Volume 11, Number 2, 2013
Research Papers
85-95 |
Xylosidases: Production and Biochemical Characterization
Sumaira Kousar, Ghulam Mustafa and Amer Jamil
96-101 |
Application of
Nitrocefin Test for the Direct Detection of Methicillin
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Bovine Mastitis Milk
Qaisar Azeez, Sajjad-ur-Rahman, Usman Waheed, Muhammad
Ismail, Rahat Ali and Tayyaba Ali
102-106 |
A Phenotypic Study
of NAcetyltransferase1 (Nat1) In Local Human Population for
Determination of NAcetyl Metabolite of 5Aminosalicylic Acid
Sadaf Saleem, Tahira Iqbal, Amer Jamil and Faqir Hussain
107-111 |
Trophic Niche
Breadth and Niche Overlap among Different Guilds of Spider
Species in Wheat Agroecosystem
Gulnaz Afzal, Shakila Mushtaq, Shahnaz Akhtar Rana1 and
Munir Ahmad Sheikh
112-117 |
Hepatitis B virus
Genotypes from Clinical Sample of Hepatitis B Antigen
Positive Patients by Using PCR Method in Kohat Region of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Sultan Ayaz, Mohammad Anwar, Sanuallah Khan, Farman Ullah
Wasir, Mabashir Hussain and Masood Akhtar
118-125 |
Estimating Growth
and Yield Related Traits of Wheat Genotypes under Variable
Nitrogen Application in SemiArid Conditions
Syeda Refat Sultana, Ashfaq Ahmad, Aftab Wajid and Javaid
126-132 |
Implementation and
Evaluation of a ComputerBased Nutrition Education
Intervention in the Primary Schools of Lahore, Pakistan
Aisha Siddique
133-138 |
Impact Assessment
of Agricultural Training Program of AKRSP to Enhance the
SocioEconomic Status of Rural Women: A Case Study of
Northern Areas of Pakistan
Nabila Khurshid, Abdul Saboor, Jamila Khurshid and Saeed
139-146 |
Assessment of
Positive Effects of Illness: Implications for an Integrative
Approach of BioPsychoSocioSpiritual Model
Aneela Maqsood, Tahira Jabeen and Haleema Khatoon
147-153 |
Assessment of
Morphological, Antioxidant, Biochemical and Ionic Responses
of SaltTolerant and SaltSensitive Okra (Abelmoschus
esculentus) under Saline Regime
Tahira Abbas, Muhammad Aslam Pervez, Chaudhary Muhammad
Ayyub and Rashid Ahmad
154-164 |
Effect of
Supplemental Foliar-Applied Potassium on Cotton (Gossypium
hirsutum L.) Yield and Lint Quality under Drought Stress
Rashid Ahmad, Raja Ghulam Muhammad Hur, Ejaz Ahmad Waraich,
Muhammad Yasin Ashraf and Mumtaz Hussain
165-170 |
The Effect of GnRH
(Dalmarelin) Given on Day 12 PostMating on Ovarian Function
and Embryo Development in Lohi Sheep at Southern Punjab,
Mushtaq Hussain Lashar and Zahida Tasawar
171-178 |
Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa is Associated with Missense
Mutation in CRB1 in a Consanguineous Pakistani Family
Neelam Sultan, Shahid Mehmood Baig, Munir A. Sheikh, Amer
Jamil and Sajjad-ur-Rahman