Assessing the Peculiarities of Administrative and Legal Regulation of Higher Education in Ukraine


Serhii Bodnar, Andrii Fomenko, Vladyslav Karelin,
Oleksandr Chekryhin, Serhii Kavun, Maksym Vladymyrov

In every society charaterised by a solid educational sector, higher education is one of the key spheres of that society's and continue to occupies a place in the modern sense by providing not only a person with a basic set of skills and abilities for future professional activities, but also includes active interaction during the educational process with the use of advanced information technologies. In essence, with other representatives of society, public organizations, professional communities and foreign experts, which is closely related to the constant need to improve the relevant administrative and legal regulation. The complex of these aspects determines the relevance of the topic. The purpose of the study is to analyze the peculiarities of administrative and legal regulation of higher education in Ukraine, taking into account the specific security realities of the martial law legal regime and the understanding of quality culture in higher education as established in international documents and positions of scholars. Such methods as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, and the logical and legal method are used in the article. The study analyzes the essence of higher education through the prism of European integration processes, non-discriminatory access to educational services, taking into account a wide range of interests of persons with special educational needs, providing students with knowledge and skills in the basics of combat training, mine safety, first aid under martial law, pedagogical skills and digitalization of educational services, as well as maintaining a high-quality culture in higher education. The administrative and legal regulation of higher education in Ukraine is based on legal principles, state policy in this area, and continuous control over its implementation.


Keywords: Education, Higher education, Administrative & legal regulation, Quality culture, Distance education

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