Detection of NEP Gene Among Patients Suffering from Flu-A viruses Isolated From Different Clinical Specimens


Mays Hadi Jebur, Hiba Jasim Hamza, Zahraa Mohammed

Influenza A viruses are medically directed viral pathogens that continue to cause significant mortality and morbidity in people worldwide. In migratory disease epidemics (known as influenza season), influenza A at a specific geographic location act as a catalyst for the unpredictability of the pathogen and the evolution of new pandemic viruses. This study included (40 ) patients ranging in age from (3 to 10 ) years(22patients carry flu-A and 18 control). (7 )pharyngeal wash samples, 9 throat swabs, 14 blood samples, and 10 pharyngeal swabs were collected. it was found that the percentages were (17.5%, 22.5%, 35%, and 25%) sequentially.Influenza A patients visited Al Hilla Teaching Hospital in Babylon Governorate, for the period between January 2022 to March 2022. The aim of this study was to detect the NEPgene in influenza A viruses using the Latest rapid and modern methods and techniques by conventional and rRT-PCR Influenza. A 40 specimens carried with rapid tests now Influenza A detected byEasyPure® Viral RNA Kit for virus genomic extraction using Conventional-PCR and rRT-PCR Virus detection using nuclear export protein GENE (NEP) and matrix protein (M1) genes for virus diagnosis In the results, ( 22 ) sample carrying IGM Ab for virus A and 15 (68.1%) out of 22 samples carrying the (NEP) gene while (M1) gene was found in 10 (45.4 %) out of (22) sample. Bilirubin in urine test was also conducted for all samples, and the percentages 22(55%)were positive results and18(45%) negative results out of 40 samples. In conclusion, Influenza A is considered an epidemic spreading for everyone all over the world, and the gene is considered a diagnostic gene for this virus due to its high percentage in samples.The gene (M1) is used to describe the protein that forms a layer within the viral envelope.


Keywords: Flu-A (influenze A) CDC, Center disease control, M1-Matrix protein-1, NEP-nuclear export protein

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