanaban

14524-14535 Leadership Style, Motivation and Social Spirit Towards Performance Through Employee Job Satisfaction at Pt. Karsa Utama Group in Indonesia
Hamzah, Syahrir Mallongi, St. Sukmawati

14536-14546 Enhancing Secondary Students' Problem-Solving Achievement and Behaviour in Linear Algebra: The Impact of the Thinking Aloud Pair Problem-Solving Strategy
Nurfirzanah Fadzil, Sharifah Osman, Jamilah Ahmad, Agustan Syamsuddin, Idawati Fadollah, Maharida Manindar

14547-14555 Characteristics of The Fifth-Grade Natural and Social Sciences Test in Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
Suwarto Suwarto, Nur Rokhimah Hanik, Tri Wiharti, Arini Hidayah, Zakiyah Zakiyah

14556-14561 Factors Affecting the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) Performance of BSEd Graduates
Ruby B. Dimas

14562-14570 Identification of MSME Needs to Enhance the Effectiveness of Entrepreneurship Education Based On Spice and Food Potentials in Ternate City
Iswadi M. Ahmad, Wahjoedi, Agus Suman, Sugeng Hadi Utomo, Linda Fauziyah Ariyani

14571-14579 Rasch Analysis in Diagnosing Learning Gaps and Gauge Item Difficulty in Eighth-Grade Mathematics Assessments
Abzonie B. Reño, Alvic A. Arnado

14580-14594 Moderating Role of Entrepreneurial Efficacy on SME Performance in Nigeria Cosmetic Sector
Simon-Ilogho e. Busola, Omoyele s. Temidayo, Ogbari e. Mercy, Onayemi o. Oluwafunmilayo, Oluwatoyin d. Adesanya

14595-14621 Unveiling the Benefits and Challenges of Using Printed Modules during Pandemic: Examining University Teachers' Experiences in a Higher Education Institution
Marites Choycawen, Randy Pagdawan, Peter Paul Canuto

14622-14634 Analysis of Internal Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Internal Audit Functions in Moroccan Public Enterprises Engaged in Commercial Activities: A Qualitative Approach
Mehdi Gharrafi, Abi Oumayma, Yakouty Hassan, Annou Amina, Khadija Benazzi

14635-14644 Conceptions of Inclusive Education in Special Education Teacher Training
Ximena Gutiérrez-Saldivia, Ximena Damm Muñoz, Danilo Díaz-Levicoy

14645-14656 Factors in The Deterioration of Social Housing in Central African Cities: The Case of Malabo in Equatorial Guinea
Josefina Monte-Nguba Siale, Hassane Mahamat Hemchi, Koffi Kpotchou

14657-14674 The Effect of Swimming on Overuse Injuries in Athletes through CrossTraining Strategy: A Systematic Review
Jinshu Li

14675-14699 Do Social Factors Contribute to Sovereign (Country) Default Risk Premium?
Zeshan Ahmed, Rosalan Bin Ali, Jalila Binti Johari

14700-14708 Implementation of Hot-Fit Framework to Evaluate Electronic Medical Record System at Beriman Hospital, Balikpapan City
Agus Jiwani, Noer Bahry Noor, Irwandy

14709-14723 FinTech and Entrepreneurial Competencies as Mediators in an Extended Financial Literacy Model and Financial Satisfaction: A PLSSEM Analysis
Marlon A. Misa, Celbert M. Himang, Alvic A. Arnado, Eubert R. Tagupa, Myron T. Cubillan, Marsha O. Arnado

14724-14740 Sinicization of Ballet: A Comparative Study of “Flag” and “Carmina Burana” Performances by Guangzhou Ballet
Yuanyuan Liu, Mohd Kipli Bin Abdul Rahman

14741-14748 Management Capacity and Financial Management of Non-Public Universities
Le Quang Trung, Vu Thi Thao, Nguyen Van Hau, Le Trung Thanh

14749-14756 The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture on Enhancing Employee Performance in Organizations
Toga Sehat Sihite, Agung Dharma Buchdadi, Indra Pahala

14757-14780 Transitivity Analysis of an Academic Document: A Case of English Course Syllabi at Saudi Electronic University
Mohammad Husam Alhumsi, Najah Alsaedi, Soha Fallata, Amera Alharbi

14781-14812 Development of Taxonomy for Addressing Decision-Related Challenges of Bug Prioritization and its Use for Scrum Retrospective
Sohaib Altaf Raja, Madihah Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Idrees Alsolbi, Abid Ghaffar

14813-14841 Toward An Integrative Model of Healthy Dietary Behaviors: A MetaAnalysis Approaches
Wann-Yih Wu, Yo-Yu Liu, Kuo-Chung Huang, Hsin-Kuang Chi, Bich-Hang Vuong

14842-14849 Lecturers' Satisfaction with Facilities of Non-Public Universities
Nguyen Van Thu, Nguyen Trung Hieu, Cao Thi Anh, Le The Anh

14850-14860 Enhancing Communicative Value in Audit Reports: The Impact of Key Audit Matters on Report Readability and Tone in Thailand
Amonlaya Kosaiyakanont, Worraphan Trakarnsirinontb, Wisuttorn Jitaree, Duraya Sukthomyad

14861-14872 Empowering MSMEs to Support Local Economic Development: Case Study of Processed Mangrove Fruit Products
Misna Ariani, Miswaty Miswaty, Tutik Yuliani, Husniyah Husniyah

14873-14884 Indicators and Methods of Measurement Used to Evaluate the Leadership Competency Profiling Exercise in Education: A Scoping Review
Lee Jun Choi, Sopian Bujang, Nadri Aetis Heromi Basmawi, Syahrul Nizam Junaini, Ahmad Sofian Shminan

14885-14899 Exploring Drivers Influencing E-Commerce AI Adoption Among Social Media Natives
Wan Nur Syaheera Wan Ruslan, Kamarulzaman Ab. Aziz

14900-14906 Education and Motivation as Catalysts for Success: Examining Their Impact on Women’s Workplace Performance
Herman, Penti Pirlanti, Wonny Ahmad Ridwan, Sook Fern Yeo

14907-14916 Examining the Role of Gamification in Enhancing Candidate Engagement and Experience Through Gamified Selection Processes
Chandra Sekhar Uma Shankar, Jaya Ganesan, Sook Fern Yeo

14917-14930 Factors Influencing Generation Z's Intention to Invest in Cryptocurrency: Is Cryptocurrency a Trend Amongst Gen Z?
Hazlaili Binti Hashim, Yeo Sook Fern, Umme Aliah Farhanah Binti Mohd Faizal, Khairol Nizat Bin Lajis

14931-14943 Fostering Engagement in the Gig Economy: The Impact of JD-R Model
Siew Woon Lee, Chew Sze Cheah, Yeh Ying Cheah, Mazni Alias

14944-14954 Living Smart: Is Smart Home Devices Really Good?
Ying San Lim, Tuan Hock, Ng, Hoe Pin Teh

14955-14963 Navigating Culinary Choices: An Exploration of AI Chatbots for Personalized Restaurant Recommendations
Khairol Nizat Lajis, Hazlaili Hashim

14964-14976 Navigating the 5G Game: Understanding Adoption Factors Among Generation Z Gamers in Malaysia
Yeow Ging Yang, Kamarulzaman Ab. Aziz

14977-14986 Online Loan in Indonesia, Where Is the Sharia Finance? A Bibliometric Analysis
Afif lillah, Amir Maruf, Husnul Khotimah, Dwi Kurnia Nurunisa

14987-15002 A Study on Ikigai and Effectuation’s Impact on Nascent Entrepreneurship Intentions
Diyana Mahad, Ruzanna Ab Razak, Kamarulzaman Ab. Aziz

15003-15011 Prevalence of Thyroid Disorders in the Southeastern Region of Bangladesh
Masuda Begum Sampa, Md. Siddikur Rahman, Nor Hidayati Abdul Aziz, Nor Azlina Ab. Aziz

15012-15030 Revisit Ready: How Smart Tourism Tech Shapes Satisfaction and Revisit Intentions in Malaysia
Brandon Tan Zheng Wei, Peong Kwee Kim, Sook Fern Yeo

15031-15039 Unraveling the Influence of Modern Technology on Generation Z's Educational Contentment in Malaysia
Hasmida Jamaluddin, Tong Zi Qi, Hazlaili Hashim, Siti Zakiah Melatu Samsi

15040-15048 A Deep Dive into the Legal Framework of Moneylenders Act 1951 in Malaysia: An Overview
Wong Hua Siong, Azwina Wati Binti Abdull Manaf

15049-15063 Developing a Model for Mobile Payment Adoption among Senior Citizens in Malaysia: A Pilot Study
Ratna Sari Razali, Audrey Poh Choo Cheak, Yee Yen Yuen, Choon Yih Goh

15064-15074 Brain Drain: The Determination of Students’ Intention to Leave Malaysia
Farah Adibah binti Ramdan, Yeow Jian Ai, Fathima Nasreen, Yeo Sook Fern

15075-15089 No 'sayang', its Sexual Harassment among Civil Servants: Law in Malaysia, To Prevent, Handle and Eradicate
Siti Marshita Binti Mahyut, Lakshana AP Kathiresan, Ain Farahana Mazdin binti Abdullah, Rupadharrshini AP Sivakumar, Umamangaleswari, Muhammad Zareeq Amsyar Bin Mohd Affendi

15090-15098 Navigating Industrial Disputes: Legal Perspectives and Precedents
Siti Marshita Binti Mahyut, Anis Saffiah Binti Ibrahim, Nadia Darlina Binti Muhammad Jasmee, Nureena Dania Binti Nazri Azam, Dayang Nur Batrisya Binti Noor Hanan, Fathimah Azzahraa' Binti Mohd Azli

15099-15113 Adapting to Amendments: Analyzing the Impact of the Malaysia’s 2022 Employment Act Revisions
Siti Marshita Binti Mahyut, Hew Xue En, Magdalene Lee Jin Wei, Sabrina Lim Ching Loo, Tan Phaik Nee, Tang Yan Rui

15114-15118 Safety of Navigation and Maritime Communications with Submarines and Artificial Intelligence: Assessment of the Procedures and Requirements in Malaysia
Manique Cooray, Raaga Manjari Annathurai

15119-15123 AI-Generated Contents: Blurring the Lines of Copyright Ownership
Irene Xin Hui Ling, Chuin-Loong Tan, Eng Siang Tay

15124-15129 Child Marriage in Malaysia: AI-Assisted Decision Making
Iyshinii Rao Raja Rao, Chee Ying Kuek, Eng Siang Tay

15130-15134 Analysis of Image Rights Recognition in Malaysia: A Comparative Study with Selected Jurisdictions
Shao Zheng Chong, Chee Ying Kuek, Eng Siang Tay

15135-15146 The Role of the Harp (Simsimiyya) Instrument in the Jordanian Folk Song in Aqaba
Subhi Al Sharqawi

15147-15158 Effect of Governance Dimensions on Operational Performance through Process Coordination in Drug Making Industry of Thailand
Chayanan Kerdpitak, Napassorn Kerdpitak, Pimploi Tirastittam

15159-15164 Basic Covenants in The Bible
Dinh Van Chien

15165-15170 Humanistic Thought in Jesus' Sermon on The Eight Beatens
Dinh Van Chien

15171-15180 Relationship Between Service Quality and Patient Re-Utilization Interests at Pallangga Community Health Center, Gowa District
Andi Erma Lia, Muhammad Alwy Arifin, Amran Razak, Sukri Palutturi, Masni, Rahmatiah

15181-15191 Analysis of Smart City Policy Implementation on Informal Sector Workers in Makassar City
Afiifah, Muhammad Alwy Arifin, Amran Razak, Darmawansyah, Muhammad Syafar, Lalu Muhammad Saleh

15192-15208 Revisiting the Effect of Board Characteristics on Firm Performance: The Influence of Director Ownership and Institutional Ownership in Pakistan
Fadia Naz, Hisham Bin Muhammad, Chai-Aun Ooi

15209-15214 From Trauma to Recovery: How Victim-Centered Approaches Can Combat Deepfake Pornography
Angelica Vanessa Audrey Nasution, Suteki, Anggita Doramia Lumbanraja

15215-15228 An Analysis of the Current Application and Innovative Exploration of Packaging Pattern Elements for Traditional Chinese Medicine under Semiotic Semantics: A Case Study of Spleen and Stomach Pills from Beijing Tongrentang
Lu Gan, Azhar Bin Abd Jamil

15229-15237 Navigating Privacy and Cultural Identity: Social Media Use and Privacy and Security Concerns among Saudi Youth
Shoeb Saleh, Tarik N. Mohamed

15238-15251 Development of Small and Medium Enterprise Performance in Urban Areas
Tuty Sariwulan, Suparno Suparno, Muhammad Ridlo

15252-15260 Vietnam in India's Defense Cooperation Policy In The Face Of Growing Competition from China
Do Thi Anh, Tran Hai Dinh

15261-15272 Responsibility for Defects and Errors of Smart Robots According to Traditional and Modern Theories in the Jordanian Legislations
Dr. Hassan Sami Alabady, Dr. Shereen Abu Ghazaleh, Dr. Ahmad Mohamad Alomar, Dr. Ashraf Mohamad Gharibeh

15273-15285 Optimization of Financial Evaluation Index System from the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence Algorithm and Cloud Network Security
Jingyi Lu

15286-15298 Adopting International Standards to Strengthen Corruption Prevention in Local Government Procurement: Insights from Southern Thailand
Kittipan Ekareesakul, Dani Salleh

15299-15313 Investigating the Expected Impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Principles on Smart-City Management towards Achieving Green Competitive Advantage: A Comparative Future Study between NEOM and Telosa Cities
Rahma Elhag Mohamed Elhag

15314-15321 Application of Multi Scale Fusion U-Net in Medical Image Segmentation
Dai Lina, Md Gapar Md Johar, Mohammed Hazim Alkawaz

15322-15331 The Impact of Physical Activity on the Motor Skills of Children with Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review
La Saudi, Muhamad Ridlo, Wiwin Sulistyawati, Vernando Yanry Lameky, Ahmil, Siska Christianingsih, Wendi Muhammad Fadhli, Narmawan, Resi Putri Naulia, Ainun Najib Febrya Rahman

15332-15342 Nijincaiqi Lacquerware in Wedding Customs: Gender Symbols and Cultural Significance in Ninghai County
Ningning Xiong, Dr. Surakarn Ruaisungnoen, Dr. Burin Plengdeesakul, Dr. Wanwisa Wannapipat

15343-15350 Assessing Ecological Accounting Information On Managerial Decisions in Enterprises In The North Central Region Of Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Linh

15351-15361 Understanding Indian Investors' Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Equity Fund Investments- An Empirical Study
Arunkumar N, Vijay Karthigeyan K T, V M Ponniah

15379-15397 Analysis of Kidney Injury Molecule-1 of Urine and Serum Lactate as Predictors of Acute Kidney Injury in Critical Patients
Kashi Ameta Resijiadi Juwono, Prananda Surya Airlangga, Bambang Pujo Semedi

15398-15403 Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase-1, Lymphovascular Invasion, and Tumor Size as Risk Factors for Regional Metastasis in TNBC
Wayan Gede Suarsana, Andi Asadul Islam, Prihantono, Berti Julian Nelwan

15404-15415 Influence of Patient Safety Culture on Medication Administration Error among Nurses and Midwives at Restu Ibu Hospital in Balikpapan, Indonesia
Niken Dayu Anggraini, Fridawaty Rivai, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Indahwaty Sidin, Herlina Hamzah, Khalid Sale

15416-15424 The Implementation of E-Government Policies in Innovation of Public Service Provision in Indonesia
Sri Nur Hari Susanto, Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa, Suparno, Indarja

15425-15433 Sustainable Aviation Fuel in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Overview
Adya Paramita Prabandari, Efrema Ardratya Prakasita Puteri

15434-15442 The Comparison of High Seas Fisheries Management Regulations in Several Countries
Peni Susetyorini, L. Tri Setyawanta, Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa

15443-15450 Research on State Management in Vietnam from the Practice of Local People's Participation
Le Huong Giang, Dong Thi Hong, Nguyen Thi Thu Hoa

15451-15466 Intersection of Educational Economics and Social Psychology: Exploring Risks and Opportunities
Yizhen Lyu

15467-15484 Research Implication of Character Education in Indonesia: Bibliometric Analysis and Future Agenda
Tutik Wijayanti, Suwito Eko Pramono, Masrukhi, Maman Rachman

15485-15492 The Impact on the Reporting of Forensic Findings in Criminal Proceedings
Kate Simon, Joe H Smith

15493-15509 Kosovar Attitudes towards Homosexuality and Lesbianism and the Legalisation of Same-Sex Civil Unions
Vjosa Jonuzi–Shala, Hana Shala

15510-15523 Doctrine of Domicile in Conflict of Laws: An Appraisal for Determining Private Law
Moin Uddin, Nur Ezan Rahmat, Maruf Billah, Md. Ruhul Amin, Md.Riaduzzaman

15524-15536 “Now and Then”: The Systematic Literature Review on the Interventions and Treatment Setting for Major Depressive Disorder in Pakistan
Tania Qamar, Dr. Nabisah Ibrahim, Nur Amirah Azrina Hamzah

15537-15548 Toxic Leadership Under Bashar al-Assad: A Case Study
Ismail Aref Awda

15549-15556 Effectiveness of Yoga Exercises in Reducing Back Pain Levels among Individuals Aged 18-30 in Yala Municipality
Nuriya Latekeh, Ismaae Latekeh, Husna Wateh, Sulwanee Waesani, Ni-fateeya Doloh

15558-15575 The Intervention of The Saudi Judiciary in Supporting Arbitration
Asmaa Saad Elhadedy, Hani Mounes Awad, Adnan Ayza Almalki, Osama Abdullah Almutairi

15576-15591 Artificial Intelligence and the Evolution of Managerial Expertise in the Digital Age: How AI has Impacted Managerial Skills
Yang Yang, Yang Bai, Shasha Liu, Qing Wang, Qiyu Zheng

15592-15608 The Moderating Impact of Audit Committee Diversity on the Relationship between Financial Performance and Accounting Conservatism in Jordan
Laith Alsheyab, Mohd Rizuan Abdul Kadir, Khairul Kamarudin, Raedah Sapingi

15609-15619 Unlocking Business Sustainability: Investigating the Influence of Humanic Clues in Nigeria Agricultural Industry
AREMU, Fisayo J., OGUNNAIKE, Olaleke O., ONAYEMI, Oluwakemi O.

