Aggression and Self-Control in Crowded Commutes: A Study of Electric Train
Passengers in JABODETABEK


Yuli Asmi Rozali, Tranggita Yohana,
Novendawati Wahyu Sitasari, Mariyana Widiastuti,
Charli Sitinjak, Marhisar Simatupang

This study aims to explore the dynamics of aggression and self-control among commuters in the crowded electric trains of the JABODETABEK region. It seeks to understand how environmental factors like crowding interact with individual psychological factors to influence aggressive behaviour and assess these interactions' impact on the overall transit experience. This study integrated observational techniques with statistical analyses using a comprehensive mixed-methods approach. Commuter behaviour in crowded conditions was observed, while demographic data, including age and gender, were collected to understand the diverse experiences of commuters. The sample size consisted of 100 individuals. A significant correlation exists between increased crowding and aggressive behaviour among commuters. Notable differences in aggression and self-control were observed across different demographic groups, offering insights into the varied experiences of individuals in these environments. The study also analyzes how crowding and individual factors contribute to commuter aggression. Challenges in maintaining a harmonious and safe environment in crowded urban transit systems. It underscores the need for targeted urban transit policies and management strategies to mitigate aggressive behaviours and enhance the commuter experience. The paper concludes with practical recommendations for improving public transportation safety and efficiency, such as implementing dedicated carriages for women, providing conflict resolution, and suggesting launching awareness campaigns.


Keywords: Electric Trains, JABODETABEK, Commuter Behavior, Aggression, Self-Control, Crowding, Public transportation, Urban transit, Demographic factors

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