Effect of Lactoferrin Treatment on Growth and E-Coli Measurement Rate in Feces with Some Blood in Awassi Lambs during Lactation


Emad Gh.AL-Abbasy, Adnan Gh. Jalal

This study was conducted in the animal field, affiliated to the Department of Animal Production at the Faculty of Agriculture - University of Tikrit for the period from 1/11/2023 to 1/2/2024 by (90) days, to study the effect of lactoferrin administration on growth (weight gain), the rate of measuring E-Coli in the stool, and some physical blood parameters (hemoglobin, the number of white blood cells and the number of red blood cells) among suckling float lambs by using (15) Awassi infant lambs, aged between 3-6 days and with an average weight of 3.30 kg, the lambs were divided The infant into three randomly distributed treatments, the first treatment (control) without the dose of lactoferrin, the second treatment dose 1 g of lactoferrin and the third group 3 g of lactoferrin The results of the study showed a high significant difference (P<0.01) for the growth trait of the third treatment lambs that were given 3 g lactoferrin compared to the control group (without lactoferine) and the second treatment that was given 1 g lactoferrin at the age of 30 days, as the average weight of the third group was 15.45± 0.63 kg compared to the average body weight of lambs for the control group and the second group 13.23± 1.0 and 13.30± 1.2 kg respectively, while body weight at the age of 60 days found high significant superiority (P<0.01) in favor of the lambs of the second and third groups, as it reached 19.82 ± 0.54, 21.16 ± 0.66 and 23.24± 0.62 kg for the control treatment and the second group and the third group respectively, this result was withdrawn to body weights within 90 days of the start of the experiment The results of the study showed a high significant difference (P<0.01) for the growth trait of the third treatment lambs given 3 g lactoferrin compared to the control group (without lactoverine) and the second treatment given 1 g lactoferrin at 30 days of age. The average weight of the third group was 15.45± 0.63 kg compared to the average body weight of the lambs of the control group and the second group 13.23± 1.0 and 13.30± 1.2 kg respectively, while the body weight at the age of 60 days found a high moral superiority (P<0.01) in favor of the lambs of the second and third groups, as it reached 19.82 ± 0.54, 21.16 ± 0.66 and 23.24± 0.62 kg for the control treatment and the second group and the third group respectively, this result was withdrawn to body weights within 90 days of the start of Experiment.


Keywords: Lactoferrin, Awassi lambs, E. coli, Growth rate, Blood parameters

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