15620-15632 Optimize Brand Visual Symbols to Improve Customer Perception of Brand Image and Purchase Intention
Du Guoguang, Jacquline Tham

15633-15650 The Impact of Inflation on the Financial Statements of Banks in Sudan: The Case Study of Bank (S)
Nagwa Mohamed Bahreldin Abubaker

15672-15688 Transparency in Public Procurement: Its Influence on Sustainable Development Initiatives in Caraga Region, Philippines
Neljun M. Catindin, Alvic A. Arnado

15689-15710 Assessing the Impact of AI Integration Course on Students’ AI Competencies and Readiness in Preservice EFL Teacher Education
Claudia Myrna Méndez-Alarcón, Olusiji Adebola Lasekan, Vengalarao Pachava

15711-15720 Development and Validation of a Self-Learning Module on Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Filipino for Tertiary
Arnel T. Noval, EdD

15721-15739 The Impact Of Governance Mechanisms On The Disclosure Of Social Responsibility And Its Reflection On The Quality Of Financial Reports And The Economic Performance Of Banks Listed On The Iraq Stock Exchange
Inas Nasrat Suleiman, Moufida Ben Saada

15740-15755 Illustrated Depiction of Self-Concept and Risky Sexual Behavior among Men who have sex with men in Makassar, Indonesia
Nur Fitriani, Suriah, Shanti Riskiyani, Sudirman Nasir, Masni, Arlin Adam

15756-15772 Examining the Mediating Roles of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in Malaysian Women's Entrepreneurial Intention: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Hui Li You, Shyue Chuan Chong, Fiona Jane Francis, Chia Yien Lim

15773-15785 The Use Of Sustainable Development Theory In Professional Sports Club Management
Xiantao Meng, Indang Ariati Binti Ariffin, Jacquline Tham

15786-15800 Zakat and Women’s Empowerment in Batik Village; Perspective of ‘Asabiyyah’ Ibn Khaldun
SE Ayyubi, ES Wahyuni, P Muljono, IS Beik

15801-15809 Driving Educational Transformation: How Transformational Leadership and Knowledge Sharing Behavior Teachers' Readiness for Indonesia’s Merdeka Belajar
Marhisar Simatupang, Yuli Asmi Rozali, Aisyah Ratnaningtyas, Winanti Siwi Respati

15810-15815 The Essence of the Implementation of Subsidized Fertilizer Distribution Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade in the Jurisdiction of South Sulawesi
Bastian Mas, Sufirman Rahman, La Ode Husen, Kamal Hidjaz

15816-15831 The Cultural Context and Its Impact on Interpreting the Meanings of Arabic Words: A Comparative Critical Analysis of Dialects
Adil Othman Al-Hadi, Ali Khalifa A. Abdullatif

15832-15842 Breaking Promises in Contracts as Fraud: The Contribution of Islamic Law to Indonesian Criminal Law
Kuswardani, Marisa Kurnianingsih, Andria Luhur Prakosa, David Saputra, Arief Budiono, Fahmi Fairuzzaman, Mazlena Bimti Muhammd Hussain

15854-15861 The Landscape of Maternal Health Service in Indonesia: A Narrative Review of Antenatal and Postnatal Services
Khumaira, Wahiduddin, Ida Leida Maria, Ansariadi, Darmawansyah, Apik Indarty Moedjiono

15883-15894 Determinants Of Organizational Commitment In Telecommunications Industry: An Application Of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Pham Thi Thuy Van, Doan Thi Yen, Luc Manh Hien

15895-15914 The Impact of Knowledge Sharing on Open Innovation (An analytical Study of Telecommunications Companies in Iraq)
Ahmed Abdul Ameer Naser, Dr. Houda Hakim Guermazi

15915-15924 Student (Dis) Engagement in Learning amid the Economic Crisis: Challenges and Coping Strategies
Boitumelo Benjamin Moreeng, Pfuurai Chimbunde

15925-15938 Impact of Fraud Risk Factors on Corporate Green Reputation: An Analysis Using the SCCORE Model
Supriatiningsih, Muhamad Taqi, Lia Uzliawati, Munawar Muchlis

15939-15950 Enhancing Performance through Business Intelligence and IT Infrastructure, A Competitive Edge Perspective
Mithkal Hmoud Alqaraleh, Sami Dabboussi, Ahmed Saad Mohamed Khamis, Musab Mutasim Saeed Arbab

15951-15964 The Teacher as a Partner in Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties: A Comprehensive Perspective
Debbar Hanane, Djari Naima, Rezzag lobza Samira

15965-15974 The Effectiveness of the Mind Mapping Teaching Method Combined With Cooperative Learning On Academic Achievement
Guenoua Abdellatif, Djerad Abdelkhalek, Mansour Mostefa, Seba Mohammed

15975-15993 Exploring the Impact of Google Education Tools on Student Engagement, Learning Motivation, and Academic Performance
Ting Tin Tin, Lionel Thum Zi Hua, Tiew Jia Jun, Thong Shao Bang, Wan Zhi Jie, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

15994-16013 A Mediating Analysis of Academic Performance in the Relationship between Life Circumstances and Job Opportunities among Young Adults
Ting Tin Tin, Low Ling Yue, Lee Xue Bao, Lim Thye Han, Tan Jia Hao, Ali Aitizaz, Mohammed Amin Almaiah, Umapathy Eaganathan, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin

16014-16034 Exploring the Factors Affecting Academic Performance: A Path Analysis of English Proficiency, Code Switching and Code Mixing Among TARUMT Students
Ting Tin Tin, Wong Yi Cheng, Yap Tee Jin, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16035-16061 Impact of Social Media on Undergraduate Students’ Academic Performance in Malaysia
Ting Tin Tin, They Chuan Kiat, Hoi Jee Kit, Lew Yong Shun, Sum Ka Wah, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16062-16080 Exploring the Factors Affecting Mental Health and Digital Cultural Dependency among University Students
Ting Tin Tin, Winnie Chin, Lim Le Xin, Yuen Siu Mei, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16081-16093 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Malaysia E-Commerce for Online Shopping
Ting Tin Tin, Chai Di Chen, Chan Kai Shee, Marcus Lee Joo Jen, Nicholas Wong Jin Hao, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16094-16104 Statistical Analysis of the Influence of K-Pop Music on the Attitude and Preferences of Undergraduate Students
Ting Tin Tin, Kee Wen Yi, Heng Ze Xiang, Kong Chau Yong, Teng Jie Hong, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16105-16116 Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Electric Vehicles in Malaysia: Extended Technology Acceptance Model Analysis
Ting Tin Tin, Chua Kar Wai, Khoo Lik Xiang, Chester Ching Yee Kin, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16117-16131 Statistical Research of the Factors Which Affect the Acceptance of Advanced Driving Assistance System among Youngsters
Ting Tin Tin, Yap Eurig, Yeong Eugene, Kong Jun Wei,Tan Khai Xiun, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Umar Farooq Khattak, Yasin Ahmed Siddiqui

16132-16142 The Role of Government Secondary School Teachers in Applying Artificial Intelligence to Activate Risk Management and Achieve Cybersecurity from the Students’ Point of View
Athir Husni Al Kouri, Mohammad Alsa'di, Shireen Al_Qawasmeh, Morsi mustafa abu salih, Rami Ali Sadi

16143-16155 Exploring Diaspora and Displacement in Drama and Television: A Study of 'The Power of the Daleks' and 'Disgraced'
Alaa Muwafaq Mustafa AL-Khazraji

16156-16169 The Affect Mechanism of Environmental Munificence on Entrepreneurial Improvisation in Heilongjiang Province, China

16170-16186 The Development of a Storytelling Model to Promote Future Behavioral Intentions in Tourism: A Case Study of Bang Luang R.E.122 Community, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Prapon Leksuma, Pimchanok Mulmit, Warut Kuaysakul

16187-16193 Analysis of Serum Vitamin D Levels in a Healthy Young Adult Population
Masriyani Masriyani, Liong Boy Kurniawan, Mansyur Arif, Andi Alfian Zainuddin, Aminuddin Aminuddin, Tenri Esa

16194-16207 Beyond Traditional ESG: Unveiling Novel Implementation Theories
Febrian Kwarto

16208-16216 Investigating the Influence of HR Management Practices on Brain Drain Intentions Among Academic Staff at Yemeni Universities: The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction
Sukainah Hasan Saleh Alhebshi, Dr. Antar Fuad Ali Alharazi, Dr. Aminullah Abdulrasheed Abdullah, Prof. Madya Dr. Siti Zubaidah bt. Othman, Dr . Najib Radman Masood Taleb, Dr. Omar khalid abdulrahman mustafa, Dr. Edora Binti Ismail

16217-16226 The Relationship of Shoe Ergonomics to Pain Intensity Calcaneus and Hallux Valgus
Fifi Ishak, Irene Edith Rieuwpassa, Muhammad Iqbal Basri

16253-16270 The Impact of Quick Mathematical Exercises (Warm-up Activities) on Students' Performance and Confidence
Ismet Temaj, Esma Canhasi-Kasemi, Senad Orhani

16271-16281 The Perspective of Thais on Environment through Figurative Language
Pornjarat Sirinawakul, Rattana Chanthao

16282-16295 Patient Safety Culture through Organizational Factors and Structural Empowerment: A Study at a Regional General Hospital in Balikpapan, Indonesia
Niken Kurniasari, Fridawaty Rivai, Andi Indahwaty AS, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Nur Arifah, Sangkala Rewa

16296-16310 Strategy of Performance Improvement Through Value Chain Approach (Support Activity) at Beriman Hospital Balikpapan
Sri Nur Azizah, Syahrir A Pasinringi, Noer Bahry Noor, Fridwaty Rivai, Irwandy, Herlina A. Hamzah

16311-16323 Future Research on Tax Aggressiveness: A Bibliometric Analysis
Yulius Kurnia Susanto, Muhamad Taqi, Nurhayati Soleha, Munawar Muchlish

16324-16334 Model of Didactic Orientation for the Improvement of the form-Ative Evaluation of Teachers in An Educational Institution
Celia Tatiana Quispe Anchiraico, Juan Raúl Egoavil Vera, Percy Junior Castro Mejía

16335-16355 Applied of Resource Based View (RBV) Theory by Assessing Resource Heterogeneity in Relation to The Biomass Supply Chain in Malaysia
Salmi. S, W.Prima. A.W.A, Aizat Syafiq. Z, Norlena.H, Nuraini.A.A, Nora Yusma.M.Y

16356-16374 Inductors Of Performance in The Public Sector: A Systematic Literature Review Employing PRISMA Guidelines
Benkirane kawtar, Haoudi Wissal, Badr Youssef, Benazzi khadija

16375-16381 Unpacking The Influence of Relationship Marketing on Customer Satisfaction: The Mediating Effect of Service Quality in Northern Kerala’s Hospitality Industry
Deon Bablu Thomas, J.Solomon Thangadurai

16382-16390 Prediction of Student Decision-Making Behaviour based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Hao Luo

16442-16459 The Legal Nature of Goodwill Ambassadors
Ali Ahmed Kalaaji, Majid Al Hamwi, Mohammad Njim Elayat, Moneer Al Sanousi, Ashraf Mohamad Gharibeh

16460-16474 Impacts of Pre-Retirement Training on the Welfare Condition of Retirees in Selected Federal Teaching Hospitals in South-Western Nigeria
Moruf Ayodele BELLO, PhD., Philomena Ify IGBOKWE, PhD, BolanleWaliu SHIYANBADE, PhD., Paul Chibuike EZEBUILO

16475-16481 The Philosophy of Being Human in Le Huu Trac's Thought
Nguyen Quoc Viet, Cao Xuan Long

16482-16494 Enhancing Work Efficiency of Grassroots Administrative Staff in Universities through Artificial Intelligence Empowerment
Luo Na, Wang Zhuzhu

16495-16504 Educational Management and Institutional Quality in Higher Education Institutes
Rosa Mercedes Misad Ascuña

16505-16517 The Socio-Familial Environment of The Educational Process in Basic Education
René Zenón, Pacco Miranda

16518-16529 Pedagogical Competence of The Basic Education Teacher
Karla Vanessa Misad Ascuña

16530-16543 Increasing Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills: The Power of Project-Based STEM in Ethnomathematics Learning
Suprojo D.S., Sutama, Endang Fauziati, Markhamah

16551-16559 Correlation between Hyperandrogenism and Endothelin-1 Levels with Cardiovascular Risks in Lean Women with PCOS
Arif Tunjungseto, Alisia Yuana Putri, Jimmy Yanuar Annas

16560-16586 Men’s Human Rights as a Need of Hour in the Gravity of Today’s Scenarized World of Globalization with Specific Medical and Biological Dimensions: A Critical Appraisal
Dr. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. Raj Kumar Verma, Rohit Kumar Verma

16587-16593 A Case of Extensive Pneumonitis in Typical Bronchial Carcinoid Tumor Ending with Total Pneumonectomy
Julius Tanoto, Isnin Anang Marhana

16594-16605 Science, Environment, Technology, and Society Learning Methods on Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
Jossapat Hendra Prijanto, I Putu Sriartha, I Made Pageh, Ida Bagus Made Astawa

16606-16621 Assessing the Psychological Impact of Covid-19 among the University Students: An Evidence from Bangladesh
Shahreen Sonia, Dr. Zoha Rahman

16622-16629 Developing S-O-R Conceptual Framework for Social Media Business Pages.
Dr. Zoha Rahman, Nashid Bintey Hayder, Marvin Razi Mebin, Shirin Sharmin, Nazia Akhtar, Jubayer Asadullah, Shahreen Sonia

16630-16642 Literature Review on S-O-R Model from the Perspective of Social Media
Dr. Zoha Rahman, Jubayer Asadullah, Marvin Razi Mebin, Nazia Akthar, Shirin Sharmin, Dilshad Hossain Dodul, Dr. Zakir Hossain Raju

16643-16651 Exploring the Entrepreneurship of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Fathima Nasreen, Mohamed Nismy Rafiudeen, Mohammed Salem Alshighaybi, Yeo Sook Fern

16652-16664 Revolutionizing University Education: Gamifying the Development of Soft Skills in University Students
Percy Junior Castro Mejía, Juan Raúl Egoavil Vera, Celia Tatiana Quispe Anchiraico, Elba Aurora Villar Martinez, Erika Edith Arroyo Condeña, José Luis Ángelo Arredondo

16665-16679 Model of Collaborative Learning for the Improvement of Formative Evaluation of Students in Mathematics in an Educational Institution
Marisol Lozano Pulla, Juan Raúl Egoavil Vera

16680-16692 Linking Strategic HRM, Organizational Learning and Organizational Excellence: Insights from Thailand Hotel Industry
Jindarat Peemanee, Eakapoom Wongsahai

16693-16712 The Effectiveness of PjBL in the Acquisition of Skills in Higher Vocational Education: A Qualitative Approach

16713-16724 Social Perception towards Residential Solar PV Systems in Saudi Arabia: Conceptual Development of Socio-Cultural, Economic Factors, Technical Factors, and Policy and Regulatory Factors
Risha Alfaedi, Yazid Yaakob, Enio Kang Mohd Sufian Kang, Suriati Paiman, Saleh Ahmad Alghamdi, Md Shuhazlly Mamat

16725-16741 The Mediating Role of Artificial Intelligence Readiness on Accounting Students' Learning Performance: An Exploration of Communicativeness, Interactivity, Mobility and Autonomy Moderated by Technology Readiness
Mengrong Han, Hasri Mustafa Abdul Razak, Saira Kharuddin

16742-16759 Exploring Roland Barthes's Theoretical Framework in A.T. Greenblatt's "Give the Family My Love"
Roseline Jesudas, Inass Ahmed Alteib, Sajeena Gayathrri, Hamida Riahi, Aisha Fadl Almola Mohammed Alimam, Syed Sumaira Khurram

16760-16776 Architectural Identity and Cultural Preservation: Evaluating National Cultural Expression in Suzhou Museum
Xin Yan, Mohd. Tajuddin Bin Mohd. Rasdi, Allen Lau Khin Kiet

16777-16794 The Impact of Using Historical Documents in History Teaching on Developing Historical Understanding, Comprehension, and Future Thinking Among Students
Omar Mohammed Ali Aslan, Hani Hatmel Obeidat

16795-16809 Guidelines for Communication in Public Spaces to Promote Social Strength: A Case Study of Kaeng Loeng Chan Subdistrict, Mueang Maha Sarakham District
Pakpoom Hannapha

16810-16819 A Review on The Impact of Blended Learning, Learning Styles, and The Community of Inquiry Model on Student Interest in Learning in Higher Education
Ying Bao, Hashimah Mohd Yunus

16820-16834 Character Education Management in Man 2 and Athirah Makassar Islamic High School
Muhammad Ashar Tamanggong, Masdar Mas'ud, Andi Bunyamin, Hasibuddin Mahmud

16835-16848 Impact of the Campus Ecological Aesthetic Environment on The Development of Teachers' Professional Attitude From AE
Rui Wang, Jun Zhou

16849-16858 Local Community Resistance to Large Oil Palm Companies
Oktav Pahlevi, Budi Setiyono, Fitriyah, Supratiwi

16879-16891 Research on the Design Strategy of UAV Appearance Based on Kansei Engineering
Xiang Li, Tao Chen, Younghwan Pan

16892-16902 Mediating Role of E-customer Satisfaction between E-Service Quality and E-Customer Loyalty in Digital Marketing among The Youth Segment in Mobile Phone Service Industry
Hilal H. Ali, Abdalla Nayef Al-Refai, Mahmoud Mohammad Al-Ajlouni, Mohamed Ali Saad, Shaima A. Kh. Barakat, Samar Ahmed ElRabbat

16903-16909 Ideologies Transform Through Language Hegemony – An Expository Study of Language Supremacy
Muhammad Skhawat Ali, Yasmin Bibi Khan, Hina Skhawat, Reema Oqla Abukhait, Fatma Abdulwahab Dahleb, Heithem Kamal Eltahir Hashim, Dima Mahmoud Aref Abbadi, Rima Osama Mohammad Othman, Khaled Mejdi

16910-16925 Organizational Support, Resilience, and Job Satisfaction: Key Factors in Reducing Turnover Intentions among Healthcare Workers at a Regional Hospital in Indonesia
Virly Effendi, Andi Indahwaty Sidin, Irwandy, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Fridawaty Rivai, Nurmala Sari

16926-16939 Muslim Scholars in the Perspective of Da'wah Case Study of the Association of Muslim Scholars throughout Indonesia Special Region of Aceh
Jasafat, Mujiburrahman, Noor Shakirah Mat Akhir

16940-16964 The Effectiveness of Employing Typography in Designing Holograms and Murals to Spruce up Outdoors: A Case Study of Jordanian Cities
Basim Abbas Ali AlObaydi, Robin Mezher, Haneen Al-Khatib

16965-16976 The Impact of Education on Sunscreen Use and Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviors among High School Students in Makassar, Indonesia
Helma Liana Safitri M, Wahiduddin, Andi Zulkifli, Nur Nasry Noor, Suriah

16977-16993 The Impact of Using Virtual Tours in Teaching Social Studies on Developing Students' Visual Historical Identity and Aesthetic Appreciation
Moufeed Saleh Al-Masarweh, Hani Hatmel Obeidat

16994-17008 The Role of Public Relations in Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage
M. Erhan SUMMAK, Muhammet ERBAY, Gülçin ALGAN ÖZKÖK

17009-17016 Impact of Job Satisfaction in Quality of Work Life of Academic Staff in Gulf
Bushra AlBelushi, Kamisah Supian, Nasser Al Yahyaei, Ali Halawi

