An Organized Review of the Literature on How Jordanian Curricula Include STEM-Based Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) to Improve the Quality of Instruction


Eman Almuhur

Encouraging high-quality education by including STEM-based Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has drawn a lot of attention. The quality of education can be improved by integrating STEM-based ESD since it offers interdisciplinary learning opportunities that include students in real-world, practical experiences. This research aims to examine the current empirical literature on the application of STEMESD and determine how well it fosters educational excellence. This study's objective is to examine and highlight a few current instances of how science and related curricula in Jordan are incorporating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in a way that makes sense to faculty and students. This study looks at competencies and pedagogical strategies, putting them together in a framework based on twelve competencies and twelve pedagogical techniques that have been documented in the literature. It also reflects on different embedding tactics and discourses. To do this, hermeneutics is employed. Encouraging future generations with a broad range of sustainability competencies will help shape their attitudes and behaviors. This essay will analyze the relevance of the concept of sustainable development, which is usually more impacted by global challenges, with a particular emphasis on Jordan as a global South country. The application of the concept of sustainable development in Jordanian higher education, a subject that greatly influences the personalities and conduct of young people in the future, will be the main emphasis of the research.


Keywords: STEM-ESD, SDG, Education, Higher education

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