Swiss Cheese Model for Analyzing Freight Car and Bus Traffic Accidents can Lead to the Implementation of Preventive Measures for Traffic Accident Avoidance


Efendhi Prih Raharjo
I Kadek Surya Putra Adidana
Anisa Mahadita Candrarahayu

Accidents involving goods, cars, and buses have consequences for the vehicles involved and other road users. Such accidents often result in multiple collisions, leading to material losses and even the loss of life. The causes of transportation accidents are usually complex, with numerous interrelated factors contributing to their occurrence. This is illustrated by the Swiss Cheese Model of Accidental Causation, which depicts the organizational hierarchy as a stack of slices of cheese with varying degrees of weakness. Although weaknesses at each level of the organization may not directly cause accidents, they can allow negligence to seep through the cracks and eventually lead to accidents. This study aims to identify the root causes of bus and freight car accidents, focusing on human and facility negligence. The study results reveal that the physical and mental limitations sub-criteria are linked to vehicle maintenance, which requires ongoing attention to spare parts and engine upkeep. In addition, the driver's capabilities must be considered and adjusted accordingly, as exceeding one's limits can lead to driver fatigue and engine damage.


Keywords: Swiss Cheese Model, Accident, Bus, Truck

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