The Role of TLR2 and TLR4 Immune Receptors in the Immune Response against the Giardia
Lambila Parasite


Ohood Mozahim Shakir

Patients with Giardia lamblia infections who visited Samarra General Hospital and a few private labs in Samarra and the Salah al-Din Governorate were the subjects of the study. The age range of the groups was 5 to 22 years old. The project was finished between November 28, 2023, and February 2, 2024. Using an optical microscope to examine stool samples and identify the feeding and encysted stages, cases of parasite infection were identified. The impact of the current study on many immunological variables, interleukin ten, or IL_10, and both Toll_like2 and Toll_like4 was investigated in (90) stool samples. , and the investigation examined its impact on a few immunological variables, including interleukin ten, or IL_10, and Toll_like2 and Toll_like4., The results showed a significant decrease in the levels of interleukin 10 (122.423±29.788 pg/ml compared to the control group (62.312±345.934) pg/ml, while the Toll_like2 immune receptor increased (8.374±2.133) pg/ml compared. With the control group (0.814) ± ± 2.472) as well as the Toll_like4 immune index increased (3.566 ± 1.231) pg/ml compared to the control group (0.432 ± 1.181) pico grams/ml.


Keywords: Giardia lamblia, IL-10, TLR2, TLR4

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