Political Developments of the Baghdad Province During the Era of Governor Suleiman Nazif Bey (5/1/1915 - 6/7/1915)


Prof. Dr. Shaker Hussein Damdoom, Falah Hassan Jassim

This research deals with the political developments in the Baghdad Province during the reign of Governor Suleiman Nazif Bey (5/1/1915 - 6/7/1915). The Baghdad Province gained special importance due to its political status and its distinguished geographical location with the authorities of the Sublime Porte. This topic was divided into an introduction and three main axes that dealt with the political developments of the state of Baghdad during the reign of Governor Suleiman Nazif Bey during the period (5/1/1915 - 6/7/1915) and a conclusion. The research relied on a large number of sources, including Ottoman archive documents (not published) which contributed to giving important details about the policy of this governor in the state of Baghdad, and also relied on a number of Arab and foreign university theses and dissertations, Arabic and Arabized books, and Arab and foreign research that provided the research with valuable information.


Keywords: The Ottomans, Baghdad, Suleiman Nazif Bey

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