Effect of Aromatherapy on Pain Intensity for Patients Undergoing Arterial Sheath Removal after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial


Ghofran A. AL-Mussawi, MSN. Mohammed Baqer,

Coronary artery disease is estimated to have the highest rate of morbidity and mortality in the world. Invasive percutaneous coronary intervention restores blood flow in constricted or occluded coronary arteries. However, many patients suffer pain while the catheter that was entered into the femoral area is being removed. Non-pharmacological approaches, such as aromatherapy using lavender essential oil, have gained attention for pain management in various medical settings, but the efficacy of aromatherapy following arterial sheath removal remains understudied. This research aims to assess the effect of aromatherapy on reducing pain intensity in patients undergoing arterial sheath removal following percutaneous coronary intervention and examine the influence of demographic factors on the response to aromatherapy as a pain management intervention after arterial sheath removal. The study design was Randomized Controlled Trial Research. Conducted at Ibn AL-Nafees Hospital in Baghdad city. The minimum sample size is 77 selected samples from the population by simple random method from 2 February to 15 March. Using aromatherapy for patients undergoing arterial sheath removal post-percutaneous coronary intervention. Data was collected by using a visual analog scale, and analysis the data by descriptive and inferential statistics. the result of the study shows there are significant differences between the study and control groups in two periods of the measure after the intervention of aromatherapy at (p= 0.000), and there is no significant difference between demographic characteristics and pain in two periods of measure. In conclusion, The findings showed that lavender aromatherapy can reduce pain intensity for patients undergoing arterial sheath removal.


Keywords: Percutaneous coronary intervention, Pain intensity, Sheath removal, Aromatherapy

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