Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Philanthropy Behavior in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0


Abdul Aziz, Diah Dharmayanti, Jaya Mualimin,
Wartoyo Wartoyo, Anton Satria Prabuwono, Abas Hidayat

During the Industry 4.0 era, global society, including Indonesia, faced a sudden disruption with the Covid-19 pandemic, which swiftly disrupted global societal norms. However, amidst this turmoil, acts of social benevolence persist, exemplified by individuals contributing through donations, charity, alms, welfare initiatives, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and various other forms of selfless support for others. Generous behaviour, often referred to as philanthropy, are deeply ingrained cultural and religious values. The purpose of this study is to explain the behaviour of philanthropy in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 where the uncertain global situation and conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic show their existence. This study uses a quantitative approach with survey methods in the Cirebon community, Indonesia. The sample is 600 respondents with multiple linear regression analysis techniques. Individual norms, social norms, and environmental awareness are thought to contribute to individual and social generosity behaviour demonstrated in society. The findings stated that the generosity of the community was influenced either partially or simultaneously by personal, social, environmental awareness, and religiosity norms. It is recommended that the three factors other than social norms be improved.


Keywords: Personal norms, Social norms, Environmental awareness, Philanthropy, Religiosity

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