Overcoming the Deluge: The Community Resilience in Temp Lake, Indonesia
Majdah Muhyiddin Zain
In Tempe, flooding and climate change occur regularly, and this phenomenon has been studied to understand the resilience of the surrounding community. The study focused on four suburbs in Wajo District and involved 160 randomly selected respondents. The research collected primary data on the socio-economic status of the respondents' households, community perceptions, actions taken against floods, and the positive and negative effects of flooding. The data were analyzed using descriptive methods to examine why the community chose to stay in the lakeside area despite the risks posed by flooding. The findings revealed that people in the area have adapted to flooding by developing new patterns and innovations that follow climate change and technological progress. While flooding affects the community's way of life, it also provides some benefits, such as improved time management and increased discipline in managing work. Consequently, flooding is no longer considered a disaster but a blessing and an integral part of the community's life. During the dry season, the community engages in rice farming, using the flooding season for fishing and rest. Moreover, households spend less money during flooding, and they can generate additional income by fishing, which also provides a recreational opportunity. These conditions have made the community resilient and determined to stay in the lakeside area despite the risks posed by flooding.
Keywords: Floods, Resilience, Lake, Adaptation, Sustainability