Evaluating The Role of Arginine Deaminase and Its Relationship with Some Biochemical Variables in The Blood Serum of Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


Haala T. Abdullah, Sukayna H. Rashed

Due to the increase in cases of liver disease, especially NAFLD, in recent years, and for the purpose of finding biochemical variables that can be used as future biomarkers for patients with NAFLD, some biochemical variables were selected and studied in the patients’ serum, the most important of which is the estimation of peptidyl arginine deaminase type 4 (PADI4) levels in patients and compared with healthy people. The study included collecting 160 blood samples from adults with NAFLD and healthy people for comparison purposes for the period from November 1, 2023 to January 30, 2024. Eighty blood samples were collected from people with NAFLD their ages ranged between (25-65) years, and fasted for (12-14) hours, (41) males and (39) females and (80) blood samples from healthy people aged between (25-65) years, from (40) males and (40) females. Determination of PADI4 in the sera using kits based on the ELISA-sandwich principle, a ready-made analysis kit was used to measure T. cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and triglycerides (T.G), (ALT), Urea, (GGT), Bilirubin, Protein, albumin and creatinine. Results: The results showed a significant decrease (P≤7.8814 x 10-47) in PADI4 activity in patients group compared to control group, there was a significant positive relationship between ADI4 and total protein, especially globulin, and an inverse relationship with urea, BUN, and GGT. Arginine deaminase type IV can be considered a good diagnostic indicator in patients with NAFLD to predict the severity of the disease.


Keywords: NAFLD, PADI4, Lipid profile, BMI, Total protein

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