A Study on the Sustainability of Large Sporting Events and Host Cities-The Harbin Asian Winter Games as an Example


Fengyu Wu
Guohua Zheng

This study examines the relationship between major sports events and urban sustainability, using the Asian winter games in Harbin, China, as a case study. This study investigates the effects and offers practical policy recommendations for communities looking to host significant sporting events while promoting sustainable urban growth. Major sporting events have a global audience, which offers tremendous potential for advancing urban sustainable development. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of major sporting events on urban sustainable development using the Asian winter games in Harbin as an example. Significant findings define that sporting events are important forces behind urban development, aiming to boost a city's standing abroad, promote economic expansion, and raise the standard of living for its people. This study highlights the significant opportunity large-scale sports events present for urban sustainable development while underscoring the importance of planning, management, and evaluation. The Harbin Asian winter games offer valuable lessons for other cities to achieve sustainable development goals better, ensuring the success of hosting major sports events aligns with the city's sustainable development. The results of this study provide helpful guidance for future similar research and practical endeavours.


Keywords:Major sports events, Asian winter games, Sustainability, Harbin

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