Impact of Organizational Learning on Organizational Sustainable Development


Jamshid Ali, Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Seema Shezadi,
Mohammad Nurul Alam, Dr. Abul Bashar Bhuiyan,
Dr. Norhayah Zulkifli, László Vasa

Organizational Learning (OL) is a strategic approach that focuses on Organizational Sustainable Development (OSD), providing sustainable solutions to managerial problems, threats, and challenges. This paper, with a strong foundation in a mixed-methods qualitative approach, delves into the crucial linkage between OL and OSD. The study's robust methodology includes a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to comprehensively understand the phenomenon, followed by a qualitative method with data triangulation to gain a deeper insight into the phenomenon of interest. Moreover, the study used structured interviews to collect data from 35 faculty members of higher education institutions. The faculty members were selected from engineering, biological, and social sciences. The study found that OL is a prerequisite for the OSD. The study proclaims that cognitive learning mainly focuses on internal learning development and sustainability, while behavioural and social learning responds to environmental demands, projects, threats, and opportunities. For instance, OL can lead to the development of new sustainable technologies or the implementation of more efficient processes. Moreover, OL significantly contributes to OSD. The research recommends that continuous learning is indispensable for organizational development. Otherwise, without continuous learning, organizations may struggle to adapt and survive in a rapidly changing environment.


Keywords: Organizational learning, Learning development, Organizational development, Cognitive learning, Sustainability

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