The Impact of Using The PATROL Model of Banking Control and Supervision in Improving the Performance a Sample of Commercial Banks Listed on The Iraqi Stock Exchange


Hussein Mustafa Muhammad Ali Al-Saadawi, Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Taie

The aim of the research is to shed light on measuring the impact of using the PATROL model on the performance of commercial banks, and to identify the most important indicator of the PATROL model that has a greater impact on improving the performance of commercial banks. The statistical program (EViews 12) was used to study the measurement and analysis of the impact of using the PATROL model for banking supervision and control in improving the performance of commercial banks. The research, according to the (Panel ARDL Model), found that there is a significant relationship and effect of the PATROL model indicators on the performance of banks (ROE) in the long and short term, and these results were consistent with the research hypothesis. The most influential indicator was profitability, which reached (19.7%).


Keywords: PATROL model, PATROL model indicators, Evaluation of bank performance, Return on assets

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