17017-17030 Synergizing Retail Channels: The Role of Dual Distribution in Consumer Behavior
Bushra Ali AlBelusi, Kamisah Supian, Nasser Al Yahyaei, Ali Halawi

17031-17044 Inspirational Leadership: Salah Addin Al Ayyubi, the Victorious Leader
Halit Şahin

17045-17055 Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning Using an Artificial Intellegence-Based Learning Management System (LMS) to Enhance Scientific Literacy Skill for Early Childhood Education Teacher Candidates
Indah Kharismawati, W Waris, Lailatul Nuraini

17056-17063 Comparative Test of the Results of the Examination of the I-Stat POCT Device and the EPOC POCT Device in ICU Patients
Erro Bagus Ziefrizal, Hartono Kahar, Ferdy R. Marpaung

17074-17086 Analysis of the Impact of CEO Power and Internal Control Synergy on Cash Holdings: Structural Equation Model and Path Analysis
Leihong Yuan, Mohamad Naimi Mohamad Nor, Dzarfan Abdul Kadir

17087-17097 Several Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Significance
Afshan Younas

17098-17105 The Role of Educational Media in Enhancing Financial Awareness and Its Impact on Banking Transactions: A Case Study on Islamic Banks in Jordan
Mohyi Aldin Abu Al houl, Amal Malkawi, Mohammad Toma Suleiman Alqudah Ibrahim Khalaf Suleiman Al–Khalidi

17106-17118 Proposal for a Monitoring Protocol Based on Certain Morphobiological Parameters to Predict Muscle Injuries During a Macrocycle in Algerian Professional Football Clubs - Case Study: Chabab Aures Batna
Biskri Abdelmalik, Biskri Mustapha

17119-17140 Analysis And Research on the Composition and Line Characteristics of Chinese Meticulous Figure Painting Based on Deep Learning
Mo Huang

17141-17155 Investigating The Relationship Between Ceramic Art And AIGenerated Content: A Study of Aesthetics, Creativity, And Emotional Responses in AI-Generated Ceramic Art
Adzrool ldzwan bin Ismail, Shouzheng Huang

17156-17173 Methodology of Change in the Quran – a Study of Means and Methods
Mousa Mahmoud Taha Moutan

17174-17180 Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research Trends on Yachon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) in Antidiabetic Research
Masniah, Eko Suhartono, Fujiati, Ali Faisal

17181-17194 Sustainable Design Innovation for Tea Packaging: Assessing Material Selection and Consumer Preference Trends
Xue Yang, Adzrool Idzwan bin Ismail

17195-17207 Transforming Public Policies to Enhance Elderly Employment Participation through Inclusive Approaches
Pongmanut Deeod, Sukanya Aimimtham, Pennee Narot

17208-17222 Visual Communication Style Analysis Combined with Computer Learning and Ceramic Packaging Design Innovation
Bowen Peng

17223-17230 The Influence of Public Service Motivation (PSM) and Employee Engagement on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) of Nurses at Pelamonia Hospital Makassar
Usman, Alimin Maidin, Andi Indahwaty Sidin, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Rini Anggraeni, Noer Bahry Noor, Herlina A. Hamzah

17231-17240 The Impact of Instructional Leadership Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment to Teacher Performance at Junior High School
Ulil Amri,Nellitawati, Syahril, Rusdinal

17241-17249 Brand Perception via Social Media and its Impact on Consumers Purchasing Decisions of Smart Phones in Amman City – Jordan
Mustafa S. Al-Shaikh, Amjed S. Shkeer, Tamara Yousef Albadri, Tareq Obaid

17250-17262 Consumer Preferences and Segmentation For Traditional/Local Foods: A Study Of Purchase Motivations In Indonesia
Yusuf Enril Fathurrohman

17263-17273 Transforming Legal Professional Bodies: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Modern Legal Practice
Dr. Majed Ahmed Saleh Al Adwan, Dr. Enas Mohamed Ali Qutieshat, Ahmad Mohammad Qtaishat

17274-17287 The Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19 Patients with Cytokine Storm by Reducing Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels through HSP-70 Regulation: A Systematic Review
Prawesty Diah Utami, Syalomitha Claudia Stefanie Angel, Annisa Salsabilla Alfiani Falah

17288-17302 The Role of Information Technology in Improving Marketing Strategy (Consumer Purchase Behavior on Balinese Ikat Woven Products)
Ida Ayu Oka Martini, Desak Made Febri Purnama Sari, Nilna Muna, Made Ermawan Yoga Antara

17303-17308 Anaplastic Multiple Myeloma: A Rare Case Report in Surabaya, Indonesia
Fransiska Jaya Pranata, Paulus Budiono Notopuro

17309-17322 Predicting Green Consumption Behavior in Bali Tourism: Insights from the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Value-AttitudeBehavior Framework
Nilna Muna, Ni Wayan Eka Mitariani

17323-17329 Analysis of Serum Vitamin B12 Values in Healthy Young Adult Population
A’as Agunawan Aspar, Yuyun Widaningsih, Liong Boy Kurniawan, Burhanuddin Bahar, Aminuddin, Tenri Esa

17330-17348 Embracing Mobile Wallets for the Future of Digital Payments in Malaysia
Juhaida Abu Bakar, Ng Sook Yeum

17349-17370 Determinant Sustainability Performance with Value-Based Management as a Mediation Variable
Agung Fajar Ilmiyono, Tri Widyastuti, Zulkifli, Suratno, Rafrini Amyulianthy

17371-17380 The Impact of School Teachers Awareness of Student Cyber Security
Osman Sirajeldeen Ahmed, Alaa Zuhir Al Rawashdeh, Asma Rebhi Al Arab, Asma Sirageldin Ahmed, Saeed Ameen Nasef, Elsayed Mohamed Abd elrahman

17381-17386 Disclosure Requirements in Saudi Franchise Contracts
Dr. Adnan Ayza Almalki, Dr. Osama Abdullah Almutairi, Dr. Hani Mounes Awad, Dr. Asmaa Saad Elhadedy

17387-17394 In Situ Simulation in support of Off-Site Simulation-Based Learning in Nursing: A Descriptive Exploratory Study
Nawar MOUSTARHFIR, Abdelghafour MARFAK, El Madani SAAD, Abderraouf HILALI, Ibtissam YOULYOUZ-MARFAK

17395-17407 Assessing Ecotourism Development Indicators in Border Areas of the Greater Mekong Subregion: Insights from Stakeholders
Min Liu, Thanapauge Chamaratana

17408-17423 Beyond Borders: Anthropological Tools Under Question

17424-17430 Comparison of Crime Resolution Based on Restorative Justice in the Police and the Prosecution
Muh Zulkifli, Aswanto, Musakkir

17431-17447 To Buy or Not to Buy: Factors Affecting E-Commerce Intention after Endemic Covid-19 Among University Students
Siti Hajar Mohamad, Nurkhalida Makmor, Hareshvendra Parthiban

17448-17459 Applying Agile Governance in Urban Smart Healthcare: Insights from Zhengzhou, China
Zhao Lin, Mohd Rizal Yaakop

17460-17471 The Impact of Chinese Visual Elements on Brand Recognition and Customer Loyalty in the Milk Tea Industry
Yang Wang, Muhamad Abdul Aziz Ab Gani, Yongli Dai

17472-17487 Policies for Balancing Climate Change Objectives and Energy Transition Goals of India: Heading towards a Sustainable Energies
Raashi Gupta, Aakash Malik

17488-17496 Influence of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intentions among Nurses at Beriman Hospital, Indonesia
Heri Susilo Winarti, Irwandy, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Andi Zulkifli, Fridawaty Rivai, Nurmala Sari

17497-17506 Regulations on Rights and Obligations to Self-Control the Use of Geographical Indications under Vietnamese Law
Nguyen Thi Nguyet

17507-17517 Effect Of Social Governance Disclosure on Firm Performance of Listed Consumer Goods Companies in Nigeria
Rosemary Onoja, Adejoh Edogbanya

17518-17523 Water Sustainability: Its Importance and Methods of Preservation A Deductive Study from the Qur’ān and Sunnah
Ahmad Fares Alsallom

17524-17535 Biological Asset Intensity and Profitability as Determinants of Firm Value: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Disclosure Practices
Abdul Kohar, Tri Widyastuti, Zulkifli, Nurmala Ahmar, Darmansyah

17536-17544 Enhancing Network Administration Through Raspberry Pi-Driven Wi-Fi Analytics
Nazirah Abd Hamid, Wan Nor Shuhadah Wan Nik, Siti Dhalila Mohd Satar, Raja Hasyifah Raja Bongsu, Zarina Mohamad, Joshua Samual, Ali Aitizaz, Ting Tin Tin, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau

17545-17554 Under E-Commerce and Intelligent Manufacturing: The Development Direction of Apparel Enterprises
Tian Li, Srochinee Siriwattana

17555-17567 Enhancing Sustainable Development Awareness in Vietnamese Commercial Banks: Analyzing Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors
Minh Phương Nguyen, Thi Thuy Huong Nguyen, Anh Phan

17568-17596 The Impact of Governance Application on Risk Management in Saudi Insurance Companies
Mohammed Awadalkareem Almobarak Ali, Hamed Abdullah Hamed Musa, Ibrahim Abdulmajeed Mohammed Aljalal, Halima Nyal Mohammed Habiballah

17597-17619 Factors Influencing Consumers' Willingness to Purchase Yunnan TieDye Products
Huiyan Zhao, Jirawan Deeprasert, Songyu Jiang

17620-17625 Depiction of Motherhood in Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Ambika Choudhary, Dr. Mouli Chowdhury, Dr. Kanu Priya

17626-17642 The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Risk Management and Underwriting Optimization in the Insurance Industry
Mohammed Awadalkarim Almubarak Ali, Yasir Awadelkarim Elmubarak, Hamid Abdalla Hamid, Mohamed Abdelrahman Salim Babiker

17643-17666 Factors Influencing Tourists' Intentions to Revisit Yunnan's Folk Tourism Destinations
Hao Yu, Jirawan Deeprasert, Songyu Jiang

17667-17681 Application of Sensor Technology to Reduce the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Workers through Posture Evaluation: A Study of the Effectiveness of IMUs in the Indonesian Industry
Paulus Sukapto, Marihot Nainggolan, Christian Fredy Naa, Sani Susanto

17682-17691 Re-Examining the Efficacy of Teaching Practice in Teacher Education in Malaysia: Challenges and Opportunities
Mohd Hassan Bin Abdullah, Ashardi bin Abas, Chamil Arkhasa Nikko bin Mazlan, Raja Nor Safinas binti Raja Harun, Syakirah binti Samsudin, Sajastanah Bin Imam Koning, Syaza Hazwani binti Zaini, Tajul Rosli bin Shuib, Nurul Bahiyah binti Abd Wahid

17692-17699 Basic Approaches to Digital Transformation Contexts in Higher Education: Reality and Dimensions, an 'Analytical Approach'
Nadjoua Felkaoui, Hadjira Chebli

17700-17719 Benefit Act (The Unjust Enrichment) - "A Jurisprudential Study Compared to the UAE Civil Transactions Law."-
Imad Issa AL-Tamimi

17720-17727 Consumption in Islamic Economics: Rules and Regulations
Prof. Abdullah Muhammad Aldershawi, Prof. Ahmad Fares Alsallom

17728-17736 The Effect of Psychological Capital and Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Health Workers at Restu Ibu Hospital in Balikpapan, Indonesia
Lily Anggraini, Andi Indahwaty AS, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Fridawaty Rivai, Herlina A. Hamzah, Noer Bahry Noor

17737-17755 Current Legal Framework on the Protection of the Rights of Employees with Disabilities in Vietnam – Recommendations and Improvements
Quang Ha Tran Nguyen

17756-17769 Relationship between the Environmental Performance and the Socio-Economic Development Countries in the MENA

17770-17781 Transformative Pedagogical Support: Innovations in Teaching Practices for Educators in Rural Con-Texts
Ysabel Doris Paredes Dávila, Juan Raúl Egoavil Vera

17782-17803 Understanding the Financial Transaction Security through Blockchain and Machine Learning for Fraud Detection in Data Privacy and Security
Seaam Bin Masud, Md Masud Rana, Hossain Jaman Sohag, Fisan Shikder, Mahfujur Rahman Faraji, Md Mahadi Hasan

17804-17814 Bank's Duty in Examining Documents of Documentary Credit
Dr. Asmaa Saad Elhadedy, Dr. Hani Mounes Awad

17815-17824 The influence of Foreign Direct Investment on Morocco’s Unemployment Rate

17825-17833 Effectiveness of Sea Toll Road in Logistics Distribution in Coastal Area of Sorong Regency
Nuraeny, M Y Jinca, M Asdar

17834-17839 Water Sustainability: Its Importance and Methods of Preservation A Deductive Study from the Qur’ān and Sunnah
Prof. Ahmad Fares Alsallom

17842-17852 Analysis of Mental Health Disorder Prevention Needs Among Female High School Adolescents in Jakarta: A Survey Study
Risza Choirunissa, Sri Achadi Nugraheni, Cahya Tri Purnami, Nur Endah Wahyuningsih

17853-17866 Economic growth, trade openness and renewable energy: An empirical investigation of the environmental Kuznets curve in Morocco
El Mahdi El Massaoudi, Chama El Moummy, Mohamed Achraf NAFZAOUI

17867-17875 Trigona Honey as an Antihyperglycemic Agent in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes: A Scoping Review of Current Evidence
Ns. Junaidin, S. Kep, M. Kep. Prof. Dr. dr. Abdurachman, M.Kes., PA(K), Prof. Dr. Drs. I Ketut Sudiana, M.Si.

17876-17889 Unlocking Operational Excellence: How Strategic HR Practices Fuel Knowledge Sharing in Thailand’s Retail Sector
Rawin Vongurai

17890-17903 Key Drivers of IAS 36 Adoption in Vietnamese Listed Companies: International Pressure and Internal Demands
Dr. Linh Nguyen, Dr. Phuong Nguyen, Dr. Thanh Nguyen, Assoc. Prof. Anh Phan

17904-17913 Pre-Service Teachers’ Resilience Research Using Vosviewer: Bibliometric Analysis
Hariyanti Abd Hamid, Mohd. Isha Awang, Marini Kasim

17914-17925 The Role of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Slealale Village, South Buru Regency, Indonesia
Josephus Noya, Vernando Yanry Lameky

17926-17935 Personal Activity of Russian Youth in the Space of Digital Prosumerism
Evgeniya Nikolaeva, Polina Kotliar, Nataliya Soldatova, Ekaterina Shammazova1

17936-17943 Assessing the Shock Resilience of The Agricultural Sector in A Region's Economy Under Import Localization Conditions
Marat Safiullin, Leonid Elshin, Almaz Mingulov

17944-17951 Unveil the Portrait of Entrepreneurship
R.S. Veeravalli, Jayshree Suresh

17952-17969 Building a Future-Ready Educational Infrastructure: Localized Integration of Metaverse Technology in Saudi Arabia
Prof. Abdullah A. Al Fraidan

17970-17979 The Socio-Economic Effects of Delayed Rural Road Construction Projects: The Case of Malamulele
Gail Chauke Nyeleti, Bulelwa Maphela

17980-17989 The Current Status and Structural Analysis of College Students’ Employability
Chan Li, Apiradee Jansaeng

17990-18010 Extent of Contribution of Some Causative Factors in Enhancing the Research Lifeway of State Universities and Colleges in the Philippines as Basis for Relevant Research Policy
Jesus Velasco

18011-18015 Use Of Technology Among Female Teachers In Primary Schools In Jordan
Mohammad Abed Latif Mohammad Smadi, Lina Ali Al-Jarrah, Ahmad M. Al- Omari, Mohammad N. Al Smadi

18016-18033 Mapping The Potential of Agrotourism as a Sustainable Tourism Product In Banyuwangi Regency
Aditya Wiralatief Sanjaya, Masetya Mukti, Adetiya Prananda Putra, Zulis Erwanto

18055-18062 Some of the Challenges That English Language Learners Face
Dr. Hazaa Dhaher Alanazi

18063-18074 Ideological Representations in Iraqi Political Speech: A Critical Discourse Analysis Study
Rawaa Khudhir Nasih, Mohd Hilmi Hamzah

18075-18085 Work Experiences, Coping Mechanism, Resiliency and Support Systems of the Coconut Farmers’ Community during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Jose Sherief O. Panelo, Melvin S. Atayan, Chris Ian T. Rodriguez, Freddie P. Masuli, Lourdes M. Padirayon, May M. Leaño, Allan O. de la Cruz

18086-18094 The Role of Intellectual Property Law in International Trade and Economic Development: TRIPS
Alexander Kennedy, Sophia Al Hikmah, Syilfia Regita Mustika

18095-18103 Cultural Identity of Ethnic Chinese Youth in Khon Kaen, Thailand
Liling Li, Arunee Sriruksa, Nattapong Yamcharoen

18104-18113 Parenting Program and Its Role in Family Reconciliation
TARIQ ZIAD1, Haitham M Altaany, Ra'ed R Bataineh

18142-18151 Development Of an Automatic Device for Heating the Vehicle Cabin Floor
Mikhail Dmitriyev, Valeriy Rudnev, Evgeniy Merkulov, Igor Polunin, Irina Salimova

18152-18170 Governance as One of the Mechanisms for Combating Administrative Corruption in Commercial Companies "Comparative Analytical Study
Dr. Hamada Mohamed Abdelati Nasr, Dr. Maher Ibrahim Ebed Emam, Dr. Dawood Sulaiman AL Kharusi, Dr. Jamal Omran Almabrok

18171-18186 Associated Factors to the Behavioral Intention of Using Non-Cash Payment Methods: A Comparison between Digital Wallet and Mobile Money
Hai-Anh Doan, Thi-Yen Nguyen, Minh-Phuong Nguyen, Xuan-Truong Vu

18187-18199 Different Uses of the َحتَّى Conjunction in Arabic Language
Halil İbrahim Kocabıyık, Yeliz Açar

18200-18215 The Protection of Personal Data in Algeria: Between Local Challenges and International Standards

18216-18223 Predictive Factors of COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Ethnic Groups in Kheknoi Subdistrict, Khao-Kho District, Phetchabun Province.
Chayanun Junkham, Kongprai Tunsuchart, Thawatchai Sattayasomboon

18224-18247 Fostering Sustainability and Resiliency Skills through STEM Education Technology: A Scoping Review
Zaenuri, Arif Widiyatmoko, Satoshi Kusaka, Muslimah Susilayati, Subhan

18248-18261 Metaphorical Expressions of the Red Color in Thai and Chinese Languages
Cuiyun Shen, Rattana Chanthao

18262-18279 The Happiness Factor: Job Satisfaction as a Buffer between Workload-Included Stress and Productivity
Wahyu Nugroho Wicaksono, Chrisman Nataniel Tangibali, Adi Nugroho Yugo Utomo, Abdul Rohman Hafid

18280-18293 Folk Healers’ Wisdom about Using Herbs of Na Dun Community, Maha Sarakham of Thailand
Suparat Ongon, Prayoon Wongchantra, Kannika Sookngam, Uraiwan Praimee, Likhit Junkaew, Phanat Phothibat, Wutthisak Bunnaen, Kuantean Wongchantra, Latdavahn Sommala

