A study on the Impact of the Development of Henan Zheng Music on the Inheritance and Cultural Identity of Chinese Traditional Music


Lingmeng Ke, Mohamad Fitri bin Mohamad Haris

This research aims to comprehensively investigate the impact of the development of Henan Zheng music on the inheritance and cultural identity of Chinese traditional music. The study delves into the historical evolution, cultural significance, and contemporary relevance of Henan Zheng music, exploring its interplay with the transmission of musical knowledge and conducting a comparative analysis with other regional Zheng music styles. The purpose is to unravel the intricate relationships between these variables and contribute nuanced insights into how tradition and modernity intersect within Chinese traditional music. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating a thematic literature review to establish the theoretical foundations and inform the research questions. A thematic literature analysis is performed to identify key themes and concepts. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews with 14 experts in Henan Zheng music are conducted, utilizing an interview guideline to explore their perspectives on the variables under study. The purposive sampling technique is used to select participants. Thematic analysis is applied to the literature review and interview data, identifying recurring themes and concepts. This approach allows for a comprehensive examination of the variables under study and their relationships. The findings illuminate the historical evolution of Henan Zheng music, its cultural significance, and its dynamic interplay with the transmission of musical knowledge. The study highlights the adaptability of Zheng education to modern technology, showcasing a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. Contemporary relevance is a delicate balance between preservation and adaptation to evolving societal trends. Comparative analysis reveals the diversity within Zheng music styles, contributing to a broader understanding of the tradition. Implications include practical insights for educators and practitioners, theoretical contributions to ethnomusicology, and recommendations for preserving the richness of Henan Zheng music within the evolving landscape of Chinese traditional music.


Keywords: Henan Zheng Music, Chinese Traditional Music, Cultural Identity, Cultural Preservation, Musical Heritage

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