Chinese Disaster Poetry: Exploring Resilience through Social Media and Reader Response


Liu Cheng, Rosnidar Ain

The present study aims to provide a thorough investigation into the reception of Chinese disaster poetry via new media platforms. By employing a combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses, this research endeavors to delve into the levels of audience engagement and the perceptions surrounding this particular form of poetry. By conducting a thorough examination of a curated collection of poems, we are able to discern the profound themes of loss, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit that are vividly portrayed in Chinese disaster poetry. This analysis serves to emphasize the enduring cultural significance and remarkable literary depth of this genre. Building upon the qualitative findings, an analysis of survey data collected from a sample of 50 online users offers valuable empirical insights into the behaviors, preferences, and perceptions of audiences in relation to Chinese disaster poetry within the digital realm. The survey findings provide valuable insights into the changing landscape of literary consumption and cultural expression in the digital age, covering various aspects such as frequency of access, platform preferences, and engagement with online communities. Through the integration of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the present study enhances our comprehension of the reception of Chinese disaster poetry. This research makes a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge in the fields of Chinese literature, digital culture, and disaster studies.


Keywords: Disaster poetry, Social media, Cultural expression, Digital age, Resilience Arabian horses

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