Exploring the Violence during Childbirth: A Qualitative Study


Marah F. Al-Jafari, Huda A. Al-Hajjaj,
Khawlah M. AL-Tkhayneh

The study aimed to identify the forms of violence against women during childbirth from their point of view, how it occurs to them, the factors leading to its occurrence, and the role of medical social workers in reducing it -from women's perception-. The study sample consisted of (15) women in the age group (19-32 years) who gave birth between 2018 and 2022 and were reached using the Non-probability sample. The study used semi-structured individual interviews to achieve its results. The study reached a set of results, most notably that the most prominent forms of violence that occurred to women during their childbirth is physical violence and that the most prominent factors leading to it - from their point of view - are factors related to the medical team and its violent personality that was formed during their socialization, and the prominent role for the medical social worker in reducing violence during childbirth -from women’s perception- is having a preventive awareness role by giving prevention awareness courses and lectures to medical team members and women.


Keywords: Violence, Childbirth, Abused women, Social worker

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