18294-18302 Determinants of IoT Technology Adoption in Rice Farming: An Empirical Analysis
Nur Aziera Ruslan, Roslina Kamaruddin, Rozana Samah

18303-18313 Do Social Media Marketing Influence Trust and Brand Loyalty? A Study with Special Reference to Cosmetic Brand
Abinesh R P, Dr. Nazim Sha S

18314-18319 The US Policy towards Some Asian Countries (Vietnam, China and Taiwan) in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century
Nguyen Minh Man, Nguyen Le Tam, Nguyen Thi Thu Trang

18320-18339 A Systematic Literature Review of Conditional Cash Transfer and Behaviour Changes Using the ADO Model
Mohd Suffian Mohamed Esa, Hairunnizam Wahid, Salmy Edawati Yaacob

18340-18356 Financial Inclusion, Institutional Quality and Inclusive Growth in Selected West African Countries
Kauthar Aminu DIYO, Taiwo Adewale MURITALA

18357-18363 Study Habits and Academic Performance of Selected Pre-Service Teachers in Basilan State College: A Qualitative Approach
Gina V. Tuting, Jacel T. Macario

18364-18375 Collaborative Actors in E-Government Implementation at Lhokseumawe City
Muhammad Fazil, Asrul Fahmi, Aflia Riski, Ainol Mardhiah

18376-18389 Comparative Statistical Analysis of Cutting Parameter Effects on Average Temperature in C50 ± 2 HRC Steel with a 1.6 mm Cutting Blade Radius: A Tribological Perspective
Naim Ostergllava

18340-18348 Implementation Of The Conference In The Absence In Forestry Crime
Dodi Kurniawan, Hambali Talib, Lauddin Marsuni, Muhammad Rinaldy Bima, Hardianto Djanggih

18349-18368 Human-AI Collaboration in Building Educational Content: Bridging Innovation and Pedagogy in the Classroom
Sun Jiali, Du Ruixue, Feng Lu

18369-18379 Spatial and Temporal Variation of Spiders in Northwest Libya
Housameddin Elkrew, Abdulmaula Hamza, Taher Shaibi, Amirrudin Ahmad

18380-18399 Development of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) for Contract Activation Automation at PT. XYZ
Muhammad Rifki Ramadhan, Ahmad Nurul Fajar

18400-18411 Enhancing Teacher Quality through Continuous Professional Development
Wage Ummami, Nurhizrah Gistituati, Rifma, Hadiyanto, Sufyarma Marsidin

18412-18425 A Brief Analysis of Urban Space Development from the Perspective of Urban Aesthetics
Jiaqiang Chen, Phattharathanit Srichomthong

18426-18442 Unraveling Interpersonal Meaning in Classroom Discourse: Implications for Effective Teaching
Dian Luthfiyati, Widyastuti, Suhartono

18443-18454 The Role of the Algerian Family in the Development of Children's Abilities in Education and Training
Amel Hachem, Assia Bekhtaoui

18455-18467 Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management: Career-Planning Perspective
Motteh S. Al Shibly, Talal Tayel Alabdallat, Bashar khaled Almagharbeh, Sahar Moh’d Abu Bakir, Firas Jamil Alotoum, Mahmoud Alghizzawi

18468-18475 Antinomy between Case Discontinuation and Restoration of Victim Rights in Restorative Justice Arrangements in Indonesia
Ade Suherman, Sarwirini, Dharma Setiawan Negara, Lufsiana, Samuel Dharma Putra Nainggolan

18476-18489 Theoretical Demonstration and Application of the Expert Weighted Method
Shu-ya Chang

18490-18500 The Evolution of Data Privacy Laws: Balancing Technological Innovation and Human Rights in the Age of Big Data
Dwi Nur Fauziah Ahmad, Putri Amalia Zubaedah, Royyan Hafizi, Farhan Chaerul Umam, Loso Judijanto

18501-18511 Sustainable Financing - The Focus of the GRI Principles on Non-Financial Information
António Rodrigues

18512-18524 Euthanasia In Kosovo – A Phenomenological, Criminal-Juridical, And Comparative Perspective
Arsim Thaçi, Valmir Hylenaj, Dardan Vuniqi

18525-18534 Great Power Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific: Charting ASEAN's Role in Ensuring Southeast Asia's Stability
Benedictus B. Koessetianto, Asep Adang Supriyadi, Robby Mochamad Taufik

18543-18551 Development of a Teaching Model for Enhancing Creative Teaching Skills of Students’ Teachers in Guangxi Normal University
Liang Feng, Marut Patphol

18552-18575 Research on Immersive Experience Design of Oceanarium under the Perspective of Embodied Cognition
Qi Yuzhe, Liu Yaping, Zhang Jing

18576-18592 Tourists’ Intention to Visit Dark Sites in China: Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior with Constraint Negotiation
Yan Hua, Siti Noormala Jailani, Norhanim Abdul Razak

18593-18605 Innovation of Brand Emotional Marketing Communication Channels Based on New Media Environment
Zhenxin Xu, Oyuntsatsral.Zorigt

18606-18616 Determinants of Child Labor in Sudan: Evidence from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
Mohamed Eid Kilase Ajoud, Eltayeib Hussein Mahmoud Sharaf Addin, Zakariya M. S. Mohammed, Sara Hamad Madani Hamad, Omer. M. A. Hamed, Ola A. I. Osman

18617-18625 Solutions To Improve The Effectiveness Of Sustainable Poverty Reduction Policies In Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Hoa

18626-18636 Determınıng the Criteria Weights in the Green Restaurant Selection Process Using the SWARA Method
Aydın Unal, Ali Solunoglu, Emrah Orgun, Onur Celen

18637-18648 Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills through Simulated ProblemBased Learning in International Business Education
Ooi Shir May, Norliza Hamir Basah, Oyelakin Idris Oyewale, Ng Tuan Hock

18649-18663 The Activation of Certain Mechanisms for Implementing International Humanitarian Law Internationally
Najm Abbood Mahdi, Wael Mahmoud Fakhry, Hamad Al Kalbani, Yousuf Said Al Kalbani

18664-18677 Examining the Impact of MALL Activities on Affective Factors in Lower Secondary ESL Students’ Spoken Language Proficiency
Harwati Hashim, Ling Sue Zhen, Eshchanova Gulbakhor Khusanboevna, Hengzhi Hu

18689-18698 Conflict And Dispute Resolution in Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities: A Legal Review of Justice, Certainty and Legal Benefit
Syafril, Farida Patittingi, Irwansyah, Abrar Saleng

18699-18706 Utilization of Integrated Library System in Improving Services in Lhokseumawe City Regional Library
Asrul Fahmi, Muhammaf Fazil

18707-18721 The Impact of Digital Transformation through Implementing Blockchain Technology on Enhancing the Accounting Profession in Jordan: A Multimethodology Study
Nehad Ibrahim Ineizeh, Obada Jebreen Hussein, Ibrahim Nehad Ineizeh, Murad Ali Ahmad Al-Zaqeba, Fadi Mahmoud AbuDiak

18722-18733 Analysis and Comparison of Teaching Skills of Private Dance Institutions in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province
Fangfang Lu, Phunchita Detkhrut, Dharakorn Chandnasaro

18734-18743 The Economic role of the leaders of the Umayyad army from the era of Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan to the era of Caliph Omar ibn Abd al-Aziz (65-101 AH/684-720 AD)
Basem Abdal-Rahmman Al-Qralah

18744-18761 Problem-Based Learning and its Effect on Writing Performance, Critical and Creative Thinking Skills: A Study at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia
DR. Amal Abdullah Muhammad Almziad

18762-18778 Exploration and Research on the Design of Traditional Bamboo Weaving In Modern Furniture under the Application of AI Artificial Intelligence
Ziwei Yu, Kalyna Pashkevych, Xinmiao Wen, Zhiyun Du, Weiwei Zheng

18779-18793 The Conflict between Malaysia Law and Patriarchal
Nuruaslizawati Ayob, Siti Hajar Abdul Rauf

18794-18814 Willingness to Pay A Premium for Green Agricultural Products in Live Streaming: The Relationship between Attitude, Self-Efficacy and Social Influence with the Moderating Effect of Ascription of Responsibility
Xinyue Wang, Nor Asiah Omar

18815-18826 The Relationship Between Stock Price and Exchange Rate in an Emerging Capital Markets
Emmanuel Imuede Oyasor

18827-18841 Implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy to Increase Patient Visits to Tourism Area Clinics in Bali
I Gede Made Agus Bhayu Wisnumurti, Nyoman Sri Subawa

18842-18850 Research and Development Of Project-Based Learning Management Competencies Of Health Education Teachers To Enhance The WellBeing Of The Elderly In Thailand
Chayapol Thongphukdee, Jakkapong Prongprommarat

18851-18862 Heavy Metal Mercury Accumulation Using Taro Plant (Colocasia esculenta)
A. Mariwy, D.A.J Selanno, Y.T Male, Ch. I Tupan

18863-18872 Data-Driven Decision-Making in Educational Leadership: A Systematic Literature Review (2019-2023)
Goh Kok Ming, Mahaliza Mansor, Dayang Rafidah Syariff M. Fuad

18873-18891 Determinants of Financial Self-Efficacy and Saudi’s Household’s Intention to Participate in Protection & Savings Insurance: A Conceptual Framework
Dalal Khalid Alsahliy, Maizaitulaidawati Md Husin

18892-18911 A Comparative Analysis of the Financial Performance and Growth Trajectories of Leading it Companies in India
Maria Vijay M, Dr. K. T. Vijay Karthigeyan

18912-18926 Fermenting Dragon Fruit: Elevating Homemade Wine through Sensory and Microbiological Insights
Elvie O. Tomas

18927-18943 Does Agribusiness Cluster Improve Soybean Smallholder Farmers’ Participation in Contract Farming? Evidence from Benin
Ibrahima Issahou, Epiphane Sodjinou

18944-18949 Determine the Diseases that Most Cause Mortality In Children Under The Age Of Five Years In Gezira State (Sudan) By Using Multiple Regression
Abdalla Ahmed Alkhalifa Abdalla

18950-18961 Zumba as a Tool for Fitness and Weight Management in Overweight and Obese Learners
Winie G. Dangan, Bonimar T. Afalla, Fitzgerald L. Fabelico

18962-18975 Promoting the Establishment Of In Situ Simulation in the Training of Healthcare Professionals: A Systematic Review
Nawar MOUSTARHFIR, Abdelghafour MARFAK, El Madani Saad, Abderraouf Hilali, Ibtissam YOULYOUZ-MARFAK

18976-18987 Didactic Strategies Mediated By Information and Communication Technology for Preparation of Virtual Classes in University Professors in Lima, Perú
Lilyana Elva Roncal Casanova, Juan Raúl Egoavil Vera

18988-18997 Enhancing Indonesian Teachers Pedagogical Competence and Professionalism: A Regional Case Study in East Nusatenggara
Marianus Tapung

18998-19011 Learner Autonomy and EFL Vocabulary Acquisition in Saudi Arabia: A Quantitative Study
Najah Alsaedi

19012-19021 Contribution Of Capacity Building In The Implementation Of EGovernment (Study On The Merauke Regency Investment And One-Stop Integrated Services Office)
Coleta Maskikit, Bambang Supriyono, Mochammad Rozikin, Sujarwoto, Heru Wahyudi

19022-19035 The Role of Local Community in Ecotourism Governance: A Step towards the Blue Economy
M. Husni Tamrin, Lunariana Lubis, Moh. Musleh

19036-19052 Assessment of the Effects Pastoralism the Vegetation Zone in Sultan Area Cyrenaica, Northern Eastern Part of Libya
Asma S. El-Mograby, Yacoub M. El-Barasi

19053-19065 Democracy Education Learning Results and Their Relationship to Democracy Attitudes and Election Participation of Social Science Education Students
Mohammad Liwa Irrubai, Emilia Fatriani, Lubna Lubna

19066-19077 Phenomenological and Structuralism Paradigm In Javanese Plant Metaphor
Arini Hidayah, I Dewa Putu Wijana, Hendrokumoro1 Javanese

19078-19089 The Effects of Preventive Measures On Money-Laundering Risk in Mongolia’s Banking Sector
Tamir.E, Young-Rae Kim, Erdenechuluun.J

19123-19136 Innovation Capability as a Key Mediator in the Impact of Networking Capability on SME Business Performance
Riesta Devi Kumalasari, Achmad Sudiro, Rofiaty, Djumahir

19137-19154 Features of Life in the Neolithic Sites in Saudi Arabi’s Eastren Region
Dr. Munirah Ali Saleh Alaqeel

19155-19173 Educational Big Data Mining: The Mediating Role of Study Time at School Impact on Romantic Relationship and University Student Academic Performance
Ting Tin Tin, Pang Yu Von, Chay Yin Yoon, Lee Shen Hai, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau

19174-19190 Cross-disciplinary Learning in Business English Education: Evaluating the Impact of Service Learning on Interdisciplinary Skills Development
Yanmei Deng, Adiza Alhassan Musah, Ooi Boon Keat

19191-19204 Impact of Bad Habits, Health Condition, Education, Birth Control, Religion, Career on Pregnancy Success Using Big Data Analysis
Ting Tin Tin, Lee Shir Chuan, Chan Kai Lin, Liow Zheng Yan, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau

19205-19213 The Right to Free Access to Information of Public Importance As Well As the Possibility of Control of Public Authorities by Citizens in Republic Of Kosovo
Dardan Vuniqi, Milot Krasniqi, Arsim Thaçi, Minerva Dermaku

19214-19223 Development of PBBL Model Effectively Improvements Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills in College Students
Zainal Arifin, Rusijono, Miftakhul Jannah

19224-19238 Prediction of Student Academic Status in Higher Education Through Machine Learning
Ting Tin Tin, Loh Eng Sin, Koong Jie Lum, Tham Hiu Huen, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau

19239-19251 Car Depreciation Price Prediction Using Multiple Machine Learning Algorithms
Ting Tin Tin, Joel Kwoh Lik Xun, Gan Bruse, Jason Pong Soon Hui, Low Weng Chee, Chai Kian Hun, Ali Aitizaz, Umar Farooq Khattak, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau

19252-19269 The Effect of Parenting on Young Adult Romantic Relationship Quality: A Longitudinal Study on Young Adults
Ting Tin Tin, Ng Hooi Seng, Woon Zhong Liang, Justin Yong Zhi Hern, Chin Khai Ray, Hasan Sarwar, Ali Aitizaz

19270-19286 Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Book Reading for Preschool Children
Nhung Tran Thi, Sau Nguyen Thi Ut, Huyen Nguyen Thi Thanh, Hoai Cao Thi Thu, Thuy Vu Thi

19287-19297 Ethnopedagogy of Ngusaba Dimel Tradition as an Implementation of the Character Values of the Pancasila Student Profile
I Wayan Putra Yasa, I Wayan Lasmawan, Luh Putu Sendratari, Putu Sriartha

19298-19313 Investigating the Effect of Oil Revenues Fluctuations on Financial Development with the Moderating Role of Governance in Selected Countries
Ali Imad Khudhair Al-Abboodi, Eisa Akbari Naftchali, and Hossein Fakhari

19314-19323 A Best Worst Method-Based Approach to Social Sustainability: Insights from Moroccan Supply Chain

19324-19331 Mindfulness, Movement and Rhythms as Coping Strategies for Handling Stress in Eudora Welty's "A worn Path"
Dr. Khalid Mahmoud Hussein

19332-19345 A Systematic Literature Review of Modern Women’s Roles
Lan Yang, Azlizan Mat Enh, Suffian Mansor

19346-19369 Checklist of the spiders (Araneae) of Libya
Housameddin Elkrew, Abdulmaula Hamza, Salah Ghana, Taher Shaibi, Abubaker Ibrahim Swehli, Hoda Elmareme, Amirrudin Ahmad

19370-19381 Analysis of the Impacts of Irregular Development of Hillside Areas and Water Erosion in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo: The Case of Quartier Don Bosco in Arrondissement 9 Djiri
Innocent Joachim EMVOULOU, Benoît Tameon DANVIDE, Jean de Dieu NZILA, Reisch Vanel ATTIPO, Tak Youssif GNONGBO

19382-19399 The Impact of Servant Leadership on Green Human Resources Practices: The Mediating Role of Mutual Trust between Management and Employees
Hayder Albo Drejah, Moez Bellaaj

19400-19414 Measuring the Efficiency of Banking Services for Saudi Arabia Kingdom Banks Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) During the Period (2017-2022)
Dirar Abdulhameed Altoum Alotaibi

19415-19439 The Tahirids in Khorasan, their Politics and their Relationship with the Abbasids during the Reign of Prince Abdullah Bin Tahir (213-230 AH / 828-844 AD)
Khalid Ismail Nayif Al-Hamadani, Badour Khader Al-Ali

19440-19447 The Role of Credit Stress Tests in Achieving Financial Sustainability- An Applied Study on Several Commercial Banks in Iraq, Bahrain, and the UAE
Salam Adil Khalaf, Anis Bouabid

19448-19462 Feasibility of Farming and Farmers' Decisions to Choose Intercropping Pattern for Corn Cassava
Zulkarnain, Etik Puji Handayani, Dwi Haryono

19463-19474 Disciplinary Accountability of Public Employees within its Time Framework: An Inductive, Analytical, and Comparative Study
Dr. Majed Ahmed Saleh Al Adwan

19475-19479 The Effect of Jogging Exercise in the Field and Jogging with a Treadmill on Endurance (VO2Max) In 18-19 Year Old Students
Risnawati, Hidayat Humaid, Iman Sulaiman, A. Heri Riswanto, Habibi Sutirta, Jhon Citro Trisakti

19480-19490 Pedagogical Benefits of Dynamic GeoGebra Software in Learning Tenth-Grade Circles
Claudine G. Lagura, Alvic A. Arnado

19491-19500 The Influence of Integrating Interdisciplinary Tasks on Mathematics Cognitive Development and Student Engagement
Wynna L. Gabales, Alvic A. Arnado

19501-19506 Representation of Political Messages in the Documentary Film Dirty Vote
Nurfadhilah Caesary Mp, Muliadi Mau, Alem Febri Sonni

19507-19521 Optimizing Smash Techniques: A Novel Training Model for Badminton Athletes
Endang Darajat, Samsudin, Hernawan

19522-19535 Determinants of Bagworms Control Practices and Smallholders’ Management Towards Oil Palm Plantations
Radzil, R.H. M., Hamzah, H.Z., Ahamat, H., Hassan, M.

