Evaluation of the Effect of miRNA 122 and 221 Gene Expression on Lipids Profile of Patients with Liver Fibrosis


Baraa Jalil Saeed, Wejdan Thamer Mahdi, Mohammed Abdulwahab Al-Askeri

Many biological processes depend on microRNAs (miRNAs), and disorders caused by a defect in the functioning in these genes may manifest in a variety of ways, including metabolic disorders. Therefore, the current research aims to investigate the gene expression of miRNA 122 and 221 and their impact on the lipid profile of individuals suffering from liver fibrosis. Present research is a case – control study, included blood samples collection from 44 fibrotic patients and 44 health individuals as control. After RNA extraction, gene expression of miRNA 122 and 221 evaluated by RT-qPCR. FUJI DRI-CHEM SLIDE are used to determine total Cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL and LDL concentration. The results of the current study showed higher concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL in patients (316.12 ± 96, 256.08 ± 41 and 147.48 ± 11.69 ml/dl respectively) compared to control (136.24 ± 10.5, 126.48 ± 6.96 and117.72 ± 3.59 ml/dl respectively) (P< 0.05) while a lower HDL concentration detected in patients (53.8 ± 4.89 ml/dl) compared to controls (59.28 ± 6.31 ml/dl). The results of the gene expression analysis showed a lower mean fold change (2-∆∆CT) for miRNA 122 in patients (3.75) compared to controls (7.44) while we found a higher mean fold change for miRNA221 in patients (2.70) compared with control (0.04). Increase or decrease in gene expression for miRNA 122 was inversely related to the level of lipids in the patients' blood, while a moderate positive relationship appeared between the rate of gene expression for miRNA 221 and the level of lipids in patients. In conclusion, we found that 122 and 221 are associated with fibrosis, and that high or low gene expression of these genes moderately affects the level of lipids, which in turn is one of the most important causes of liver fibrosis.


Keywords: Liver fibrosis, miRNA 122, miRNA 221, HDL, LDL

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