Validating a Web-based Academic Application's Quality Model at Malaysian Public Universities: A Delphi Study


Nur Razia Mohd Suradi, Saliyah Kahar, Nor Azliana Akmal Jamaludin,
Azlinda Abdul Aziz, Mohd Noor Rizal Arbain, Abdullah Ramli,
Nik Nordiana NAR, Rahayu Handan

The Delphi method is an iterative, anonymous and group-based process for seeking agreement or consensus from expert panel. This approach is widely used in operation research by the researcher to representing their scientific results. In this study, the method of selecting an expert panel judgement for confirming a suggested high-quality model of academic application in higher education institutions is explored. In order to minimize bias when validating the Web-Based Integrated Student Assessment (WBISA) quality model, experts are selected based on criteria designed to verify the correctness of the panel's chosen experts. The Delphi method is a widely used and respected way to collect information from respondents who are experts in the subject matter. By using a series of questionnaires disseminated across several iterations to gather data from a panel of chosen individuals, the Delphi methodology is a good choice as a way of reaching consensus. When planning and carrying out a Delphi survey, it is important to consider the following factors: choosing the right experts, the length of time needed to conduct and complete the study, the possibility of low response rates, and unintentionally swaying the expert panel's feedback. The evaluations made by six expert panels for the WBISA application quality model made up the study's findings. Here, the expert panel acted as a final decision-maker in approving the suggested quality model by providing a critical analysis of preliminary findings. The findings suggest that the WBISA quality model, which is based on expert judgement consensus through the use of the Delphi technique, could offer valuable insights that IT development teams can utilize when developing academic applications for higher education institutions.


Keywords: Academic application, Delphi, Expert panel, Higher learning institution Quality model, Web-based application

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