The Effect of an Educational Program Based on Visual Discourse Psychology for Developing Skills in Painting Creation among Students of the Institute of Fine Arts


Bilal Khalf Laibi Al-Mousawi, Hussein Mohammed Ali,
Nada Ayed Youssef

The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter presents the problem of the research, its importance, objectives, limitations, hypotheses, and the terms used in the thesis. The second chapter is divided into two axes. The first axis consists of four topics, the first of which presents the educational program, while the second topic discusses the science of visual discourse psychology. The third topic includes visual discourse, and the fourth topic discusses visual creation. The second axis presents the most important previous studies. The third chapter presents the research methodology and procedures. The fourth chapter presents the most important results and conclusions, and in light of the above, the researcher proposes a set of recommendations and proposals. The aim of this research is to reveal the effect of an educational program based on visual discourse psychology for developing skills in painting creation among students of the Institute of Fine Arts. The research community consists of third-year students of the Department of Fine Arts at the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad Al-Karkh, totaling 100 students. The research sample is limited to third-year students of the Department of Fine Arts for boys at the Institute of Fine Arts in the morning study, with a sample size of 22 students, 11 of whom are in the experimental group and 11 in the control group. The researcher ensured the equality of the two groups in some variables that may have an impact on the dependent variable, such as age, father's educational level, and mother's educational level. The researcher chose the experimental design for the two groups with two tests. In light of the current research findings, the researcher recommended a set of recommendations, including-Directing institutes of fine arts, colleges, and art departments involved in teaching the subject of visual composition to adopt the teaching methodology developed in this research, which is based on the semiotics of visual discourse. This is due to the effectiveness shown in developing the skills of creating visual art among students.


Keywords: Educational program, Sociology, Visual discourse, Constructivist theory, Needham's constructivist mode

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