Sustainability of the Aquatic Environment in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad- A New Perspective


Dr. Hatem Mohammed Mansour Mazroaa

The aim of this article is to scrutinize the texts of the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammed (SPM) and their stances on promoting the sustainability of the aquatic environment (AE). The article’s value lies in its contribution to understanding the Prophet’s concern for the AE resources and in emphasizing these concerns in both theoretical and practical terms, in a focused and independent manner. Accordingly, the article focuses on presenting the prophetic directives and stances that contribute to the sustainability of the AE through construction, expansion, purchase, or economical use, and explains the historical and qualitative features of these directives. The article has yielded several findings, among which is the SPM’s focus on the development and sustainability of the AE resources, its emphasis that acts of public benefit are religiously praised and of an elevated status, its pioneering concept of water endowments, and its strict prohibition against wasting water in all activities and under all circumstances. Finally, the article presents a number of recommendations, including the importance of conducting detailed and focused studies on various environmental aspects in the SPM and the need for research that emphasizes innovation and practicality in presenting the SPM.


Keywords: Prophet Muhammad, Environmental sustainability, Aquatic environment, Sunnah, Contemporary reading