The Values of Islamic Civilization and Their Impact on Social Security: Muslims in Japan as a Case Study


Ibrahim Diras Mousa

The current research explores how Islamic civilization, rooted in the Quran and the noble Prophetic tradition, has significantly influenced social security, both locally and globally. The foundation of this civilization is divine revelation, providing solutions to all life challenges, whether for individuals or societies based on scientific and rational truths. Attention is focused on key values such as pure monotheism, human brotherhood, peace, and mercy. Therefore, some researchers attribute the beginning of Islam in Japan to Muslim Russian soldiers whose ship sank in the Sea of Japan, leading to their capture. However, Islamic civilization with its values changed the equations in Japan. Therefore, the current research is divided into an abstract, followed by a table of contents, an introduction, two main sections as follows: Section 1: Definitions, including two subsections. Section 2: Muslims in Japan as a Case Study, including three subsections. It concludes with the conclusion highlighting key findings and recommendations, along with important sources and references.


Keywords: Islamic civilization, Social security, Muslims in Japan

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