The Impact of Amoebic Dysentery on Immune Parameters in Age Groups 1-20 Years in Fallujah, Iraq: A Comparative Study Between Genders


Jenan Sami Abdullah, Ashraf Jamal Mahmoud Zangana

Fecal samples were collected from patients attending Fallujah Women’s and Children’s Hospital and some private laboratories in Fallujah, Anbar Governorate, for age groups ranging from (1-20) years, for both sexes. The collection period lasted from July 2023 until December 2023, and Entamoeba histolytica was identified through microscopic examination of fecal samples in 30samples out of 120 samples, with a percentage of 25%. The highest infection rate was recorded in females at 27.69%, while in males the infection rate reached 21.81%. The highest infection rate was recorded in the age group (6-10) years, where the percentage reached 26.66%in female and 35.29% in males, and the lowest percentage was in the age group (16-20) years, where the percentage reached 12.5% in female and 14.28% in males. Highly significant differences appeared for INF Y for those infected with the parasite compared to healthy people, while for IgA and NK cells, a significant difference appeared for those infected compared with healthy people, and for Cysteine and TGF Beta, no significant differences appeared for those infected with the parasite compared with healthy people.The results of the current study showed that there were high significant differences for IGA for people infected with E.histolytica of both sexes compared to healthy people. As for INF Y and NK Cells, a significant difference was shown for those infected with E.histolytica, and the infection rate in females was higher than in males compared to healthy people. Cysteine and TGF Beta did not show any significant differences for those infected with E. histolytica of both sexes compared to healthy people. Highly significant differences appeared for IgA for those infected with E. histolytica, as an increase in its levels was observed for all age groups compared to healthy people, and for INF y, it showed a significant difference and an increase in its levels was observed for all age groups infected compared with healthy people, as for Cysteine, NK Cells, and TGF. Beta: There were no significant differences between the affected age groups compared to the healthy ones.


Keywords: Amoebic dysentery, Some immunological criteria, Iraq

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