Commercial Arbitration in the Provisions of the World Trade Organization and Iraqi Law


Itidal abdulbaqi yousif aladhub, Jabbar Ameen Jaber,
Dhurgham Faghil Hussien

Over the past years, commercial arbitration has become the magic solution that various countries, whether developed or developing, resort to to settle commercial disputes arising from trade agreements because of the advantages it enjoys, the most prominent of which is the freedom of the parties to choose the law, procedures, and arbitrators. Some developing countries consider their national laws to be deficient in keeping up with the process of arbitrators. commercial arbitration, Therefore, it resorts to joining international agreements, such as Iraq, which recently joined the New York Convention, while other countries tend to agree that their trade disputes should be settled through the Dispute Settlement Center in the World Trade Organization because of the advantages it provides for the benefit of developing countries, most notably the provision of technical aid in The field of arbitration and providing the service of introducing the organization’s laws through the Legal Advisory Center, which entered into force in 2001.


Keywords: Commercial disputes, World Trade Organization, Commercial arbitration, New York Convention, Trade agreements

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