19536-19544 Effectiveness of the Peer Tutoring Program in Improving Academic Performance among Low-Achievement Female Basic Stage Students in Mathematics and Arabic Language Subjects
Heyam Musa Al-Taj, Rand Basheer Arabiyat, Rami Ibrahim Shogran, Siham Darwish Abueita

19545-19556 The Influences of Perceived Value Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty on Historical Park Ayutthaya in Post Covid-19
Phutip Meethavornkul, Surachai Tumad

19557-19571 The Effect of Watermelon Juice on Blood Pressure Reduction in Hypertensive Patients: A Study on Barrang Lompo Island, Indonesia 2024
Sartika Eka Karla, Andi Zulkifli, Nur Nasry Noor, Wahiduddin, Balqis

19572-19583 Effects of Cinnamon Supplementation on Reducing Blood Glucose Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Barrang Lompo Island, Indonesia
Amalia Rezky Annisaa, Andi Zulkifli, Nur Nasry Noor, Wahiduddin, Indra Fajarwati

19584-19594 Revitalizing and Developing Chinese Ancient Poetry Art Songs: A Teaching Module Framework for Transformative Education
Chen Yu, Mohd Hassan Abdullah

19595-19604 The Civilizational Impact of Eliminating Harm in Sunnah (the Prophetic Tradition)
Prof. Abdelaziz Abdulrahman Aldamer, Dr. Kamal Abdelaal Tamam, Dr. Faisal Basim Aljawabreh, Dr. Yassin Mahmoud abdelqader

19605-19632 Practicing Authentic Assessment Strategies by Special Education Teachers in The Elementary Stage
Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

19633-19656 Exploring Insights from Undergraduates on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools to Enhance Proficiency in Tense and Aspect in Foreign Language Instruction
Nisar Ahmad Koka, Mohsin Raza Khan

19680-19705 The Impact of Implementing Active Learning Strategies to Enhance Islamic Education Concepts and Deductive Thinking Skills Among Students with Learning Difficulties
Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

19706-19723 The Impact of Gender as A Factor in Choosing Learning Language Strategies Using Language Learning Applications
Nisar Ahmad Koka

19724-19743 Adaptation and Attitudes Towards Technological Innovations: Assessing the Perceptions of Senior Lecturers on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Translation Post-Editing
Nisar Ahmad Koka, Javed Ahmad

19744-19771 Effects of Game-Based Learning on Enhancing Abstract Thinking in Children with Autism Saudi Students
Dr. Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

19772-19779 The Role of Financial and Economic Factors in Shaping Dividend Payout Ratios: Insights from Kuwait’s Banking Sector
Musaed S. AlAli, Ibraheem Alaskar, Husain S. Aboualhasan, Khaled M. AlSaifi

19780-19803 Investigating Language Varieties Used By Abdi Dalem at the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace: A Sociolinguistic Study
Ria Yuliati, Sajarwa, Daru Winarti

19804-19811 The Effect of En-Nesr Fi’l-Kiraati’l-Asr on the Works of UlumulQur’an and Science of Recitation
Mustafa Memi, Orhan Parlak

19812-19830 An Insight into the Efficiency of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Chatbot as Digital Tutors for Enhancing Learners’ Motivation and Performance in Linguistics Courses
Dr. Nisar Ahmad Koka

19831-19842 A Buddhist Critical Appraisal of Human Security Paradigm
Professor Ayman Yousef, Dr. Juichiro Tanabe

19843-19855 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Change Management in Jordanian Universities According to Lewin’s Model: An Analytical Study of Faculty Members’ Opinions
Dr. Rawan Kheder Abu Shaqra

19856-19865 Impact of Big Data on Strategic Sustainability: The Moderating Role of Organizational Resilience in the Service Sector in Palestine
Huda Abedl Rahman Mahmoud Takrouri

19866-19885 Combining Bisecting K-Means and Conditional Generative Adversarial Network for Crafting Harmonious Color Palettes
Louis Aldorio Efendi, Gede Putra Kusuma

19886-19895 Wisdom of Utilization of Edible Wild Vegetables and Fruits in the Na Dun Community, Maha Sarakham Province, Thailand
Uraiwan Praimee, Prayoon Wongchantra, Kannika Sookngam, Suparat Ongon, Likhit Junkaew, Phanat Phothibat, Wutthisak Bunnaen, Kuantean Wongchantra, Latdavahn Sommala

19896-19906 The Impact of Visual Quality and User Interface Responsiveness on Student Satisfaction in Academic Information Systems (AIS)
Khairul Imtihan, Mardi, Muhamad Rodi

19907-19917 Nominations of the semantic field “illness” in Russian old settler dialects of Yakutia in comparison with the Yakut language
Irina Pavlova, Yana Gorbunova

19918-19925 Channels and Methods of Constructing Social Memory in a Multiethnic Society (Based on the Material of The Republic of Tatarstan, Russia)
Maria Eflova, Karina Garina, Olga Maximova, Anastasiya Mayakovskaya

19926-19937 Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Cognitive Load in eLearning Environments using Eye Tracking Data
Ireti Hope Ajayi, Elena Avksentyeva

19938-19962 The Level of Motivation of Private School Teachers in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Its Relationship to Their Job Performance
Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh

19963-19981 A Comprehensive Quality Approach to Training Early Childhood Principals in Palestine
Dua’a Issa Qurie

19982-19994 Advocacy for Structured Ethics Training to Improve Understanding and Ensure More Rigorous Research among Nursing Students
Khaoula El Barbi, Khaoula Jounaidi, Abdellah Gantare

19995-20005 Wisdom of Natural Food on the Season of Na Dun Community, Maha Sarakham of Thailand
Kannika Sookngam, Prayoon Wongchantra, Suparat Ongon, Uraiwan Praimee, Likhit Junkaew, Phanat Phothibat, Wutthisak Bunnaen, Kuantean Wongchantra, Latdavahn Sommala

20006-20016 The Value Reconstruction of Yi Myths in Dian Culture: A Comparative Study of the Myths of "Brother-Sister Marriage After the Flood" Among the Yi People in Kaiyuan, China
Peng Liqianhui, I-na Phuyuthanon, Chakapong Phaetlakfa

20017-20026 Evaluation of Carmen Herrera's Works In Terms Of Their Contribution to the Use of Color in Graphic Design
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KISA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engin UĞUR

20027-20042 The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: How to Employ Literary Works as a Source for Branding and Marketing?
Prof. Tareq N. Hashem, Dr. Safia Asad, Dr. Firas Rifai, Rasha M. Qtaish

20043-20057 Environmental Audits in Public Institutions: A Mechanism to Enhance Transparency and Sustainability
Miluska Odely Rodriguez-Saavedra, Luis Gonzalo Barrera-Benavides, Edwing Gonzalo Tapia-Meza, Alvaro Rafael Barrientos-Alfaro, Wilian Quispe-Nina, Ruben Washington Arguedas-Catasi

20058-20069 The Challenges of Social Media Usage in Developing Youth Political Behaviour towards Malaysian Political Stability
Siti Juwairiah Zainurin, Wan Norhasniah Wan Husin, Noor Azmi Mohd Zainol

20070-20077 Analysis of Factors Related to the Management of Rabies-Transmitting Animal Bite Cases in the Working Area of Lappadata Health Center, Central Sinjai Subdistrict, Sinjai Regency
Nurfaisyah, Ida Leida Maria, Wahiduddin, Andi Zulkifli, Masni, Irwandy

20078-20083 The Influence of College Students’ Zhong-Yong Thinking on Social Adaptation: The Chain Intermediary Role of Cognitive Flexibility and Psychological Flexibility
Zhi Wang, Lijung Yu

20084-20091 Prehospital Stroke Management by Family Members among Stroke Patients in DR. Drs. M. Hatta Bukittinggi Brain Hospital, West Sumatera - Indonesia, 2024
Tintin Sumarni, Anita Mirawati, Deharnita, Muhammad Arsyad Subu

20092-20106 Education in the Special Autonomy Era
Elia Waromi, Bonaventura Ngarawula, Tommy Hariyanto

20107-20115 Development of Password Manager Using Cryptographic Algorithms for Data Protection in Windows and Linux Operating Systems
L.V. Cherckesova, O.A. Safaryan, O.S. Buryakova, V.M. Porksheyan

20116-20123 Global Economic Shocks and their Impact on the Economies of Oil-Producing Countries: An Empirical Case Study Model for Iraq
Pr. Tarek Sadraoui, Ahmed Rashid Ajrash Almuain

20124-20140 Competitive Advantage Based on Marketing Innovation and Digital Marketing to Improve MSMEs Business Performance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Audita Nuvriasari, Hasim As’ari, Anief Fauzan Rozi

20141-20149 Transformation of Communication Through the Integration of Foreign Languages in President Joko Widodo's Speech Based on the Normative Framework of the Indonesian Language
Rosytha Bellanita Wakari, Golda Juliet Tulung, Djeinnie Imbang, Isnawati Lydia Wantasen, Andriyani Marentek, Garryn Christian Ranuntu

20150-20160 Redefining Education through Artificial Intelligence: An In-depth Analysis of Faculty Knowledge Dimensions and AI Chatbots Integration in Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness in Higher Education Institutions
Dr. Rashmi Mishra, Deepika Varshney, Fredrick Kayusi

20161-20171 Analysis of Local Budget Allocations for the Protection of Specially Protected Areas in Mongolia
Namkhairinchen Mandakh, Ariunaa Lkhagvadorj

20172-20181 Exploring the Relationship between Mental Healthcare Practices and Caregiver Burden in Home-Based Bedridden Elderly Care
Normala Riza, Lukman, Z. M., Siti Hajar Abdul Rauf, Azlini Chik, Nuruaslizawati Ayob

20182-20190 Application of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Application of Organic Matter in Coastal Sandy Soil Media with Copy Grip on the Growth of Cayenne Pepper
Mizan Maulana, Fatimah Zuhra, Hilda Pratiwi, Darmadi Erwin Haharap

20191-20195 Relationship between Glycemic Control and Coated Tongue in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Dr. Arber Berisha, Dr. Vlora Berisha Salihi

20196-20210 Practical Analysis of Design Principles for Multifunctional Calligraphy Pop-up Books for Preschool Children
Gao Qun, Dr. Yodkwan Sawadee

20211-20227 Metadiscourse in English Academic Writing across Disciplines: A Systematic Review
Zhangjing Song,Afendi Bin Hamat, Anis Nadiah Binti Che Abdul Rahman

20228-20247 Do Innovative Work Behavior Mediate the Contribution of Spiritual and Social Capital to Small and Medium Enterprise Performance
Iva Chandraningtyas, Heri Pratikto, Agung Winarno, Puji Handayati

20248-20257 Digital Opportunities and Internet Outcomes on Educational Domain: A Comparison between Urban and Rural of Indonesian University Students
Umar Halim, Nurul Hidayat, Muhamad Rosit, Ihsan Suri, Daniel Handoko

20258-20266 The Nature of Law Enforcement of Information Laws and Electronic Transactions in Handling Hate Speech Through Social Media
Mokhamad Rukin, Hambali Thalib, Mulyati Pawennei, Ilham Abbas

20267-20288 A Review Of Augmented Reality Implications And Challenges For Science Education: Current And Future Perspective
Arinda Eka Lidiastuti, Hadi Suwono, Sueb Sueb, Sulisetijono Sulisetijono

20289-20301 Potential of Black Pepper Extract (Piper Nigrum L) as Antidiabetic and Anticholesterol in Alloxan and Propylthiouracil (PTU) Induced Wistar Rats
Gerfan Patandung, Elly Wahyudin, Ika Yustisia, Peter Kabo, Yulia Yusrini Djabir, Sulfahri, Zulfiah

20302-20308 The Importance of Physical Activity in Reducing Obesity among Women
Fadhila Hafid, Kamel Benamara, Imed Latreche

20309-20319 Strategic Management Innovation and Organizational Capacity Building of Multinational Enterprises in Response to the Challenges of Globalization
Miao Han, Yong-sik Hwang

20320-20332 Challenges of Parent of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Participation in Therapeutic and Educational Programs in Amman and Suggesting Solutions to encounter them
Sara Owies

20333-20341 Jordan in the Writings of the English Orientalist “John Baggot Globe.”(My life in the Arab Levant as an example)
Ahmed Mohammed Al Jawarneh, Jaber Mohammed Al Khatib, Abdalla Ahmad Abdalla

20342-20354 Public Opinion in the Grip Of Disinformation Mechanism of Spread of False Information in Novel Disorder Akmal Nasery Nasery Basral's Work
Eka Nova Ali Vardani, Yuni Pratiwi, Karkono

20355-20366 Quality Culture As A Prerequisite For Certification: the Case Of Moroccan Agri-Food Companies
Imad Benlamlih, Samya Mensouri, Yasmine Benhoussa, Karima Mohtadi, Rachid Saïle, Anass Kettani

20367-20382 Transforming Healthcare Economics: Machine Learning Impact on Cost Effectiveness and Value-Based Care
Ashish Shiwlani, Sooraj Kumar, Samesh Kumar, Syed Umer Hasan, Zafar Ali

20383-20393 The Influence Of Knowledge Sharing On Business Performance With Innovation Work Behavior As A Mediating And Knowledge Heterogeneity As A Moderating (Study on Conventional Rural Credit Banks in East Java)
Sumartik Sumartik, Noermijati Noermijati, Sumiati Sumiati, and Nur Khusniyah Indrawati

20394-20405 A Study on Factors Affecting for Selecting Human Resource Management Specialization
Ranitha Sachinthana Weerarathna

20406-20438 Viability of Ecotourism in Tinorian River, Iloilo: Inputs for a Strategic Development Framework for Fisherfolk Communities
Manalo, John Vincent I., Bito-onon, Jescel B., Villanueva, Caryl Jade C., Demo-os Jr., Rolindo B., Villanueva, Roy C., Siason, Jr., Nordy D.

20439-20446 The Role of Meihu Opera Troupes in Preserving Cultural Heritage in Rural Jin Nan
Puxia Li

20447-20458 Ding: Folklore and Social Processes under the Dissemination and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Shen Yingying,Vuthipong Roadkasamsri

20459-20466 Analysis of the Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication in Building Positive Relationships between Staff and Students at the Faculty of Letters Muslim University of Indonesia
Muhammad Reynaldhy Mutfah M, Muh. Akbar, Kahar

20467-20474 Enhancing Innovative Work Behavior via Training and Development: The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing Practices
Yuliana Saridewi Kusumastuti, I Ketut R. Sudiarditha, Karuniana Dianta A. Sebayang, Dewi Susita

20475-20485 Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking through Mathematics Instruction in High Schools in the Lao People's Democratic Republic
Thongdeng Pathoumma, Do Thi Trinh

20486-20498 Pedagogical Skills of Educators Working with Children Aged 3-6
Mevlude Aliu-Gashi, Dean Iliev

20499-20507 Consumers’ Intent to Purchase Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer (abhs) with Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Maria Sheila Garcia Medina, RGC, RPm, LPT, Robert V. Marcos, Ph.D.

20508-20515 Cervical Cancer Early Detection Education Through Android-Based Application "Madising" for Women of Fertile Age
Muliani, Andi Nilawati Usman, Yusring Sanusi Baso, Syafruddin Syarif, Mardiana Ahmad, Athira Rinandha Eragradini, Kurniaty, Wadzibah Nas, Darhamsyah

20516-20524 Analysis Of Risk And Protective Factors Of Smoking Behaviour Among Adolescents In Pelitakan Health Centre Working Area, Tapango Sub-District, Polewali Mandar District
Diah Pithaloka Sumarna, Muhammad Arsyad, Sudirman Nasir, Muhammad Syafar, Ridwan Amiruddin, Masni

20525-20535 An Exploration of Power Play and Struggle for Hegemony in Imran Khan’s Pakistan: A Personal History
Humera Sharif, Asad Habib, Liaqat Ali Mohsin, Hizbullah Khan

20536-20550 The Impact of Dialectical Behavioral Counseling on the Development of Emotional Regulation in Middle School Students
Qusay Shanan Mazid, Prof.Dr. Hamed Qasim Reshan

20551-20566 The Impact Of Community Service Learning On Developing Students’ Global Citizenship: A Case Study At A Vietnamese University
Ngoc Bao Chau Tran, Hoang Yen Phuong, Thanh Thao Le, Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen

20567-20579 Developing a TPACK Integrated Classroom Observation Tool
Ramil Santos

20580-20599 Key Management Factors and Strategies for Creating A Positive School Climate
PhD.c.Luljeta Shala, PhD.c. Selim Mehmeti, Prof. Dr. Arafat Shabani, Prof.Dr.Muhamet Qerimi

20600-20619 Unveiling Deception: Exploring Cues in Islamic Website Text and Design Through User Perspective
Fatima Ahmed, Madihah Sheikh Abdul Aziz, Noor Asiah Binti Rashid, Noor Afzan Binti Salleh, Zulfahmi Bin Rashid

20620-20629 Expression of Caspase 9 in The Cerebrum and Cerebellum Newborn Rats from The Model of Maternal Death
Septi Andriana, Hermanto Tri Joewono, Widjiati

20630-20641 Evaluation of Professional Development Program on Maritime Lecturers in Malaysian Higher Education
Pek Hoon Er, Priscilla Moses, Chee Heong Lee, Tiny Chiu Yuen Tey, Phaik Kin Cheah

20642-20651 Linguistic Strategies in the Representations of Monks in Online Songs
Phramaha Sarayut Jettra, Wirat Wongpinunwatana

20652-20668 Spiritual Leadership: A Beacon of Stress Relief for University Educators - Trust, Commitment, and Whole Life Management in Focus
Mohi Ud Din, Muhammad Faizan Khan, Ramzi Talmoudi, Muhammad Tanveer, Aqeel Ahmad

20669-20693 Zakat Disbursement to the Wayfarer and its Contemporary Applications
Dr. Ahmad Abdulrahman Al Sheehah, Dr. Kefah Abed Al- Kader Alsouri, Dr. Fatima Kassab Hmoud Al-Khalidi

20694-20707 Sustainable Consumer Behavior in Omni-Digital Banking: Analyzing the Impact of Digital Transformation
Anitha M, Hemanathan M

20708-20718 The Influence of the Project Based Blended Learning Model And Independent Learning On Visual Literacy Skills
Eko Subastian, Moch. Nursalim, Bachtiar S. Bachri

20730-20751 Unraveling the Links between Role Stressors, Commitment Facets, And Turnover Intentions: A Study Of Healthcare Workers In Saudi Arabia
Dr. Zafrul Allam, Dr. Sayeeduzzafar, Dr. Nasir Ali, Dr. Vikram Jeet

20752-20764 Effectiveness of Training Programme Models and Hand-Eye Coordination on the Skills of Children's Badminton Players
Suratman, Setya Rahayu, Rumini, Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma, Rivan Saghita Pratama

20765-20774 The Position of Forensic Linguistics Experts In Malaysia
Imran Razali, Ramalingam Rajamanickam, Nur Khalidah Dahlan

20775-20784 Analysis of Marketing Management in an Effort to Increase the Number of Visits by General and Insurance Patients at the Starfish Hospital Palopo
Yulianti Wirawan, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Andi Zulkifli

20785-20795 Digital Project Based Blended Learning Model (DPBBL) and Learning Motivation towards Problem Solving Student
Dydik Kurniawan, Siti Masitoh, Bachtiar Sjaiful Bachri, Warman, Usfandi Haryaka, Tri wahyuningsih

20796-20800 Development of an Arts-Based Edutainment Learning Model to Increase the Level of Learning Motivation among the Orang Asli Primary School Students
Mohd Azam Sulong, Mohd Hassan Abdullah, Mohd Fauzi Sedon, Mohd Azlan Nafiah

