Potential and Realized of Farmer Household Labor to Support Optimal Performance of Corn and Rice Farming in South Sulawesi Indonesia
Mais Ilsan
Iskandar Hasan
The objective of this study is to analyze the potential and realized workforce of corn farmer households in South Sulawesi and discuss the impact of improving efficiency. Surveys were conducted in three regencies in South Sulawesi Indonesia consisting of Gowa Regency (GO), Jeneponto Regency (JE), and Bulukumba Regency (BU). A multistage sampling technique was adopted to get representative data in each regency and a sub-regency was selected based on land area and productivity. Furthermore, two villages were selected from each sub-regency, resulting in a total of six locations. six villages. The primary data were collected through interviews with the respondents based on the research questionnaire guidelines. A total of 300 repondents responded to the questionnaire. The workload calculation was conducted by considering the conversion of the workload into man-equivalent working days (MWD). The MWD of the woman workforce is equivalent to 7 hours of work or 0.7 MWD, while child labor equals 0.5 MWD. The male workforce demonstrated the highest potential, followed by women and children. However, in reality, the female workforce has the largest percentage contribution more than 70% of the potential female workforce is absorbed in faming jobs. This indicates a high proportion of women working in agriculture. The first season of rice cultivation had highest eficiency while the third season demonstrated the lowest eficiency.
Keywords: Child worker, Agriculture, Workload, Workforce, Indonesia