The Effect of Strategic HRM Practices and Talent Management on Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Collaborative Education Units Schools in Indonesia: With Mediation of Strategic Agility and Organizational Commitment


Dewi Diana Lukitasar, Laurens Kaluge,
Innocentius Bernarto, Niko Sudibjo

This research aims to analyze the effect of Strategic HRM Practices and talent management on sustainable competitive advantage at SPK Schools in Indonesia, mediated by strategic agility and organizational commitment. The method used in this research is a quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study is Strategic HR, namely School Leaders / Principals / School Directors / HR Managers of the Collaborative Education Units (SPK) schools in Indonesia. The data analysis model uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with a sample of 485 people. The analysis technique in this research is Partial Least Square (PLS), using the smart PLS 3.0 program to test the hypothesis. The research results show that strategic HRM practices and talent management significantly positively affect strategic agility, organizational commitment, and sustainable competitive advantage. Strategic agility and organizational commitment can mediate the effect between strategic HRM practices, talent management, and sustainable competitive advantage.


Keywords: Strategic HRM Practices, Talent Management, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Strategic Agility, Organizational Commitment

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