20801-20812 A Study on the Influence of Employees’ Culture Intelligence on Their Inclusion
Duan Yao, Dr. Lily Suriani Mohd Arif

20813-20824 Factors Affecting The Implementation Of The Circular Economy And The Impact Of The Circular Economy On Sustainable Development: Research On Small And Medium
Luong Thi Huyen, Pham Thi Huyen, Tran Thi Huong

20836-20852 The Use of Digital Literacy Among Elementary School Teachers and Students in Rural Area in Madura Island
Priyono Tri Febrianto, Mochamad Nursalim, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Mustaji

20853-20864 What exactly do you mean? An analysis of the speech and written document in Malaysian Bribery Cases through the Lens of Forensic Linguistics
Imran Razali, Ramalingam Rajamanickam, Nur Khalidah Dahlan

20865-20883 The Impact of Perceived Behavioral Control and Subjective Norms on the Adoption of Online Learning in Chinese Folk Dance Courses
Jiaolu Li, Mohamad Aznillah Ahmad

20884-20890 The Study Compares The Satisfaction Of Lecturers With The Facilities Of Non-Public Universities
Nguyen Van Thu, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Cao Thi Anh, Le The Anh, Nguyen Van Tri

20891-20902 Corporate Strategy and The Dynamics of Nurturing Business Units in The Payang Sejahtera Village-Owned Enterprise: An Evaluative Analysis
Blegoh Andi Setya Utama, Siti Nurjanah, Saparuddin Muchtar

20903-20913 Legal Aspects of Amending a Public-Private Partnership Contract
Dr. Majed Ahmed Saleh Al Adwan

20914-20920 Quality of Personnel via Management's Intellectual Competence in Army Firms
Le Trung Thanh, Nguyen Ngoc Minh, Le Quang Trung, Ha Thi Thu Phuong

20921-20930 Enhancing Accountability and Effectiveness: CSR Allocation to Law Enforcement in Combating Palm Oil Theft in State-Owned Plantations
Alimuddin Sinurat, Budiman Ginting, Alvi Syahrin, Mahmud Mulyadi

20931-20941 Artificial Intelligence (AI) as Guardian: Combine the Voluntary Guardianship with the Notarial System in China
Cao Zhaoxun, Ramalinggam Rajamanickam, Nur Khalidah Dahlan

20942-20951 The impact of Marketing Innovation on Creating Value for the Brand in Jordanian Food Industry Companies
Emad Ali kasasbeh, Tariq Barjes Al-bloush, Ahmad Salih Mheidi Alnaser, Amro Marei Shwawreh, Wasfi Abdul Kareem Alkasassbeh

20952-20971 Legal Challenges of Digital Identity in Metaverse and Their Impact on Foreign Direct Investment (Descriptive-Analytical Study)
Rania S, Azab, HosamEldin H. Ismail

20972-20986 The Authority of Indonesia's Constitutional Court: A Comprehensive Analysis of Its Role in Settling Disputes Among State Institution
Benny Bambang Irawan, Mahmuda Pancawisma Febriharini, Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih, Ontran Sumantri Riyanto

20987-20995 Rebuilding A New Identity: The Psychological And Social Process Of Deradicalization Among Ex-Terrorists In Indonesia
Gonda Yumitro, Rizki Febriani, Ali Roziqin, Sukma Oktaviani

20996-21007 The Right of the Accused to Defense in the Saudi System (A Comparative Study)
Abusalif Adam Mustafa Hamid

21008-21017 The Influence of Ease of Use, Hedonic Motivation, Trust and Price Value on Intention to use Shopee Paylater in Indonesia
Muhammad Ivanda Vatriady Hardiana Putra, Indrawati, Salsabila Aisyah Alfaiza

21018-21030 The Status of Electronic Evidence and Its Role in Proving Criminal Cases
Raddam Azawi Dawas, Siamak Jafarzadeh, Reza Nikkhah Saranghi

21031-21039 The Creation of Work Motivation for District Civil Servants
Doan Thi Nguyet Ngoc, Dinh Thi Mung, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Bui Ngoc Hien4

21040-21051 Alignment of Science Books with Scientific and Engineering Practices
Ayman M Oliemat, Mohammad S Alsharayah

21052-21064 Assessment of the Impact of Sand Mining on Land Change and Water Quality in the River Bila, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Muh Assabul Kahfi Selman, Usman Arsyad, St. Fauziah

21065-21078 The Impact of Cognitive Flexibility on Navigating Personality and Learning Style Differences in Higher Education
Yusfarizal Bin Yussoff, Shahrul Mizan Ismail (PhD), Nabeel Mahdi Althabhawi

21079-21091 Factor Affecting Rice Cultivation to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Vietnam: An Experience from Farm Households in Thai Binh Province
Nguyen Thi Hai Ninh, Nguyen Mau Dung

21092-21109 Research of the Cellular Communication Protocols Security
L.V. Cherckesova, O.A. Safaryan, E.V. Pinevich, I.A. Alferova

21110-21125 Pest Detection System Based on Computer Vision for Grapevine Crops in Southern Peru
Danah Scarlett Márquez-Celada, Lennin Quiroz-Villalobos, Paco Márquez-Urbina

21126-21133 Patients' Rights Based on Kosovo Laws and International Standards
Arif Riza, Muharem Faiku, Alban Kryezi, Valeri Qatani

21134-21141 Assessing Aerobic Capacity using Three Minutes Step Test and Its Association with Body Mass Index of Undergraduate Students: An Analysis
Kenneth S. Samonte, Anjela Marie L. Guevarra, Rosenell B. Flores

21142-21150 Stress Level and Coping Strategies of Students with Disabilities at Hasanuddin University
Febriani Tenri Sa’nna, Sudirman Nasir, Shanti Riskiyani

21151-21164 Enhancing Student Engagement and Performance in Piano Lessons through Project-Based Blended Learning
Aoyang Li, Thanin Ratanaolarn, Jirarat Sitthiworachart

21165-21172 The Relationship Between Energy Consumption And GDP: Saudi Arabia Case Study
Adel Benhamed, Knani Ramzi

21173-21185 Linguistic Dynamics: Code-Mixing Between Tourism Industry Players and Tourists at Madura's Culinary Attractions
Eka Susylowati, Fitriyatuz Zakiyah, Joni Maulindar, A. A. Ayu Dian Andriyani

21186-21202 C3 - Axis Accelerometer Sensor to Increase the Accuracy of Vibrating Exposure Measurement in Concrete Block Pavement
Abied Rizky Putra Muttaqien, Pratikso, Rachmat Mudiyono

21202-21215 Exploring the Dynamics of Critical Thinking, Metacognitive Awareness and Digital Literacy in Mitigating Political Misinformation: The Moderating Role of Gender
Palwasha Nasir Abbasi, Syeda Asma Gillani, Muhammad Nasir, Fatima Mehdi Naqvi, Kosar Rafique, Fatima Farooq

21216-21233 Research on Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis Methods of Construction Project Performance Based on Digital Twin
Yuejun Liu, Faizatul Akmar Abdul Nifa, Lim Kong Teong

21234-21252 Legal Regulation of Granting Digital Bank Licenses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Analytical Study
Mohammed Marzouq Hamis Al-Muqati

21253-21266 A Qualitative Perspective to Analyse External Risks Impact on Thailand's Real Estate Sector
Sukulpat Khumpaisal, Isaac Adam Jamieson

21267-21281 Exploring the Development History of Chinese: Haiyang Popular Songs
Xu Chen, Natthapong Prathumchan, Asst.Prof. Dr. Awirut Thotham

21282-21293 Global Dreams, Local Realities, and Wrinkle Effect on Children's Emotional Well-Being Amid the Parental International Migration
Sushil Sharma, Bhimsen Devkota, Surendra Giri,Devaraj Acharya

21294-21307 Exploring the Impact of the 3-Minute Challenge and Voki Apps on ESL University Students' English Proficiency Through Project-Based Learning
Nurul Ajleaa Abdul Rahman, Goh Ying Soon, Nurul Farihah Rosli, Nur Nabila Azman

21308-21323 Civil Law Implications of Artificial Intelligence Training Using Copyrighted Data: A Case Study Of Thomson Reuters Vs. Ross Intelligence
Wulan Azalia Zanzabila, Maskun, Kamsilaniah, Aminuddin

21324-21348 The Effect Of Board Governance, Management Accounting Information Systems, Innovation Strategy, On Sustainability Performance With Management Control Systems Loc As A Moderator
Wati Rosmawati, Khomsiyah, Regina Jansen Arsjah

21349-21370 The Impact of Environmental Strategy, Digital Transformation, and Shareholder Pressure on Green Banking Disclosure: A Moderating Effect of Top Management Commitment
Isye Siti Aisyah, Khomsiyah, Harti Budi Yanti

21371-21381 Exploring the Impact of Prompt Formulation in AI Chatbots on the Translation of English-to-Arabic and Arabic-to-English Idioms: A Case Study
Dr. Ahmed Hadi Hakami, Ghadah Saad Abomoati

21396-21407 Investigating Code-Switching Patterns: Iraqi Arabic ESL/EFL Learners in English Language Contexts
Dr. Razak Surrey

21408-21422 Evolving Dynamics of Government-Led Entrepreneurial Financing: A Comparative Study of Pakistan’s Schemes from 1992 to the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES)-Distinctive Factors and Similarities
Ikhtiar Ahmed Khoso, Zainal Abdin Mohamed, Wan Fadzilah Binti Wan Yusoff

21423-21429 The Effect of Workload and Length of Service on Stress Levels in Achieving Job Satisfaction at the Makassar Health Laboratory Center, Indonesia
Fadil Apriawan Arifin, Masyitha Muis, Fridawaty Rifai

21430-21449 Integrating 5E Learning Cycle and YouTube Shorts to Improve Procedural Text Writing
Khaerudin Kurniawan, Indrawati, Rifa Tri Monika

21450-21458 The Effect of Snakehead Fish Extract (Channa striata) on Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Levels and Lung Histopathology of Wistar Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed to Cigarette Smoke
Nurainun Darwis, Arif Santoso, Muhammad Husni Cangara

21459-21473 Factors Affecting the Perceptions of Climate Change of Ethnic Minority Communities Participating In Tourism Activities in Sapa, Lao Cai, Vietnam
Thi Quynh Huong Nguyen, Thi Thu Huong Nguyen

21474-21479 The Right to Privacy in the Republic of Kosov
Dardan Vuniqi, Arsim Thaçi

21480-21488 Legal Analysis of Forced Labour under the Anti-Trafficking In Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007 in Malaysia
Norsuzana Abdul Majid, Rohaida Nordin, Muhamad Helmi Md Said

21489-21509 Investigating the Impact of Emotional Resonance on Consumer Behavior in the Traditional Music Market
Yu Kun Li, Fung Chiat Loo, Syuhaily Osman, Wang Fei

21510-21517 Analysis of Factors Related to the Management of Rabies-Transmitting Animal Bite Cases in the Working Area of Lappadata Health Center, Central Sinjai Subdistrict, Sinjai Regency
Nurfaisyah, Ida Leida Maria, Wahiduddin, Andi Zulkifli, Masni, Irwandy

21518-21535 Echoes of Home, Hearts Abroad Family, Emotion, and Experience in the Expatriate Adaptation Journey to Achieve Excellence Performance in Indonesia
Maria Welly Sumarningsih, Christantius Dwiatmadja, Agus Sugiarto

21536-21550 Ecotourism: Principles, Policies, and Laws in Malaysia
Nur Khalidah Dahlan, Nurwajihah Ajlaa Ali, Hadi Akbar

21551-21564 Balancing Human Rights and Public Integrity: Legal Perspectives on Former Convicts' Eligibility to Run for Regional Heads in Indonesia
Dede Arwinsyah, Aswanto, Achmad Ruslan, Amir Ilyas

21565-21571 A Study of Support Policy for SMES in Ho Chi Minh City
Doan Thi Thu Ha, Bui Ngoc Hien, Dinh Thi Mung, Nguyen Tuan Anh

21581-21589 Identification of Factors Influencing Customer Retention (A Study at ABC Company)
Afira Vania Utami, Indrawati

21590-21595 Planning of Full Factorial Experiments for the İnvestigation of Roughness in Hydroabrasive Waterjet Cutting of Hardox-500 Steel
Sylvio Simon, Nizami Yusubov, Samir Amirli, Fariz Amirov

21596-21606 Evaluating Strategic Approaches for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Micro Enterprises in Chengalpattu District
Ezhil Maran. K. P, M. Jeevarathinam

21607-21615 Hospice Care Model for Stroke Patients: An Analysis
Faisal Bin Husen Ismail, Muhammad Masruri, Andri Nirwana, Muhammad Amir Wan Harun, Shakila binti Ahmad

21616-21637 Corona Pandemic; Palestinian Refugees Experience Life Difficulties
Amer Shehadeh, Nader Shwamreh, Haneen Nur, Ilse Derluyn

21638-21646 Study on the National Characteristics of Modern Chinese Opera Music
Xiaobo Fua, Surapol Nesusinb, Chalermsak Pikulsric

21647-21667 Investigating the Effect of Marketing Innovation, Opportunity Exploitation, and Market Response on New Product Success in the Saudi Market
Adil Mohamed Ahmed Fait

21668-21677 The Wisdom of Buton Cultural Values as an Instrument Corruption Pevention and Action
Ishak Bagea, Eko Hariaanto, Ardianto, LM. Ruspan Takasi, Ali Badrudin, Arfin Bagea

21678-21686 Study of the Properties of a Cement Concrete Hardening Accelerator Additive with a Mechanism of Action at the Nano-Size Level
Svetlana Loginova, Maxim Tanichev, Ilya Goglev

21687-21711 The Role of the University Life Skills Course in Enhancing the Quality of Life for New Students at The University of Hail from Their Point of View
Dr. Nouradeen Aisa Adam Ali

21712-21724 Forecasting Mining Revenues in Saudi Arabia: A SARIMA Approach for Economic Diversification under Vision 2030
Abu Elgasim Abbas Abow Mohammed, Dalia Kamal Alnagar, Amin M. A. Haleeb, Yousef S. Alharbi, Atif Ali. Yassin, Elfarazdag M. M. Hussein

21725-21737 Modeling Financial Risk Using Discriminant Analysis: A Predictive Approach
Atif Ali Yassin, Amin M. A. Haleeb, Dalia Kamal Alnagar, Elfarazdag M. M. Hussein, Manahil SidAhmed Mustafa, Sara Mohamed Ahmed Elsheikh, Walla Awad

21738-21746 The Effect of Snakehead Fish (Channa Striata) Extract on Malondialdehyde (MDA) Levels in Wistar Rats (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to Cigarette Smoke
Iswan Risal, Arif Santoso, Muhammad Husni Cangara

21747-21762 Development of Sustainable Halal Tourism Model Through Halal Tourism Attributes
Anas Hidayat, Budi Astuti, Lalu Supardin

21763-21772 The Auspicious Cultural Connotations of Flowers and Plants in Contemporary Chinese Gardens: Aesthetic Forms Expressed through Paintings
Jingjing Zhao, Mohd Fauzi Sedon

21773-21781 Legal Accountability of Beneficial Owners in Tax Crimes: Theories of Identification, Strict Liability, and Vicarious Liability
Teuku Panca Adhyaputra, M. Djafar Saidi, Muhadar, Achmad Ruslan

21782-21787 Impact of COVID-19 on Primary Care Access among Diabetes and Hypertension Patients: A Five-Year Panel Study in Thailand
Daoroong Komwong, Mereerat Manwong, Kulpimol Charoendee, Thawatchai Sattayasomboon, Noppcha Singwerathum

21788-21807 Urban Information Modeling for Smart Cities: Advancing Sustainable Infrastructure and Environmental Management in Digital Twin Applications
Perapong Kaewpoonsuk, Kumpon Subsomboon

21808-21816 Compensation For Unlawful Detention in Saudi and Jordanian Legislation- Comparative Analysis Study
Khaleel Saeed Khaleel Obiah

21817-21829 Administrative Schools and Their Relationship to Educational Supervision
Natasha Omar Abuziyad, Nayef Abdelraouf Alkhtib

21830-21847 Bioremoval of Heavy Metals in Water by Algal Biotechnology: A Review
Hala R. Mohammed, Jasim M. Salman, Adi Jasim Abul Razak

21848-21861 Development of Gen-Z Behaviour Model in Online Shopping with Moderated High Involvement Product
Budi Astuti, Rinaldi, Andriyastuti Suratman

21862-21871 Sociological Writing: Characteristics and Determinants
Maysoon Wael Al Atoom, Khader Wael Yousef Otum

21872-21888 Managing Occupational Stress and Burnout in Achieving Employee Wellbeing as Prerequisite for Sustainable Development of Organization
Dr. Nasir Ali, Dr. Maqsood Husain Junaidi, Dr. Zafrul Allam

21889-21904 Scenario Model for Landuse in Water Springs Conservation Area (Case Study of Umbulan Spring Water)
Priyo Nur Cahyo, Soemarno M. S., Agus Dwi Wicaksono, Marjono

21905-21917 Plea Bargaining in Tax Crime Resolution: A Normative Legal Analysis of Prosecution Practices in Indonesia
Chalis Al Rossi, M. Djafar Saidi, Achmad Ruslan, Nur Azisa

21918-21936 Analysis of Consumer Acceptance Behavior of BSI Mobile Using the Modified Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology2 (UTAUT2) Model at BSI Regional Office 6 Bandung
Erik Mulyana, Indrawati

21937-21953 Breaking Barriers: Exploring the Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities in the Labor Market
Elshemy Radwa, Alzahrani Fahad, Moussa Yasser, Almasoudi Fahad, Fawzy Shereen, Alqarni Ali, Hashem Heba, Jarah Norah

21954-21967 The Role of Adversity Quotient on Entrepreneurial Success among Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: A Case Study of the Dani Tribe, Papua Pegunungan Province, Indonesia
Nanang Gunawan, Ayu Anggraini Tambunan, Lukas Waika Kossay, Defran Siska

21968-21976 Perceived Vulnerability and Perceived Seriousness of HIV-AIDS Among Adolescents in The Pangkajene and Island Districts of South Sulawesi
Erwin, Sudirman Nasir, Shanti Riskiyani

21977-21983 The Impact of Government Expenditures on the Labor Market and Its Significance for the Education Sector: Evidence from Iraq
Mohammed Kamal Abdullah, Aymen Ajina

21984-21998 Exploring the Impacts of Linguistic Relativity on Consciousness and Cultural Perception
Ghassan Ibrahim Mohammad Alshamary, Karim Ahmed Zidan Abu Samhadaneh

21999-22011 Effectiveness of Virtual Reality-Based Forehand Smash Training Model for Table Tennis Athletes Performance
Jusrianto AS, Widiastuti, Aan Wasan

22012-22027 Integrated Model for Tourism Destination: Potential for Developing Historical and Cultural Tourism as a Supporting Capacity for Natural Tourism on the Lombok Island, Indonesia
Syahrul Amar, Andi Sulastri, Muhammad Shulhan Hadi

