The role of MiRNA 122 and 494 as a Liquid Biopsy Markers for the Diagnostic Patients with the end Stages of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Iraq


Ruqia Imran Kareem, Wijdan Thamir Mahdi,
Aws Rassul Hussain

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Disease is the most popular and widespread kind of the liver cancer, It constitutes about 90% of occurrences; This disease has become a source of fear and an increasing danger to public health, as it ranks as the 4 largest cause of death worldwide at the moment. Evaluation of possibility of using miRNA122 and miRNA494 as predictive factors for the incidence of HCC disease in infected patients at the Oncology Center at the diwaniya Teaching Hospital and the Middle Euphrates Oncology Center in Najaf. Our present investigation was established in the Middle Euphrates Oncology Hospital and the Al-diwaniayh Oncology Center in Najaf. Sample collection took place between January and November of 2023. 44 individuals were selected as the patient group, and 44 uninfected people were chosen as the control group. The mean age of patients diagnosed with HCC was 65.13 ± 6.74 years, whereas in the control group was 60.70 ± 10.48 years. Based on these data, it was determined there is no difference in morale statistically in morality in both groups (P = 0.103). The study found that patients who suffer from HCC substantially reduced levels of miRNA-122 gene expression compared to control (0.102 ± 0.024 vs 1.16 ± 0.217, respectively, However, miRNA-494 gene expression was considerably greater in HCC patients compared to healthy controls (20.24 ± 2.56 vs 1.26 ± 0.88, respectively, P< 0.001). By using the ROC analysis , Our findings illustrate that both biomarkers that used in our current study it has a predictive value for the incidence of HCC and therefore it can be used as a liquid biopsy markers for the Diagnostic patients with for the detection or early diagnosis of the HCC.


Keywords: Liver, HCC, miRNA, Liquid Biopsy Markers, Gene Expression

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