The Critical Importance of Differentiated Instruction, Democratic Pedagogy, and Critical Pedagogy in Moroccan English Language Education



This study examines Moroccan English teachers' perceptions on the importance of diverse instruction and democratic classrooms. A semi-structured questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions was delivered to 50 Moroccan instructors of English. The responses demonstrate a strong consensus on the crucial need for differentiated learning to meet students' diverse requirements, which reflect varying levels of aptitude, interests, and learning styles. Teachers emphasized that differentiation is critical for both academic performance and creating an inclusive learning environment in which all children can thrive. Furthermore, the data show a high support for democratic classrooms that reflect the ideas of democratic society. Teachers stressed the importance of such classrooms in encouraging collaboration, creative thinking, and a sense of personal responsibility among students. These characteristics are essential for developing knowledgeable and involved citizens. Finally, this study emphasizes the critical importance of incorporating differentiated learning methodologies and democratic practices into Moroccan English education in order to improve educational outcomes and educate students to be engaged and responsible members of their surroundings.


Keywords: Moroccan English teachers' perceptions, Democratic classrooms, Differentiated learning

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