22028-22036 Third-Party Collateral Assets in Debtor Bankruptcy: Part of the Bankrupt Assets or Not?
M. Yusuf Syamsuddin, Farida Patittingi, Winner Sitorus, Iin Karita Sakharina, Imran Nating

22037-22050 The Readiness of Malaysian Employees in Understanding Integrity based on the Model ‘Al-Khauf Wa Ar- Raja’
Mohd Sham Kamis, Muhammad Khalid Osman, Muhammad Nazir Alias, Nik Abdul Rahim Nik Abdul Ghani, Luqman Hakim Satiman

22051-22063 Integrating Human Capital into Management Control Systems: Enhancing Strategic Alignment and Organizational Success

22072-22082 Impact of Online Media on Learning Motivation and Learning Performance: The Mediating Role of Learning Participation
Wang Zixuan, Yusmarwati Yusof

22083-22095 Lasallian Values: Can they reflect an Organizational Culture? (A Case Study in the Higher Education)
Harli M. Merung, Christantius Dwiatmadja, Agus Sugiarto

22096-22114 Determination of the Motivational Levels of the Athletes in a State University: The Learning for Life Culture
Jade C. Marcos

22143-22157 How Creates Marketing Opportunities: Fresh Insights from a Mixed Methods Case Study of Community-Based Enterprise
Thitiphat Limsumlitnipa

22173-22185 Importance and Ways to Employ Music and Singing from the Islamic Law Standpoint
Subhi Ibrahim Sharqawi

22186-22195 Examining the Regulations and Guidelines of the PIK-R Community Pathway in Preventing Premarital Sexual among Teenagers in Makassar
Magfirah Jidar, Indra Fajarwati Ibnu, Muhammad Arsyad, Muhammad Syafar, Abdul Salam

22196-22208 Postnatal Counseling on Cortisol Levels and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Scores of Postpartum Depression Patients
Evania Nita Oetama, Budi Prasetyo, Rizki Pranadyan, Margarita Maria Maramis

22209-22216 The Role of Students’ Satisfaction in Mediating Relationship between Service Quality and Brand Image of Higher Education
Kalthom Husain, Sidra Shehzadi, Azahar Kasim, Nurun Najah Tarmidzi, Iqra Saeed

22217-22225 The Nature Of The Cancellation Of The Deed Of Binding Agreement For The Sale And Purchase Of Land In The Province Of South Sulawesi
M. IBNU SUMARNA, Ma’ruf Hafidz, Syahruddin Nawi, Sri Lestari Poernomo

22226-22252 Problems Posed by Preservice Primary Teachers Based on the Four Operations with Fractions and Their Skill of Modelling These Problems
Ebru Ergul, Nese Isik Tertemiz

22253-22261 The Nature Of Tripartite Agreements In The Settlement Of Industrial Relations Disputes In The Jurisdiction Of The Department Of Labour And Transmigration Of South Sulawesi Province
Taufiq Amini, Syahruddin Nawi, Ma’ruf Hafidz, Hasbuddin Khalid

22253-22261 The Nature Of Tripartite Agreements In The Settlement Of Industrial Relations Disputes In The Jurisdiction Of The Department Of Labour And Transmigration Of South Sulawesi Province
Taufiq Amini, Syahruddin Nawi, Ma’ruf Hafidz, Hasbuddin Khalid

22262-22276 Factors Affecting Consumer’s Purchase Intention to Eco-Product Packaging for Different Generations in Thailand
Anita Pradain, Pattarakorn Orkaew

22277-22289 Poetic Language and World Disclosure: An Approach to Heidegger's Ontological Turn
Mahrous Mahmoud Alkolaly, Abdelghani Bara, Fadl Zeid, Omer ALSaadi

22290-22297 Differentiated Learning: A Systematic Review
Petri Priyatni, Sri Rahayu, Muntholib Muntholib, Sumari Sumari

22318-22332 The Impact Of Technology On The Prevention Of Road Traffic Accidents
Dr. Lavdim Hamiti, Dr. Agim Krasniqi

22333-22345 Transparency of the Insurance Companies in Palestine: An Analysis in Light of EU Standards
Mahmoud Fayyad, Sheer Abbas, Ahmad I Al-Hiari, Amjad Qabaha, Rannen Al-Nazir

22359-22376 Linguistic Variations Across Pakistani Educational Blogs: A Multidimensional Analysis
Eram Jamil, Manvender Kaur Sarjit Singh

22379-22390 Determinants of Primary School Efficiency in Morocco: Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to TIMSS database
Mohammed EL BOUHALI, Aicha EL ALAOUI, Kamal ACHDG, Salah AHBALA, Abderrahim LAKHOUIL

22391-22407 Are Fixed-Term Employment Contracts the Trojan Horse Undermining Labor Rights in Indonesia?
Andre Jumain, Achmad Ruslan, Naswar, Mohd Shahril Nizam Bin MD Radzi

22408-22422 Navigating the Ripple Effects of Purchase Restriction Policies on Real Estate Investment and Taxation in Hainan
Xiaoyin Zhang

22423-22442 People Analytics Are the Effective Future Practices of Organizational Behaviour
Ziwei Zhu

22443-22450 Reaction Lights-Based Shadow Training Model: Effect On Agility Of Deaf Badminton Players
Abang Putra Pratama, Endang Rini Sukamti, Bernadeta Suhartini, Ristanti Puji Astuti, Utin Setiawati, Hasyimi, Putri Srikandi, Dewangga Yudhistira

22451-22459 Developing a Foul Detection Application for the Sepak Takraw Game: Construct Validity and Inter-rater Reliability
Putri Prastiwi Wulandari, Siswantoyo1, Panggung Sutapa, Dewangga Yudhistira

22460-22468 Adventure Education as a Learning Strategy to Improve Kinesthetic and Interpersonal Intelligence in Elementary School Students
Maftukin Hudah, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Hedi A. Hermawan, La Ode Adhi Virama4 Dewangga Yudhistira

22469-22477 Factors Affecting the Level of Dental and Oral Cleanliness (OHI-S) Among Primary School Age Children at UPT SPF 111 KASSI BUTA KEC. Kajang District. Bulukumba
Andi Nurul Azizah, Muhammad Syafar, Sudirman Nasir, Muhammad Arsyad, Ansariadi, Abdul Salam

22478-22491 A Narrative Review of Theoretical Underpinnings on Employee Green Performance in GHRM-driven MNCs in Shanghai
Li Shuyi, Jacquline Tham

22492-22499 Rice Husks (Oryza sativa) as a Bio-Adsorbent For Pollutants in Water: A Vision for the Mining Industry
Cristian Lara-Basantes, Julio Cesar López Ayala, Jean Carlos Farez Atiencia, Diana Nereira Villa Uvidia, Marcelo Aaron Tamba Pineda

22500-22508 Evaluation of Program Activity Planning as an Effort to Improve the Minimum Service Standard Index of the Department of Education and Culture of Pasuruan Regency
Mokhammad Syamsudin, Warih Handayaningrum, Sri Setyowati

22509-22526 Madrasah Diniyah Education Services in Pasuruan Regency
Iswahyuni, Sujarwanto, Amrozi Khamidi

22527-22538 Organizational Agility of BNN in the Era of Industry 4.0
Riki Yanuarfi, Yudi Azis, Zulkifli, Darmansyah

22539-22551 Enhancing Public Service Delivery through Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Era of E-Government
Zuchri Abdussamad, Loso Judijanto, Aldian Yusup, Andi Muhammad Husni Tamrin, Dita Rosyalita, Herlis Wulan Sari Rahayu

22552-22569 Analyzing Strategies of Politeness Employed by Pakistani Political Leaders to Enhance National Image
Uzma Raza, Hasliza Abdhalim

22570-22581 The Development Prospects of Blue Economy of the Developing Nations: A case study of Pakistan
Muneeba Bibi, Syed Tahir Hussain Shah, Muhammad Asif, Syed Imran Rais, Ghulam Yasin

22582-22593 Analysis of Stunting Convergence Policies in a Socio-Cultural Perspective in Wetland Area (Case Study in Hsu Regency)
Taufik Arbain, Muhammad Saleh, Andini Octaviana Putri, Meitria Syahadatina Noor, Fakhriyah, Syahrial Shaddiq

22594-22604 Critical Discourse Analysis of Trends Investigations in the Journal of Literary and Applied Linguistics in Indonesia
Rendy Pribadi, Ninuk Lustyantie, Zuriyati

22605-22619 Reasons, Motivating Factors, Barriers, and Facilitators of Diploma three-degree Midwives to Complete Their Bachelor Midwifery Program: A Qualitative Study in Indonesia
Royani Chairiyah, Maryuni Maryuni, Sari Narulita, Aliana Dewi, Zakiyah Zakiyah, Intan Parulian Tiurma Roosleyn, Handayani Handayani, Sondang Tio Helena Manurung, Siswani Marianna, Moudy Emma Unaria Djami, Tri Mustikowati, Muhammad Arsyad Subu

22620-22628 Analysis of Factors Associated With Stunting Incidence in Wetland Areas (Case Study in Banjar Regency)
Andini Octaviana Putri, Meitria Syahadatina Noor, Fakhriyah, Muhammad Saleh, Syahrial Shaddiq, Taufik Arbain

22629-22640 The Implementation Strategy of College Moral Education under the Background of Convergence Media
Xiong Dingyong, Chen Pengyu, Yang Yonggang

22641-22645 Building an Area Assessment Model for Finding Strengths and Weaknesses as a Basis for National Defense
Yudhi Candra, Robby MT, Guntur

22646-22654 Regional Powers in Relation to the Future of Europe: A Game Theory Classification

22655-22666 The Effect of Noise Exposure On Work Fatigue with Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate in Construction Project Workers of the Makassar Vertical Hospital Development
Mustafsyira, Syamsiar S. Russeng, Masyitha Muis , Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Nurhaedar Jafar, Anwar Mallongi

22688-22697 Analysis of Work Productivity Through Work Fatigue in Aircraft Engineers at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar in 2024
Dian Eka Putri, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Furqaan Naiem, Syamsiar S. Russeng, Fridawaty Rivai

22698-22703 Impact of Digital Literacy on Consumer Satisfaction with E-Banking Services in Chennai City
Poornima S., Sridharan R

22704-22714 Educational Big Data Mining: Examining the Mediating Role of Family Relationship in the Impacts of Romantic Relationship on Education
Ting Tin Tin, Kok Wei Kang, Chi Jun Bin, Leow Kai Wen, Tan Xin Yue, Hasan Sarwar, Seyedmostafa Safav

22715-22723 Intercultural Communication System and the Digital Surrounding Scenario of the Young Students of the National Amazonian University of Madre de Dios
Wilson Wily Sardon-Quispe, Oscar Gustavo Guadalupe-Zevallos, Dennys Denton Gutierrez-Machaca, Mirella Rosa Luz Gavidia-Canaquiri, Cesar Augusto Pastor-Vela, John Cesar Flores-Flores

22724-22735 Total Quality Management and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lira City, Uganda
Richard Abongo, Dr. Robert Oguti Etengu (PhD), Dr. Aina-Obe Shamssuddin Bolatito (PhD), Bosco Opio, Yahaya Kisu

22736-22751 The Mediating Role of Birth Control Method, Sex Life, Mental Health, and Its Affecting Factors on Pregnancy Outcome Among Young Adults
Ting Tin Tin, Tan Siew Yen, Tan Sheng Jie, Chia Zheng Yee, Chen Kai Yau, Ayodeji Olalekan Salau, Ali Aitizaz

22752-22765 The Mediating Role of Sleeping Status Between Life Management and General Health Among Young Adults Among Students
Ting Tin Tin, Lim Wei Han, Ooi Jshun, Law Yong Jin, Lai Xiao Xian, Hasan Sarwar, Ali Aitizaz

22766-22785 Statistical Analysis of the Mediating Effect of Diet Habits and Its Affecting Factors on Academic Performance Among Students
Ting Tin Tin, Tan Chong Han, Chew Zhi Xin, Tham Ven Yao, Gan Wei Song, Hasan Sarwar, Ali Aitizaz

22786-22809 Educational Big Data Mining: A Longitudinal Study of the Impacts of Life Management on Academic Performance
Ting Tin Tin, Ho Hong Meng, Gwee Yong Sean, Loke Kok Lam, Ali Aitizaz, Hasan Sarwar, Chaw Jun Kit

22810-22820 Educational Big Data Mining: The Analysis of Academic Performance Impacts on Quality of Life
Ting Tin Tin, Nicholas Thong Jan Wai, Chong Qi Hao, Chan Hong Wei, Ng Yee Sheng, Hasan Sarwar, Ali Aitizaz

22821-22851 Longitudinal Study of the Impacts of Young Adults’ Education and Graduation on Job Opportunities
Ting Tin Tin, Chong Xin Yi, Kelvin Ee Wei Keong, Cheah Kai Hui, Chang Kang Yi, Hasan Sarwar, Ali Aitizaz

22852-22864 Educational Big Data Mining: An Analysis of Life Management’s Impact on Academic Performance
Ting Tin Tin, Arnaldo Koo Jia Quan, Hoi Jie Ming, Chan You Xun, Soot Chia Xiang, Hasan Sarwar, Ali Aitizaz

22865-22876 Low Carbon Development Study of Watermelon Cultivation as an Implementation of a Green Economy
Sentot Purboseno, Lisma Safitri, Hermantoro, Gani Supriyanto, Reni Astuti Widyowanti

22877-22887 Agency Theory in Banking: Balancing Incentives and Mitigating Moral Hazard in the Principal-Agent Dilemma
Nengah Sukendri, Ali Muktiyanto, Ira Geraldina, Julia Safitri

22888-22901 Indexicality Naming of Asma’ Artho Text to the Beliefs of its Pilgrims
Diana Mayasari, Kisyani Laksono, Agusniar Dian Savitri

22902-22912 Effects on Finisher Crossbred Pigs Carcasses Fed Diets Supplemented with Different Levels of Skipjack Tuna Waste
Mien Th. R. Lapian, Cathrien A. Rahasia, Daniel S. I. Sondakh

22937-22950 Readability of Jordan High Note Textbooks for 9th and 11th Grades in Jordan for the Academic Year 2024/2025
Dina Al-Naser, Abdulla Khataybeh

22951-22962 Memory and Tradition in L’ Herbe des Nuis by Patrick Modiano: A Philosophical Criticism approach.
Prof. Amir Mohamed Shebl Elkomy

22985-22997 Power Relations and Media Narratives in Implementation of the Smart Indonesia Program: A Case Study of Policy Perspective in Indonesia
Stepanus Supardi, Alfitri, Slamet Widodo, M.H. Thamrin

22998-23018 Traditional Shipping Service: Crew and Passengers’ Understanding of Safety and Security Implementation (Cased Study: Maccini Baji Port, Pangkep Regency)
Livia Annas, Baharuddin Hamzah, Venny Veronica Natalia

23019-23028 Challenging Gender and Ethnic Boundaries: Exploring Representations in a University Textbook
Dr. Adnan Mohammad Bataineh, Halima Saif Al Badi, Ebrahim Douzandeh

23043-23058 Exploring Gen Z Employee Retention with Authentic Leadership Style as a Moderating Factor
Oktavia Dewi Sujanto, Denny Sanjaya, Didacus Berisanto, Abdul Rohman

23059-23072 Contestation and Collaboration: Stakeholder Dynamics in the Food Estate Project of Temanggung Regency, Central Java
Tommy Nugraha, Darmawan Salman, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid

23073-23083 Exploring Sustainable Construction: The Impact of Building Information Modeling (BIM) on Design Changes to Reduce Costs and Enhance Productivity
Andi Wahyu Yudhayanto, Indradi Wijatmiko, Kartika Puspa Negara

23084-23096 Factors Influencing Companies' Compensation Strategies and Practices: A Literature Review
Arfian Arfian, Tugimin Supriyadi, Ecep Supriatna, Kus Hanna Rahmi, Andreas Corsini Widya Nugraha, Adi Fahrudin

23097-23114 Relationship between Instructional Leadership and Safe Learning Environments on the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness
Xue Wenhui, Mahaliza Mansor

23115-23128 Artificial Intelligence in Organ Transplantation: A Systematic Review of Current Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions
Sooraj Kumar, Ashish Shiwlani, Syed Umer Hasan, Samesh Kumar, Faryal Shamsi, Sara Hasan

23129-23142 Factors Affecting Communities on Small Islands Respond to Social-Ecological Changes
LAA Bakti, Marjono, G Ciptadi, Henry A. Bartelet, F Putra

23143-23157 The Economic Valuation of Ricefield Conversion into Geothermal Plant Installation in Lahendong, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Welky Karauwan, Daniel Stefanus Imanuel Sondakh, Joula Silvana Kalangi, Deisy Agnes Juita Pratiwi Pangkey, Elsje Hanna Lintong, Stanss L. H. V. Joyce Lapian, Joni Kutu’ Kampilong

23191-23196 Analysis of FT4 and TSH Hormone Levels in Relating Albumin, Globulin, and Cholesterol in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome
Dhody Setiamal, Ratna Dewi Artati, Idham Jaya Ganda, Jusli, Setiabudi Salekede, Besse Sarmila

23197-23210 Exploring Brand Equity Development for Islamic Homestays: A Qualitative Model for Special Interest Tourism Destinations
Aznita Ahmad, Kamisah Supian, Ida Farina Muhammad Yunus, Reeny Karlina Abdul Rauf, Baharuddin Ishak, Nuraini, Mazni Saad

23211-23223 Marketing Innovation and Trust Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Decision for Cannabis-Hemp Drinks in Thailand
Thananyakharn Jalanugraha, Somchai Sonsupap, Amnuay Saengnoree, Sujira Vuthisopon

23224-23238 Unveiling How Life Meaning Affects College Students' Career Adaptability: The Role of Professional Identity
Suwen Yang, Yuan-Cheng Chang

23257-23263 Factors Influencing the Intention for Continuous Use of Tap Water during the Implementation of the "ANTI SALINITY TOOL (ANSAT) Innovation" to Address Brackish Water Issues
Krisada Kaweeyarn, Natphasuth Patthirasinsiri, Amnuay Saengnoree

23264-23275 Maintaining Cultural Identity in Multicultural Campuses: Perspectives of Ethnic Minority Students in Northern Vietnam
Le Thi Thanh Hue, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Mai Đuc Thang

23276-23286 Effectiveness of Larva Monitoring Student Empowerment in Mosquito Nests Eradication Efforts in Rapoccini Sub-District, Makassar City
Susanly Ainun Handoko, Hasanuddin Ishak, Syamsuar Manyullei, Anwar Daud, Isra Wahid, Muhammadong

23287-23300 The Influence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth in GULF Economies

23301-23312 Investigation and Analysis on the Current Situation of Equity in Higher Vocational Education in Guangdong Province
Gao Shan Zhu, Thanida Sujarittham, Sunate Thaveethavornsawat, Sarayuth Sethakhajorn, QiuJiaMin

23313-23320 Analysis of Factors Affecting of Using Sharia Mobile Banking among Indonesian Muslim Students
Dicky Andriyanto, A.A Gde Satia Utama, Izzato Millati

