Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Selecting a Site of a Plastic Recycling Facility to Enhance Bitumen


Khalid H. Abbas Al-Aarajy, Ban S. Ismael, L.A.HUSSIN,
Galina D. Nikolova, Abdulrahman B. Ali Emad Abas Jaffar Al-Mulla

This study aims to explore the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques to identify ideal places to set up plastic recycling facilities. Studies indicate that adding materials such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) to bitumen improves its physical, mechanical, and chemical properties, especially in high-traffic roads such as city entrances and intersections. The exploitation of plastic waste accumulated during religious visits in Karbala in general and the Arba’in pilgrimage in particular for recycling is an example of making use of resources in a sustainable manner, especially in strengthening infrastructure. This study is consistent with Iraq's 2030 vision for sustainable development. Since 2016, the Iraqi government has adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and has taken serious steps to implement them. Key criteria for site selection include: proximity to sources of plastic waste, availability of basic infrastructure such as roads and public facilities, and compliance with local and national laws and regulations, including labor and raw materials, a deciding factor. The environmental impacts of the facility and the ability to expand to accommodate the increasing demand were also taken into account. The project takes advantage of precise spatial analyzes provided by satellite images and GIS tools, to study the geographical and environmental influences that may affect the effectiveness of recycling operations. Environmental indicators are also used to evaluate the environmental impact of each potential site and determine the economic benefits of each option. This research represents an important step towards achieving more sustainable use of resources and improving the quality of materials used in infrastructure, which supports efforts to preserve the environment and enhance economic efficiency.


Keywords: Remote sensing, GIS Techniques, Plastic Recycling, Bitumen

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