An Exploration of Language Learning Strategies by Non-native Arabic Speakers: Identifying Effective Approaches


Mohammad Awad Al-Rohili

This study aims to investigate the relationship between self-rated Arabic proficiency and the selection of language learning strategies among nonnative Arabic speakers. Additionally, it seeks to identify the most effective language learning strategies according to different demographic factors, such as gender, age, academic level, and study duration, among nonnative Arabic speakers. A quantitative approach employing a crosssectional study design was utilized. The participants consisted of 212 non-native Arabic speakers enrolled in universities in Saudi Arabia. Data were collected using a questionnaire comprising six parts assessing various language learning strategies. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS, including correlation analysis and ANOVA, to examine the relationship between self-rated Arabic proficiency, demographic factors, and language learning strategy effectiveness. The study revealed a positive correlation between self-rated Arabic proficiency and the selection of specific language learning strategies. Additionally, significant differences in the effectiveness of language learning strategies were observed based on demographic characteristics such as age, academic level, and study duration. Metacognitive strategies were found to be particularly effective across demographic groups. This research contributes to the understanding of Arabic language learning processes and informs the development of evidence-based instructional interventions tailored to the needs of nonnative Arabic speakers. By identifying the most effective language learning strategies and demographic factors that influence strategy effectiveness, educators can design targeted interventions that optimize language learning outcomes and promote inclusivity in Arabic language education.


Keywords:Arabic language learning, Language learning strategies, Non-native Arabic speakers, Proficiency assessment, Demographic factors

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