Incidence of Stage Five Retinopathy of Prematurity in A Tertiary Private Retina Specialty Eye Center in Erbil Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Dilveen Qasim Faki Majeed, Neshiteman Hashim Abdulrahman,
Hasan M. Bahrani

The research aims to measure and analyze the impact of inflation on the general index of the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period (2010 - 2022), and The importance of the research comes from the economic importance of inflation and its role in the economy. Through the researcher studying inflation and the extent of its impact on the economy in general and the financial market in particular, it will help securities investors in making decisions to invest in securities., And The research problem is centered by answering About the following questions: Does inflation play an important role in affecting the general index of financial markets? Is the Iraqi Stock Exchange affected by the inflation variable during the period (2010 - 2022)? In light of the aforementioned questions, the research was based on the hypothesis that: There is a relationship and a significant effect between inflation and the general index of the Iraqi Stock Exchange. The researcher developed a statistical model, so inflation was an independent variable and the general stock price index for the Iraq Stock Exchange was a dependent variable. The research reached the following results: The standard test showed that the changes in the dependent variables increased by (20%), which means that the effect of inflation on the general index of the Iraqi Stock Exchange is weak.


Keywords: Inflation, The general indicator, Stock market

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