Iraqi Diplomacy and Environmental Challenges after 2003


Heba Nizam al-Din Hussein Mutlab al-Tai, Ahmed Ali Muhammad

The issue of environmental protection has emerged as a prominent topic in local, regional, and international discourse during the latter part of the twentieth century. Environmental challenges pose threats to global ecosystems and living organisms, necessitating attention from both domestic and international legal frameworks. Consequently, legal dilemmas have arisen, prompting the development of theories and strategies to address the root causes of environmental degradation. International law plays a pivotal role in regulating and safeguarding the environment across various domains, encompassing natural elements like water and air, as well as human-made entities such as urban areas and industrial facilities. Thus, the concept of the environment extends beyond terrestrial landscapes to include atmospheric and marine environments, each interconnected and mutually influential. Legislation aimed at environmental protection has evolved over time, with significant milestones such as the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, which underscored the fundamental principle of every individual's right to a clean and sustainable environment. Subsequent international conferences, such as the 1982 United Nations Conference on the Protection of the Oceans from Pollution, have further contributed to shaping environmental governance on a global scale. The establishment of the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1983 marked a pivotal moment in environmental diplomacy, introducing new paradigms such as "Green Parallelism" as a framework for diplomatic engagement at both regional and international levels. This approach encompasses various forms of parallel diplomacy, including economic and cultural dimensions, reflecting the interconnectedness of environmental issues with broader socio-economic and cultural considerations.


Keywords: Green theory, Environmental diplomacy, Climate change, International organizations, International conferences, Environmental protection

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