Academic International Rankings: Reality and Ambition of Jordanian Universities


Rami Yousef Salim Haddad, Dr. Isabel Maria Rosa Diaz

The importance of international academic rankings for universities around the world has increased recently, and it is time to consider the status of Jordanian universities in this regard. Thus, this paper explores the position of Jordanian universities in terms of the three most common rankings (ARWU, QS, THE). By providing a comparative analysis of universities' rankings and identifying the most important challenges they encounter, the study’s findings indicate that some indicators differ significantly across the selected rankings. There is a weakness in the capabilities of Jordanian higher education institutions to meet global competitive standards, especially in the areas of scientific research, citations, and international cooperation. Therefore, this study is needed by Jordanian universities to exert more effort in complying with international academic ranking criteria, such as developing scientific research, attracting foreign students, academic staff, academic reputation, and building partnerships, which enhances the academic ranking positioning and improves academic competitive advantage among local, regional and international universities. The study's practical implications for Jordanian universities are more future conducted studies concerning international and local academic studies.


Keywords: International academic ranking (ARWU, QS, THE), Academic ranking criteria, Academic positioning, Jordanian universities

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