Anti-Ribosomal P Protein Antibody, Anti-Nuclear Antibody, and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Polymorphism Association with Chronic Kidney Disease Risk in SLE Patients


Hadi Abdulridha Hadi, Dheyaa Shnan Abdulkadhim Al-Jameel,
Alaa Abdlhussein Abdulzahra Alshibly

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multifaceted autoimmune disease affecting various organs characterized by autoantibodies and multi-organ involvement. SLE frequently includes kidney complications that can significantly worsen outcomes, leading to chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study aims to investigate whether anti-ribosomal P and ANA antibodies alongside a TNF-α gene variation (rs1800629), influence the development of CKD in patients with SLE. A case-control study of 89 SLE patients. They measured ANA and Anti-Rib P antibodies by ELISA and TNF-a (rs1800629) polymorphism by Allele-specific PCR. Eighty-nine (89) patients were enrolled in this study, The LN was developed in 36 (40%) patients. The average of Anti-Rib-P positivity was 14.28 % in non-CKD LN more than CKD-LN (13.63%) and SLE (3.77%) which is highly significant in the two LN groups than the SLE group and in the non-CKD LN group than the CKD-LN group (LSD = 0.857, alph = 0.05). At the same time, the ANA positivity was (86.36%) in CKD-LN more than in non-CKD LN (78.57%) and SLE (41.51%) with highly significant in CKD-LN than non-CKD LN and SLE patients and highly significant in non-CKD LN than SLE patients (LSD = 4.195, alpha = 0.05). Regarding the TNF-a (rs1800629) gene, the AA genotype was the low frequency (13.33%) present only in the CKD-LN group. GA genotype was the most commonly present in CKD-LN (86.66%), non-CKD LN (100%), SLE (83.33%), and the health group (100%). In contrast, the GG genotype presents in the SLE group (16.66%), a highly significant difference was among groups (LSD = 4.92). The anti-Rib-P antibody is associated with LN and has no important correlation with chronic kidney disease. In contrast, ANA is associated with chronic kidney disease and could be a prognostic and predictor marker in LN patients. At the same time, the AA genotype and A allele are implicated with CKD and could worse renal outcomes in LN patients.


Keywords: Anti-Ribosomal, Protein, Antibody

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