Aggression (Proactive - Reactive) for Preparatory School Students


Zainab Asaad Kadhim AL-Graishi, Ameerah Jaber Hashim Al-Jawfi

The research aims to define aggression (proactive - reactive) among middle school students, and to determine the differences in aggression (proactive - reactive) according to the gender variable (males - females) and the academic specialization variable (scientific - literary) among middle school students. The researcher adopted the descriptive approach. Correlational in the process of data collection and analysis The sample was selected from the community using a stratified random sample with a proportional distribution. It was stratified random because the population is divided into (males and females) and specializations (scientific and literary). The researcher selected a random exploratory sample with a proportional distribution. It consists of (30) male and female students, distributed between scientific and literary majors. The researcher reached the most important results: 1. Preparatory school students are not inclined to aggressive behavior of both types (proactive-responsive) . 2. There are no statistically significant differences according to the gender variable between (males and females) in aggressive behavior (proactive-responsive) among middle school students. 3. There are statistically significant differences according to the variable of academic specialization (scientific - Al-Adbi) in favor of Al-Alami in the behavior of aggression (proactive-responsive) among middle school students. 4. There are no statistically significant differences in the interaction between the variables of gender and academic specialization in aggressive behavior (proactive-responsive) among middle school students.


Keywords: Aggression, Adolescence, Phenomenon, Behaviorism, Moral connection, Bandura, Aggressive behavior

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