23321-23332 The Effect of Small-Sided Games Training on Cognitive Intelligence and Basic Skills of Junior Volleyball Athletes
Kusnandar, Heny Setyawati, Nasuka, Said Junaedi, Setya Rahayu, Rivan Saghita Pratama, Septyaningrum Putri Purwoto

23347-23355 Interaction between the Verkhovna Rada and Local Self-Government
Vladyslav Teremetskyi, Viacheslav Krykun, Valeriy Velychko, Tetiana Drakokhrust, Kyrylo Turchynov, Olha Bodnar-Petrovska, Vasyl Sadovnik

23373-23380 Dust Characteristics and Its Effect on Solar PV Efficiency at Different Tilt Angles
Husham M. Ahmed, Noaman M. Noaman, Haitham Alqahtani, Lina S. Calucag, Zeyad M. Ismail, Omar A. Alhawi

23381-23391 The Importance of Vocabulary Learning to Improve Speaking Skills among English Language Undergraduates in a Public University in Pakistan
Aziz Ur Rehman Khan, Hariharan N Krishnasamy

23392-23403 Empowering Interpersonal Skills of Teachers and Students as an Interactional Tool for Enhancing Classroom Interaction
Shaista Perveen, Hariharan N Krishnasamy

23404-23414 Charting a Sustainable Path: The Nexus of Board Attributes and CEO Characteristics in Shaping Sustainability Reporting
Radziah Mahmud, Nor Khadijah Mohd Azhari, Nor Farizal Mohammed, Sylvia Veronica Siregar

23415-23426 Digital Communication Strategies in Building Brand Engagement: A Case Study of SMEs in Emerging Markets
Olivia Ridheta Citrawijaya, Glen Aviaro Samanda, Salasatri Rafaa Dinni, Winih Mega Handika, Rinna Ardina Novriani

23427-23441 Study On The Development Status And Inheritance Of Yi Nationality "Tiaocai Dance" In Dali, Yunnan
Menghan Yang, Dongxin Liu

23442-23464 Nonlinear Effects of Green Finance on Ecological Welfare Performance in Chinese Provinces
Hongwei LI, Jiyie Hu

23465-23476 Digital Payments in MSMEs in the Batik Industry in West and Central Java: The Moderating Role of Perceived Risk Move and Intention to Use
Pebi Kurniawan, Badawi Badawi, Tania Avianda Gusman

23477-23489 Influence of Eye Screening and Treatment in Elementary Schools on Inclusive and Sustainable Child Education in Katsina State
Muhammad Yusuf, Mansur Muhammad Rabiu, Manal Omran Taryam, Nnanna P. Azu

23490-23502 Environmental Health Risk Analysis of Heavy Metals Copper (Cu) and Arsenic (As) in the Gold Mining Area of PT. Citra Palu Mineral, Central Sulawesi Province
Marlina Sarles, Anwar Daud, Anwar Mallongi, Agus Bintara Birawida, Atjo Wahyu, Abd Gafur

23503-23514 How Habit Drives the Acceptance of Game Marketplace Technology: Indonesian Business Behavioral Perspective
Mohammad Fadhlur Rahman, Tanti Handriana, Dien Mardhiyah, Satria Fadil Persada, Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, Ardvin Kester S Ong, Michael Nayat Young

23515-23525 Game Marketplace Technology Acceptance in Indonesia: Embracing Satisfaction to Open Market Innovation
Mohammad Fadhlur Rahman, Tanti Handriana, Dien Mardhiyah, Satria Fadil Persada, Prawira Fajarindra Belgiawan, Ardvin Kester S Ong, Michael Nayat Young

23526-23539 Influence Human Resource Management (HRM) And Organizational Culture Towards Organizational Commitment Through Job Satisfaction: Case Study At PT. PLN (Persero) Raya Jakarta Distribution Unit
Putra Ramadhan Alkodri, Dewi Susita, Osly Usman

23555-23565 Obstacles and Factors Affecting Access to Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Palestine
Mohammed ABUHARB

23566-23589 Intentions Towards Adoption of Sanad App Services: Exploring The Technology Acceptance Model in A Covid-19 Scenario
Saqr Ali Al-Fagara, Dr. Mohd Shaari Abd Rahman

23590-23595 Information Asymmetry as a Mediating Factor on the Relationship between Earnings Quality and Equity Cost
Mohammed ABUHARB

23596-23608 Earnings Volatility and Corporate Risk-Taking with Moderating Role of R&D Disclosure: Evidence from Iraq Stock Market
Ahmed kadhim idan, Yahya Kamyabi

23609-23619 Developing a Social Accounting Matrix Framework to Examine the Impact of Foreign Investment on Labour in Pakistan
Muhammad Sheharyar, Mukaramah Harun, Wan Roshidah Fadzim

23620-23628 Analysis Of Nurses' Performance On The Quality Of Service In The Hospitalization Unit Of Hermina Hospital Makassar
Irene Serly Batsira, Indar, Amran Razak, Darmawansyah, Stang, Aminuddin Syam

23629-23636 The Influence of Customer Service Management on Customers Satisfaction in Some Selected Banks
Eyitayo Francis Adanlawo, Mpho Chaka, Oluwafemi Collins Owolabi

23637-23643 Innovative Deep Mapping of Soviet Sanatorium Architecture: Developing a Digital Catalog Prototype
Irina Andryushenko, Ivan Kravchenko, Andrey Volodin, Andrey Yakovlev

23644-23653 Perceptions of Soviet Sanatoriums in Alushta: An Analysis of User-Generated Content
Andrey Volodin, Irina Andryushenko, Ivan Kravchenko, Andrey Yakovlev

23654-23660 Deep Mapping and More-Than-Human Geographies: Rethinking Space, Place, and Agency
Andrey Volodin, Irina Andryushenko, Ivan Kravchenko, Andrey Yakovlev

23661-23669 The Influence of Physical Workload and Work Fatigue on Musculoskeletal Disorder Complaints Among Employees of the South Sulawesi Education Quality Assurance Center Office
Nurwadia Sri Putri Rahmadani, Masyitha Muis, M. Furqaan Naiem, Syamsiar S. Russeng, Atjo Wahyu, Wahiduddin

23670-23679 Artificial Intelligence and Ethics in Healthcare
Baraah Samara

23680-23695 Women in Coffee Shops: Negotiating Gender Roles and Transforming Public Sphere in West Aceh, Indonesia
Khori Suci Maifianti, Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo, Rilus A kinseng, Dwi Sadono

23696-23721 The Influence Of Audit Quality, The Use Of Information Technology, Management Support, And The Application Of Guidelines On The Effectiveness Of Internal Audit In Preventing And Detecting Fraud In Hospitals
Marwanto, Gatot Soepriyanto

23722-23739 The Effect Of Dysfunctional Audit Behaviour, The Application Of Independence, And Competence On Audit Quality With Auditor Ethics As A Moderation Variable (Survey On Public Accountants In Jakarta)
Khairul Fata, Rina Yuliastuty Asmara

23748-23764 A Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Gaming on Undergraduates Mental and Physical Health in the Digital Age
Ting Tin Tin, Loh Chee Hong, Ng Lok Teng, Paul Chin Ti Sheng Alberione, Tan Ee Ming, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

23765-23783 Determinants of Physical, Mental Health, and Chronic Disease: An Empirical Study of Lifestyle Impacts
Ting Tin Tin, Looi Jing Jie, Lee Jun Qi, Chong Wyxin, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

23784-23799 Impact of Social Media on Undergraduate Mental Health in Malaysia
Ting Tin Tin, Ong Jing Hong, Chong Jing Hui, Chew Jia Shen, Tan Yi Jian, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

23800-23812 Technical Factors Influencing Consumer Digital Payment Preferences in TAR UMT for Online Shopping
Ting Tin Tin, Ivan Kang Jin Liang, Yap Wai Meng, Timothy Wong Cheng Khai, Lee Kian Hui, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

23813-23829 Enhanced Technology Acceptance Model for the Adoption of IoT Devices among University Students
Ting Tin Tin, Teh Han Yang, Jeang Shao Eng, Eui Chen Hoe, Edwin Chong Hong Yun, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

23830-23850 The Covariates Factors on Adolescent Personality Development among TARUMT Student in Livelihood Settings
Ting Tin Tin, Tee Zhen Yu, Yong Geng Seng, Ong Ting Sheng, Chung Jin Jaan, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu, Umar Farooq Khattak

23860-23870 Determinants of Digital Wallet Usage: An Empirical Study of Multidimensional Factors among Malaysians
Ting Tin Tin, Chin Chun Seng, Cheah Khai Yuan, Jennifer Ching Jia Xin, Teh Kai Seng, Ali Aitizaz, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Mohamed Shabbir, Umar Farooq Khattak, Sunday A. Afolalu

23871-23891 Investigate the Impact of Academics on Mental Health Issues among University Students
Ting Tin Tin, Liew Yee Jie, Lim Wei Sheng, Tan Khai Dee, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Lee Kuok Tiung, Sunday A. Afolalu

23892-23911 Covariates of pregnancy and its Effects Towards Children’s Health Among Young Adult in the US
Ting Tin Tin, Kelly Ong, Kevin Kwa, Law Jinli, Leong Wernhan, Ali Aitizaz, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Mohamed Shabbir, Umar Farooq Khattak, Sunday A. Afolalu

23912-23939 Exploring Video Games Impact on Mental Health among University Students
Tin Tin Ting, Kok Ming Han, Siew Yuan Feng, Tan Bin Zhe, Chaw Jun Kit, Wan Nor Al-Ashekin Wan Husin, Ali Aitizaz, Mohamed Shabbir, Umar Farooq Khattak, Sunday A. Afolalu

23940-23957 Isolation and Molecular Identification of Some Isolates of Trichoderma SPP and Evaluation of Its Efficiency in the Bioremediation of Some Heavy Metals in Soil
Intisar Marzoog Hussein, Mir Hassan Rasouli-Sadaghiani, Mohsen Barin, Muhsen Abed Ali Almousawy, Salar Rezapour

23958-23968 Factors Affecting Academics’ Use of Social Media Platforms as an Alternative for Content Delivery
Novel Lena Folabit, Loyiso Currell Jita

23969-23974 First Report of Powdery Mildew Caused By Erysiphe Cruciferarum on Camelina Sativa in Bulgaria
Milena DIMOVA, Mariana PETKOVA

23975-23990 The Use of Self-Reports from Social Media as a Source of Data Exemplified by a Study of Adverse Events of the COVID-19 Vaccination
Ekaterina D. Konstantinova, Tatiana A. Maslakova, Vladimir G. Panov, Andrej A. Zhivoderov

23991-24003 Exploring the Dynamics of Critical Thinking, Metacognitive Awareness and Digital Literacy in Mitigating Political Misinformation: The Moderating Role of Gender
Palwasha Nasir Abbasi, Syeda Asma Gillani, Muhammad Nasir, Fatima Mehdi Naqvi, Kosar Rafique, Fatima Farooq

24004-24016 Synergy and Innovation in Micro and Small Enterprises: A Policy Network Approach to Developing the Potential of MSMES in Lhokseumawe, Indonesia
Maryam, Ade Muana Husniati, Muryali, Safrida

24017-24035 Cash Holding's Healthcare Sector in Developing Country During Covid 19
Bulan Nettiary Kelara, Mamduh M. Hanafi, Alni Rahmawati, Arni Surwanti

24036-24042 Green Economy Strategy in Indonesia's Tourism Industry: Building Sustainability through Soft Power Diplomacy at the 2023 ASEAN Summit
Evi Dwi Hastri, Sjaifurrachman

24043-24056 Performance-Based Career Management System: Mitigating Bottlenecks in Military Leadership Development
Tarsisius Susilo, Yusuf Ali, Priyanto, Sunarko

24057-24066 The Effect of LOF and NPK Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of Corn of the Bisi 18 Variety
Widodo, Trismiyati, Achmad Faqih, Dwi Purnomo

24067-24078 Implementation of Competency-Based Career Path Planning: Solutions for Military Officers Career Development Bottlenecks
Tarsisius Susilo, Yusuf Ali, Priyanto, Sunarko

24079-24096 From Mining to Tourism: Belitung, Local Leadership, and Social Dynamic in Economic Orientation Changes
Arlina Arifin Djemahir, Hendrawan Supratikno, Rudy Pramono

24097-24107 The Impact of Brand Image, Trust, and Satisfaction on Patient Revisit Intentions in the Outpatient Unit of a Regional Hospital in Indonesia
Halidina Marchama, Syahrir A. Pasinringi, Fridawaty Rivai, Andi Indahwaty Sidin, Rini Anggraini, Rahman Kadir

24108-24114 Development of Translator Studies in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Challenges and the Road Ahead
Ren Qingliang

24115-24123 Analysis Of The Implementation Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Policy In Mamuju District
Arinil Haq Ramdhani M., Balqis Nazaruddin, Indar, Muhammad Alwy Arifin, Masni, Muhammad Kardi Rais

24124-24142 Investigating the Complex Interplay between Paternalistic Leadership and Self-Supporting Personality: Implications for Employee Well-being in China
Ming Xuming Zhang, Athena Li Liu

24143-24165 Synonymy in Irregular Quranic Readings An Analytical Study
Dr. Sherif Abdel Aleem Mahmoud, Dr. Muhammad Ashour Muhammad Radi

24166-24178 Business Success Factors – Insights from Malaysian Women Entrepreneurs
Maheran Zakaria, Rabaatul Azira Hassan, Nurhidayah Rosely, Erna Hernawati, Yudi Nur Supridi, Airlangga Surya Kusuma, Marziana Madah Marzuki

24179-24186 Vegetable Horticulture Development Strategy in Malang Regency to Support Food Security and Independence of Traditional Communities
Gumoyo Mumpuni Ningsih, Harun Rasyid

24187-24198 Measuring Indigenous Product Attractiveness
Harini Abrilia Setyowati, Kabul Trifiyanto, Tuti Zakiyah

24199-24214 Differential Impacts of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Trade Balance and Economic Output
Raden Parianom, Kery Utami, Siti Hidayati

24215-24225 Transformational Leadership and Its Impact on Healthcare Performance: The Mediating Role of Innovation, Motivation, and Commitment in Health Sector
Ade Suhara, Abdul Haris, David, Andi Rustam, Loso Judijanto

24226-24238 Entrepreneurship Education in the Merdeka Curriculum as a Solution to Becoming an Independent Person in the Economy in Marginalized Cities
Ni Putu Erna Surim Virnayanthi, I Made Candiasa, I Gede Ratnaya, Ni Ketut Widiartini

24250-24261 The Impact of Corporate Income Tax on the Capital Structure of Listed Joint-Stock Companies
Tran The Nu, Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai, Le Thi Thanh Huong, Do Cam Hien

24262-24270 Financial Resources and Business Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
Tran Huy Hung1, Pham Hoang Anh, Pham Van Dang

24271-24280 Leader Social Capital via Business Partner Ingredients and Internal Social Capital of Logistics Firm
Le Thi Thuy Nga, Nguyen Thị Phuong Mai, Truong ThiNhu Nguyet, Bui Doan Trang, Chu ThiHuyen Yen

24281-24289 The Effectiveness of Internal Control in Construction Firms
Truong Duc Dinh, Pham Vu Hoang, Pham Van Dang, Nguyen Van Hau

24290-24302 The Level of Teaching Performance of Arabic Language Teachers at the Intermediate Stage in Light of Learning and Innovation Skills
Mahmoud Hela Abdel Baset Abdel Qader

24303-24315 The Level of Inclusion of 21st Century Skills in the Content of the my Beautiful Language Curriculum in the Fifth Grade of Primary School
Mahmoud Hela Abdel Baset Abdel Qader

24316-24327 The Level of Inclusion of ICT Skills in the My Beautiful Language Curriculum in the Fifth Grade of Primary School
Mahmoud Hela Abdel Baset Abdel Qader

24328-24340 Teaching Performance of Arabic Language Teachers at the Intermediate Stage in Light of Information Technology, Media and Communication Skills
Mahmoud Hela Abdel Baset Abdel Qader

24341-24354 Teaching Performance of Arabic Language Teachers at the Intermediate Stage in Light of Professional and Life Skills
Mahmoud Hela Abdel Baset Abdel Qader

24355-24369 Indonesian Teaching Materials in Competency-Based Universities Text Orientation; Research and Development at the University of Jambi through the Borg & Gall Model
Andiopenta Purba

24370-24387 Aspects that Influence Competitive Advantage and Business Performance with the Digital Marketing Function as Moderation
Mardiono Mardiono, Djoko Setyadi, Syarifah Hudayah, Zainal Abidin, Sugeng Hariyadi

24388-24395 Exploring Barriers and Supports for Students with Disabilities in Higher Education through Topic Modeling
Ahmet Ayaz, Muhammet Berigel, Prof.Dr.Fahriye Altınay, Prof.Dr.Zehra Altınay, Prof.Dr.Gökmen Dağlı, Assist. Prof. Dr. Betül Yıkıcı

24396-24402 The Correlation between Total Quality Management with Engineer Performance
Mrs Zaki Fatima Zahra, Mrs. Touaiher Imane, Mr Taibi Saoudi

24403-24416 Navigating Translation Quality Assessment in Public Sings of Tourism: A Comparative Analysis of House's Model and GB/T 19682- 2005 in Xuzhou
Qi Guo, Dr. Selvajothi Ramalingam, Dr. Yap Teng Teng

24417-24425 Bridging Law and Morality Principles: Legal Theory Approach
FX. Joko Priyono

24426-24432 Influences of Item Responses Theory on Psychological Assessments
Izzeldeen Abdullah Alnaimi

24433-24444 Relationship of Knowledge about Ecological Concepts, Spiritual Intelligence and Locus of Control with Environmental Altruistic Behavior in Students
Yusriani Sapta Dewi

24445-24457 NGOs’ Communication Strategies and Public Attitudinal Change Towards Domestic Violence in 21st Century VUCA Realities
Adebowale IKUESEWO-AKINBAMI, Bernice Oluwalaanu SANUSI, Felix Olajide TALABI, Omowale ADELABU, Patrick Olajide OLADELE

24458-24472 Project Feasibility Study of Offering ABM Strand Senior HS Program in Neust (Tabon Annex) San Isidro Campus
Romeo B. Campos Jr

24473-24482 The Reality of Practicing the Dimensions of Creative Leadership among School Principals in Saudi Arabia
Dr. Habbab Hammdan Bintwalah

24483-24491 The Role of Management Policy Helps Nurses' Coping Mechanism in Dealing with Work Stress in COVID-19 Pandemic Services
Nanang Budi Waluyo, Elsye Maria Rosa

24492-24505 How Transformational Leadership Affects Job Performance among Hospital Employees: Does Power Distance Matter?
Xuan-Lan Thi Huynh, Duy-Huan Dao, Dinh-Han Pham

24506-24522 The Sociological Impact of Chatgpt on Language Education: A Qualitative Analysis of its Effects on Second Language Acquisition
Dr. Mudasar Jahan, Ummel Baneen, Faria Shaheen, Asma Shahzadi, Khadija Gulam Hussain, Saima Asim, Tahir Rafique

