Machine Learning in Multicultural Education


Mariyono Dwi, Akmal Nur Alif Hidayatullah

This study explores machine learning's role in multicultural education, identifying benefits and challenges, and offering practical recommendations for effective implementation. It aims to cultivate inclusivity, empathy, and mutual understanding in a diverse society. The research uses a library research methodology to analyze existing literature from academic journals, books, and reports, providing case studies and practical examples to demonstrate the application of machine learning in multicultural education. Machine learning can improve multicultural education by personalizing learning experiences and adapting content to diverse backgrounds, but challenges like algorithmic bias, inadequate educator training, and resource limitations need to be addressed. This research explores the integration of machine learning (ML) in multicultural education, offering practical insights and recommendations for promoting inclusivity and equity in diverse educational settings.


Keywords: Multicultural education, Machine learning, Personalized learning, Algorithmic bias, Inclusive education, Cultural diversity, Educational technology

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