Contemporary Interpretation of Marx's Philosophy of Life: New Era "Good Life" Inspiration


Phuoc Tai Nguyen

Marx's philosophy is a dynamic philosophy focused on fostering vitality. To comprehend Marx's philosophy, one must understand his viewpoint on life and how it shapes his philosophical ideas. Marx's ideology not only explains the world but also transforms it by achieving the emancipation of the working class and all of humanity. His philosophy encompasses five interconnected viewpoints on life: subjectivity, criticality, historicity, praxis, and creativity. Marx highlights the importance of subjectivity in life, focusing on freeing individuals from class oppression and capital dominance in order to have power over their own fate. Secondly, Marx takes a critical approach to expose the alienation of human existence in capitalist societies and illuminate hidden realities. Marx examines life from a historical perspective, studying the development of human civilization from reliance to independence. Marx emphasizes the importance of practical sensory activity as the foundation for understanding and changing social reality. Marx emphasizes the importance of human creativity and self–improvement as the core of life. These five viewpoints collectively constitute a unified entity in Marx's thought. To comprehend the essence of Marxian ideology and live a satisfying life, one must understand the interconnected life perspectives that form the foundation of his philosophy. They offer the means to understand Marx's perspective and its relevance today.


Keywords: Marx’s philosophy, Life standpoint, Contemporary significance

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