Teaching and Learning Management in the Bachelor of Education Program of Thai Private Higher Education Institutions during COVID-19


Wittawat Didyasarin Sattayaraksa
Pol Luangrangsee
Chadchom Ratsameemonthon

Every life sphere, including educational areas, showed negative effects from the COVID-19 pandemic. Preparing for any unexpected circumstances would be beneficial for all operational areas to perform effectively. This research aims to develop learning and teaching guidelines for the bachelor of education program at COVID-19 in Thai private higher education institutions. Three periodic research stages were followed: exploring problems of learning and teaching management, identifying factors affecting the learning and teaching management problems, and proposing new learning and teaching management platforms for the post-COVID-19 era. The research used a mixed methodology using an exploratory design to identify problems and find factors of learning and teaching management. A sample group of professors, faculty and program administrators, and lecturers in the education field offering a Bachelor of Education program at a Thai private higher education institution was selected. The research found that the critical problems during COVID-19 were teaching and learning and an unsupportive online study environment in students’ habitats. Learning design, such as a hybrid classroom, was the most influential factor in learning management. Post-COVID-19 guidelines that develop learning and teaching management should focus on a flexible policy to enhance dynamic learning, including competency assessment. Exchanging knowledge with other institutions would be an effective resource to develop a novel education platform.


Keywords: Teaching and learning management, Bachelor of education, program, COVID-19

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