The Impact of a Training Program Based on the TAWOCK Model for Teaching Computational Thinking Skills on Improving Teaching Practices among Computer Teachers


Remsh Nasser Alqahtani, Ahmad Zaid Almassaad

The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of a training program based on the TAWOCK model for teaching computational thinking skills on enhancing teaching practices among female computer teachers. Employing a quasi-experimental approach with pre-test and post-test design, including a control group, an electronic training program aligned with the TAWOCK model was developed alongside the creation of the research instrument, the Teaching Practices Observation Card. The study population comprised all middle and high school computer and information technology teachers in the Al-Nahda Education Office, Riyadh. The research sample included (8) teachers in the experimental group and (7) in the control group. The findings revealed a significant difference (α≤0.05) in the average ranks of computer teachers between the experimental and control groups in the post-test, favouring the experimental group. The Eta squared value for the total Teaching Practices Observation Card was (0.828), indicating a substantial impact on improving teaching practices among computer teachers. Furthermore, a statistically significant difference (α≤0.05) was observed in the average ranks of computer teachers within the experimental group between the pre-test and post-test, favouring the post-test. The Cohen's d value for the total Teaching Practices Observation Card was (2.06), suggesting a significant improvement in teaching practices among computer teachers in the experimental group.


Keywords: Computational Thinking Skills, Teaching Performance, Electronic Training

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