Locals' Perceptions of the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games’ Effects on Urban Tourism: A Case Study in Konya


Muhammet Erbay
Hasan Ali Erdoğan

Today, tourism has remained one of the most important sectors of the world economy, comprising sports, festivals, and recreation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is twofold: first, it seeks to ascertain the influence that the 5th Islamic Solidarity Games had on Konya tourism; second, it investigates the locals' perspectives regarding the impact that the Games had on their lives. According to the study's findings, these games significantly impact the local economy, particularly in terms of tourism. However, this growth may come at the expense of traffic congestion, contrary to what some individuals may believe. The study also discusses the existence of emotional solidarity between tourists and locals as a way of socializing. This social engagement is a result of the study's findings. This emotional aspect contributes to the enrichment of the relationships between the tourists and the society hosting them, which ultimately impacts Konya's tourism industry over the long run. Importantly, these findings have practical implications for the tourism industry in Konya, providing insights into how to manage the potential negative effects of large-scale events on local communities. This study aims to explain tourism's role in promoting unity and sustainable development in the communities of Konya. Understanding these opportunities is a significant contribution.


Keywords:Islamic solidarity games, Urban tourism, Local perceptions, Economic impact, Community development

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